Chapter 102: Youth
After the summer festival, Tadayoshi, The gals, Terrence, and Beatbox have finally made it back to Inkopolis. The stars were shining apon the night sky and all of them were just leaving Tadayoshi's house with a very excited Marina and Bridgett. Marina was typing on her laptop while walking at the same time with a huuuuuge smile on her face while Bridgett was skipping next to her.
Marina: come on guys! We only have 10 minutes before this event starts, and i know the perfect spot to watch it
Pearl rubbed her eyes and was slumped over while walking next to Tadayoshi and Terrence.
Pearl: we were all having a good time, and do you mind explaining why we're leaving Tadayoshi's house at 3 AM?
Marina and Bridgett looked at eachother and started snickering. Everyone just looked at them really confused, then just decided to ignore it and continue to walk along with them. Terrence looked over at Amelia, who was walking next to Tracer and chatting with her a bit. Amelia turned her head and Terrence saw her glance at him from the corner of her eye, causing him to look away.
Beatbox: Yo are you ok Terrence?
Terrence: yeah let's just....keep moving
The group walked past a really dark Inkopolis, seeing nothing but pure black, causing Callie to shiver a bit.
Callie: Inkopolis looks so.....dead...this early in the morning
Marie: yeah true. but it makes sense because who would be playing Turf war at 3 Am anyway?
Callie: fair point
The group walked a bit further until they began walking into a grassy field with many hills. The Moon shined down apon them and Tadayoshi looked up in the sky while letting out a nice sigh. Pearl saw the stars glisten within Tadayoshis eyes and she blushed a bit, then turned her head away from him.
Marina: there it is!
Everyone saw Marina point to a big hill that stood out more than the others.
Marina: let's climb up it
Everyone just followed Marina up the big hill and Yui was panting hard and Terrence looked back at her and rolled his eyes.
Terrence: you coming?
Yui: yeah Senpai let me just.....catch my breath
Terrence let out a sigh and picked up Yui, then began to carry her up the hill with the group. All of them finally reached the top and Terrence placed down Yui, only to get a kiss on the cheek by her, causing him to blush a bit. All of them stood in front of Marina and Bridgett, as Marina began typing on her laptop again.
Marina: now I believe you all are wondering why we are out on top of a huge hill in the middle of the night like this
Bridgett: Mhm!
Marie: uh...yeah
Tracer: care to tell us?
Marina: ok so once every 100 years, there is this beautiful meteor shower that flows past this planets atmosphere, and after doing a bit of research, i found out that the shower happens tonight!! I only told Bridgett about this because I was too excited to keep it to myself so i had to tell someone that would be excited with me
Bridgett: yeah!
Marie: hm....sounds interesting
Beatbox: awesome!
H1P-H0P: so when will these meteors start shooting across the sky?
Marina: well some Cephalopods from around the world have already seen the meteors for tonight
Pearl: how?
Marina: they orbit around the planet once, then go away into the solar system, then return after 100 years and according to my research....we should see the meteors.....Right Now!!
Bridgett: *gaaaaaasp* woooooah!!
Everyone looked up in the sky and saw a beautiful meteor shower flow across the sky, lighting up the sky even more and Marina began recording it from her phone.
Marina: oh my gosh! This is so beautiful!
Tadayoshi: hm....
Terrence: woah...
Yui: kawaii!
Amelia: honestly I've never seen a meteor shower before but.....I'm glad i didn't go the rest of my life without seeing one..
Tracer: agreed
Marie: there are so many...
Callie: heh...they look like flying chicken nuggets
Marie: Callie shut up
Beatbox: this is pretty wicked!
H1P-H0P: tell me about it!
Pearl: of them looks like it's heading straight towards us
Marina: *giggles* yeah
All of them watched one of the meteors slowly grow in size and get closer to them.
Tracer: uh.........guys.....I think that meteor is actually coming straight towards us....
Marina: that's impossible Tracer, the meteors never enter our atmosphere
Tracer: then explain that
Tracer pointed at the giant flaming rock that was heading towards the group and Marina's eyes widened in shock.
Marina:.....oh my gosh...
all of them jumped out of the way and the meteor flew straight past them, then hit the ground in the distance, causing a mini explosion.
Pearl: hmmmm, they don't fly in our atmosphere huh?
Marina: I......holy goodness.....
Terrence: my heart died for a second...
Callie: guys we should totally check it out
Marie: are you crazy?!
Callie: yes! let's go!
Callie began running down the hill, towards the crater as everyone tried to tell her to stop.
Marie: Callie no!......*sigh*
Suddenly Tadayoshi stood up from the ground and dusted himself off before walking down the hill and over towards the crater, shocking all the gals.
Amelia: Tadayoshi! You too?!
Tadayoshi: I'm a bit curious, also I just want to make sure Callie doesn't get killed by a alien or something
Everyone looked at eachother and eventually got up to follow Tadayoshi down the hill and over towards the crater. The group reached the crater and Callie was looking inside of it along with Tadayoshi to see a silver shining meteor.
Callie: woah...
Tadayoshi: you said they looked like chicken nuggets
Callie: they were a golden yellow! Except....this one for some weird reason...this one is silver
Marina: amazing....
Marina slid down into the crater and everyone tried to stop her.
Pearl: Rina!!
Marina: I'm just getting a closer look at it
Everyone watched from outside the crater as Marina slowly approached the meteor and held out her hand to touch it.
Tracer: she's gonna die. It's gonna explode or something
Marina gently placed her hand on the silver meteor and it began to shake slightly. Marina jumped back and Tadayoshi slid down into the crater, then got in front of her with his pen in hand. The meteor began to shake even more and crack a bit, then began cracking more and more until everyone watched as the meteor split in half and....nothing happened.
Marina: it was....hollow?
Beatbox: what's that weird shiny thing on the inside of it?
Marina slowly walked past Tadayoshi and up to the hollow meteor and reached her hands inside to grab the shiny object. Everyone else slid down into the crater to get a better look and gathered around Marina to see her holding a giant, blue, crystal in her hands.
Bridgett: woooooah!!
Amelia: it's a....crystal?
Marina: it's so.....amazing..
Terrence: it looks really expensive
Yui: and beautiful
Tadayoshi: maybe if i sell that thing, it could help me pay off my bills
Marina: what?! No Tadayoshi, we're not selling it
Tadayoshi: why? It looks like it's worth a pretty penny if you ask me
Marina: we are gonna keep it, as a trinket
Tadayoshi: are you sure that's just not a egg to a alien baby or something?
Marina: it can't be, there's no wa-
Suddenly the crystal began to shake rapidly in Marina's hands and everyone watched it start flashing colors from green to red to yellow to purple to white.
Marina: oh looks like its about to explode....
Tracer: Then get rid of it!!
Marina yeeted the Crystal right at Tracer and it began to shake in her hands instead.
Tracer: I didn't mean give it to me!! You take it!!
Tracer yeeted the Crystal at Terrence and then he yeeted it at Beatbox. Everyone began playing hot potato with it, tossing it back and forth to eachother until Callie and Marie were pushing it back against one another.
Callie: you take it!!
Marie: no you take it!!
Tadayoshi: girls...just throw it awa-
Just then, the Crystal slipped out of Marie and Callies hands then soared in the air until it finally landed back down into a certain someone's hands.
Tadayoshi:.............*sigh* you fuc-
The crystal exploded in Tadayoshis hands and everyone fell back onto the ground.
Terrence: guys he's finally waking up!
Tadayoshi slowly opened his eyes and saw everyone staring over him with worried looks on their faces.
Tadayoshi: god.....what the hell happened?
Beatbox: that crystal exploded in your hands dude!
Amelia: you've been knocked out for....quite some time
Tracer: Tadayoshi! You remember who we are right?!
Tadayoshi: yeah, why?
Tracer: oh thank god! It didn't mess with his memory.....only.....something else....
Tadayoshi: what are you talking about?
Everyone started to give really scared and worried looks at eachother.
Terrence: who's gonna tell him?
Tadayoshi: tell me what?
Marina: um......Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: yeah?
Marina: don't get mad but........
Tadayoshi: what? Just say it
Marina: w-when the Crystal exploded on you........uh....luckily it didn't hurt you.....but.....
Marina reached into her little sleepover baggie and pulled out a mini mirror.
Marina: I-I believe i should just let you see for yourself
Marina handed Tadayoshi the mirror and everyone saw Tadayoshi look at himself and his eyes widen.
Tadayoshi jumped up from the couch and felt on his body, then began to look at himself to notice that his clothes were too big for him.
Marina: n-now Tadayoshi......calm down....
Tadayoshi: Calm down?!...CALM DOWN?!
Tadayoshi pulled his hands through his long sleeves and showed them to everyone.
Beatbox: well at least you don't look emo anymore
Tadayoshi: you shut up!
Marina: well Tadayoshi, luckily we do know what happened to you
Tadayoshi: well start talking
Tracer: buuuuut first
Tracer pulled out a tiny bag and handed it to Tadayoshi.
Tadayoshi: what is this?
Tracer: kiddy clothes, you can't go running around in big ass clothes like that
Tadayoshi:........*sigh*....I'll be right back
Tadayoshi adorably ran away and stumbled a bit, causing all the girls to hold their chests in awe. Tadayoshi ran in the bathroom and Tracer began hugging herself.
Tracer: i just wanna hug him so badly!
Callie: i know right! Did you hear his adorable voice?!
Marie: now he rivals you in shortness Pearl
Pearl: hmph, hell yeah
Tadayoshi: you girls better not be talking shit about me!!
All the girls: we're not!!
All the girls began giggling as Terrence rolled his eyes at them. Tadayoshi eventually came out the bathroom while wearing little jeans, a black hoodie with a skull on it, and some new tiny shoes.
Tadayoshi: don't even say a word! Marina, explain
Tadayoshi hopped on the couch next to Marina and she began typing on her laptop while trying to ignore his adorable stare.
Marina: ok so every 100 years, when those meteors go around our planet, 1 singular meteor falls onto a random location on the planet and it holds within it, a crystal called the Crystal of youth
Callie: the Crystal of youth?
Marina: Mhm, I'm suprised i missed such important information about this but, it says here that once the Crystal is touched, it'll begin to count down from 1 minute. And after that minute is up, the Crystal will explode. Whoever is caught within the middle of the blast will get 10 years of their life extracted from them
Amelia: Geez 10 years?
Callie: so it's kinda like a blessing?
Tadayoshi: yeah for old people
Marie: wait so....Tadayoshi is 18......and the meteor extracted 10 years off of him so...
Callie: he's 2 years old
Tracer: what? No Callie, he's 8 years old
Tadayoshi: yeah yeah whatever, anyway Marina, how do i get rid of this? That's the only thing i care about
Marina: well when the Crystal exploded, 4 shards of it were scattered around the district. If we can get all the shards and bring them together again, the Crystal will reform and reverse your 10 years
Beatbox: pssssh, easy
Marina: buuuuuut....there's a catch
Tadayoshi: what?
Marina: the Shards are shown at night only, by glowing beacons in the sky. And if we don't get those shards by the time the sun rises......Tadayoshi will remain as a kid and he'll have to re live those 10 years again
Tadayoshi: well beacon or not
Tadayoshi stood up and walked over to his gigantic pen, then picked it up with 2 hands.
Tadayoshi: we are getting those shards now-....uh..
Tadayoshi began to fall backwards and he fell onto the floor and dropped his pen.
Tadayoshi: when was this damn thing so heavy?!
All of the girls began to giggle and Tadayoshi turned and glared at them.
Tadayoshi: IT'S NOT FUNNY!!
Pearl: Tadayoshi, we might as well enjoy the day and wait until night time to find those shards
Marie: yeah it'll be way easier
Bridgett walked over to Tadayoshi and gently patted his head while smiling and Tadayoshi let out a "hmph" and slapped her hand away.
Tadayoshi: kid, don't touch me right now
Bridgett: hmmmmmm, but aren't you the kid now?
Tadayoshi: u-uh!-
Beatbox: Oooooooh burned!!
Tadayoshi: shut up Beatbox!!
Bridgett: hmph! Young man! I'm the big one around here now and I order you to let me pat your head
Tadayoshi: kid I'm not letting you pat my fucking hea-
Bridgett: watch your language!!
Terrence: this is priceless
Bridgett: now then, let me pat your head kid
Tadayoshi glared at Bridgett and she smirked at him, making him let out a sigh and finally give in. Tadayoshi walked over to Bridgett and she patted his head and smiled at him.
Bridgett: good kid!
Callie: oooh i wanna order him to do something!
Tracer: me too!
Tadayoshi: don't even think about it
All of the girls let out a awe as Tadayoshi walked over to the couch and flopped on it. He grabbed the remote and was about to turn on the TV, but then he felt Tracer grab him from behind and pick him up.
Tracer: so cute!!
Tadayoshi: let me go!!
Tracer: naaaaah, you're just too adorable
Tadayoshi: oh my go-......*sniff*.....hey......what smells good?
Terrence: oh the pie is done
Tadayoshi: pie?
Terrence walked over To Tadayoshis kitchen and put on some oven mitts before taking out a hot, fresh cherry pie. Tracer gently placed Tadayoshi on the ground and everyone walked over to the kitchen to get a slice of his pie. Terrence cut everyone a slice and handed them all their separate plates, then everyone began to chow down while Tadayoshi stood there and watched them.
Yui: senpai you are such an amazing cook!
Marie: this is good!
Callie: seconds please!
Terrence: sure thing Calli-
Tadayoshi: Hey Terrence.......can i get a slice?
Everyone sat there and stared at Tadayoshi in shock. Amelia almost spit up her pie by accident and Terrence stood there while holding the pie cutter.
Terrence: uh.......Tadayoshi.....are you sure?
Tadayoshi: Mhm
Terrence cut him a slice and handed it to him. Tadayoshi grabbed his fork and cut off a mini slice of the cake, then put it in his mouth.
Tadayoshi:.....mmmmmm....Terrence this is actually pretty good
Callie: Tadayoshi you......can Taste that?
Tadayoshi: Yeah of course I ca-..........
Tadayoshi looked down at the pie again and took another slow bite.
Tadayoshi:......*chew chew* I.......can taste it.....
Beatbox: No way!!
Callie: seriously?!
Tadayoshi:'s been so long....since I've tasted anything
Marina: i guess he regained his sense of taste when he turned back into a kid...
This story is interrupted by Chibi kid Tadayoshi sitting down in front of Chibi Marina and letting her brush his tentacles.
Little Tadayoshi was laying on Bridgetts lap while watching TV with her.
Bridgett: it's Bridgett remember?!
Tadayoshi:...sorry, force of habit....Bridgett?
Bridgett: hm?
Tadayoshi: can i get up now?...
Bridgett: sure Kid
Tadayoshi: stop calling me that...
Bridgett: but you ARE a kid Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: yeah for now
Bridgett gave him a innocent smile and tilted her head at him.
Bridgett: so I'll call you kid for now
Tadayoshi walked away and looked outside of his window to see that the sun was just getting ready to set. He let out a sigh of relief and walked over to Yui and Terrence, who were in the kitchen together. Yui had a tiny bowl of soup in her hand and she took a spoonful, then held it in front of Terrence's mouth.
Yui: try it now senpai
Terrence opened his mouth and Yui put the spoon in his mouth, letting him taste it.
Yui: is it better?
Terrence: it's really good now Yui, you're doing well
Yui: yaaaay!
Tadayoshi: what are you two doing?
Yui: senpai is teaching me out to make clam chowder soup the right way
Terrence: Mhm
Yui: do you want a bowl Mini demon?
Tadayoshi:.....*sigh* sure
Yui poured some soup into a bowl and placed it on the counter. Tadayoshi climbed up onto a stool and took his spoon, he tasted the soup as Yui watched him.
Yui: do you like it? How does it taste?
Tadayoshi: it's nice
Yui: haha! I'm a cooking master
Terrence: alright alright, don't get too ahead of yourself
As Tadayoshi was eating his soup, he felt someone breathing down his neck. He turned around and saw Callie face to face with him while smiling.
Tadayoshi: GAAAH! Callie what the hell?!
Callie: i just wanted to see how my favorite little Tadayoshi was doing
Callie: and also the smell of that soup brought me over here as well
Tadayoshi: of course
Yui made Callie a bowl and slid it across the counter towards her.
Marie: hey make me a bowl too please
Tadayoshi: when did you get here?
Marie: I got here when Callie did, I just didn't say anything
Yui slid another bowl across the counter and Marie took it. Callie and Marie began to eat their soup on opposite sides of Tadayoshi.
Callie: so Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: hm?
Callie: how does it feel to taste again?
Tadayoshi: pretty I can actually enjoy the things I eat....for now at least
Marie: what do you mean?
Tadayoshi: well I'm pretty sure once i turn back to normal, i won't be able to taste anymore, again
After a little more eating and doing whatever, the sun has Finally set and Marina looked out the window to see 4 beacons appear and shine in the sky around them.
Marina: alright we have exactly 4 hours to get those Shards
Marina set a little timer on her watch and put on a little back pack as everyone else gathered around her.
Marina: since there are 4 shards and they are pretty far away, we will split up in groups to go get them
Everyone: got it!
Marina: Marie and Pearlie, you guys are with me
Marie: alright
Pearl: gotcha
Marina: Terrence, Yui, and Tracer. You guys are a group
Terrence: ok
Yui: let's go on this scavenger hunt senpai!
Tracer: maaan....i kinda wish we kept him as a kid....but then again....i don't want to marry a child so....let's go
Marina: Amelia, Callie, and Bridgett. You 3 are a group
Bridgett: yeaaaah
Amelia: *sigh*
Callie: i wonder if those crystals taste like rock candy...
Marina: and that's it, well all group up and grab the final crystal together
Tadayoshi: what about me?
Marina: huh?
Tadayoshi: like...*shrugs* what do I do?
Beatbox: we're gonna be keeping a close eye on ya
Beatbox patted Tadayoshis head and his eyes completely died.
Tadayoshi: w-wait what?
Marina: I'm sorry Tadayoshi but....we can't risk you getting hurt on this mission
Callie: yeah yeah! Leave it to us!
Tadayoshi: yeah i don't think so, I'm coming
Tadayoshi walked over to his pen but Terrence got in his way.
Marina: we knew you would say that Tadayoshi.......girls?
All the girls gave Tadayoshi a smirk and began walking towards him.
Tadayoshi: w-what are you guys doing?.....
All the girls surrounded Tadayoshi and grabbed him at the same time.
Tadayoshi: Stop!! Get off!! I'll call the police and get you all arrested!!
The girls walked over to a coat hanger on the wall and hung Tadayoshi up on the hook, by the back of his hoodie.
Tadayoshi: *grunts* let me down dammit!! This is child abuse!!
Amelia: seeing him helpless like this is hilarious honestly
Tracer:......*snaps a picture*...
Tadayoshi: delete that!!
Marina walked over to Beatbox and H1P-H0P and handed them a walkie talkie.
Marina: are you guys sure you can keep a good eye on him? I'll get someone else to do it if you want?
Beatbox: naaaaah it's fine
H1P-H0P: leave it to us
Marina: ok, we'll use that walkie talkie to keep in touch
Marina walked out of the house along with everyone else.
Callie: byyyyyyye Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: i hate you guys...
Beatbox and H1P-H0P were sitting on the couch together, watching TV as Tadayoshi was still hanging on the coat hanger.
Tadayoshi:.....can i get down now?
Beatbox: sorry bud, but no
Tadayoshi: *sigh*....
H1P-H0P leaned on Beatbox's shoulder as Tadayoshi struggled to move his head so he could at least see the TV.
Tadayoshi: OI!! Beatbox!! Move your fatass head so i can see the TV too!!
Beatbox: my bad are we supposed to watch this and let Tadayoshi see?
H1P-H0P: I-I think I......have an idea....
Beatbox: wha-aah!
H1P-H0P pushed Beatbox over onto the couch and began laying on his lap. She turned her head over to the TV while still having a gigantic blush on her face.
H1P-H0P: s-see?.....much better....
Tadayoshi: hey If you two are gonna fuck, then can you guys do it....ya know...not on my couch?
Beatbox:..woah....well that escalated quickly
Tadayoshi looked at the TV and saw two Inklings holding hands and looking at eachother.
Tadayoshi: ugh! What are you guys watching?!
Beatbox: splatopolis high man! What, have you never heard of it?
Tadayoshi: no, and I'm glad i didn't
H1P-H0P: well it's about this Inkling girl who goes to highschool and winds up running into a guy who is a school student by day!
Beatbox: but a DJ at night!
Tadayoshi: it looks dumb....
H1P-H0P: and then they slowly start to fall in love with eachother, it's so romantic
Tadayoshi:.....please turn it off...
Beatbox: alright alright fiiiine, we'll watch something else
Beatbox grabbed the TV remote and changed the channel to a comedy show.
Inkling: and i said!! That's not a chair! That's my wife!!
Tadayoshi: "that wasn't even funny at the slightest"
Marina: B-Beatbox!! Can you hear me?! Come in!!
Beatbox picked up the walkie talkie and began to speak into it.
Beatbox: yo wassup Marina? How's the hunt going?
Marina:....not so good
Tadayoshi: wait what?!!
Beatbox: woah what do you mean?
Marina: well this theif in a cloak came and took the crystal from me, Pearlie, and Marie...then ran off....we're chasing them right now but i got in contact with the other groups and they said a thief came and took their crystals as well
Beatbox: well do you guys want me and H1P-H0P to come help?
Marina: no, stay and keep a good eye on Tadayoshi. Luckily we do know that the thieves are heading to the last crystal to nab it as well. So we'll try our best to beat them to it.
Beatbox: alrighty then, good luck guys
Beatbox put the walkie talkie down as Tadayoshi hung on the wall and let out a sigh.
Tadayoshi: "I knew they would screw this up.....I gotta get out of here"
Tadayoshi looked over and saw his Pen leaning against the wall, then a plan popped into his head.
Beatbox: yo
Tadayoshi: can you go get my phone so I'm not completely bored and i have something to do?
Beatbox: sure thing man
H1P-H0P got off of Beatbox and he stood up from the couch.
Beatbox: where is it?
Tadayoshi: it's in my room
Beatbox: on it! H1P-H0P, you stay here an-
Tadayoshi: NO!!....uh....H1P-H0P, I think you should go with know how dumb he can be at times
Beatbox: hey!!
H1P-H0P let out a tiny giggle and stood up from the couch too.
H1P-H0P: alright let's go find his phone Beatbox
Beatbox:....I'm not dumb...
Beatbox and H1P-H0P walked upstairs and left Tadayoshi all by himself in the living room. Tadayoshi held his hand out towards his pen and gritted his teeth.
Tadayoshi: come on you stupid pen...
The pen began to slightly move and then fall onto the ground, it began sliding on the floor towards Tadayoshi slowly but surely.
Beatbox: Tadayoshi, where is it?!
Tadayoshi: Uh.....check under the bed!!
Tadayoshis pen hit the wall under him and it began to slide up the wall towards his feet.
Tadayoshi: come on, just a little closer...
H1P-H0P: We can't find it!!
Tadayoshi: keep searching! I know it's up there!!
Tadayoshi's pen tapped his feet and he used his feet to pull it up to his hands. He grabbed his pen and used the tip to cut the back of his hoodie off the hook, letting him fall down to the ground and catch himself.
Tadayoshi: finally...
Tadayoshi heard footsteps coming back downstairs and he ran away to hide.
Beatbox: sorry Tadayoshi, we couldn't find it, did you check in your pocke-......oh no...
H1P-H0P: w-where is he?!
Beatbox: well he didn't leave the house...the door is still locked
Beatbox and H1P-H0P began searching around the house. They looked under the couch, bed, in the bathroom, but couldn't find Tadayoshi
Beatbox: did you find him?
H1P-H0P: no luck
Beatbox: dangit!!
Just then, Beatbox and H1P-H0P saw a can of soup fall from off the counter within the kitchen and roll onto the floor.
Beatbox and H1P-H0P walked over to the can of soup and Beatbox picked it up, then looked at it.
Beatbox: hm....chicken noodle so-
A Frying pan swung down and hit Beatbox right on his head, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.
H1P-H0P: Beatbox!!
Tadayoshi: sorry about this!
H1P-H0P: hu-
Tadayoshi wacked H1P-H0P on the head as well and she passed out on top of Beatbox.
Tadayoshi: *pant*....*pant*....I've been wanting to do that for a looooong time Beatbox.....sorry other girl...
Tadayoshi grabbed his pen again and ran out the house, then looked up in the Sky to see the last beacon near Inkopolis.
This story is Interrupted by chibi Terrence and Cherry clashing swords as Chibi Violet eats some SquidDonalds fries and Chibi Tadayoshi drinks some Tea
Everyone was running after their seperate theif until they all grouped up together and saw the 3 thieves holding the Crystals while a 4th thief was digging in the ground with a shovel.
Tracer: give us those Crystals back!
Thief 1: and why should we?
Bridgett: well...because we need them..
Thief 2: that's cute, happy meal, but we don't care
Thief 3: we are gonna sell these bad boys and get a shit ton of money for them
Marina: please listen...we desperately need those please just hand then over and we promise we'll just walk away and act like nothing ever happened
Theif 2: hmmmmmmmmm.....nah
Theif 4: i got it boys!!
The 4th thief pulled the crystal from out of the ground and they all gave a devilish smirk until the crystal shards in their hands began to shake and pull them together.
Thief 1: w-what's happening?!
Marina: we can't let those 4 shards connect back together or else those thieves will get Tadayoshis 10 years of life!!
Amelia chucked her hero shot and it hit one of the thieves in the face, causing him to drop the crystal, then she ran up and grabbed it.
Amelia: Marina here!
Amelia threw the Crystal shard and Marina caught it, just as one of the thieves grabbed Amelia from behind and held a Knife up to her neck.
Thief 2: Nobody move!! Or she gets it!!
Terrence was about to pull out his katana but Yui put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head.
Thief 2: heheheh, that's hand over the Crystal
Marina slowly began walking towards the thief and held the shard out to him. Just as he was about to grab it, a Pen flew down and hit the thief right in the shoulder.
Thief 2: Gaaah!! What the hell?!
Amelia got out of the thief's grasp and ran back over to her friends just as the pen flew out of the thief's shoulder and back towards it's user.
Theif 3: who are you?!
Tadayoshi: my name is none of your concern, but all i'm going to say is you better give us those crystals
Everyone: Tadayoshi!!
Thief 1: you really think we're gonna be scared of a little kid?!
Tadayoshi: when im done with you, you will be
Tadayoshi chucked his pen at one of the thief's but they dodged it, but the second they did, Tadayoshi was right in front of them.
Thief 1: h-how did yo-
Tadayoshi uppercutted the thief and he flew back and tumbled to the ground.
Thief 1: gggh....the little sucker is fast!
Thief 4: hmph, let's see if he's fast enough to dodge a bullet though
The 4th Thief pulled out a gun and aimed it at Tadayoshi. But just as he was about to pull the trigger, Terrence kicked him in the face, causing him to drop the gun, along with the crystal. Terrence caught the Crystal and tossed it to Tadayoshi.
Terrence: we got your back!
Tadayoshi let out a nod while catching the shard, then ran at another Thief and hit him on the ankle with his pen.
Thief 3: ow you little!!!
Tadayoshi dashed around the thief as he tried to grab him.
Thief 3: hold still you little shit!!
Amelia: hey!
The Thief looked back to see Amelia punch him dead in the face and making him fly back and drop the crystal. Amelia caught the Crystal and tossed it over to Tadayoshi as well.
Amelia: there ya go
Tadayoshi: *nods* hmph
Amelia:......(so cute)
Callie hit one of the Thieves with her roller and made him drop the last crystal. Marie caught it and tossed it over to Tadayoshi.
Tadayoshi: alright! Marina give me yours!
Marina threw the last crystal and Tadayoshi caught it. All of the Crystals began to shake and soon they formed together and a huge bright light shined within the area. All of the girls covered their eyes, but once they uncovered them, they saw Tadayoshi in his normal 18 year old state again and holding the worn out Crystal while wearing his tight kiddy clothes. then......shall i teach you 4 another lesson?
Thieves:......WE'RE SORRYYYYYY
The 4 Thieves ran away as Tadayoshi stood there and let out a sigh.
Tadayoshi: thank god I'm back to normal
Marina: and with 5 minutes to spare
Tadayoshi turned around and saw everyone walking up to him and smiling.
Marina: welcome back Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: Mhm
Marina: uh....can i get that crystal?
Tadayoshi: why?
Marina: i wanna keep it as a trinket
Tadayoshi:....*sigh* sure, knock yourself out
Tadayoshi tossed the Crystal at Marina and she caught it while smiling.
Marina: thanks!
Tadayoshi: then...
Tadayoshi cracked his Knuckles and glared at everyone.
Tadayoshi: i think i might teach you all a lesson as well for hanging me on a coat hanger
Pearl: Run...
*Kid Tadayoshi*
*Credit to the artist who made this*
Next chapter releases sunday
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