Chapter 100: hangout with H1P-H0P

H1P-H0P was pacing back and forth in front of BeatBox's room

H1P-H0P: how can I wake him up?... what if he gets upset about me waking him up, what if he want to, what if

Yui: are you having a panic attack again?

H1P-H0P turns around to find Yui standing behind her

H1P-H0P: n-no

Yui: stop trying to lie to me, I've known you since I was young and I know when you are lying to me

H1P-H0P: *sigh* I know, but look I'm just nervous of waking him up

Yui: relax, I'm sure he won't get upset about you, look at me, I always sneak into senpais room and sleep with him

H1P-H0P: ...

Yui: yeah I know I need some help with that, but look. BeatBox doesn't seem to be the guy that would yell at you, would he?

H1P-H0P: yeah... you're right

Yui pats her back as she smiles at her

Yui: well good luck to you, now I'm going to find senpai!

She walks away down the hall, leaving H1P-H0P alone again, she grabs onto the sliding door handle as she takes a deep breath

H1P-H0P: ok... ok... here we-

Before she could open the door, the sliding door suddenly open, as she sees a shirtless BeatBox

BeatBox: oh, morning!

H1P-H0P stares at his chest as she turns bright red like a tomato

BeatBox: ummm, are you o-


H1P-H0P give BeatBox the biggest bitch slap across his boombox head, which causes his head to spin

BeatBox: GAHH!

BeatBox fall to the ground from dizziness while H1P-H0P realize what she's done and starts to quickly apologizing


BeatBox sits up and he fixes his boombox head

BeatBox: don't worry... it's fine, I'm not hurt, but what brings you here?

H1P-H0P: well... I was going to wake you up, but I was worried that I might ending up disturbing you and-

Soon H1P-H0P then felt her head being patted

BeatBox: I'm grateful for that

H1p-H0P blushes a bit but smiles about being headpat by her idol

BeatBox: well I'm going to wash myself and I will be ready!

H1P-H0P: o-ok!

BeatBox skips away to the washroom, as H1P-H0P makes her way downstairs as she was touch her head

Makoto: you a big fan of that guy

H1P-H0P: oh... your that dancer from that party

Makoto: it's Makoto

H1P-H0P: oh yeah... sorry

Makoto: it's fine, but your going out with the boombox guy?

H1P-H0P: yeah, and his name is BeatBox

Makoto: I know, but here is something I think there is a place you might like to go do with him

H1P-H0P: huh?

Makoto: if you go past the bamboo forest, there is a little river that you two can go

H1P-H0P: is it safe?

Makoto: yeah, I went there once with Akari, it was a nice ride, but if you want to do it go ahead

H1P-H0P: y-yeah

BeatBox: sorry I'm a bit late!

Makoto and H1P-H0P notice BeatBox falling down the stairs like dominos and then standing up and walking towards H1P-H0P

BeatBox: are you ready?

H1P-H0P: yeah

BeatBox takes her hand, which causes her to be bright red again as they make their way to the door

BeatBox: so where are we heading?

H1P-H0P: umm.... t-there is a place that I want to go

BeatBox: lead the way!

Makoto watches them leave out the door with smirk on his face

Makoto: ah love... I wish I have one

Akari: ... Baka...


Both BeatBox and H1P-H0P were walking around town, and while BeatBox was all happy about their hangout, H1P-H0P on the other hand was in completely embarrassment

BeatBox: you alright?

H1P-H0P: y-yeah I'm fine!

BeatBox: ...

H1P-H0P: what?

BeatBox: come with me

He begins pulling onto her hand as they walk in to a near by convenience store

H1P-H0P: why are we here?

BeatBox goes and grab to bottle of water and pays for them and then leaving out the store

H1P-H0P: what's the-

She then notice BeatBox handing her the water bottle

BeatBox: I don't know if your are getting dehydrated but it's best for you to not be

H1P-H0P takes the water bottle from him and drink it

H1P-H0P: thanks... buts it's not that... well we are holding hands together... so we look like a... couple... and-

BeatBox: I know, you love me, but even though we aren't couple, even if we are, I still love ya ^-^

H1P-H0P stare at him for a few minutes as her face turn bright red and steam coming out of her head. She takes a few steps away from him and starts stretching her legs, before bolting off



H1P-H0P covers her face in embarrassment as she was running around

H1P-H0P: "why did he have to say that, I can't handle anymore of his complaints!"

BeatBox: Hey! Don't leave me!

H1P-H0P turns around to see BeatBox behind her, running as well

H1P-H0P: Why are you following me!

BeatBox: your gonna get lost if I don't follow ya

H1P-H0P: I said I'm just going to the bathroom!

BeatBox: if you were you could've gone to the bathroom at the convenience store

H1P-H0P: Just leave me alone for a bit!

BeatBox: No!

After few minute of running, they later stop to catch their breath as they were exhausted

BeatBox: that *huff* was a workout

H1P-H0P: why didn't you *huff* *puff* leave me alone

BeatBox: you have *huff* no right to say that, you couldn't leave us alone in Kyoto

H1P-H0P: ... yeah I'm sorry

BeatBox: yeah, it's fine

After they catch their breath, BeatBox and H1P-H0P notices that they were in the bamboo forest

BeatBox: oh, this is the place where I fought kieko

H1P-H0P: actually... this is the place I wanted to bring you

BeatBox: oh... really?

H1P-H0P: yeah... just open the mountai

BeatBox: ... this seems to be a workout now

H1P-H0P: yeah, but we don't-

Suddenly she felt her legs being lifted up as BeatBox carries her like a princess.

BeatBox: you wanted to do this! And I'm gonna makes sure you will do what you want to do

H1P-H0P was a blush mess as she covers her face as BeatBox run up through the bamboo forest

H1P-H0P: "I'm going to die of embarrassment!"


This story is interrupted by chibi BeatBox playing the shamisen while chibi H1P-H0P was dancing to the music


After going up the mountains, they begin to see a river stream with a canoe

H1P-H0P: ok, we are you you can put me down

BeatBox: *huff* ok... *puff*

As soon he sets her down, he collapses to the ground in exhaustion

H1P-H0P: I told you not to do that

BeatBox: I'm *huff* sorry

H1P-H0P: well... I'll be on the boat

BeatBox: wait you wanted to do a boat ride?

H1P-H0P: y-yeah...

BeatBox: well alright then!

Both BeatBox and H1P-H0P get on the boat as BeatBox begin rowing down the stream. As they were riding through the river, they see the beauty through their river ride

H1P-H0P: it... beautiful...

BeatBox: yeah, it's is... like you

H1P-H0P: what?

BeatBox: nothing

Both of them sat quietly as they try to think of something to say to each other

H1P-H0P: hey, I got a question

BeatBox: ask away!

H1P-H0P: why do you still hangout with tadayoshi even though he treats you like a dick

BeatBox: oh don't think of him as a dick really, he may seem like a dickhead, but he's really a nice guy,you just need to get to know him more and gain his trust like the girls did, they learn and gain his trust and they understand everything about him

H1P-H0P: I guess...

BeatBox: ... you know, we're friends and all, but we never really introduced ourselves

H1P-H0P: what do you mean? Didn't we when we first m-

BeatBox: no I mean by our real name

H1P-H0P: wait... you want to reveal your name to me?!

BeatBox: sure, since we are close, but you better promise me you won't tell anyone

H1P-H0P: "I'm about to find out BeatBox real name?! OMG calm down calm down" yeah... I promise you, but are you sure you want to?

BeatBoxwell after knowing you for a while I trust you, so what's your name?

H1P-H0P: oh... umm my name is Melody

BeatBox: Melody... I like that name

H1P-H0P: nah, I don't really care for that name, it's sounds like a common name

BeatBox: I'm just trying to compliment you

H1P-H0P: well... thanks, but what's your name

BeatBox: well...

He look around to make sure no one was around and steer his paddle in the boat and leans in close to her

BeatBox: my name is bell


It was sunset, BeatBox and H1P-H0P were making their way back to the shrine

BeatBox: well that was fun and exhausting

H1P-H0P: well you made yourself have a workout

BeatBox: yeah, which is a good thing for the future

H1P-H0P: huh? What do you mean?

BeatBox: nothing...

H1P-H0P: ... also just wondering, I heard rumors that you use to be tadayoshi?

BeatBox: well... I made a deal with Her back then which cause me to become a boombox, I was like a spirit that is haunting a boombox

H1P-H0P: her?

BeatBox: I don't want to talk about her, but tadayoshi found me after she shipped me somewhere and next thing you know, we got along, but he mostly was annoyed by me, but he never got rid of me. Later on I was caught in a explosion during when all of the women's were disappearing in inkopolis, don't know how but the explosion somehow separated me and tadayoshi and now here I am, free from the curse

H1P-H0P: I see... do plan to... you know... get revenge on this woman?

BeatBox: nah... she way out of my league, even for tadayoshi

H1P-H0P: I see... so what are you gonna do now?

BeatBox: ... well obviously spend most of my time with all of you before the time comes, now come on I'm starving let go get something to eat!

H1P-H0P watches as BeatBox skips away leaving her concern about him

Yui: how did it go melody?


Yui: oh... sorry

H1P-H0P: it's fine... what are you doing here

Yui: I was spying on you


Yui: relax I was only just making sure nothing bad happen to you, you know how worried I am about you

H1P-H0P: I know... did you hear what he said to me before

Yui: only when you guys were leaving the bamboo forest

H1P-H0P lets out a breath of relief

H1P-H0P: thank god... but did you need something

Yui: not really, but I'm more concern about him

H1P-H0P: why?

Yui: look so you know how many time you have been lied to by boys, like he seems to be hiding some things from you... and I don't you feel that pain from before you know

H1P-H0P: Yui... is glad your helping me, but I know BeatBox and I know he will never lie, unless he doesn't want to upset me, he's a great guy, but if he is, I got to stand up for it, I can't rely on you all of the time you know

Yui: are you sure?

H1P-H0P: I'm sure

BeatBox: Hey! You coming?

H1P-H0P: yeah! Got to go now, see you at the festival tomorrow!

Yui: yeah! I'll see you soon!

Yui waves bye as she watches H1P-H0P leaving with BeatBox

Yui: now to prepare my plan with senpai!


YOOOOOOOOOOOO! HOLY FUCK! 100 chapters god damn! Well boys (and girls) we did it! We finally reach to 100! Thank you guys for reading this far! But the next chapter release on Sunday!

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