Chapter 10: Agent 3 and 8

Before we begin, just to want to let everyone know that both agent 3 and 8 are both females

Tadayoshi was at the doorway with pearl, marina, and 3 other cephalopods

Tadayoshi: ok.. first of all, welcome back, and second of all, who are they

Marina: umm... Tadayoshi this is agent 3 and 8 and this is capn cuttlefish

Tadayoshi turns to the capn

Tadayoshi: so this is the capn?

Cuttlefish: so your agent four, that my granddaughters have been talking about, your quite popular

Tadayoshi: yeah, yeah

The capn raise his hand at him, as Tadayoshi shakes his hand

He turns to agent 3 who gave him a disgusted look

Tadayoshi: "looks like someone hate me already, I'll just leave her be"

He then turns to agent 8 who tilts her head to the side in curiosity

Tadayoshi eyebrow raises up

Pearl: don't mind her, she doesn't remember anything, so she's like a kid

Tadayoshi looks at the small octoling again

Tadayoshi: "like a kid, huh"

Tadayoshi: well I'm just coming back to get my phone and off back Callie and Marie, there waiting for me

Marina: wish we could come, but we got to go back to work

Tadayoshi: alright later then

He watches pearl and marina leave, leaving him with two agents and an elder cephalopod

Cuttlefish: did I just hear that you're going to see my granddaughters

Tadayoshi: yeah, why

Cuttlefish: well you can't just stand there, let me see my granddaughters

Tadayoshi: alright old man

The capn marches out the door to Callie and Marie's place as the agents follow him

Tadayoshi: "he's quite an energetic old guy..."


Capn cuttlefish walk ahead of them, while agent 3 and 8 stay behind him, as Tadayoshi stay behind them while he kinda looks at the ground walking

Agent 8 turns at him and decide to walk next to him

They were quiet for a few minutes

Agent 8: you ok

He turns to her

Tadayoshi: yeah why

Agent 8: well you look upset, is something wrong

Tadayoshi stares at the little octoling

Tadayoshi: no, I'm fine

He turns away from her

Tadayoshi: and besides you're still too young to understand

Agent 8 puff her cheeks and starts lightly punching him

Tadayoshi: hey, hey, what

Agent 8: I'm not young

Tadayoshi: but you act young

They look at each other, then an ink flew between them

They both look and see agent 3 shot between them and she storms towards them

She grabs agent 8 and got her to keep walking and then grabs Tadayoshi's shirt collar

Agent 3: listen here, I know you, and if try to do anything to her, and that face will become a good mask

Tadayoshi gave her an emotionless look

Tadayoshi: ok

She let's go of him and continues walking as he fixes his sweatshirt collar

Tadayoshi: "and what did I ever do to you"


They arrived at Callie and Marie's place and enter the building

Marie: *sigh* about time you-

Marie look up and see Tadayoshi with three other cephalopods

Marie: GRAMPS!

She ran to hug him and Callie appeared out of the corner

Callie: HE'S BACK!

Callie ran to the capn to and hug him

Marie: you made your granddaughters worried about you

Cuttlefish: I survived a war, so I think I could survive this

Then both Marie and Callie hug Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: what's this about?

Marie: for bring him here

Callie: I just want to!

Then both Callie and Marie notice agent 3, who was giving a disgusted look, and agent 8 looking curious

Marie: it been a while agent 3

Callie: and who is she

Cuttlefish: this is agent 8, she helped us find our way out

Marie: oh well then welcome to the team agent 8

Callie: Marie let's throw a celebration for our grandpa's return

Marie: alright

Cuttlefish: oh and by the way, where is that Octavio

Tracer: he's over here

They all look at tracer and agent 3 was about to pull out her weapon

Marie: WAIT, she's with us

Agent 3 lower her gun and agent 8 approach to her

Tracer puts her hand on her cheek and hugs her

Tracer: she's so cute

Tadayoshi watches tracer as she hugs the agent until he walks outside where Marie and cuttlefish are with Octavio, and sits on a bench

Octavio: ugh, you're still alive after all of those years

Cuttlefish: and your attitude still haven't changed

Tadayoshi lays back and looks at the sky

Suddenly agent 8 appears, looks at Tadayoshi face-to-face

Tadayoshi: you need something, kid

Agent 8: may I sit

Tadayoshi sits up

Tadayoshi: go-ahead

She sits down and stares at him

Tadayoshi: what

Agent 8: you don't look scary

Tadayoshi: and you know that I have someone who doesn't want me to be near you

He was about to get up, but agent 8 grabs him

He turns to Agent 8 as she was looking down sadly

He sits back down feeling bad for her

Tadayoshi: do you have a name?

Agent 8 thought for a moment

Agent 8: I don't know

Tadayoshi thought for a second

Tadayoshi: how about I call you Bridgett

Agent 8: Bridgett?

Tadayoshi: well, you've got to have a name

Agent 8 smiles

Bridgett: I like it, thank you

Tadayoshi: good to head, now run along now

Bridgett: Ok!

She cheerfully gets up and skips away to find everyone to tell them that she has a name

Tadayoshi: "she's quite happy"

Suddenly he gets a text

M: we are heading your way, do you think a sleepover will be ok

T: I'll ask Marie

Tadayoshi: hey Marie, marina asked if they could come over for a sleepover

Marie: wouldn't hurt

Callie and Bridgett: sleepover!

T: they said yes, and could you bring me some extra clothes, before you leave

M: yes, see you then


Pearl and Marina arrived and everyone had a barbecue outside

Tadayoshi: burgers and hotdogs are done

Everyone got their food and Tadayoshi walk back to the bench until Pearl gives him some food

Pearl: Marina told you to eat this

Tadayoshi: but I-

Marina: Everyone here knows you can't taste, but it's not good to not eat anything

Tadayoshi takes the food and bites down the tasteless burger

Tadayoshi: *sigh* same as usual

He then realizes that Bridgett was staring at his food

Tadayoshi: you know there is-

He turns to see Callie already ate everything

Tadayoshi: "Jesus what are you, Callie, Kirby"

Tadayoshi: umm.. wanna bite

He brings over his burger and Bridgett takes a bite out of it like a kitten

Tadayoshi looks at his food and looks around to see if anyone was looking and then hands it to her

Tadayoshi: don't tell anyone

Bridgett smiles in joy and takes to meal

Tadayoshi: "how do you even get so happy?"


Everyone pulled out there sleeping bags and of course, Callie and tracer put theirs next to Tadayoshi, then Marie, marina, and pearl squeezed in to be near Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: "welp, looks like I can't sleep in the corner"

He sits on his sleeping bag and notices agent 3 give him the look

Tadayoshi: what

Agent 3 approach to him

Agent 3: look here, what did you do to them

Tadayoshi: do what to who

Agent 3: don't play dumb, everyone is so close to you and it's the idol we're talking about, you are known as a demon in Inkopolis, so how do you have people around you

Tadayoshi: are you saying that I can't have people near me

Agent 3: pretty much

In Tadayoshi's mind, he hears the words again

?: go kill yourself

?2: why does he exist

?: just stay away from that guy

Tadayoshi starts tapping on the ground holding his temper

Bridgett: Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi looks at her

Tadayoshi: what, kid

Bridgett: can I sleep near you

Tadayoshi looks at agent 3, who looks disgusted, then looks at Bridgett

Tadayoshi: why

Bridgett: I just want to...

Agent 3: if you're going to sleep near him, then I'm sleeping near you Bridgett

Bridgett: ok, she said cheerfully

Bridgett scoots her sleeping bag next to Tadayoshi as they watch her

Tadayoshi: what's your name, agent 3?

Agent 3: why should I tell you

Tadayoshi: well I can't keep calling you agent 3

Agent 3 thought for a moment

Agent 3: Amelia

Tadayoshi: ok then, see it wasn't to ha-

Amelia points her weapon at his head

Tadayoshi: you can kill me right here, right now

Amelia then lifts her splattershot down

Amelia: I would but everyone seem to like you, so I won't

Tadayoshi: fair enough, goodnight everyone

Everyone got into their sleeping bags and fall asleep and Marie made sure Callie or tracer didn't try to get in the sleeping bags with Tadayoshi

Marina and Marie: "wish I had the guts to"

Soon most people began to fall asleep

Amelia: "why do people like him, what so great about him, and most of all why isn't he afraid of being killed"


?: it is almost time, for the splatfest

?2: yes it is boss

?: is my suit almost done

?3: be done by tomorrow sir, but I don't know if this armor will be good

?: I don't care, I can't keep going on without it, but soon, you will understand that why octoling should be gone for good capn cuttlefish

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