Chapter 1: cafe

(Tadayoshi POV)

My alarm went as my usual, so I took a look at what time it is, I don't know why, because I put my alarm at that time, but I still checked it

It said 5:00 a.m.

I got up put on my clothes and went into the kitchen to find something to eat

Tadayoshi: oh yeah I forgot, I don't have a lot of money, I'll just go and get myself a cup of coffee, hope the cafe is open

Tadayoshi went to put his shoes on, went out the door

Few mins later:

Tadayoshi arrived at inkopolis square, luckily everyone is opening their place up, but when Tadayoshi arrived there, he realized somethings up with the tower.

Tadayoshi: that's weird, I thought the great zapfish is always hanging on that tower, eh who cares

A few feet behind Tadayoshi, crusty Sean notice him

Crusty Sean: hey mister, why are you out early, everyone is still-

Before crusty Sean could finish, Tadayoshi turned to him, giving him a death stare, which shook crusty.

Crusty Sean: o-oh it's you Tadayoshi

Both of them stare at each other

Crusty Sean: "shoot I better think of something to say or I don't know what he will do to me"

Crusty Sean: um... say are planning to eat at my place

Tadayoshi squints his eyes at him, causing crusty to become even more nervous

Tadayoshi: tonight, maybe tonight

Tadayoshi turns to leave, leaving crusty Sean to finally catch his breath

Tadayoshi finds his usual spot on the bench and sat down

Tadayoshi: I'll just wait till everyone here is awake

He pulls out his phone and begins to flip through the internet as time goes by

A few hours later:

Tadayoshi looks up from his phone and realizes that other inklings are coming out to the square

Tadayoshi: (works every time...) guess now can be a good time for me to get a coffee

He gets up to stretch and walks to a cafe, where he always goes too

He enters the cafe, causing everyone to turn at him, leaving some of the inklings scared. He begins to walk past them, but as he walks past them he looks at one group of inklings listening to them

Inklings 1: say it's him

Inklings 2: wanna talk to him

Inkling 1: hell no, he's scary, plus to be honest I don't like him

He then looks at another group and listens

Inklings 1: who's that

Inkling 2: he's that inkling loner, they call him the "black-eyed demon"

Inkling 1: why they call him that

Inkling 2: he is known for his skills in turf war, and everyone leaves when he joins, and he always wins even alone, without getting splatted

Inkling 1: no way

Tadayoshi: "ugh I wish people shut up about me"

Tadayoshi went to the court to get his order

Cashier: hi welcome to-

The cashier looks up and sees who it was, which is giving her a death look

Cashier: o-oh it's you... um, what would yo-

Tadayoshi: you know me and I want the usual, please

Cashier: um yes right away mister

The cashier turns and quickly runs to the back

(? POV)

?: there he is again

??: what about him

?: oh come on pearlie, you know him

"Pearlie": yeah I know him, but what about him, marina

Both figures watch as Tadayoshi takes his coffee, pays the cashier, and walks to the table alone

Marina: Well it's just... he always comes here and orders the same thing, nothing different

"Pearlie": so

Marina: so I going to go and try to get him to eat something

Marina get up with here food but "pearlie" grabs her

"Pearlie": are you crazy, who knows what he will do to you, he could drag you away and might rape you

Marina looks at "pearlie"

Marina: what makes you think that

"Pearlie" looks at marina with a "really" look on her face

"Pearlie": have you look at yourself in the mirror

Marina was still confused

Marina: I don't understand what you mean, but I'm still going to see him

Marina got "Pearlie" to let go of her and began to walk towards him leaving "Pearlie" nervous

"Pearlie": plz have mercy on her, she said repeatedly

Everyone begins to talk as they realized a cephalopod is approaching Tadayoshi

Inkling 1: I can't believe what I'm seeing

Inkling 2: she's approaching the demon

Inkling 3: hope he has mercy for her

Tadayoshi was staring at the window with his hand holding his head and drinking his coffee

Marina: excuse me

He turns at her with his usual stare, but marina kept her courage

Marina: um, is this seat taken

Tadayoshi looks at her and then at the seat for a few time

Tadayoshi: no

Marina takes a seat and Tadayoshi goes back looking out the window

Tadayoshi: heh

Marina look at him

Marina: hm

Tadayoshi: what

Marina: oh no, it just, you laugh a little

Tadayoshi: no, it's just because you're the only cephalopod that wanted to sit near me

Marina: what do you mean

Tadayoshi: well...

Tadayoshi turns toward her

Tadayoshi: ... I am the most hated inkling out here

Marina: what makes you think that

Tadayoshi: why do you think people stay away from me

Marina: because you give that scared look

Tadayoshi: true, but would you hang out with someone who wants to be alone and looks like this

Marina look at him, head to toe

Marina: um have ever tried to makes friends

Tadayoshi: ...


Tadayoshi: let be friends

Random inkling: I'm not hanging with some who look like you

Tadayoshi minds shatter like glass breaking

Flashback ended

Tadayoshi: I have my reasons why I don't make friends

Marina: oh, um would you like a bite of my cereal

Tadayoshi looks at her with concern

Marina: what

Tadayoshi: I just realized that throughout every cephalopod, you're the only cephalopod that eats cereal in a cafe

Marina: I just like cold breakfast, but would you like-

Tadayoshi: no thank you

He gets up to leave after he takes his last sip, but before he leaves he leans toward her ear and whispers

Tadayoshi: it's a pleasure meeting you, marina, but try to disguise yourself a little better, oh and say hi to pearl for me, please

Marina was in shock as he leaves her and everyone looks at her

Inkling 1: what did he say to her

Inkling 2: maybe a threat

Marina quickly gets up and grabs Pearl and runs out the doors

Pearl: what happened

Marina: he knew who we were

Pearl looks at her in shock

Pearl: really behind our disguise

Marina: I know pearlie, but we are also going to be late for work

Pearl: oh, shoot run faster marina

(Tadayoshi POV)

Tadayoshi watches as both pearl and marina ran off

Tadayoshi: huh they must be late

Tadayoshi walks back this seat

Tadayoshi: I'll start turf wars after I hear what on the news today

He walks over to his bench and waits for the upcoming news

Holy shit I didn't think I will able to write this long, but I did it, if you guys find some errors on here please let me know and I will fix it ok thx, and hope you all enjoy the first chapter of the splatoon series

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