Chapter 4: A Wandering Test Subject.

In Deepsea Metro Train.. In G Line..

Agent 8: 2 more tests left, then we'll get our first thang..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hooray! Go get 'em, Agent 8!

Before the Octoling opens the Metro Map to select the station. A Giant Isopod with a shady black suit carrying with a suitcase filled with "rewards" that is similiar to Agent 8's that he had been collected through the tests. He notices the Octoling with the possession of the "rewards". He asks politely..

???: Beg your pardon, young squire. Might I have a look at those trinkets you got there?

Agent 8: Huh? You mean these?

He nods..

???: Yes.. Forgive me if I caught you off guard. (Although I'm not too off-putting for the child.)

Agent 8: Who are you?

Iso Padre: They call me Iso Padre. That's not my name actually. Mind you, but it's the only one I recall now.

The Octoling got confused by his introduction. But he only minds about the trinkets he's carrying..

Agent 8: Okay. Do you know what are these?

He nods again..

Iso Padre: Yes.. Down here, we call those thin slices of memory "Mem Cakes". I've spent an age or two here in the depths, hungry for them. They're my only link left. (At least I still remember my own days as a test subject... Though I washed out early.)

Agent 8: So what can I help you?

Iso Padre: I pray that you'll be the one to cut through the gloom and light the way to my dreams. Share your Mem Cakes with me, and I'll repay the favor. Safe travels, young squire.

Agent 8: Okay, thanks..

Then, Cap'n calls out to him..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Uhm... Agent 8! Mind if you come over here for a sec?

Agent 8: What is it?

He start whispering to him..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Not sure this Iso Padre is playing with a full deck.. Doesn't seem like a bad chap, though. Anyway, you should go to the next test in G Line.

Agent 8: Okay.

He opens the Metro Map and select the next Station for the next test.

Timeskip... G05, Bustalicious Station.

As Agent 8 exits out the train and equipped with Splat Charger from the Equipper, then he takes the test without any second thought. The monent the test starts, Agent 8 jumps out from the station and ride the launchpad. C.Q Cumber starts the timer as soon as he just lands at the position.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: My advice for this test is, quite simply.. Charge!!!

DJ_Hyperfish: Don't shoot the fail balloons or you'll.. Well... It's obvious.

M.C Princess: Just don't do that, Eight.

Agent 8: I know...

He rises up his Charger and aiming down at the target balloons with the iron sight. Popping several of it without having any issues.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: That's the spirit!

Then, Agent 8 pops a few boxes on the platform, the last shot near misses through the fail balloon and pop the target balloon instead.

M.C Princess: Sick shot, Eight! Wish I can be that good!

DJ_Hyperfish: Mari..! I mean Agent 2 can help you with that.

M.C Princess: No way! She would just being sarcasm about my shooting skills!

Meanwhile, In Cafe Cardamari.. With the Squid Sister enjoying their tea time.

Callie: Hm? Something's wrong, Marie?

Marie: Huh..? Sorry, I was spacing out.. I feel someone just bad mouthed me.

Callie: Aw... Come on. You're just overthinking! ^^

Marie: Yeah I suppose.. But I know it's not him..

Callie: Of course he won't!

Back to the test chamber..

After a couple of seconds had passed, 16 targets had popped so far. Only 4 left to complete the test.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Just a few more!

He pops 3 more and only one left which it's far behind the 4 moving fail balloons that blocks Agent 8 sight easily. He focuses and takes a deep breath to steady his aim. He releases his shot and passes by all the fail balloons and hit the target eventually. The test ends and Agent 8 returns back to the train after receiving the Mem Cake of this test. He selects another test in the Deepsea Metro Train and takes another test in the next Station.

Timeskip... G04, Ink 'n' Slide Station..

As he stands on top of the Equipper, he got 3 weapon sets to choose with. Splat Roller with Curling Bomb, Splattershot Jr with Splat Bomb which is recommended weapon to take the test and Splat Charger with Burst Bomb. Cap'n Cuttlefish comments about the weapon sets.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hm...

Agent 8: What's wrong, Cap'n?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Those three weapons sure remind me of my first three Agents.

Agent 8: What about them?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Agent 1 and Agent 2 were both used to take missions together. But since after Agent 3 was recruited, their bond and their synchronization had reached another level thanks to him. He even saved the city twice from the Octarian's tentacle.

Agent 8: So he must be really strong, huh?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Indeed.. All those adventures they had in their journey. I can tell that they had reached the level where nobody would ever done or even surpass them.

Agent 8: Wow... Hope I get to meet him in person..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Or maybe you can..

Agent 8: Huh, really?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yeah, if you have for what it takes.. Now let's finish this test and we'll get our first thang!

Agent 8: Okay!

He chooses the recommended weapons, Splattershot Jr. Soon, he swipes the card and takes the test..

Timeskip... Back to the Deepsea Metro Train..

After clearing the test, B Line had been revealed and the thang is just below the map he's currently in. Then, he selects the next station where "The foundational thang" is.


He equips the Splattershot as it's the only weapon provided by the Equipper. As he proceeds forward and up the tunnel. Soon, he notices the thang surounded with Bubble Barrier. He breaks the bubble and Cap'n celebrates.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Woohoo! Three more to go, Agent 8!

Agent 8: Yeah.. But how do I move it to the train?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh yeah, good point there..

The Octoling can't help but to push it with force way back to the train as there was no other option. He takes a selfie as he arrived back to the train stop before returning to the Central Station.

End Of Chapter...


6:00pm, the Squid Sister are about to return back to their Apartment.

Callie: Man! We sure had a long time today!

Marie: It's almost just the same. And I'm kinda sick of it.

Callie: At least it's better than returning back to our work.

Marie: Yeah I guess..

Then, her phone rings as it just receives a call from Marina. They both stop as she picks it up.

Marie: Hello?

Marina: Hey, Marie. How are you two going?

Marie: Pretty well I guess.. What is it?

Marina: Uhm... Mind if I ask, when did Cap'n and Agent 3 started out their mission?

Marie: Just about from yesterday, why?

Marina: I should have tell you earlier but.. Pearl and I had found out that Cap'n is now trapped in the underground.

Marie: Wait wha-!? Oh my cod.. Is he okay? What about Agent 3? He's with him, right?

Marina: Don't worry about Cap'n, we had located him and he seems pretty fine. As for Agent 3..

Marie: !?

She got shocked before she hangs out the call. Her cousin asks her curiously..

Callie: What's wrong?

Marie: Lai... Lai's missing..

Callie: Wha-!? What do you mean!?

Marie: Don't worry, he'll be fine in the end. Just get yourself geared up and we'll head off to Mount Nantai tonight! Agent 5 and Agent 6 will explain all of it there.

Callie: *nod* Okay!

Marie: And this is gonna be a long night...

They rush to their Apartment after the notice from Marina..

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