Chapter 14: Long Lost Rival
Silence was simply flowing through the giant counseling room within the venom clan empire. Esper sat at a table with his hands together on its surface. He sat across from Misty, feeling her sense of pure annoyance as an Inkling walked into the room with a bottle of wine. They poured the drink into Misty's glass cup, combining, but then breaking apart the ice cubes inside.
Esper closed his eyes and let out a small sigh as the Inkling walked over towards him. Just as they were about to pour Esper's drink, he held his hand up towards the Inkling, forcing them to stop.
Esper: no.........thank you........
The Inkling shook a little from fear, then saw Esper open his eyes and look straight at them. The Inkling quickly apologized and walked away with sweat trailing down their face, then Esper placed his hand back down on the table, looking at Misty after seeing her gently pull down her mask and take a sip of her drink, letting out a long exhale of relief, placing her cup back down and readjusting herself.
Misty: Esper.....was it? could've at least informed me that you were intending to visit my empire......instead of killing many of my stream warriors.....
Esper: it seems they still wouldn't stand down after witnessing my strength.......I couldn't tell if it was their confidence and pride.......or their ignorance and stupidity.......
Misty:......YOUR strength?.......I have noticed that you speak highly about claim yourself to be a god.......the being that us streams thrive for......
Esper: I was within an era where the path to Godhood was at it's peak. I've seen many levels of power rise up against me.....yet none could surpass me.
Misty:.....*nod* I assisted Yufine within the first stream war that was over 170 years ago.....
Esper: I fought by her unlike you.......I do not work FOR her....I work WITH her.....
Misty slightly clenched her folded hands together from getting slightly provoked by Esper's words, seeing him stare directly at her, knowing that he was above her. Instead of taking action, Misty sighed and brushed her tentacle to the side after unfolding her hands, feeling her Sumi rest within her body from its previous warm and bubbly state.
Misty: I see..........what do you want from me?
Esper: I recently heard of many conversations and rumors from your squadrons you sent outside of this're looking for a demon boy........a boy who wields a pen by his side........claimed as the "Beast of the wastelands"....... you caught on from your own research..........yes.......we are searching for him......he is one of the many keys that unlocks the door to purity and true Godhood......
Esper began to think to himself a little, feeling his Sumi rush through his body like a shot of adrenaline. He rested his elbows on the table while his hands were folded in front of the lower half of his face, looking down at his empty glass cup, seeing the ice from inside of it slowly melt and give off drops of water, making contact with the bottom of the cup.
Esper ( you are alive......I knew I could still feel your presence.............hiding from me for 170 years........)
Misty:.....his name is Tadayoshi......he's one of the Archdemons that we need to capture........he was a stream who derived from my clan, but one day.....he gave away our old location to the enemy........betraying us and allowing Flower clan to raid our empire......
Just then, his many thoughts and ideals completely crumpled to dust within his head when he heard that name.....he looked up at Misty in disbelief.......unfolding his hands and placing them flat on the table.
Misty:......did I say something wrong?....
Esper:..............that name........who........
Misty:...yes....Tadayoshi is his that a problem, Esper?....
Esper:................this is impossible.....the only wielders of the pens.......
Esper stood up from his seat and Misty saw him clench the table slightly, digging his fingers into the hard material and cracking, but from his face, he showed no sign of rage, but just confusion......
Esper:......Me........and Aar-
Yufine: it is indeed possible, Esper....
Esper looked over along with Misty to the main doors that led into the counseling room, seeing them open to reveal Yufine, walking into the room with her burning Sumi aura that slowly dimmed down as she approached the two. Misty looked at Esper and saw him take a tiny breath, then release his grip from the table before turning to face the flaming Octo Angel.
Esper:.......what is the meaning of this, Yufine?..........after these many years.....I need proper answers.......
Yufine: it is my sincere apologies for never telling you this from far back when the war concluded........
Yufine: it is true.....the man you once truly dead.............but....his strength still lives on..........
Esper: what do you mean?.....
Yufine: you killed him within the reservoir....region.....and the man sunk to the bottom of the deep sea sanctum.....
Within the edge of the Great Plains was a very hostile and rather dangerous region, a region that was known as the reservoir region. The region mainly spread across the whole east side of the large world that the streams were inhabiting.
Before the war, The region was mainly known for its beautiful and peaceful atmosphere, filled with gentle creatures and it was even a home for certain water related stream users, but near the war's conclusion......when Esper killed the man from so long ago, his body plummeted down into the deep sea, coating the ocean and turning it black......many sharp shards of durable sumi emerged from the sea to represent sharp rocks that could easily take down a ship without a single scratch.
The black water mutated all of the creatures within its reach, turning them into mindless, bloodthirsty mutants, that wouldn't hesitate to kill any form of prey. The water reached into the beautiful sand and coated it within its dark nature, turning the sand into "dead Sand". When a stream or simple creature stands on the sand, they slowly begin to lose themselves within the constant agony and pain, destroying their mental states. The sand will eat away at your flesh, and it will never let you go, holding onto you and sticking to your skin like glue.
A once beautiful atmosphere, soon turned into one of the most dangerous regions within the world. And the environment was 100% proven to be impossible to study due to the high risks of your death.
The only creatures known to stream-kind that are immune to the deadly region's lethal atmosphere are Archdemons themselves, linking with the priority of the sand and ocean, being able to bypass it.
Yufine: you killed him.......and I was unable to retrieve his sank to the bottom of the ocean with his corpse......but my sister retrieved it....
Yufine:........she held the pen for many years........and I guess she finally found a worthy successor to wield it..... truly believe that he could have someone to even match his strength?........or even be worthy enough to achieve the title of his "successor?".....
Yufine: you've known him longer than I can answer that yourself, Esper.....
Yufine: my sister was a fool for dragging it out of the ocean in the first place.....
Misty: if you consume Tadayoshi's strength....would you be able to bypass the sea?
Yufine: no........I need all of the demons.......a single one will not cut it....
Esper: tell me who....."Tadayoshi"...really is.......
Misty: from what I've seen....he does have many similarities from the previous wielder of that pen.......
Misty: as I've seen him grow....the boy is very smart and talented......he was at the top of his class within the venom academy, getting results similar to another lost venom stream of mine......
Esper:........I see........the thought of this boy makes my skin crawl.......but not from curiosity......but rather disgust....
Esper walked past Yufine and summoned his pen, showing its white and gold radiance to the two female stream users, hearing his own Sumi flow from his body after his deep thought finally concluded.
Esper: I......will confront him myself when the time is right....
Misty: we already have some streams who are taking care of-
Just then, Yufine held up her hand to Misty, then she instantly stopped talking, looking away in annoyance as Yufine slowly put her hand back down while Esper walked away towards the doors, along with Yufine following behind him.
Yufine: don't disappoint me......
Esper: when have I ever disappointed you?.......last time I checked.....I've saved your life throughout many instances.......
Yufine: and I did the same for you....
The two higher-up streams walked out of the counseling room, and Esper turned his head towards Yufine, seeing her looking straight ahead down the hallway, walking past many guards that stood against the walls, nodding to them in respect.
Esper: if he is indeed similar........I want you to lend me some assistance to get started........
Yufine: what do you need from me?.....
Esper:...send out the winged streams.........they will sniff him out........while they're doing so..........tell me about his connections.........
Within the little kitchen of their base, Clara, Bell, and Lola were all eating curry together within the kitchen, with Lola adorably holding her spoon and nibbling on her meal, smiling and letting out a little whimper.
Lola: Lola likes Mr. Tadayoshi's food!
Bell: you could say that again, kid! Man, the guy is a master at this!
Clara: well I remember Tadayoshi saying that a friend he once knew taught him how to cook. He never said who it was though. *nom*
Bell: whoever taught Tadayoshi must've been a master chef. Man I love it when he cooks, I should go hug him!
Clara: do you want him to kick your ass again?.....
Bell: psssh! That was an act of friendship.
Clara: were covered in wounds and had 2 black eyes......and healing you barely sped up your recovery process........
Bell: like I said! Friendship!
Clara: you know he doesn't like touching....especially from you....
Bell: oh wow, so the kid can touch him, but when I do it, it's a PROBLEM!?
Clara:....that's why I said "Especially from you" doofus. *nom*
Bell: come on! Lola, back me up here!
Lola:........*looks away*.......*nom*....
Bell: awe, not you too!!..
Clara: literally Lola is a innocent kid, so of course Tadayoshi wouldn't hurt her. He's her guardian now, and he never even hurts kids in the first place.
Bell: No!! that is a lie!!
Clara: what?
Bell: remember when we were walking through the park that one day when we were in the tundra Region!?
Clara: well, you guys were on a mission, but yes.
Bell: he literally popped a kids balloon!! I saw it with my own two eyes!! He hates children!!
Clara: *shrugs* well he said the kid kept kicking him and was being a brat, so he simply did that to make the kid leave him alone.
Bell: I saw him kick a soccer ball and hit a kid's head with it.
Clara: and that kid turned out to be an assassin out to kill him, and unlike the other assassins he encountered, he simply knocked the kid out with that ball.....sparing their life....
Bell: I saw the stare in his eyes when he kicked that ball. It was a stare of death!
Clara: his natural look? point still stands.
Bell began to yell as Clara smiled and continued to eat her food with Lola. From the doorway, Nina stood by herself with her own plate of curry. She looked through the kitchen and Tadayoshi was nowhere to be found. She sighed and turned around, walking away, closing her eyes to sense him.
A rapid and strong flow of Sumi was being emitted from the roof of the base, and when Nina opened her eyes, she nodded to herself and walked over towards a simple door, opening it and taking the stairs all the way up until she reached the metal door that led to the roof.
She hesitated, but then opened the door and peeked outside. From the edge of the base, Nina saw Tadayoshi sitting alone and looking in the distance, taking a deep breath before his tentacles began to slowly glow.
Tadayoshi placed his hands together, allowing them to glow, then he shifted his hands slightly, molding the aura of Sumi within his hands. Nina looked at his hair, seeing the tips of his tentacles slowly begin to flow from black to white. with me......
He took a gentle exhale and white Sumi began to seep from his closed eyes.......just as his Sumi aura grew brighter as his shifted his hands more fluently.......
His hands began to slightly shake, and he let out a heavy breath, feeling his Sumi decrease and dim within his palms....he gritted his teeth, then a flash appeared before Inkling girl with a blade, standing within a field of blood coated flowers, turning around to show her face to him.
???: it's all.......your.....fault...
Tadayoshi grunted as his tentacles reverted back to their black state and his eyes went back to normal after opening them. He looked down at his hands to see the previously white Sumi in between his hands, give off a more grey and dull color.
He opened his hands and saw a little creature on his palm, laying on it's side....completely lifeless. He saw the wind slowly blow the creature aura away to nothing but dust, and he shook his head in annoyance, looking up at the moon as he leaned back.
Nina:......are you not hungry?......
Tadayoshi turned his head slightly, seeing Nina behind him and holding onto a plate of curry. Tadayoshi shook his head before looking away, lazily waving his hand at her.
Tadayoshi: I'm fine........
Nina: are you positive?......
Tadayoshi let out a tiny "mm" in response, and instead of walking away, Nina sighed and walked over to him, sitting next to him and placing down the plate of curry down next to her.'ve been distant..........more than usual.....why?...
Tadayoshi didn't respond to Nina, and she simply thought through his silence, looking down and noticing a book in between her and Tadayoshi. She picked it up and looked at its cover, noticing odd creatures and it's old, frail cover.
Tadayoshi looked over at Nina and simply reached over, grabbing the book from her and placed it on the opposite side of his body and out of her reach.....
Nina:....they fascinate that it?.... times....
As the two sat in silence, the door from behind them slightly opened and Lola poked her head out to the rooftop....she noticed Tadayoshi and Nina on the edge of the base.
She looked down in between the two to see Nina's hand slowly inch closer to Tadayoshi's.........and as she walked over to talk to them, she heard Nina's voice once more.
Nina:........can I ask you something?...
Nina hesitated and Lola saw her tense up.....but after taking a deep breath....she opened her mouth to speak........Lola watched Nina, but was immediately drawn away from her after seeing a slight ray light above her......
Lola looked up......expecting it to be the moon shining brighter than before.....but instead......a ball of flames illuminated above them, getting closer by the second, which made her stand in complete shock.
Tadayoshi turned back and saw Lola along with Nina, then he felt something warm up around him, noticing the ball of flames go above them and crash next to Lola, emitting flames and crumpling the roof before them.
Tadayoshi: KID!
Nina:....shit....I knew it!..
Tadayoshi ran to Lola's aid through the collapsing rooftop as Nina quickly stood up and turned her head to see a bunch of red, floating figures before them.
Nina: Wyverns!.....
Tadayoshi immediately grabbed onto Lola and noticed her slightly burned body. He gritted his teeth as he healed her as she shook uncontrollably from fear....
Tadayoshi: it's alright.....just breathe......I got you....
The building collapsed below the two, and Tadayoshi jumped away while Nina met up with him in the air, immediately summoning her own blade as they watched their home crumble into nothing but rubble while being emitted in more flames.
Nina:.......Bell.......Clara.........'s fine....and the idiot is too......
The two watched from the air as the red flames that surrounded the rubble began to slowly change color and drift into the rubble as a large beam of Sumi energy erupted as well, blasting the rubble away to show Bell and Clara safe and sound within a force field emitted by the scientist.
Clara: and there goes my I'm pissed.....
Bell sighed, but held one of his hands out that was covered by a gauntlet, absorbing the flames from the wyverns and began to smirk at them in the process. all will pay for that....heh....looks like it's time to start up a good figh-
Tadayoshi: shut it.
Tadayoshi quickly flashed next to Bell while holding Lola in his arms, glaring directly at him and extending Lola towards him.
Tadayoshi: take the kid and move.....we have to leave this area immediately......
Bell: wait what!? Why!?
Bell gently took Lola and felt her slightly shake while she whimpered in fear, and Tadayoshi quickly turned and looked at the wyverns to see unique collars that were firmly fitted onto their necks.
Tadayoshi: we're being tracked........get as far from here as and Nina will dispose of them as quickly as we can.....
Clara: that might take too long if it was just you and her.......look at them again.......they're we speak....
The many wyverns howled and drooled while trying to slash and kill Nina, who dodged swiftly while killing or injuring one after the other.....making their grey Sumi flow off their bodies through their open wounds.
Clara:......their Sumi color is different.....I've never felt such a strong surge of strength emit from wyverns like this........I-It's.....
Tadayoshi:.......a new stage of evolution........these damn things get stronger every time we face them....these are stage 4 Wyverns specifically.....
The creatures known as "Wyverns" are the aftermath of mutated stream users, making them completely blood thirsty and unable to think for themselves. Even though each Wyvern seemed the same, the color of their sumi is what determines their strength.
The beginning of stages starts with the weakest version of the Wyverns, being much more passive, and give off red sumi. Stage 2 Wyverns began to turn more aggressive, having blue sumi instead, and the prior Wyverns Tadayoshi has faced and killed in his past emitted green sumi, showing the third stage of their evolution....
But things are different.....the grey sumi and glowing eyes. The larger and stronger the attacks, and even the durability and stamina increasing, showed the strongest form thus far, being their fourth stage of madness.
Bell:......w-wait what?.....but how?...
Clara:....this is....way too odd.....the cores.....are getting weaker......but the wyverns are getting stronger.....
Tadayoshi: it's on my mind as well....but this isn't the time for speculations......we can discuss this later when we're in a much more safer environment.....
Clara:.......true.....but don't take this lightly, Tadayoshi........
Clara walked over to Bell and gently grabbed Lola from him, hugging her close as she looked at Bell, nudging her head towards Tadayoshi.
Clara: you stay here and help them too, Bell.
Bell: are you sure? *smirks* I mean, I don't mind fighting alongside my best buds.....but what about you?
Clara: I'll head down to the bridge of mist near Stone clan. I'll inform them on the situation too so they can set up their defenses.
Tadayoshi: why the bridge specifically?
Clara: you said we were being tracked.....we should begin our journey to flower clan now to guarantee our escape and safety from the wyverns, but also from the bigger threat that is controlling them.
Bell: two birds, one stone huh?...I like it!
Tadayoshi stayed silent for a second....and even though his expression did not change, Clara could feel the Sumi within his body begin to flow a bit more slowly than usual to show his concern.........she gave him a gentle smile before nodding towards him as well.
Clara: we'll be okay.......
Clara let out a small laugh before turning and immediately dashing away with Lola in her arms........leaving the two boys alone........Tadayoshi sighed as his attention was soon reverted to Bell, who was stretching his body to prepare himself.
Bell: alright! Let's do this!
Bell let out a laugh and roar of pride as he dashed straight towards the action, and Tadayoshi could only roll his eyes as he summoned his pen and followed behind him.
Nina immediately slashed a wyvern straight through it's neck, killing it and immediately shifting her attention to another flying beast, who tried to attack her from a very low angle, but she jumped over the wyvern and held her sword above herself, quickly thrusting it down and stabbing into the wyvern to pin it to the ground.
Just as she was about to finish it off, she saw another fly straight towards her, and before she could react to their attack herself, Bell dashed in front of her and punched the wyvern straight in its face to make it fly back and fall to the ground. She saw the Inkling let out a "hmph" before noticing her gaze and giving her a thumbs up.
Bell: we got your back!
Bell shifted his attention back to the wyverns and saw 5 of them immediately rush towards him with disgusting and monstrous screams, but he simply stuck his tongue out to mock them, and he moved his arms, held his hands back, then his gauntlets began to glow from his Sumi, activating an especial stream.
From clapping his gauntlets together, Bell sent out a large and powerful shockwave in front of him, blasting the wyverns back and away. The shockwave he created sent out such a strong wave of pressured wind that Nina even noticed the limbs, wings, and even the heads of the wyverns stretch and tear off of their bodies.
Nina quickly snapped herself out of her amazement and looked down at the wyvern she had pinned below her, still screaming and roaring before her, but just then, Nina saw Tadayoshi approach her while firmly holding his pen. Tadayoshi, not speaking a single word, simply raised his foot and stomped down on the pinned wyvern, immediately killing it by crushing its head.
Nina:.........alright then....shall we?..
Tadayoshi gave her a nod and immediately began to rush into the wyverns right by her side. Tadayoshi threw his spear and pierced the head of a wyvern, making it howl before his body began to glow slightly.
The aura around Tadayoshi got colder....and once he kicked the Wyvern in its stomach, he grabbed his pen and aggressively pulled it out of its head. Nina noticed another wyvern approach Tadayoshi from behind, but before she jumped into the action, Tadayoshi quickly turned his head and activated his especial stream.
Tadayoshi swung the heel of his foot and created a form of dark essence, and once his kick connected, the sharpened aura from the demon was quick and efficient enough to cut off the head of the wyvern instead of only knocking it back.
"Crescent" is a very offensive stream that is used by Tadayoshi. To perform the stream, Tadayoshi targets key points inside of his body, then after he focuses his sumi towards that one area, he is able to extract his own sumi from his body, hardening it and treating it as a swift blade.
As Nina was stuck in amazement, Bell quickly moved his body to dodge a incoming wyvern, immediately hitting it with a pure uppercut from his gauntlet. He let out a triumphant laugh, already sensing the sumi from another wyvern behind him, diving down for a vicious attack.
Bell: you guys sure love to attack from behind, huh?
Bell jumped and flipped his body backwards to stand directly on top of the wyvern once it was straight below him. Bell casually stood on its back as it flew in the ski, leaning his head down to make eye contact with the wyvern, giving it a smirk.
Bell: why hello. Mind if I steer?
Bell chuckled and grabbed straight onto the wyvern's horns, pulling them towards himself, pushing away, or moving them to the left or right, which made the Wyvern turn in the air by his control.
Bell: *ahem* hello ladies and gentle squids. I'd like to thank you for choosing Beatbox airlines!
Bell looked down and noticed Tadayoshi alongside Nina, fighting back to back against the hoard, then he pointed within their direction.
Bell: down to our right, we have my two amazing friends, Tadayoshi and Nina! And as usual the two look absolutely adorable together!
Tadayoshi: shut up and stop messing around, idiot. The faster we take care of these wyverns, the better!
Bell: already missing me, huh? I guess I could go a bit faster to stand right by my bud's side once again!
Tadayoshi: you know what.....sure, I do miss you...
Bell: *gasp* REALLY!?
Tadayoshi: yes......kill these wyverns and you can stand right by my side, and I'll be generous enough to give you 1 single second of your remaining freedom.
Bell: wait why!?
Tadayoshi: because for the remaining time, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you.......
Bell: maaaaan!.....alright alright, fine!
The Wyvern that Bell stood on finally managed to shake Its body and knock Bell off balance. The Wyvern tried to swipe at Bell from behind, but he jumped up to avoid the attack, and when he fell straight back down. He rested one of his feet on top of its head while standing on his tippy toes.
Bell: woah, calm yourself buddy! You almost killed me there! Now you wouldn't wanna do that, right?
Bell felt an odd sense of Sumi and looked at his surroundings as the Wyvern continued to howl.
Bell:.....speaking of killing....I guess you guys don't care about killing each other too, huh?...
Bell jumped straight up off of the Wyvern, and just as it was going to chase him, it stopped and noticed from separate angles, other different Wyverns flew and charged up their own attacks.
Bell gave the Wyvern a small wave as a goodbye while the other Wyvern's shot their attacks towards it, completely shredding and burning its body to nothing but dust.
Bell: sheesh....I wouldn't be surprised if you guys ate each other at this point....
Nina: Bell!
Bell looked down towards Nina, seeing her directing his attention from above. He turned his head and noticed a Wyvern above him, shooting a blast of spherical Sumi energy straight at him.
Bell shifted his body and used his gauntlet to press against the sphere of energy, fluently moving the sphere on his own, grabbing a chunk of energy from the attack before throwing the energy straight back at the Wyvern.
As expected, the beast dodged the attack, but from the energy Bell grabbed from the attack, he curled his fist to absorb it into his gauntlet, smirking as he pointed a finger gun towards the Wyvern.
Bell: aaaand Bam!
Bell shot off a swift bullet of energy that pierced the Wyvern's head and immediately killed it. As the Inkling boy fell through the sky, he could only laugh as he dodged Wyvern after Wyvern, but also using them as small forms of elevation.
Bell: Does this count as flying!!? Yo Nina! I bet that I can beat my old record like this!
Nina: *tsk*.....they just keep coming....
Tadayoshi: my question is where are they fucking coming from specifically?....
Nina: it looks as if it's from all angles.....we wouldn't have time to find a precise location like this....
Tadayoshi:.........I guess them multiplying in power also multiples them in numbers as well......
Nina: at this rate, it'll possibly take hours to kill all of them.......and we have to conserve some energy to meet up with Clara at the bridge......'re right.........*sigh*...alright.........let's buy ourselves some time...... do you plan to?....
Tadayoshi:.....from the idiot himself....
Bell dodged through the air with a smile, and when he looked down he saw Nina and Tadayoshi bolting and killing each Wyvern in their path, glaring directly up at him.
Tadayoshi: Dumbass!!
Bell: I have a naaaame!!
Tadayoshi: shut up!! Let's do that stupid thing you told us about!!
Nina:....wait...y-you're referring to his...
Bell: *gasp* our super sync friendship attack!!? I knew it would come in handy one day!!
Tadayoshi: don't call it that......but yes...
Bell chuckled and turned his body so his back was facing Tadayoshi towards the ground, and just as a Wyvern dashed at him from above, Bell smirked and opened his arms once again.
Bell: Tempo!
With a large clap, exactly as before, Bell sent a large force of wind that shredded the Wyvern before him, but also launched himself down towards the ground. Bell flipped his body around and landed straight on the ground, cracking it below himself, offering his hands out specifically to Nina.
Bell: you first, Nina!
Nina sheathed her blade and extended her arms out to Bell, allowing him to grab onto her hands and spin her around, throwing her into the sky to give her a form of elevation. He chuckled and looked towards Tadayoshi, giving him a smirk and holding out only one hand instead towards him.
Bell: you know what to do.
The demon rolled his eyes and extended his own arm out, allowing Bell to grab him, holding onto each other's forearms.
Bell spun Tadayoshi before throwing him into the air exactly like Nina, watching the two soar up to the Wyverns above. Bell let out a small huff and kneeled down, gently placing his gauntlets on the ground, making them slightly shake and rumble.
With a much more concentrated force of Sumi, Bell shot his Tempo stream into the ground, completely breaking it from below but giving him an amazing boost into the sky as well.
Nina quickly pulled out her blade once again and began to swiftly dodge Wyverns left and right, slicing through them all. A Wyvern tried to attack her from behind, but before it could even get close, Tadayoshi's pen pierced straight through the beast's jaw and through its head, with no time later, he quickly punched the stomach of the Wyvern as he grabbed his pen, kicking it from off of his blade and using a crescent kick to slice through the torso of yet another Wyvern, slightly grumbling from the annoying, endless onslaught of the beasts.
The two soared up until they were above all of the remaining Wyverns, and Nina gripped her blade harder than usual just as her tentacles began to glow, activating her especial stream just as Bell caught up to them.
Nina: acidic tears....
Her stream known as "acidic tears" allows Nina to strike the air with her blade and produce a large cloud to pour down acid towards her enemies below. The attack was very similar to an Ink Storm that was used by non-stream Inklings and octolings during their battles in turf war.
The cloud formed before the three of them, and the two boys looked at each other, with Bell giving Tadayoshi a nod.
His pen began to glow and he quickly threw it with tremendous speed down towards the acidic cloud. Before the pen made contact with the cloud though, Bell opened his arms and released one last Tempo shot, adding more pressure to Tadayoshi's pen, watching it go into the cloud.
The acidic cloud began to turn black however.....and the small drops of rain were soon replaced with many black and corrupted shards of sumi. The attack pierced and obliterated and pierced every Wyvern known within the area....even though they roared and screamed, the 3 stream Inkling's couldn't see the brutality due to the cloud blocking their view.
Shards slammed and pierced into the ground, and began to corrupt the area by turning the dirt black while also cracking more and more. The dying environment was enough to make Wyvern's soon inhale the dark fumes....corrupting and killing them from the inside out......
Tadayoshi looked towards Nina and saw her slightly panting as her eyes began do slightly close....just as the cloud faded, Nina fell from the air and Tadayoshi quickly dived down and caught her, landing on the ground to only notice the many dead and decaying Wyvern bodies......
Nina opened her eyes and was about to speak, but Tadayoshi only shook his head towards her.
Tadayoshi:.......don't............just rest....alright?...........
Nina couldn't she nodded instead and once again closed her eyes for a little just as Bell landed on the ground before them....hearing the screeches and screams from even more Wyverns from the far distance, heading towards their location....
Tadayoshi:...let's go......the stream won't hold them off for long.....
Bell: Hah! To Stone clan we goooo!
Bell ran ahead and Tadayoshi let out a small sigh, carrying Nina through the cause of their destruction. He saw his pen pierced into the ground, and with one small glance, the pen extracted itself and flew towards him, soon evaporating in sumi and going back into his body....
Unknowingly......behind his back, a cephalopod was in the far distance, looking straight at Tadayoshi.....then pressed on their earpiece with a big smile on their face....
???: The stage 4 Wyverns were a failure Mr. Espey~....what a disappointment. The 3 of them didn't sustain no forms of injuries......but one of them fell unconscious from exhaustion~
E:.......interesting.....usually a stage 3 would be enough to slaughter an average level Stream......
???: shall I continue on the enhancements then?~
E: if it is possible for you at the moment, then yes. I'll leave these creatures in your hands.......
The call ended and the cephalopod could only sigh as she thought of the image of Tadayoshi in her head.....she sat down and could only hum gently as she began to bite her own finger.
She was an Inkling girl who had pure bloodshot eyes along with her own pair of Wyvern wings on her back, but unlike others, hers seemed more....advanced and stronger.....the more she thought about Tadayoshi....the harder she bit on her finger....making herself actually bleed in the process......
??? a interesting and attractive fella~....
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