Chapter 13: New Bonds
Lola slowly opened her eyes and saw nothing but a blurry view in above her. She whimpered silently and slowly leaned up, noticing that she was sleeping on a Hospital bed. Lola?......
Lola looked over to her side to see the demon boy Tadayoshi, sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed and crossing his arms while letting out a tiny sigh, tapping his finger on his arm. From a different direction, she heard the rapid sound of keys from a keyboard clicking over and over with no break. She looked in the opposite direction to see an Inkling girl with a lab coat, typing onto a computer as a jar stood next to her on her desk.
Within the jar was a heart that had many vials and tubes punctured into it, and with one last, final, and hard click of a keyboard key, the inkling girl yawned and stretched in her chair with a beaming smile on her face as she had bags under her eyes, while giving off a pure Sumi aura of happiness and curiosity.
Tadayoshi: finished, Clara?.....
Clara, an Inkling girl with dark blue tentacles and glasses, turned her chair around and gave Tadayoshi a smirk with a cute thumbs up. She had yellow eyes and light skin, wearing a simple lab coat over her normal clothing, as her normal stream attire.
Clara: Yup! Analyzation is complete!
Tadayoshi: finally......
Clara looked over at Lola, and the two made eye contact. Clara smiled in delight and squealed to herself, which only made Lola slightly uncomfortable.
Clara: oh my cod! Tadayoshi, she's finally awake! Look, Look!!
Lola looked over at Tadayoshi, seeing his pure yellow eyes look back at her face, showing no sign of emotion unlike Clara, and within a simple span of time, Lola saw Tadayoshi's eyes revert away from her and look back over towards Clara, only letting out a simple "mm" in the process.
Lola: w-who are you guys!? Lola wants to go home!!
Tadayoshi: not happening, kid.....your "Home" was destroyed, remember?
Tadayoshi: *shrugs* sorry.
Lola looked away, and sadness began to rush through her body. She hugged her knees to her chest after remembering her mother, and Tadayoshi looked at her once again, letting out another tiny sigh before sitting up from his chair to walk over to Clara, but as he passed by Lola, he raised his hand and gently patted her on the head, which made her look at him from behind, concerned as her tears rolled down her face, but for that slight moment he patted her head, she felt a comforting, warm sense of slight purity flow through her body, leaving her speechless.
Tadayoshi: what did you find?
Clara: Something quite.......odd....
Tadayoshi leaned closer to the screen beside Clara, seeing her point at DNA fragments of Gale's Sumi from within his heart.
Clara:..........the only time I've ever noticed dull Sumi is from a loss of strength.......
Tadayoshi: *nods* Mhm........that's exactly what it looks like.......I've seen this type of problem's starting to spread throughout's more common to find nowadays......
Clara: how common, exactly?
Tadayoshi: many streams have came to take my life throughout the past couple of months, and killing them is starting to become more and more's still concerning....
Clara:.....I can understand low-level streams......but.....even Gale?....he's a core...
Tadayoshi: it only makes sense.....he was too weak to be considered as a "Core Level" stream........and after taking his we both know that this condition is proving to even be lethal to Cores as well.....despite their strength....
Tadayoshi nudged his head over towards Lola, which made Clara look over in her direction to see her hiding her face as her knees were up against her chest.
Tadayoshi: the clan was a joke.....when I emerged from my lunar dimension, this kid easily killed the remaining clan members on her own........
Clara:......well, when a core gets weaker, the clan as a whole gets weaker as well...that's why cores always have take their place to further grow the clan's strength...making this an endless cycle....
Tadayoshi:'s still impressive......
Clara stayed silent for a minute, but eventually nodded to Tadayoshi before smiling and standing up from her desk, walking over to Lola and gently rubbing her head, and after her delicate touch, Lola's head slowly lifted and looked directly at her, seeing the trail of tears that seeped from her eyes.
Clara: it's gonna be okay..........I'm sorry that you had to experience something so.......brutal......
Clara: we'll take care of you.....Tadayoshi spoke with your mother after she died.....
Lola:......h-he........spoke with Mama?....
Tadayoshi: *nod*.......
Clara: she wanted him to protect you.....that was her last wish.......she wants you to live happily......
Clara: we'll protect you, Lola......especially Mr. Tadayoshi....he saved all of us.......he's our best stream for sure, so he won't let no bad guys hurt ya....
Clara looked back at Tadayoshi, seeing the demon boy simply give no response and only stare at the ground as he leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets, which only made Clara concerned and slightly annoyed from him.
His eyes slowly averted towards the two girls. He looked at Clara, then over at Lola to see her face, noticing her scared, confused, and upset stare at him, which made his body tense up with a shock that jolted through his blood.....he couldn't understand why or how.......but he shook his head as he stood up from the wall and removed his hands from his pockets.
Within one of Tadayoshi's hands, Lola noticed a little glow of blue emit from it. Tadayoshi looked at her and tossed the blue sphere of aura towards her. Lola stumbled, but quickly reacted and reached out to the small sphere, grabbing it with her hands.
She slowly opened her hands to see the Sumi slowly dim down and reveal a little glass orb that was connected to a chain. Lola looked deep within the orb and saw a tiny little sea dragon inside of it, giving off a pure radiance of spirit and life.'s a Sea Dragon, kid.....
Tadayoshi: she was my first successful creation......I'm practicing a molding process with Sumi far......I can only make small creatures......
Clara: *gasp* Oh my cod!!! She's so cuuuuuute!! Can you make one for me too, Tadayoshi!!?
Tadayoshi: no.
Clara: man!'re so mean sometimes!
Tadayoshi rolled his eyes and reverted his eyes back to Lola. He saw the little Octoling stare at the tiny orb in pure curiosity and happiness. She slowly raised her finger and pressed it against the sphere, then the little sea dragon gently rubbed its head against the glass, directly in front of Lola's hand.
Lola: D.......Dra....gon......
Tadayoshi walked over to Lola, and instead of feeling any form of fear like before, the little girl simply looked at Tadayoshi calmly as he approached her. Tadayoshi gently grabbed onto Lola's sides, then picked her up from the bed, placing her directly in front of him and holding his hand out to her.
Lola hesitated, but then slowly held the sea dragon up for Tadayoshi to take. He stretched out the chain and wrapped it around Lola's neck, clipping it into place, then let it go, looking at it hang from her neck.
Tadayoshi: there....
Tadayoshi:.........look.......your mom asked for me to take care of's the least I could do for her.......I got your back, Kid.......
Lola could feel her emotions overwhelm her when she heard him speak towards her with hopeful words......and she clenched her fists lightly as a result, letting out tiny sniffles. you okay, kid?.....
Without hesitation, Lola walked up closely to Tadayoshi, gently resting her head on his stomach, which made Tadayoshi freeze up as he looked down towards her. He looked at Clara, seeing her gesturing him to provide care and love towards her. He raised his hand and rubbed on Lola's head, and finally within the span of years, Tadayoshi felt his Sumi within his body flow with ease and relax him greatly.......hearing Lola whimper while clenching his shirt.
Lola:........Mr. Tadayoshi.......H-He's......gone......right?......'ll never see him again....
Clara let out a tiny "awe" and pulled out her phone to take a picture of the two, but before she could snap the picture, Tadayoshi's pen flew towards her and pierced her phone, pinning it to the wall, and when she looked at Tadayoshi, she saw his stern glare, which only made her huff towards.
Clara: *mumble* you didn't have to break it, but face....
Clara walked over to Tadayoshi's pen and grabbed it from the wall, pulling onto it as she gritted her teeth, struggling to even make it budge. Lola and Tadayoshi's bond was interrupted by the doors to Clara's lab bursting open, which made both Tadayoshi and Clara look over to see an Inkling boy with a beaming smile on his face, standing in the doorway with an Inkling girl right by his side.
Clara: *gasp*.....Bell!! Nina!!
Just then, Tadayoshi held out his hand and his pen emerged from the wall, making Clara fall and let out a tiny "ow" in the process as her broken phone fell onto her as well.
Bell: wasuuuuup!!
Tadayoshi's rolled his eyes at the Inkling boy as he put his pen away. The boy who was known as "Bell", a former Melody Clan member that had silver tentacles and a right green eye, and a left blue eye. Bell stood loud and prideful within his unique, stylish, and slick stream clothing, bringing nothing but positivity and kindness wherever he went, which only got under Tadayoshi's skin.
Tadayoshi looked over to the Inkling girl next to Bell, known as "Nina". The girl had long tentacles that were black, fading into a venomous green, matching her eyes. Just like Tadayoshi, Nina had manifested a Kilu that was below her left eye, within the shape of a Teardrop that emitted an acid-like, aura.
Bell: Tadayoshi! My man! How ya doin!?
Tadayoshi saw Bell hold his hand out for a shake, but he simply ignored it and looked at him with a raised eyebrow of annoyance.
Tadayoshi: hello.....
Bell: awe c'mon!
Tadayoshi: I'm not touching you....
Bell: *hmph* I'll get you to shake my hand one of these days! Just you wait!
Bell let out a chuckle, and when he looked down, he saw Lola, clinging to Tadayoshi and looking up at him with a worried expression, but all he simply did was crouch down slightly and look at her with his smile. He looked on top of her head and saw a pink bow that was wrapped around her tentacles but it was slightly loose which made him shake his head and gently fix it for her.
Bell: I see you're finally awake, little one. The name's Bell, but you can call me by my more known nickname, "BeatBox".
Tadayoshi: nobody calls you that.....
Bell: I know people will eventually!!
Clara: *giggles* definitely not.
When Bell started to ramble on and on towards Clara, Tadayoshi shifted his attention over to Nina, who was already looking at him prior. She nudged her head to the door of the laboratory, and Tadayoshi gave her a nod, gently grabbing Lola and making her release her grip from him. Just as she began to get upset, he poked her forehead and she looked up towards him.
Tadayoshi: I'll make you something when I get back........
Tadayoshi saw Lola hesitate, but step away from him while looking down, understanding him. He let out a tiny sigh and walked away with Nina, out of the laboratory and into the hallway of their facility, then Nina turned to him, being the first to speak.
Nina: Tadayoshi.....I recommend for you to lay low for quite some time........
Tadayoshi: why?.....
Nina:......I saw Venom clan streams out within the open......traveling within a squadron.........
Tadayoshi stayed silent after hearing what Nina had to say, and took a minute to process the situation. Even though it seemed normal for Clan streams to leave their empires, Venom clan stream members are not allowed to leave within the empire due to their hatred from other clans, which would automatically cause the death of a venom clan member if they were spotted by any other clan.
The empire keeps clan members completely safe within their terrain due to the toxin fueled atmosphere, and if a normal stream inhales the air from within their environment, the toxins will make quick work of them instantly.
Tadayoshi: they must be sent out for a special mission.....that's the only reason they'd leave their empire.....they still want me dead, huh.......not surprised... this point.....I'm pretty sure they understand the bigger picture....
Tadayoshi:......what do you mean?.....
Nina walked close to Tadayoshi and grabbed onto his shirt, making both of them stop in the middle of the hallway. She lifted up his shirt to expose a large dark scar that stretched across his chest. The scar glowed slightly, and Nina gently poked a glowing portion of it with her finger.
Nina: they don't want you because you're a criminal.......they want you because you're an Archdemon.....the beast of the wastelands......not to mention you've avoided death once.......they'll make sure that it doesn't happen again.....
Tadayoshi couldn't help but pause from Nina's words......and he looked down to see his scar.......remembering that faithful day......
Tears slowly began to flow from the young Tadayoshi's face......his body was numb.......his vision was fading......and he couldn't move a single muscle within his body.
He laid on his back within a field of grass that was coated in blood....his own seeped into the soil and spread around him.....with every ounce of his strength, he shifted his eyes and looked down at his chest.....his flesh was expansive and torn.........all he saw were remaining bits of his heart........
His tears flowed faster as he felt his lungs lock up within his body.......tasting the blood that fell from his mouth.....but it wasn't long before he felt his sense fade from him........not tasting the bitterness of his own blood anymore.......his vision darkened and he finally gave up on himself....letting his body slowly shut down before him.
???:........a poor soul....
His remaining vision wavered......but he managed to make out a figure of a woman......and two horns on her head stood tall and proud.........he saw a gleaming light from the woman's body..........then saw her spread a pair of wings from her back as she kneeled down towards him.......
Tadayoshi forced himself to not dwell too deep into this thoughts, grabbing his shirt and pushing it back down from Nina, looking away from her and staying silent.
Nina:.....many names surround you.....and many enemies........the stream with no what you're truly known as.....
Ever since that day, The Demon boy lost more than he could ever imagine....being a living, breathing stream without a heart within his chest or pride in his soul......even though he avoided death by the strength of a ArchDemon, but it never reverted his sense of taste........making everything seem very bland and boring to him....
But the most important thing of all...was losing the trust of his closest and cherished comrade, Alex......who was now known as the core of Flower Clan......and ever since the day of his young death, she was gone, and never to be seen ever again....
Tadayoshi:..........I'll make sure to kill them if they get anywhere near me......the Dull Sumi that's expanding from many will only make this too stupid to care about.....
Nina: and what will you do when Yufine decides to hunt you down herself? you believe something like that would even be effective against her?....
Nina: I believe our best course of action is the child........she's our guide into Flower clan.....Yufine still doesn't know about the Clan's should be safe there with the other demon as well.....
Nina grabbed Tadayoshi's shoulder and gave him a gentle nod, but didn't see his eyes revert to her, instead he looked away and at the ground.
Nina: that will also be your chance to apologize after all of these years.....
Nina waited for Tadayoshi's response, but instead, Tadayoshi walked away from her, shoving his hands In his pockets.
Tadayoshi: I'll think on it........
Tadayoshi walked throughout the long hall, hearing crashing and yelling coming from Clair's lab, and from the inside emerged Lola, flopping on her face and immediately getting up to run from Bell, who walked out the Lab with a chuckle on his face.
Lola: stay away from Lola!!
Bell: c'mon! I just wanna give you a handshake!
Lola saw Tadayoshi in the distance and quickly dashed towards him, jumping onto his body and hugging him from behind as Bell walked over towards the two, hearing Lola whimper towards him.
Tadayoshi: what did you do?.....
Bell: I just wanted a handshake! wonder she ran from you.....
Bell: hey!!
Tadayoshi: *sigh*.......want some food, kid?
Lola nodded adorably at Tadayoshi's request, and he simply turned around and began to walk away from Bell with Lola strapped to his back, and as he tuned out Bell's yelling and screaming, he could only think of one simple thing, looking down and seeing Lola's small hands wrapped onto his chest.
Tadayoshi:......(I'll set things right).....
Venom clan laid deep and secluded within the dark and disgusting swamp, being hidden from all eyes around. Two Venom Inklings stood guard in front of the clan gate, with both of them wearing toxic gas masks to protect themselves, while also hiding their identities.
Strong and questionable footsteps were heard deep within the trees right in front of the main gate. The two inklings looked at each other, both eager to draw their weapons.
Guard 1: back already?.......the squadrons just disbanded not even an hour ago......
Guard 2:.....stay cautious.....
The foot steps got louder and louder, hearing the mushy steps from the swampy mud below, being made by only one single individual. The two guards glared within the woods, then drew their blades simultaneously.
Guard 2: Show yourself!!
Guard 1:.......Squadron!!!!
???:..............standing guard within a deeply secluded location?..........always surrounded by many forms of defense........
The guards stood stiff from the sound of the echoing voice, and from the trees, emerged an Inkling boy with dark skin and white eyes, with one of his hands behind his back. The boy wore a white cloak that reached all the way down to his knees, being equipped with white shoulder pad armor and slightly long white tentacles that touched the protective metal, with only one golden yellow line going through his hair.
???: I must say.......the traps you laid out within this region..........clearly need some improvements......
Guard 1: Who are you!!?
Guard 2: state your name!!!!
The Inkling stood for a second, then let out a tiny sigh and removed his hand from behind his back, tossing an object at the guards. One of them caught it and looked at it to notice the blood that seeped from it......the eyes and color.......a venom clan member's head was now currently coating his hands in blood, which made him stand in shock, but he heard a single step, making him look up to see the Inkling, placing a hand on his own chest.'s a pleasure.....I have important business to discuss......
Esper walked past the two guards, then placed one of his hands on the door of the gate, and his hand began to glow, ready to blast a hole through the pure steel doors.
Before Esper had the chance, one of the guards grabbed onto his shoulder, which made him turn his head and look at the guard from the corner of his eye.
Guard 1: if you want your questions answered, then go ask any other disgusting clan.
Guard 2: if you force yourself through our gates, we will not hesitate to take aggressive action which will lead to your death.
Esper turned his head slightly, and from his gaze, the two guards froze in fear from him. The guard's hand began to sizzle, then burn him greatly with it rested on Esper's shoulder, which made him let go of Esper and grunt in pain. The Inkling turned his body around and slowly raised up his own hand, bringing it over to his own shoulder and slightly dusting himself off, keeping his eyes focused on the two venom guards. you wish to see the power of a god?.............
The two cephalopods stood in absolute shock and disbelief on the Inkling's words. Within this world, the creation of streams is within the path to reaching the spectrum of reality and become what the gods were back then. Stream users were below godhood, and claiming to being a reflection of god was considered as a sin.
Many have been ruthlessly executed or tortured because of their godly statements, but even though he knew the consequences, Esper did not waver in the slightest, and he simply looked at the two guards.
Guard 2:...........w-what.....what did you just say!!!? form of hesitation was within my statement..........
Esper walked over to one of the guards and slowly raised his hand towards their face, then with a single finger, touched his head very gently.
Esper: you want to see a visual representation?..........
Guard 2:...........*tsk* lie...
Esper:............very well............this won't take long.......
One of the guards gritted their teeth and slapped Espers hand away from them, and jumped away from him to properly grip his blade and prepare for combat. The guard's head began to glow, but before he had the chance to attack, his head suddenly shot out with blood, and split in two, spreading the blood on the other guard, who only stood in disbelief, looking back towards Esper.....and seeing him look directly back towards him.
Guard 2: (.......he didn't even.......move a the blink of an eye...............he....)
The guard began to sweat intensely from the simple sight of Esper.....he shook in fear.......but soon let out a tiny sigh and collected himself, which only made Esper raise his eyebrow towards him. The guard then gripped his own blade with both of his hands towards him.
Guard 2: leave this place, you damn criminal!
The guard quickly dashed at Esper and swiftly swung his blade directly at Esper's neck. Within the blink of an eye, the guard noticed Esper immediately vanish in front of him, and he stopped his swing in mid-motion.......he stood within place, then turned his head to only see Esper behind him once again, which only made the guard grit is teeth in pure anger.
Guard're doesn't'll slip up eventually.......'re trying to speak boldly......but I can sense your fear....your act is pathetic.....
Guard 2:...........
The Guard stood stern against Esper, and he tried to grip onto his sword harder, but when he tried, he had no sense of touch in his nerves. The guard questioned himself, looking down and noticing his arms and hands that were wielding onto his blade, but from the arms, were drops of blood.......his hands became lifeless and slowly lost grip of the sword, and soon his eyes widened in shock.......noticing that his two arms have been completely severed......pouring blood onto the ground below him.
The Guard began to shake violently as he looked at his pouring blood and noticed his vision getting more and more blurry, and he simply saw Esper walk past him, before he could even speak, the guard noticed his own head slip from his shoulders, giving him an upside down view of Esper along with his lifeless body.
Everything faded to black, but just as he was witnessing his fate, he saw Esper place his hand on the door once again, then simply shake his head in disappointment.
Esper's hand glowed brightly, and from taking a swift breath, he blasted a hole directly through the steel gates. The explosion already caught the attention of many, and when he opened his eyes, he saw many venom streams staring directly at him. Within a second, a large siren began to roar within the empire.
St = stream (duh)
Esper saw more and more stream users begin to rush towards him with their weapons in hand. Esper closed his eyes and reached his hand out outwards, then his hand began to glow golden Sumi. Right before everyone's eyes, a large spear formed into Esper's hand. A pure white spear with golden blades sticking out from opposite sides. Unlike the spear's appearance within the human era, Esper's spear looked more like a representation of a Pen instead, a and powerful pen that could easily take the life of any stream user.
Esper: I came to speak to your core.....let me through.....unless you want me to take your lives too.......
The whole group of venom streams yelled and began to insult Esper constantly, and all he did in response was look down at the ground and notice a rock on the ground. He kicked the rock slightly to make it fly barely high enough in the air, then he caught it with his boot, casually playing with it as if it was a soccer ball.
Esper: I guess I'll have to find another way to speak with her.....
St Inkling: *chuckle*'re fucking hilarious, man. You'll never get the damn chance to speak with her, so this is your last warning....
St Inkling: leave this place now, or suffer a brutal and painful deat-
Just then, Esper kicked the little rock higher than usual, and with one swift motion, Esper jumped and spun his body above the ground, kicking the rock with tremendous force. The Rock shot as fast as a bullet, and quickly shot directly through the Inkling's neck, making everyone stare in silence, watching the rock completely shred through many cephalopods and out of sight. then......
Esper dashed forward with amazing speed. The venom clan members began to roar from their anger, and with a killing intent for pure bloodshed. They ran in a swarmed formation to Esper, seeing him glare at them with no form of hesitation.
Misty stood in her own laboratory, mixing deadly chemicals together, then began to analyze it. She was cut off by the battle cry roar from her clan, which made her turn her head slightly towards her balcony.
Misty began to walk towards the balcony, but then a small blast shot through her balcony and hit the wall behind her, cracking it with great force.
She looked over at the wall, completely stunned on the situation. She walked over towards the wall and looked directly in the middle of the cracks on her wall to see a small rock that rested inside of it. She grabbed the rock with her index and thumb, but the second she did, her two fingers were instantly burned by the rock, making her wince in pain and accidentally drop it.
She looked down at the rock from the ground, seeing a stain of blood that rested on it, but was slowly getting burned, leaving behind nothing but smoke.
Misty:.........venom blood..........
Esper began to swiftly move within the streams, slicing and penetrating them with his pen in the process. He spun his pen and quickly hit an Inkling's sword out of their hand, then spun his pen once more and used his blade on the opposite side of his pen to cut the Inkling's throat, making blood splat onto the ground below.
The inkling fell to their death, and just then, Esper quickly dodged the many oncoming attacks from the multiple streams, perfectly reading their movements and slaughtering them one-by-one. Some streams could only stare at Esper, completely stunned from his swift movements, accuracy, and techniques.
St Octoling: how is.........he not fallen to the mist?..........our toxins?...........he has no form of facial protection........
St Inkling: *tsk* he's killing all of us.....t-that......bastard......nobody should have such power to take on empires alone...........except for Cores.......and even Yufine herself....
St Inkling 2: his Sumi feels strong.....but......different than what I've ever sensed........
Esper flipped over an Octoling and pierced their head from behind. He turned his body in mid air to avoid distant shots from venom streams, and when he landed on the ground, he looked down, noticing the ammunition that was recently shot towards him. He picked one of the pieces and noticed that it wasn't a bullet at all, but rather a dart with lethal poison stored inside.
Esper analyzed the dart a bit more, and instead of discarding it, he instead slid it into his pocket just as more streams began to rush towards him. Esper turned into his squid form and jumped jumped high in the sky. He looked down at the many enemies below, then his pen began to glow brightly with a singular flash. His pen was emitting Sumi aura, and he held his pen back with a stern glare.
Esper:.........Especial stream
Esper aggressively threw his spear down towards the streams, and all of them managed to dodge it, and from the impact, destroyed the ground and created a crater that the pen stood upright within, stabbed into the middle of it's center.
While still in the sky, Esper placed his hands together and they began to glow brightly. He separated his hands only slightly, to see a sphere of a lost soul floating before him.
Esper compressed the sphere, then the soul shrunk and formed a little marble. He threw the marble downwards and it slammed on Esper's pen, and once it made contact, the pen drilled it's way into the ground completely.
Esper: Mythical soul tyrant.....
Just then, from the crater, emerged blue, sharp tentacles, letting out a screeching roar. The tentacles then began to target the venom streams, cutting their entire bodies in half, severing limbs of many, and breaking through their weapons to Pierce their heads.
Some of the streams looked up and saw Esper descending downwards to the ground, and to respond, the streams super jumped up towards him with their weapons in hand. Esper held his hand out, and suddenly, his pen emerged from the ground and shot through the sky, making its way back to him.
He gripped his pen and immediately twisted his body within the air to dodge a slash from an Inkling stream. He spun his pen and quickly pierced the Inkling through their back. The Inkling looked down as they dropped their weapon and noticed their pumping heart was resting on the tip of Esper's pen.
Their skin turned pale as Esper retracted his pen and watch them fall down to their death. He noticed two more stream users jumping towards him, which only made him let out a little sigh as a response.
Esper reached to the tip of his pen and pulled the heart off from it. He held the heart in front of him, aggressively crushing it with his pen and watched the blood fall down and drench the stream's faces, temporarily blinding them.
Before they had a chance to react, Esper quickly dove downwards, thrusting his pen down and piercing both of the enemy streams at the same time. He pushed them down to the ground and created a large shockwave that caught everyone's attention once more, seeing him glare as he held his pen right into two dead bodies on the ground. more games....
Esper held out his hand, then, the blue tentacles began to shrink and compressed into Sumi aura. The aura filled his hand with strength and from the previous bodies he killed, their souls led themselves towards his hand.
Esper pulled his pen out of the two streams under him. His pen, it began to glow with a vibrant shade of Sumi, Esper held his pen and it glowed brighter by the second, and with one final glare, and from his glare alone, made the streams cautious and scared.
Misty: enough.....
Esper was about to bring down his pen to end them all, but before he had the chance, he heard the voice of Misty from a distance. The Venom clan members stepped to the side to respectfully allow Misty to pass.
As she walked towards him, she traced her way up his body and reached his face, seeing him look directly back at her. She stopped right in front of Esper, and held out her hand, to show Esper the rock from before, then she opened her mouth only slightly to speak., you're the one that Yufine told me about.........
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