Chapter 12: Tadayoshi

*Hurricane Clan*

Inkling boy:  Kill them!!

Octoling girl: end their lives!!

Inkling girl: especially that damn little rodent!!

A crowd roared within the middle of the Hurricane clan empire, standing in front of a large stage that showed an Octoling girl, on her knees and tied up, unable to act. The girl's name was Lola, a member of the now deceased Namako Clan, and beside the young Octoling was a woman, who was tied up, hanging her head low in shame.

The woman was known as Mia, the mother of Lola. She had long yellow tentacles and was known as the former Core of Namako Clan, a strong clan that was mainly known for their extensive limbs and swift, yet sharp movements.

Lola: get off of Lola! Lola is hungry!!!!

Mia: Lola......

Lola looked over at her mother, seeing her look towards her with no sign of happiness, but not disappointment, rather, sadness and sorrow....seeing purple ink creep up her face and begin to infect her slowly....

Mia: it's'll get plenty of food...........once this is over........

Lola couldn't help but stare at her mother and feel her eyes water up slightly. From behind her, she heard the steps and felt the strong Sumi flow of an Inkling boy. His hair was long and was dark red like blood, his eyes gave off a sapphire shade of blue.

The boy was known as Gale, the core of the Hurricane Clan, looking out to his crowd of people who cheered for the two Namako Clan members to be executed. He let out a tiny smile, and simply raised his hand slightly, allowing his single sided axe to summon within his palm.

Gale: a simple price you must pay for stealing from my clan.....

Gale walked over to Mia, kneeling down and grabbing her tentacles, forcing her to look up at him, staring into her eyes.

Gale: I spare your lives in exchange for your loyalty......and what do you do?....go behind my back.........


Gale: I must say....I'm Namako members were known for being very loyal and supportive companions......

Mia: to the likes of people who treat us with respect.......


Gale let go of Mia's hair, then without any warning, kicked the woman straight in her face with his boot, knocking out one of her teeth and making her grunt in pain.

Lola: MAMA!!

Gale: clans have to EARN respect from each other.........and considering the circumstances........I dominate over you in power.......Do you believe I'd go out of my way to earn your respect? To someone as low as dirt?.....

Gale lifted his boot, then stomped on Mia's head, forcing her head down onto the ground, holding his axe over his shoulder as he heard the woman struggle to lift herself.

Gale: the only respect you earned from me is to lick the dirt off my should consider that as a blessing.....

Gale saw his words dig deep into Mia's heart, watching her face slowly fade into a state of acceptance. He looked over at his people once again, hearing their cheers, and seeing their faces of ruthless savagery. He took his boot off of Mia's head, then slowly raised his axe, ready to decapitate the woman, and he looked over at Lola, seeing tears roll down her eyes.

Gale: do you have something to say?......

He stared at Lola, not noticing a single motion from the girl's body.....he let out a little "hmph" in the process, and gripped his axe, after seeing Lola's silent state, he reverted his attention straight at Mia's neck once more.

Gale: goodbye......

Gale brought down his axe, swinging it down towards Mia's neck......but before he could make contact.....he felt his Sumi flow rapidly in his body, locking his limbs in place shortly afterwards, which made the blade stop directly above her neck, confusing the crowd.

???: do you truly believe that's how respect works?........

Gale was silent, only lifting his axe from Mia's neck, and he turned his head towards the crowd, noticing the voice that creeped towards him from that direction.

The crowd split open, and from the back, Gale saw an Inkling boy, holding onto a hurricane clan member from behind, covering their mouth to silence their screams, and everyone watched the Inkling slowly extract a pocket knife from the clan member's back.

The member fell down onto the ground in front of the Inkling, and Gale stared at him, watching him shake his blade once, getting all of the blood off of its prime steel.

???: respect is earned on equal terms......the concept of power.....doesn't're blinding yourself from the truth....

The Inkling boy slid his pocket knife into a sheath on his leg, and Gale took a deeper look at him. He had blazing Yellow eyes, short black tentacles, and cracks around his eyes......and from the side of his head, the boy had a singular demon horn that emitted mist from it's tip, along with a demonic tail that looked sharp and deadly. he showed no sign of emotion.......only a glare that dug deep into his soul.....

???: if those are truly your thoughts, you missed out on the key aspect anyway..........

The demon raised his hand slightly, and just like Gale from earlier, the demon summoned his own weapon, and from what everyone saw, his hand began to glow, then it manifested a spear that looked a lot like a fountain pen, gripping it firmly.

The pen was purely black, and had a solid bladed tip of glistening steel. Gale noticed half of an orb that rested on the pen, which looked like a core....but only half of a core.......

With one swift movement and no break of eye contact from Gale, The Inkling turned his pen and pointed it with his hand towards the distance away from Gale. From the tip of the pen, shot a thin, sharp stream of ink that traveled at incredible speed in the distance.

On top of a building sat an Octoling boy who was aiming straight at the demon with their own weapon, ready to launch an attack from a distance, but before he had the chance, the stream of ink pierced straight through his head like a bullet, killing him immediately.

Gale stood in shock, watching the boy slowly lower his pen after dealing with the distant assassin, leaving everyone silent, hearing him let out a tiny sigh.

???: strength is nothing but a ladder......and considering that you're above others......there are ones in this world that are above you......and in their're nothing but garbage as well.


???: so......wouldn't that mean you'd have to earn my..."respect"? dare show your face here, Beast of the wastelands?....

Tadayoshi:........The name's Tadayoshi. I'm here because I have questions.....

Gale: is that so?......

Gale jumped off of the stage where Lola and her mother were being held, and the crowd of Hurricane clan warriors backed farther away to allow him to walk towards Tadayoshi. Mia slowly lifted her head to see the two streams face off, and Gale glared deep into Tadayoshi's eyes, tilting his head at him.

Tadayoshi: I've been through this multiple I recommend you listen......

Gale: and if I don't?.....

Wind began to flow within the empire slightly, making Tadayoshi's hair drift with the current. The boy closed his eyes, showing no sign of hesitation but rather tapping the tip of his pen on the tough concrete below them.

Tadayoshi: I'll take your life......then destroy this entire empire.......simple...

Gale stared at Tadayoshi in disbelief, then heard many hurricane streams riot from his statement, screaming and summoning some of their weapons, but Gale sighed and lifted up his hand to halt the many streams from attacking the demon.

Gale: well then........

Mia felt her heart drop deep into her stomach.....she saw Gale slowly lift up his hand, and his fingers began to glow. He turned around and looked at her, pointing a finger gun straight at her head........her eyes looked towards Lola, seeing tears roll down the young girl's face.........she didn't cry herself however....she instead smiled gently towards her daughter......which only made Lola shake in concern....

Mia:..........I love much.....


With those final words, a powerful gust of wing shot straight from Gale's fingers, piercing Mia straight her head and making her eyes widen, her body go limp, and blood seep from the back of her head......she was front of Lola.....making her tears run faster....



Gale turned his head back over towards Tadayoshi, seeing no change in emotion from his face..........watching as Lola crawled over to her mother's corpse, pressing her head against her mother, shaking uncontrollably and sobbing loudly for everyone to hear.

Gale:........I'd like to see you try........


Tadayoshi shifted his foot slightly, then with one swift movement, dashed at Gale, catching him off guard. Gale saw Tadayoshi thrust the tip of his pen straight for his throat, but he managed to move to the side to dodge the attack, only receiving a tiny cut on the side of his neck in the process.

Gale jumped in the sky and summoned his axe, making it glow brightly, then held onto it with two hands, winding it back like a baseball bat.

Gale: especial stream....

Gale swung his axe down in the air at Tadayoshi, shooting many streams of ink down towards him. Tadayoshi looked up at the black ink heading down to his body. He saw the ink split and separate as if they were rain droplets, but he soon saw the droplets form and harden into sharp crystals.

Gale: Black Raining Widows...

The crystals rained down on Tadayoshi, and he jumped back as fast as he could, watching the crystal drops fall down and hit the ground, shattering in the process.

Tadayoshi firmly gripped his pen, then quickly swung it above himself, destroying the crystals in one swift strike. He saw Gale land on the ground, then dash towards him, swinging his weapon horizontally towards his waist to split his body in half.

Tadayoshi used his pen to block the strike, but from the force alone, Tadayoshi was knocked back towards a building. Instead of slamming into the wall, Tadayoshi managed to catch himself on the wall instead, then dashed directly at Gale once more, leaving nothing but a crater on the wall in his tracks.

Tadayoshi thrusted his spear at Gale once again, but Gale quickly evaded the attack and allowed Tadayoshi to fly past him. Gale grabbed onto Tadayoshi's ankle in mid air and aggressively swung Tadayoshi back, slamming him down to the ground.

Tadayoshi tried to get up, but Gale used his axe and swung it directly down towards Tadayoshi, slicing through the demons neck and decapitating him instantly.

Gale watched Tadayoshi's body go limp and his head fall, rolling on the ground and leaking blood. Gale scoffed at Tadayoshi's corpse, just as the entire clan cheered for him. didn't even last a minute....


Everyone in the clan went silent from the sudden claps, then turned their heads, including Gale, towards the source of the noise. They all saw Tadayoshi sitting on top of a building all by himself, without a single scratch on him whatsoever.


Gale looked back down at the Tadayoshi he once killed, only to see it's body emit in blue Sumi aura. Gale stood in shock as Tadayoshi's corpse exploded and emitted a blue mist that covered the entire area, preventing him from seeing anything around him.

Gale: a clone......

Just then, within the dark blue mist, Gale began to hear slashes and screams from his clan members all around him, seeing blood emerge from the mist and hit his face, making him wipe off the blood and grunt in annoyance.

He stared in the mist and suddenly felt a large surge throughout his body, a shock of pain. He gritted his teeth slightly and noticed his Sumi weapon slightly fade from his hands, but he still managed to keep its physical form.

Gale: (the mist is draining my Sumi from my body.....dammit...)

Gale used his might and jumped high into the sky to avoid the giant cloud of mist. He escaped and managed to get a clear view of the battlefield below him. The mist cleared and Gale hovered in the air, shocked when he saw the blood from the many corpses spread around the area. yourself, you bastard.....

Gale suddenly felt a sense of strength and Sumi flow behind him. He quickly turned his head and saw Tadayoshi in the air above him, curling up his fist with great force. Gale held out his axe to block the attack and Tadayoshi punched down onto it, sending more pressure onto Gale than he thought.

He gritted his teeth and Tadayoshi sent him plummeting down to the ground, but Gale managed to catch himself and land on his feet with great force, shattering the ground before him.

With no hesitation, Gale saw Tadayoshi in the air aggressively throw his spear down towards him at the ground. Gale jumped out of the way and saw the spear pierce the ground in front of him, within a matter of seconds, Tadayoshi landed on the ground and grabbed his pen, quickly pulling it out of the ground.

Tadayoshi swung his pen with one of his hands towards Gale, then a black stream of horizontal Ink cut through the air and approached him at lightning fast speed.

Gale ducked and the stream of ink went past his body, completely cutting directly through the building behind him.

Tadayoshi: especial stream.....

Tadayoshi tapped his pen on the ground, then Gale saw the ground change it's color to a very dark blue, rushing towards him. The blue floor passed by Gale's feet, and then he began to notice the change within the environment.

Gale looked up only to be met with the moon shining down onto him. The once concrete ground below them emerged and changed in to a field of grass with no other sense of life around them.

Tadayoshi: Midnight......

Gale felt the wind roll by him, and saw the grass sway alongside it......but something was off......the grass below him was black instead of green.....and the moon was shining with a pure Cyan color instead of white.......he looked at Tadayoshi, seeing him looking directly back into his eyes.

Gale:......(he stabbed his pen into the ground on purpose.........injecting ink into the ground so he could emerge it and seal me here.......)

Tadayoshi: a pocket eclipse dimension.....

Tadayoshi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and upon his face, Gale saw a manifestation of a Kilu form around his eye. The Kilu was shaped like a crescent moon that curved around Tadayoshi's left eye, illuminating directly at him as he opened his eyes.

Tadayoshi:......Alright then......

Gale saw Tadayoshi hold out his pen, then the pen began to glow brightly before flashing before him. Tadayoshi's pen split into two, and now the boy held two spears before Gale. He readied his axe, and Tadayoshi dashed towards him with tremendous speed, thrusting one of the spears at his head, but Gale successfully dodged the attack, but got pushed back by Tadayoshi's constant attacks.

The boy spun his pens like staffs before thrusting one after another towards Gale, giving him no chance to fight back. Tadayoshi spun one of his pens and swiftly swung it towards Gale's neck, planning to cut off his head, but Gale managed to lean back to dodge the attack just in time.

Gale held out his hand, and Tadayoshi noticed the Sumi emitting from his palm. He quickly jumped away as a large, sharp gust of wind shot from Gale's palm, intentionally trying to Pierce through and kill Tadayoshi just like Mia.

Gale gripped his axe and aggressively swung it towards Tadayoshi, cutting through the black grass and emitting a large wave of Wind that cut through everything in its way.

Gale: ( he's cornered.....he can't dodge.....just accept your fate and allow yourself to get shredded to bits. )

Just then, through the large wave of sharp wind, Gale stood shocked when he saw Tadayoshi quickly throw his pen through the wave of wind, flying straight at his head. Gale dodged to the side just in time, but to his surprise, The pen began to glow, and soon after, Tadayoshi emerged from the crystal on his pen, gripping onto it once more while behind the Hurricane Core.

Gale: ( he emerged from his pen!?..)

Tadayoshi swung his pen at Gale, but he jumped away and let out a breath of exhaustion and annoyance, gritting his teeth at the demon boy.

Gale:.....(that pen.....)

Gale looked closer at the pen, seeing the glistening orb inside of it, and at that moment.....everything clicked for him....

Gale:.......I thought my eyes were deceiving me before....that truly is a core......


Gale:........the strength of Moon Especial streams are gifted to you because you stole something that truly wasn't yours.......

Tadayoshi:........You're right.....this isn't my core..........but it doesn't belong to any Moon Core........Moon especial streams......are my takes on how I like to fight....... you can use multiple streams from different clans.......

Tadayoshi didn't give Gale a proper answer, but instead held his two pens within his hands, then spun them as his demon horn began to glow.


Tadayoshi held up one of his spears, then threw it, making it spin, he used his other pen and shot a quick stream of dark blue ink at his other spinning pen, making it ignite and roar with dark blue flames.

Tadayoshi:........Especial stream.........

Tadayoshi's pen spun in a star-shaped fashion all around the black grass field, completely destroying the ground around it and making Gale jump away in annoyance, but when Gale jumped into the sky, he saw a star carved into the black grass below him, and once he landed on his feet, Tadayoshi held his hand out and grabbed his other pen from spinning within the air.

Tadayoshi: Silent Nova........

Tadayoshi and Gale stood within the middle of the giant star, and Tadayoshi took a single breath before immediately dashing towards Gale, thrusting one of his pens towards him. Gale dodged and swung his axe, but Tadayoshi blocked his swing with one of his pens.

Gale's strength overwhelmed Tadayoshi slightly, making him lose grip of his pen, making it spin slightly above the ground in front of the two. Gale readied his axe to swing once more, aiming low towards Tadayoshi's legs, but the inkling jumped and flipped his body upside down, grabbing his spinning pen within the air and quickly swinging it towards Gale, cutting his chest and making him bleed.

Gale gritted his teeth as his blood dripped down from his chest, touching the grass, and making it illuminate below him. Gale swung his axe once again, but Tadayoshi, while still slightly above the ground, stabbed one of his pens into the dirt below them, dodging the swing and using his pen to give himself momentum, kicking Gale in the face.

Tadayoshi jumped back and stood before Gale, watching him grunt in annoyance as he used his Sumi to fast heal his chest wound, but when he did, the ground below them illuminated once more.


Gale: especial stream!

Gale held his axe back, and with a single vertical swing towards Tadayoshi, a gust of cloudy wind drove towards him within the form of a beast. Tadayoshi looked down at the ground, seeing another glow shine from below his feet.

Gale: Beast from the Wind...

Tadayoshi: especial stream......

Tadayoshi held one of his spears up, then threw it directly through Gale's beast of wind, piercing through it and destroying it. Blue flames emitted from the core of Tadayoshi's pen, and from the core, emerged the souls of many defeated streams by Tadayoshi's hands, turning into a large rush of pure flames.

Tadayoshi: Hell Chaser....

Gale held up his arms in defense to block the incoming rush of souls, and when the flames hit him, he felt Tadayoshi's pen pierce directly through his stomach, then the felt the countless hands of flames grab and scratch him while he was being burned in the process.

The especial stream concluded and Tadayoshi held out his had once more, then his other pen rushed back towards him, placing itself directly on his palm. Gale twitched and grunted as he glared at the demon. His skin was burned, he was bloody and bruised, and a large wound was showing directly through his stomach.


Tadayoshi: you're an inexperienced Core.........I could tell by the moment I laid eyes on're reckless....

Gale healed his skin and sealed up his stomach wound from using his Sumi to fast heal, and from that, Tadayoshi saw the ground illuminate for the fourth time, he saw Gale panting heavily after using too much of his Sumi to heal, which only made him sigh and he saw Gale hold his axe towards him with a look of pure determination and anger.


Just then, right before his eyes, Gale's axe within his hand, faded away in front of him due to using too much Sumi to maintain his weapon's physical form, leaving him stunned, and when he looked at Tadayoshi, he simply saw the demon close his eyes.


Tadayoshi allowed both of his pens to fade away as well, but from Gale's view, he noticed that Tadayoshi still had a lot more Sumi in his body to spare. He saw Tadayoshi take a stance, then hold up his fists towards him.

Tadayoshi: let's put this fight to a conclusion......

Tadayoshi dashed at Gale, and Gale tried to react, but since he was so low on energy and Sumi, he felt his head pulsate in pain due to over-exhaustion. Within a second, Gale was met with a punch directly to his face, making him grunt in pain.

Gale held his ground and tried to punch Tadayoshi, but his wrist was grabbed by the demon, who threw another punch at him, then dragged him in, kneeing him in his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

Gale flew back and tumbled in the black grass, but he quickly got up with rage completely taking over his mind, dashing at Tadayoshi once again. Tadayoshi slid his hands in his pockets and moved to the side, allowing Gale to run straight past him. Before Gale had the chance to embarrass himself further, Tadayoshi's Demon tail swiftly moved from behind his body and pierced Gale through his stomach. Then he used his tail to lift Gale's body into the air above him.'s over....

Tadayoshi saw Gale's blood seep from his body and drift down his tail, dripping off from his tail and touching the ground, making it illuminate for the fifth and final time.

Tadayoshi: the requirements have been met......

Tadayoshi extracted his tail from Gale, and watched the boy fall onto the black grass before him. The giant star within the ground that Tadayoshi made earlier with his pen began to glow brightly, and Tadayoshi walked outside of the perimeter of the star, then simply summoned his pen once more, stabbing it into the ground.

The five pointed ends of the star all glowed, and when Tadayoshi snapped his fingers, the five points shot chains from each angle towards Gale. The Hurricane Core tried to stand, but couldn't, and the five chains reached his body, with each chain wrapping around him. Two chains wrapped around his legs, Two chains wrapped around his wrists, and one chain wrapped around his neck, making him unable to move.


Tadayoshi: like I're didn't understand that you were leading yourself to your own death.......

Tadayoshi walked inside of the star, and stood face to face with him, using his hand and pulling out his pocket knife towards him.

Tadayoshi:.....Sumi is what flows within every living thing......and.....

Tadayoshi used his knife and cut Gale's left arm slightly, watching him bleed, then saw his blood drip down onto the grass below him. Once the blood touched the black grass, the floor illuminated and the chain holding Gale's left arm tightened greatly, making Gale grunt in pain.

Tadayoshi: especially for stream and non stream cephalopods.........once my seal is activated.......any form of blood or especial stream that's used will trigger one of the five completion steps each time...

Tadayoshi saw Gale's eyes widen, and he tried to break himself from the chains, but he was unsuccessful, and Tadayoshi simply let out a tiny sigh towards him.

Tadayoshi:......after all of this....I get to ask you now........


Tadayoshi: the previous Hurricane core was once associated with Flower Clan back then.......I assume all information is passed from Core to tell me.........

His yellow eyes emitted his Sumi aura slightly, and he leaned closer to Gale, pressuring him deeply.

Tadayoshi: Flower Clan?.....

Gale:..........within the region of fog........


Gale: *tsk*'s impossible for you to get through, demon......the fog is a Sumi negating especial stream that was emitted by the Stone clan.......once you step foot in're powerless...only certain clans are given blessings by Stone clan to allow them to see through the fog......

Tadayoshi: which clans?.....

Gale:........Thunder clan.....and Namako clan.......

Tadayoshi stood silent for a slight second....remembering the little girl who was about to die by the hands of Gale........and he slightly looked away...thinking to himself......

Tadayoshi:.........I see......

Tadayoshi stayed silent.......then suddenly, he quickly turned and pierced his hand through Gale's chest, shocking him and feeling his heart pump within Tadayoshi's hand.....Tadayoshi extracted his heart, then reached behind himself as Gale's skin began to turn dead and lifeless. Tadayoshi pulled out a Glowing container and dropped the heart inside of it, looking back at Gale and nodding to him.

Tadayoshi: she'll be pleased when she gets to analyze your halfway manifested core of a least you were worth more than for one thing.....I applaud you for that.....

Gale shook in his words, and as his eyes began to roll back, Tadayoshi placed a hand on Gale's forehead, then looked over at his pen that he pierced into the ground earlier. Gale's body began to glow and his soul was extracted from him, getting sucked into Tadayoshi's pen, trapping him inside for all of eternity.......

Tadayoshi:...........the region of fog........


Tadayoshi exited out of his pocket dimension and his Crescent moon Kilu faded from his face, then he saw scattered Hurricane clan streams all around him. He saw that Gale's empire has feel and left nothing but rubble and corpses. Straight across from him, Tadayoshi saw Lola who was on her knees in front of her mother's dead body.....her arms were completely bloody after killing the last remaining hurricane clan streams, and she only let out sniffles and whimpers.


Lola:......Leave Lola alone......

Tadayoshi walked over to Lola, ignoring her words and hearing her sniffles get more frequent as her body began to shake.

Tadayoshi: listen to me-


Lola turned around and began to flail her arms at Tadayoshi, and he quickly dodged the long stretching limbs from the little girl, noticing her arms swung so violently and fast that they cut directly through rubble and corpses with absolute ease.

Tadayoshi dodged her arms left and right, running straight up to Lola, and with no intention of hurting her, Tadayoshi swiftly and painlessly knocked her out by chopping her neck from behind. Lola stopped her rampage and stood for a slight moment before falling down, and Tadayoshi caught her in his arms, gently laying her down next to her mother.


Tadayoshi kneeled down beside Lola's mother, and gently touched on her forehead, which made his vision flash for a second as he entered into Mia's subconscious.

Within her mind, Tadayoshi stood directly across from her, seeing her gentle smile pointed towards him.

Mia:.....thank may Rest In Peace knowing that no longer within this world....... did Namako Clan fall?......

Mia:..........Gale inflicted our clan with a deadly was stated to be exactly from venom clan......and clan members began to fall and succumb to the sickness. I was also infected......yet he spared my life......and my daughter's........we were forced to be his slaves.....and every day he'd try to force us to take him to Flower Clan because he knew we had the ability to see through the thick fog...

Tadayoshi:.....why?..... of the Archdemons are being held within the clan at high security.....just so Luna wouldn't get her hands on them......

Tadayoshi:.......another demon......

Tadayoshi thought to himself for a second before Mia walked over to him and gave him a gentle hug, which caught him off guard completely, not knowing how to react.

Mia: please.............protect my daughter.........If you leave her.....she'll die in the wastelands for sure.......I know you have a pure heart.....I'm begging you......

Tadayoshi:......I'm a lone traveler....I don't trust myself to bring her with me.....

Mia: please!.......I don't want her to be alone......reconsider.......

Tadayoshi heard the woman sniffle as her body became a bit shaken from her overwhelming emotions. Tadayoshi sighed and gently moved Mia to make her take her hands off of him....

Tadayoshi:.......I need the kid anyway....I'm searching for Flower clan......just so I can speak to an old friend......but first...


Tadayoshi pulled out the container that held Gale's heart/Core, showing it to Mia, confusing the woman as tears rolled down her face.

Tadayoshi: I'm making a detour......but......I'll let your daughter tag along....

Tadayoshi saw the woman cover her face and sniffle more, which only made him roll his eyes while putting the container away once more.

Tadayoshi: stop with your crying....I already said yes......just be thankful.....

Mia:......*sniff*....I am.........more than you could imagine.......

The area around Tadayoshi began to shine brightly within a white tint, and with one last glance, he looked at Mia, seeing her smile towards him.....a smile that reminded him of someone.....making his eyes widen slightly.

Mia:........don't take care of yourself as well........Tadayoshi.......



Everything flashed and Tadayoshi opened his eyes once more, noticing that he was back within the real world. He took his hand off of Mia's forehead, then looked beside him to see Lola, still unconscious next to her mother.....


Tadayoshi leaned over and picked up Lola on his back, then used one of his hands, and upon his hand, a wrist gadget began to glow and connect to the distant area.

Tadayoshi:.....Clara........Hurricane Clan has fallen.......


*Extra Story Art*

Just a slight head sketch of the Demon Boy Tadayoshi.

- Oc Belongs to Tadayoshiscott

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