Chapter 1: The Rise Of A Demon

Back then...over 220 years ago was the Great Turf War...a very tragic event that devastated many and killed so many innocent squids and Octos.....making it start from the Inklings and Octolings discovery of the lives of humans and their worship of fascinated Inklings and Octolings...making them desire to become like these gods.....research had begun....and many experiments were conducted, but nothing was working....just as things seemed hopeless....a telephone emerged from the shadows, explaining to them that he was the last remaining god from the human era....showing them a gift of his own.

He was able to grant strength to others, with their loyalty in return....experiments had begun once more....but this time....thousands of lives were lost and discarded like trash...and with more and more subjects.....3 Octoling sisters....Named Luna.....Yufine....and Aura....the three shared blood, yet were very different in their own ways....Luna was a girl with a heart of ice....being rather cold and rash towards others....but even from her bad nature, she would always put others before herself.

She had blue tentacles that flowed down to her thighs, and purple eyes that represented amethysts. Yufine was a solar opposite of Luna, having a fiery type personality and burning people with her harsh words. She had short tentacles that she kept in a ponytail, showing her blazing blue eyes to everyone around her.

The last sister was a very gentle and kind Octoling....a girl who mainly broke up Yufine and Luna from their constant fights and bickering. Her heart was pure and clean...her voice was quiet...her tentacles were a dark shade of purple that went down below her shoulders, and with her passive nature, she was able to maintain her family bond.....

That was...until they were sold off by their father to become test subjects for the disgusting metallic phone....which only profited their father. The three girls stood in front of the telephone, and to the sides of them, stood 3 chambers....

Tar Tar: step in not hesitate...

Yufine scoffed, Luna coldly turned away, and Aura couldn't help but shake in fear as she turned to look at the 3 capsules. The three girls knew they were going to die.......all of the subjects before them was only normal to be the most likely occurrence.

Aura: g-guys......I don't...I can't....

Yufine:.....there's nothing we can do, Aura....

Luna: our lives are going to end regardless of these circumstances....

Aura stood in silence, then looked down at the ground, but before she could cry, she felt Yufine gently place her hand on her cheek, making her look up to her older sister.

Yufine: I'll tell you what....once this is over......we can all share some cups of tea with ma once we see her....would you like that?


Yufine nodded and let go of Aura, walking away with Luna towards the capsules. Aura saw her two sisters get into the two capsules, already accepting their fate of death. Her body shook, she didn't know what to do....then she felt the rustling sound of metal behind her, she knew it was right there....that device.....glaring at her......

Tar Tar:....I said don't hesitate......

Aura knew death was waiting for her, so she slowly stepped into the capsule that was in between Luna and Yufine's.....the capsules closed and the three saw the devious and horrendous intensity that the phone gave off towards them, which didn't faze Yufine or Luna....only Aura.

Tar Tar: test 9,000......ready.....production will begin....

The room turned dark.....the three girls stood in silence, seeing needles emerge from the sides of the capsule, quickly stabbing them in their necks, injecting them with glowing ink, eventually getting stabbed with more and more needles. The three girls screamed in pain as their eyes glowed and bodies shook.

Yufine and Luna dropped to their knees, holding their heads in pain. Luna felt her head pulsate before demonic horns sprouted from her, then felt her lower back explode, noticing a tail emerging from her. Yufine felt the extraction of her brain Ink, flowing through her head and igniting her hair. The two yelled in agony until the needles emerged from their bodies and they fell onto the ground.

The capsules opened and Luna and Yufine laid on the ground, seeing nothing but each other....being disgusted of their appearances....surprised of their survival......yet the two had nothing to say....only hearing the telephone mumble under his breath.

Tar Tar:....yes.....yes.....just one more.

Luna and Yufine couldn't feel their bodies whatsoever, and the two slowly shifted their heads towards Aura's capsule, that was still going and injecting her with ink. Aura screamed in agony and slammed her hand against the glass, begging her two sisters for help.

Aura: LUNA!!! YUFINE!!!! PLEASE!!!!....IT HURTS!!!

Tears rapidly ran down Aura's face, and the two couldn't do anything but watch their sister. Unlike Luna....Yufine saw something on Aura......a was hard to make out.......but before she could get a good look.....the capsule exploded from the inside before the two's eyes, leaving them shocked......the capsule opened and let out smoke and steam......showing the endless stream of blood from the inside....




Just then....Yufine slowly used her hand to push herself up, looking at the telephone.....glaring straight at him, but saw him stare at the broken capsule with no care in the world.

Tar Tar: if only the last one survived.....but the ratio is still positive......

Just then Yufine dashed at the phone and tackled it to the ground, allowing the blood in her body to boil, raising her flaming fist and punching the phone, making disgusting ink shoot out from the inside.


Yufine punched the phone over and over, and heard nothing but constant laughter from its voice box.


Tar Tar:..."impossible".......the word is fantastic.....isn't it?....


Tar Tar:.....the word can bring's "impossible" for anyone to surpass your level of's "impossible" to die from fatal wounds that would kill an average cephalopod.....


Tar Tar:.....but the word can also kill the hopes and mental state of others..........killing "impossible".......bringing back the lives I "impossible"....

The two sisters heard the phone laugh over and over....bursting ink all over Yufine before it spoke one last statement to the two.


The laughs continued...and all Yufine did was charge up another fist fueled by her boiling flames of Ink. She screamed and punched the telephone for the last time, cracking the floor beneath it and completely destroying it......Luna saw Yufine slowly stand up......then look over at her......


Luna didn't respond to Yufine, and she instead stood up and dusted herself off slightly, which angered Yufine.

Yufine:......why do you look so calm!? So careless!? Do you not understand what just happened!?

Luna:.....she's gone......but.....we must not dwell with this and allow it to drag us down......


Luna:....she was mine as well.....I shared many beautiful moments with her.

Yufine stood in silence.....looking over to the destroyed capsule......letting out a deep sigh........

Yufine:....we should've died.....not her.....


Yufine:......I just........

Just then, Luna walked over to Yufine, then gave her a gentle hug. Yufine stood in silence from Luna's actions. The cooling temperature of her body was enough to simmer down her flames of hatred. A single tear rolled down Yufine's eye, but it quickly evaporated and faded away with her own body temperature mixed with Luna's.

Luna:........the means of becoming a god......I never understood it.....


Luna: for Aura.......we shall build new civilizations......branch off our strengths to create new beings.

Luna stepped away from Yufine, then held out her pinky towards her, giving her a look of trust and concern.

Luna:.......promise me.....


Yufine looked down slightly, thinking to herself. At that moment, Luna felt as if something.....was off with Yufine....she saw her sister, but she didn't wrap her pinky with Luna's, she instead walked over to the capsule that exploded, kneeling down towards Aura's blood, touching it with her finger, staying silent until she turned her head back towards Luna.

Yufine:.........I'm sorry.....I don't trust myself when it comes to keeping that promise......


Yufine:........we'll work together.....but...

Yufine lifted her bloody finger, slightly setting the blood ablaze and seeing it fade away in front of her.

Yufine:.......I know our alliance won't last for long....
*present time*
*Arowana Mall*

???: Clover!! You go ahead and I'll defend from the back!!

Clover, an Inkling girl with tan skin and unique cyan tentacles that faded into blue. She had a purple marking around her left eye that had a purple Iris, while her right eye was cyan blue. The girl held a Dynamo roller and looked over to an Inkling boy with a Ballpoint splatling, smiling and giving him a confident nod.

Clover: On it, Atlas! You can count on me!

Atlas gave Clover a nod as he saw her run off with so much life and joy fueling up her inky body. Clover ran into the chaotic battlefield and saw an Inkling girl, jumping up and shooting a Octoling girl with her dualies, splatting her in the process.

Clover: Sophie!!

Sophie: *smiles* Clover!! We're so close to the lead! That Octoling was the last one!

Clover: alright! I'll pick up the rainmaker!

Clover and Sophie ran closer to the enemies spawn, and Clover dashed towards the rainmaker, picking it up just as Atlas caught up to them.

Clover: here comes the enemy team from their respawn pad.

Atlas: I got it.

Atlas quickly aimed his ballpoint and shot at the cephalopods on the other team, splatting one of them and injuring another, but before the injured cephalopod could recover, Sophie quickly followed up on Atlas' attack and threw a burst bomb, splatting another team member.

Clover looked over to see a Splash-O-Magic rushing towards them, which made her charge up her rainmaker shot and release it, hitting the splash in the stomach and splatting them.

Atlas: yes!

Sophie: let's go!!

Just then, a dynamo roller on the opposite team jumped up from out of the Ink right behind Sophie, raising their roller up to splat her brutally , but before Sophie could get splatted, Clover quickly dashed in front of her and used the rainmaker to block the flick from the dynamo.

Atlas aimed his ballpoint straight at the dynamo, and they jumped away, readying for another swing of Ink, but before the dynamo could swing, they were interrupted by a charger shot that shot straight through their head and splatted them.

Sophie, Clover, and Atlas looked up and saw an Octoling boy that was on their team, smiling gently and waving at them.

Clover: Noah!?

Noah: *tiny smile* get that lead, Clover.

Clover smiled back at the octoling, then ran forward, getting closer and closer to achieving the lead, but before Clover could take the lead......she heard stopped her tracks sounded made her skin crawl.....she looked up and saw a red ball of ink flying down to them at rapid speed, which confused Atlas and Sophie as well.

Atlas:.....a booyah bomb?.....

Sophie: it can't's red....that's not their.....enemy color.....

The orb became larger and larger, and just as the two began to see that the ink was covered in flames, Sophie didn't hesitate to quickly push Atlas and Clover out of the way, making the two tumble to the ground. Sophie tried to dodge roll her way away from the orb, but it was too late.

The orb collided with the ground, causing a huge explosion of fire and heat, making Clover's skin start to heat up to the point where she gritted her teeth in pain. The ink around the area was burned away, and all that was left was a gigantic cloud of smoke within the mall.


The giant clouds slowly drifted away and revealed a sight that Clover never saw herself imagining......Sophie laid on the ground, letting out twitches from her clinging onto life. She was surrounded by a pool of her own blood, and her body was burnt brutally.....she could hardly breath.....Clover looked up from her and saw an Octoling woman......standing directly over Sophie......her tentacles were emitting flames and she held onto a golden scythe that had a tint of red within it.


Clover saw cracks within her friend's skin that tore deep within her body....her tentacles were burned of their color...leaving nothing but a very dark shade of dripping ink that fell before her.

Atlas shook in fear from the sight....watching his friend melt before his own eyes....he looked at the Octoling woman that stood before her, looking down at her.......raising her foot slowly above Sophie's head.

Atlas: NO!! PLEASE!!!

The woman violently stomped on the girl's head, killing her instantly and making blood splatter all around her. Clover shook uncontrollably at the sight....everything was happening so fast.......she noticed something land directly near her own foot, making her look down to see Sophie's eyeball.....looking up directly at her.......Clover was completely frozen in place...she couldn't think.....she couldn't act....she couldn't move at all......

The woman took one step towards them, but then, she was instantly shot straight on the head by a charger shot....but it didn't even faze her...all it did was splatter Ink on the side of her face...

The woman looked over to where the shot came from and saw an Octoling boy looking directly at her....completely stunned from her appearance and gaze.....seeing her face emit in flames to burn the ink away, then settle back down.

Noah:........(a stream did she.....break through the defenses?.....)

Noah gritted his teeth and looked over at Atlas and Clover down below, pointing away with a serious look on his face.


Atlas: a stream.....user......that's....

Clover: impossible.......


A flash of flames is all that Noah saw flow straight past him and erupt behind him within the blink of an eye. He turned around as fast as he could and threw a punch, but the woman's flames that surrounded her body, completely burned Noah's hand to absolute dust before it even reached her face.

Noah screamed in pain as he held onto the last remains of his arm, seeing it slowly crumple away like wood after a long bonfire....just as Noah looked up....the last thing he saw was a golden flash.....then it was all stripped away. The woman used her scythe and swiftly swung across Noah's face, slicing his eyes and taking away his sense of vision, and before Noah could let out another scream, the woman moved her scythe back, then continued her assault by swinging her scythe upwards towards the boy's chin, stabbing through his jaw and piercing into his brain.

Noah trembled and shook....then....the woman pulled her scythe out of his jaw.....watching him slowly fall to the ground. The woman looked over to see that Clover and Atlas ran off as Noah instructed, and all she could do was shake her head and sigh at them.

Clover: Atlas...

Atlas: we need to split up......just please....don't get caught....


Clover saw Atlas run in a different direction, and she couldn't hold back her tears, feeling them slowly fall down her face from all of the fast paced things happening around her. Clover ran behind a wall and sat down, hugging her knees to her chest, hearing the screams of the enemy team that was getting brutally killed by the woman.....

Clover:....(please........please tell me that.....this is a nightmare......I'll wake up any second......please........this can't be real.....)

Clover began to cry even more, and all she did was look up at the clouds....seeing nothing but peace from them....until she saw Atlas looking down on her from above, confusing her.....that is....until she felt something drip on her forehead.....

Noticing was blood, Clover noticed the lifeless eyes from Atlas.....but then.....she saw his head was completely severed, making her sit in shock from the woman holding onto his head by his tentacles.

???:......I suppose you're the last one.

Clover wanted to scream...but her whole body and mind weren't functioning properly. She shook too much to be able to even move her fingers, but instead of giving her a swift death, the woman looked at her eye...seeing a weird birthmark that curved around her eye.

???: A you're a stream user as well....

The woman gently lifted her hand and used one finger to slowly touch onto Clover's mark, tracing on it, and Clover did nothing but shake even more and wince from the heat that still erupted from her finger alone.

??? looks....familiar.....

The woman stopped and let out a tiny sigh towards Clover, placing a hand on her own chest.

Yufine:....I suppose as a stream deserve to know my name....I am Yufine...the queen of the ArchAngels....


Yufine:....even though you're a stream....your strength is are just as weak as your to explain?.....

She was asking her a question....starting a conversation with her.....but from knowing this...her body still refused to move....she knew the slightest movement would get her killed in an instant.....she slowly opened her mouth.....feeling the heat from the woman brush across her face.

Clover:....I.......D-Don''s....just....a b-birth......mark...........

Clover began to rapidly pant, and she tried to fight her fear, but when she saw pure disappointment emit from the woman's face, she knew it was over.....the woman dropped Atlas's head and slowly stood up in front of her.

Yufine:....I I made a mistake then........

Clover began to sweat rapidly....she saw Yufine's hand glow with pure red ink that merged into fire. The flames shifted into a Scythe that formed within her hand, the same scythe from before.

Clover saw her reflection in the gold....she saw the tears flow down her face......the redness of her eyes...but just as her refection was stripped away with the movement of the Scythe.....she knew what was going to be stripped away next.....

Yufine: I thought you'd be able to assist me in finding the heir demon.....

Clover looked next to Yufine and saw her friend's head......lifeless...just like her heart at the moment. Her body went numb....the rapid blood rushing through her veins made her breaths more slower....her vision weaker...she was going to pass out.....she saw Yufine raise her Scythe behind herself, glaring straight in her eyes.

Yufine: farewell.......


Yufine swung her scythe.....and with that......everything went black for Clover.......pure silence........she was dead.......she knew this...what her friends saw when their lives were taken as well?....


The darkness flashed for a second...then everything went white for Clover.....pure white....she opened her eyes......looking around....and seeing nothing around her....until she turned around.....seeing the bodies of Atlas, Sophie, and Noah.....looking at her...smiling at her....


Atlas:......*tiny smile* hey Clover.....

Sophie:......looks like you got to see us, huh......

Noah: *tiny chuckle* it all happened so fast....but it's fine....this happens all the time to us weaklings....


Clover fell to her knees, looking down at the white floor.....seeing her tears fall from her face...

Clover: why do we always get dragged into their conflict?'s not fair...they know that we're....too weak to defend ourselves against them.....and now we're all's because of me...if I wouldn't have asked you guys to battle with me today....then thi-

Just then, Clover felt Sophie gently place her hand on the top of her head, letting out a tiny smile at her as well, then she kneeled down while Noah and Atlas walked up and stood behind Sophie.

Sophie: don't blame matter what....this would've happened know how streams are with their battles and stuff.

Atlas: yeah....shit just happens, Clover.

Noah: this war is something that we can control.......and you will forever be our friend, and we'll never forget about you......

Clover saw her friends bodies glow with golden aura....but when she looked at herself....her didn't glow....she saw her friends slowly fade away in front of her, with Atlas giving her a thumbs up while Noah smiled and Sophie gave her a piece sign.....


Atlas: take care of yourself Clover.....

Sophie: we will lend you support whenever we can.....

Noah: you have unfinished business to take care of....


Clover saw her friends fade away completely and everything for her flashed to white as she held her hand out towards them.

Clover: PLEASE!!!!!

the white took over her vision and she heard a flash......turning everything black....


Clover's eyes shot open and her body quickly leaned up from her bed, letting out a large gasp of air. She felt the sweat on her body, stuck in a selfless state of mind.


Clover felt the cushion of a bed under her, and seeing the radiant light of the moon shine from her window onto her lap.....

Clover:....(a dream).......*sigh*......thank cod......

Clover wanted to smile a little, knowing that it wasn't true......but just as a smile was about to form on her quickly disappeared.....she heard a beep.......another beep.........another beep......she slowly turned her head to the source of the beeping....she saw a life monitor next to her.......her eyes widened.....

She was lost for words....she looked down at her wrist to see a needle inside of her....she saw the pure white blanket on her body.....she noticed that she was in a hospital bed instead of her own home......

???: so you're finally awake, huh?.....

Clover looked straight in front of herself, seeing an Inkling girl leaning against the doorframe into her room, crossing her arms at her.



*Chapterly art*

Clover by ShoblobXD

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