Chapter 6: The Strength Of An Agent

Conner: *shows his phone*

-Conner's phone-

R: got the steaks. Waiting for y'all at the Café.


Shade: finally!

Shadow: sheesh....took him long enough.

Mona: h-he tried his best....

Conner, Mona, and Shadow all turned to call it a night for the splatfest, but Shade turned around and saw Dawn and Rose sitting at a table still, just relaxing.

Shade: are you two coming? Those steaks are calling our names!

Rose was about to stand up to go, not because she wanted a steak, but because she knew Dawn's head was pounding and she wanted a little less noise, so some relaxation in the cafe would help, but before Rose could stand completely, Dawn looked over to Shade, Shadow, Mona, and Conner, then crossed her arms at them.

Dawn: me and Rose will stay for a bit longer....cuz why not...

Shade: *gasp* are you actually enjoying yourself, Dawney!?

Dawn: for fucks sake, shut it...


Dawn:.....*looks at Rose*.....I'm not forcing you to stay....go if you wan-

Rose: *quickly sits down*

Shade: *giggles* alrighty then~

Shadow: we'll see y'all at the Café

Dawn: save us some steaks, or I swear...

Shadow: Dawn actually wants to hang with us on a Splatfest?....that's a first?

Dawn: will you shut up!?

Shadow let out a little snicker and walked off with Conner, Mona, and Shade, which Dawn simply sighed and looked at the empty plate of their fries in the middle of the table.

Rose: *grabs her E-Liter*...

Dawn: might as well..

Scarlett: Dawney?~ never heard that one before~

Dawn:......And here she comes....

Scarlett walked up to Dawn with a cocky smirk on her face, wearing a squiddy cake shirt with her brother by her side.

Dawn: Scarlett...

Scarlett: it seems like you're enjoying yourself with your Pit-Dweller girlfriend right there~

Rose looked over at Scarlett to see her hand wrapped around in some bandages from injury she gave her before, and saw Dawn stood up in her chair, then glared at Scarlett.

Dawn: what do you want this time?

Scarlett: remember what I said before the splatfest?~....I know your little freak does.

Dawn: if you're asking for a battle, no thanks. I'm not in the mood for you.

Scarlett: *giggles* my cod, Rotten flesh! You're acting as if I gave you a choice!

Scarlett laughed a little which caught the attention of many inklings and Octolings around the square, making them turn around and walk towards the drama. Dawn began to panic a little when she saw the 4 idols looking down from their stage and towards the crowd, that was now fixated on her. The two pairs of eyes that she saw stare at her the most were from the squid sisters themselves, which only made Dawn curse under her breath.


Inkling girl: what's going on?

Inkling boy: oh my cod! It's the weird squid who's dating a Pit-Dweller! The girl from squidstagram!

Octoling girl: I'm surprised she has the audacity to even show her face in public...


On the stage, Callie and Marie looked down and saw the crowd standing around the two Inkling girls in the square. Callie looked harder at the girl with black tentacles, noticing the scar on her cheek...making her eyes widen in shock.


From the kettle, Agent 3 popped out all by herself, letting out a silent sigh and walking over to see Captain cuddlefish, holding her cheek as the blood ran through her fingers and down her arm slightly.

Agent 3:.....*pant*.....Old man....I need a bandage-...

Agent 3 stopped in her tracks, seeing Callie and Marie relaxing together while watching Tv.

Callie: *sniffle* Nooooo! Please survive! Please!

Marie: oh my cod....

Agent 3:.....hey...

Callie: *looks over* oh, hey 3!

Marie: how was your mission?

Agent 3:....where's the old man?

Marie: we drove gramps home early. He had an appointment to get his medicine.

Callie: silly old people and their medication.

Marie: woah, what happened to your cheek?

Agent 3: you're just noticing that-

Callie: it looks like you got scratched hard by something!

Agent 3: I did, and it hur-

Marie: exactly.

Agent 3: can I spe-

Callie: oh my cod! Marie, do you remember when I fell down after one of our concerts!?

Agent 3: -_-......

Marie: oh yeah, you scratched yourself up pretty badly. You sang your heart out that day.

Callie: *giggles* a little too much.

Agent 3:....*sigh*....excuse me?

Callie: oh shoot! Sorry 3, what did you need?

Agent 3: a bandage.....that's all....

Marie: all of our medical supplies are over there in that metal box, just search through it and I'm sure you'll find some bandages.

Agent 3 looked over and saw a giant metal box, shaking her head and walking over to it while Callie and Marie looked back over to their Tv and started gossiping once again.

3 opened the box and looked around inside to see a bunch of medical supplies, digging through all of them and trying to find a bandage patch for herself. She dug deeper and deeper, until she reached the very bottom of the box, seeing no bandages at all, which stressed her out.

Throughout the whole week, 3 barely got any sleep whatsoever because of her long and tedious missions that would last from 8 to 12 hours of nonstop inking and splatting, but if she was "lucky" her mission would take her 4 hours at the minimum.

Staying up all night for a week straight made her severely tired and sluggish to the point where she could barely hold her hero shot, and when she finally got to go home and rest, she would get a call from squidbeak, asking for her to return and stop a rampage in the canyon.

Agent 3 closed the box and walked back over to the squid sisters, seeing their eyes glued to the Tv, which only made her roll her own eyes in response.

Agent 3: guys...

Marie: u-uh....yeah, what's up Callie?

Callie: I didn't say anything...

Marie: oh, I meant bad....

Agent 3: there aren't any bandages....

Callie: for....f-for eel?....

Agent 3: there anything else that cou-


Marie: *smirks* booyah...

Agent 3:.....

Marie: sorry 3, can you repeat it? This is the final episode of the last season.

Callie: Mhm, Mhm!

Agent 3: I was going to ask if there was anything else I could use.....



Agent 3:..........guys.....

Agent 3 continued to look at them, seeing that they were still looking at the Tv, which only made her frustrated, she looked over at the Tv and saw a romance show and a Inkling warrior boy standing next to a princess Octoling girl.


Princess: thank you for saving my empire, brave warrior....I truly am grateful.

Warrior: it's nothing special m'lady, just a simple job for me.

The Princess walked closer to the boy, gently grabbing his hand, which confused and startled him.

Princess: throughout your time here....I have.....grown onto you more and more....

Warrior:...w-what do you mean? warrior......

The Princess gently tightened her hands around his hand, while blushing, yet looking deep into his eyes.

Princess: can you......please....stay with me....and accept my hand in marriage?.....


Princess: with you by my side....I know that we can defend this empire for the rest of our lives.......Please.....l love you so....much.

The warrior stood there....silent...with a slight blush on his face as well, opening his mouth slowly to answer her question.



Just then, the Tv shut off out of nowhere, which snapped Callie and Marie out of their lifeless state. The two idols looked above the Tv to see 3 behind it, holding the cord and glaring at the two.

Marie: 3! What the fuck!?

Callie: NOOOOOOOO!! 

Callie ran over to the Tv and hugged it while placing her face against it and whimpering.

Callie: My baby!! My baby!!! Please, please, please 3!! Plug up the Tv again!!

Agent 3: No. you guys aren't listening to me, so this was my only solution.

Marie: ok, but unplugging the Tv was uncalled for, 3. There were only 2 minutes left of the final episode.

Callie: now we'll never get to know the ending!!

Agent 3: All I wanted was a bandage. You guys never listen to me for anything.

Marie: my cod 3, just go buy yourself some, we paid you 2 days ago.

Agent 3:.....

Marie: you're not a child, you have common sense. If you saw no bandages in the box, why did you come over here again?

Agent 3: why are you so rude?...

Marie: you literally just unplugged the Tv.

Agent 3: so you guys care more about a stupid Tv show than my injury?....are you fucking serious?

Marie: 3...

Agent 3: do you understand what I do everyday down there!? How many times I almost died!?

Marie: 3...I swear...

Agent 3: why don't you two just listen to me for once!!

Marie: 3 JUST SHUT IT!!

Marie's yell quickly turned to silence, making Agent 3 just....stare at her..even Callie has never heard Marie scream so loud like that before. Callie looked over at Agent 3....seeing the shocked expression on her face......but then Agent 3's shocked expression turned into a annoyed, stressed, and sad expression......then she dropped the cord to the Tv and walked away from the two, over to the grate back to Inkopolis.

Agent 3: fuck you guys....seriously....

3 entered the grate, leaving the two alone, and Callie looked over at Marie, to see her pinching the bridge of her nose while letting out a sigh.

Callie:....Marie....why would you say that?....

Marie:.....It slipped out......fuck.....I didn't mean to raise my voice like that.


Marie:......I'll text her later....and apologize....


Callie and Marie stood on top of the stage and continued to stare at Dawn, stopping their singing entirely, which only confused Pearl and Marina, who looked over at them and saw their dead stares.

Pearl: yo....yo!! Guys!!

Marina: sing!



Scarlett: hmph! You two are lucky that I don't have my whole squad with me at the moment since they joined team Octo buns~

Dawn: what's your point?

Scarlett: *looks a Rose* your little pet knows what I'm talking about.


Scarlett: too scared to give a response, huh?

Dawn: just get the hell out of here.

Scarlett: nope, as punishment for my injury....I challenge you two~

Dawn: I'm not fighting you in a turf war match. I actually wanna ENJOY my night.

Scarlett: who ever said we were playing turf war?


Scarlett laughed once again at Dawn, making her even more annoyed than before. Scarlett pointed over in the distance towards Grizzco and gave Dawn a cocky smirk.

Scarlett: Me and my big brother challenge you a salmon shoot-out.....

The whole crowd gasped from the announcement, and everyone stood there, completely shocked, everyone except for Rose, who was very confused.

Dawn:......why are you asking me this?

Scarlett: I never understood why you ask that~ you need the money, don't you?~


Scarlett: I'll tell you what....

Scarlett pulled out her phone and gently waved it back in forth in front of Dawn's face.

Scarlett: if you manage to win....I'll delete this post and admit that you two aren't dating~


Scarlett: everything will go back to normal~ and if you manage to splat me.....*snickers* which you won't, I'll give you 5 sea snails as a bonus.

Dawn:....this sounds sketchy....knowing'll most likely lie.

Scarlett: awe c'mon~ if you lose, I won't do nothin'

Dawn: nothing's in it for you?

Scarlett: nope. Not a thing, besides you getting embarrassed on live television of course~

Scarlett turned away from Dawn and waved her off while walking towards Grizzco with her silent brother following her from behind through the crowd.

Scarlett: I'll see you at Grizzco.

Dawn:.....*looks at Rose*....I'm guessing you don't know what a Salmon shoot-out is...

Dawn saw Rose shake her head, which only made her roll her eyes at the Octo and groan.

Dawn: look....Salmon shoot-out is a very dangerous....and scary thing....

Rose: *tilts her head*

Dawn: basically it's a 2v2 type of sequence. Me and you will work together to take out bosses and deliver eggs to our respective basket. There are two baskets, and the whole objective is to collect more eggs than the enemy team. There's only 1 wave instead of 3.


Dawn:......*sigh*.....I really think she's not gonna delete that image....but....I do want to at least try to fight her...since there's nothing for us if we lose.

Dawn crossed her arms and looked at Rose, yet she had a slight sense of embarrassment from how soft and vulnerable she was making herself look at the moment. you wanna try?...

Rose: *nod nod* quick yes....alright then...

Dawn looked over at the stage and saw Callie and Marie, which made her freeze up completely after seeing them staring dead at her. Callie and Marie began to walk off the stage pretty quickly to meet up with her, which only made Dawn curse under her breath once more and grab onto Rose's hand.

Dawn: let's go! Now!

Dawn pulled Rose and began to run towards Grizzco just as she saw Callie and Marie running off the stage, but then the crowd rushed towards the two idols, and blocked the path for them to get to her.

Marie: 3!!!

Callie: WAIT!!

Callie and Marie pushed past their security squid and tried to make their way through the crowd, but the swarms of Inkling and Octolings held them back and barraged them with squeals of excitement, questions for autographs, and turf advice.

Dawn and Rose rushed inside of Grizzco together, then Dawn let go of Rose's hand, then let out a tiny sigh, knowing that Rose was confused and staring at her from behind.

Dawn: don't ask.


Dawn: let's just get this over with....

Dawn walked over to the bear radio within Grizzco, seeing Scarlett and her brother standing there, smirking at them.

Scarlett: completely random weapons...Lost guys are the blue team~

Dawn: *glares*......just you wait.....


*Lost Outpost*
*Salmon Shoot-out*

Instead of wearing their signature Salmon Run uniforms, Dawn and Rose were wearing blue overalls instead of orange. The boat swayed side to side slightly, and all Dawn could do was look up at the night sky.....she barely saw the water in general. The little lanterns on the boat illuminated with life, shining down on her and making her tentacles shine a little as well.


Just then, she heard footsteps approaching the back of the ship where she was, making her look over slightly and see Rose in her overalls and wearing her Grizzco cap. Rose sat down next to Dawn and the two stayed silent.....hearing the sway of the boat, the splashing of the tiny waves, and the wind that was gently flowing past them.


Rose:....*looks at Dawn*

Dawn: even after this deal is over.....I don't want you to think that we're friends...because we're not.....we're both just temporary partners that have to deal with the same problem....


Dawn: I know you want this photo to get deleted as much as I do, right?.....


Dawn: exactly....

Dawn held out her hand to Rose, catching the Octoling off guard, but when she looked up at Dawn's face, she saw no emotion from her.

Dawn: so it's agreed.........after our deal......we no longer hangout with each other....


Dawn: we no longer associate with each other.....


Dawn: we don't even look at each other anymore.....alright?.....

Rose couldn't help but feel her body freeze up completely, being unable to move her hands whatsoever to shake Dawn's hand. She wanted to open her mouth and say something directly, but it was basically impossible.....gathering up all of the courage that she had in her inky body, she raised her hand slowly and was about to grab Dawn's hand to shake it, but just as she was going to do it, a tiny bell rang on the ship as it came to a halt, and the two sat there....for at least a couple of seconds, and instead of shaking hands to confirm their agreement, Dawn stood up and flipped her Grizzco cap backwards to match her other cap.

Dawn: we'll talk about it later....for now....let's this stupid shift...

Rose:.....*tiny nod*.....

Speaker: alright, get out there and collect me my eggs! Whichever team has more eggs will get an extra bonus!

Dawn turned into her squid form as Rose stood up and turned into her octopus form. The two super jumped off the boat and landed on a respawn painting on the ground, rising up from the ink slowly and checking their weapons.

Dawn: a roller......*sigh*.....

Rose: *looks at her N-Zap*

Dawn: of course you'd get that.....also, there's something I need to tell you.

Rose: *looks at Dawn*

Dawn: you don't need to worry about shooting my lifesaver if I get splatted. If we head to the respawn painting on the ground, we'll be brought back. Team wipes don't happen here because we can just respawn ourselves. If you do have the chance though, don't hesitate to save me, and I'll do the same for you.

Rose: *nod nod*

Scarlett: Uuuugh! An Octobrush!? A fucking Pit-Dweller weapon....the one thing I didn't want.

Scarlett looked over at her silent brother to see him looking at a .52 gal and letting out a tiny sigh.

Scarlett: Arlo! Give me your weapon!

Arlo:....*shakes his head*

Scarlett: *groans*

Mr Grizz: fetch me my eggs, don't let the darkness around you throw you off!

Scarlett: yeah, yeah whatever radio guy.

Scarlett smirked over at Dawn and Rose, seeing them looking right back at her, letting out a "hmph" and whipping her tentacles like a super model.

Scarlett: I hope you two are ready to get absolutely humiliated.

The two didn't respond at all to Scarlett's response, and instead got themselves ready to dive straight into battle. The second the round started, Dawn and Rose dashed off while Scarlett and Arlo dashed off as well, but much faster than Dawn and Rose.

Dawn looked around as much as she could, spotting a bobble moving above the Ink, then started to sprint back from it.

Dawn: Maw....

Rose dashed over to Dawn and quickly threw a splat bomb just as the Maw rose from the ink and tried to devour Dawn, but swallowed the bomb instead, dropping 3 eggs for them.

Dawn: good throw...

Dawn reached down to pick up an egg, but the second she did, Scarlett ran up to Dawn and brutally shoulder bashed her, knocking her away from the eggs and sliding her face into the salmon slime, almost making her fall into the dirty salt water.

Scarlett picked up one of the eggs while chuckling at Dawn, who was wiping salmon slime from off of her face.

Scarlett: thanks for the eggs!

Just then, Rose dashed up to Scarlett quickly and aimed her N-Zap at her, but instead of showing signs of fear, all Scarlett did was smile at Rose. When Rose was about to pull the trigger, Arlo grabbed her hand and twisted it, making her drop her N-Zap.

Rose tried her best to get out of the Inkling's grip, but he didn't budge whatsoever. The boy placed his .52 on Roses head and brutally splatted her, then walked over to two of the eggs that the maw dropped, picking both of them up as Rose's lifesaver lifted up from the ink.


Scarlett: *snickers* look how helpless she is! Oh my brings a tear to my eye.

Arlo walked away with Scarlett, hearing her cocky laughing, and just as Rose was about to slowly move towards the respawn area, Dawn rolled over her with her roller, bringing her back and letting out a sigh.

Dawn: not even half way in....and we both got fucked.....


Everyone in Inkopolis was staring up at the big screen, screaming and cheering nonstop for the two teams to basically murder each other.

Inkling boy: PUSH HER IN THE WATER!!




Callie: yeah? you know that Octoling girl? any chance?...... the squidstagram post.....I don't know who this girl is......


Marina: no sadly...

Pearl: never seen the Octo in my life....she kinda reminds me of....never mind....I don't wanna bring it up...

Marie stood there for a second, thinking hard before widening her eyes as if a lightbulb popped above her head, and she quickly turned over to Callie, tapping her on the cheek.

Marie: I have a plan....


Dawn quickly shifted her feet and swung her roller at the scrapper that was approaching her, knocking it stiff for a second, but it was enough time for Rose to dash behind the scrapper and splat it, making it drop 3 golden eggs, but just as Rose was about to grab an egg, Scarlett dashed up to her and got ready to swing her Octo brush at her, but when Scarlett actually swung her Octo brush, she hit Rose straight across her face with it instead of just splashing ink onto her, making Rose fall back and hold onto her now bruised cheek.

Scarlett: thank you once again~

Dawn: not this time, fucker!!

Dawn jumped up and swung her roller down on Scarlett, but Scarlett easily avoided the swing and quickly readied her Octo brush to swing at Dawn, but Dawn landed on her feet and used her roller as a guard to block Scarlett's swing......yet....the swing never came.

Instead of a swing, Scarlett faked out Dawn and tripped her with a sweep kick before knocking her away with a strong swing of her Octo brush. Dawn let out a grunt of pain, and just as she caught herself and landed on her feet, she heard a loud beep behind her, making her turn around and notice that she was standing right in front of a splat bomb.

Dawn: (w-when did she!?)

The bomb exploded and splatted Dawn once again, and just as she was splatted, Rose jumped over to her and quickly aimed her N-Zap at Scarlett. Just as Rose was about to pull the trigger, Scarlett quickly dashed up to her and kneed her in the stomach, making Rose grunt before Scarlett slapped her Z-Nap out of her hand.

Scarlett began to hit Rose with her Octo brush rapidly, physically injuring her while also inking her until she exploded in red ink. Scarlett let out a "hmph" and swung her hair to the side as she picked up the 3 golden eggs.

Scarlett looked over at her brother and saw him carrying 3 golden eggs of his own, dropping it into their red egg basket as Scarlett dropped hers as well.

Scarlett: good job big bro! C'mon, let's go search for more eggs, then steal some more from those two when they splat a boss.

The two siblings walked away as Dawn respawned and let out a very long sigh before Rose respawned behind her.

Dawn:....sadly......she may be a bitch....but she definitely knows how to play with her opponents........hey, Rose.

Rose: *looks at Dawn*

Dawn: we need to think of something now. They already have 9 eggs and we still have 0....

Rose thought to herself for a second just as she saw a fly fish In the distance, pointing it out to Dawn, making her cross her arms.

Dawn:......the fly fish.......I believe I got what you're thinking of.....maybe....

Rose: *nod nod*

Within the distance, Dawn could hear a stinger on the very edge of the sea, thinking hard before looking over at Rose with a determined expression.

Dawn:.....I have a plan...

On the shore, Scarlett slid across the ink while keeping her bitchy smug on her face, splatting a drizzler and making it drop 3 eggs.

Scarlett: ok bro bro, you gather these eggs.

Arlo: *nods*

Scarlett turned around and noticed a stinger in the distance, that looked directly at her. The stinger charged up it's painful beam of slime and began to shoot straight at Scarlett. Scarlett dashed and dodged the beam, getting closer and closer to the stingray.

Scarlett jumped over a giant Cohock that tried to hit her, but all she did was leave a splat bomb in her position, which splatted the Cohock and a few other salmon that were nearby.

Scarlett began to run on the grates of Lost Outpost, finally approaching the stinger and swinging her Octo Brush rapidly to knock it's pots down one by one.

Scarlett: bye bye mister stinger!~

Scarlett knocked all of the pots down and the stinger splatted from the flames below. Just as Scarlett was about to pick up her eggs, she noticed Rose crouching in front of her, glaring dead into her eyes, which startled her greatly. Rose dashed up to Scarlett and shot her N-Zap at her, but Scarlett barely managed to shift her body and jump to the side to avoid Rose's shots.

Scarlett: (she was hiding behind the stinger!?......she almost splatted! That's was pure luck!)

Rose dashed at Scarlett once again and began to rush her down, shooting at her from every possible angle, and Scarlett grunted in annoyance as a vein popped out from her head while she gritted her teeth. Scarlett swung her Octo Brush, but Rose stood there and didn't fear or hesitate against her swing.

Scarlett quickly shifted her Octobrush, thinking that Rose was going to eventually duck under her overhead swing, but then Scarlett turned her body and swung towards Rose's legs.

Rose looked at Scarlett to see her reaching behind her back rather quickly, and all Rose did was jump a little above her brush swing, making it miss her completely.

Rose looked up at Scarlett to see her holding a splat bomb and thrusting it towards her face, making her retaliate by turning into her octopus form and spinning herself in mid air, making Scarlett's splat bomb fall out of her hand after thrusting the bomb forward with so much force.

Scarlett: (s-she even dodged my splat bomb!?....above the grates...she's in her octopus form.....yet she still had the courage to do so....quick

Rose closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before turning into her Octoling form, using her legs to thrust herself and jump up high in the air to avoid Arlo's sudden .52 Gal shots as he came to Scarlett's rescue, which even shocked Arlo from her quick adaptation from battle. Rose aimed her N-Zap down and shot at Arlo, then Arlo jumped back to land safely with Scarlett by his side.

after landing on her feet, Rose pointed her N-Zap at Scarlett along with Arlo, who didn't deliver his eggs yet, having one on his lifesaver, and two under his arm.

Dawn: good job, Rose.

Scarlett and Arlo turned around and saw Dawn dash past them from behind, basically ignoring them completely.

Scarlett glanced over at Dawn's waist, seeing a green ring around her body, then she looked down at the ground to see a bunch of green locator spots around them.

With barely enough time to react, Scarlett quickly jumped away while seeing Rose grab 3 eggs from the stinger that was splatted, then saw Dawn dash up to Arlo, and since Arlo was holding 3 eggs, he wasn't able to properly defend himself with one arm. Dawn quickly ran behind him and kicked him on his back, knocking him back into the many green locator circles on the ground.

Dawn: die...

Arlo tried to regain his balance, but failed and looked up to see a barrage of flyfish missiles hit him in multiple places, starting with his shoulder, his chest, his legs, then his face, causing a giant explosion of slime that knocked Scarlett back, making her grunt and catch herself before falling onto the ground.

When the explosion cleared, Scarlett noticed that all of the eggs were gone, and then noticed that Dawn and Rose's score went up from 0 to 6, which only made her more aggravated.

Scarlett: (that damn Pit-Dweller was just a distraction!!....rotten flesh purposely got targeted by that flyfish so she could use the missiles to her advantage against us!....there's no way that someone like her could outsmart me-)

Scarlett's thoughts were cut off by the sound of running metal and the smell of toxic slime fluids. She quickly turned her head and saw a steel eel heading her way, ready to chomp her to bits, but she dodged to the side, almost getting caught once again.

Scarlett: ( can't lose to can't!)

Dawn and Rose ran together throughout the outpost, seeing the flyfish from earlier, and Dawn pulled out a splat bomb, just as Rose did the same. The two threw their bombs in separate missile tanks, exploding both of them and seeing the flyfish explode in front of them.

Dawn turned around and began to fend off the salmon while Rose picked up the three eggs, running over to Dawn and strapping one of them to her lifesaver.

Dawn: alright, follow me.

Dawn rolled over the salmon one by one, dodging a swing from a Cohock, and counterattacking with a mean punch to the salmon's face, then hitting it with her roller. The two ran farther until they saw the egg basket once more in the middle of the mixed blue and red ink.

Just as Rose was about to sprint towards the basket, Dawn held her hand out to her, gesturing her to stop.

Dawn: don't........

Dawn stood still for a second, confusing Rose, but then she saw Dawn randomly spring forward to a red puddle of ink on the ground, raising her hand up and aggressively digging her hand into the enemy ink, stinging her hand in the process, but it didn't faze her. Dawn ruthlessly ripped Arlo's squid form out of the red ink, then glared dead into his eyes.

Dawn: do you think I would fall for such a noob tactic?.....that's the oldest trick in the book....

Arlo tried to loosen himself, but Dawn tightened her grip, then threw him in the air, winding up her roller before hitting him like a baseball and splatting him once again.

Dawn:....we only have a minute left.....and it's tied up.....c'mon....

Dawn tossed her egg in along with rose tossing her eggs in, which tied up the score of 9-9. Dawn stood still again and listened closely for her surrounding enemies, just as she opened her eyes and pointed forward.

Dawn: SteelHead.....let's go.

Rose: *nod nod*

The two girls ran off towards the SteelHead, eventually seeing the massive metallic salmonid, but within the distance, Dawn could see Scarlett running with 3 golden eggs of her own. can handle this...I'm gonna go take care of miss chatterbox....

Rose gave Dawn a determined nod, then saw the SteelHead charge up it's bomb of saliva. Rose shot at the bomb, but then she saw swarms of salmon coming out of the water, then they all began to charge at her, forcing Rose to retreat from the SteelHead and shoot off the salmon.

The SteelHead threw it's giant bomb, and Rose jumped to the side to avoid it's gigantic explosion, dodging the swings of frying pans and getting constantly overwhelmed by salmon.

Rose shot chum, kicked smallfries, and dodged Cohocks, throwing splat bombs and shooting nonstop, but the salmon swarms continued to get larger and larger.

Scarlett tossed in one egg into her basket, then another, but the second she was going to toss in her last egg, she suddenly jumped back from an aggressive swing coming from Dawn.

Dawn: since you like to steal eggs....I'll be taking that one off your hands to give you a taste of your own medicine...

Scarlett: hmph...why don't you come over here and fight for it, Pit-Dweller supporter!?

Dawn dashed at Scarlett and swung her roller, but Scarlett dodged and readied her golden egg to throw into the basket, but Dawn jumped in front of her again and blocked her way with her roller, which made Scarlett get more and more agitated.

Scarlett: back off!!

Dawn: *shrugs* you told me to fight for it.

Dawn swung her roller again, making Scarlett grunt as she dodged once again, noticing that she only had 30 seconds left.

Scarlett: (she's not giving me an opening!.....her movements.....I've never seen her fight like this.....what is her deal!?)

Scarlett tried to barge through Dawn, but Dawn shoulder bashed her, making her tumble back and drop the golden egg. The two stared at the egg before charging at it. Scarlett was about to grab it, but then Dawn threw a splat bomb at the golden egg, making it roll away from her.

Dawn ran past Scarlett, but Scarlett caught up to her and grabbed her tentacles, aggressively pulling them and forcing her back. Scarlett dashed towards the rolling egg, but then was hit on her back by Dawn's roller, seeing that she threw it straight at her.

Scarlett: how dare you!!

Dawn ran up to Scarlett, and Scarlett used her OctoBrush, losing her patience and swinging straight at Dawn, but Dawn dodged and grabbed onto Scarlett's brush, holding it and restraining her from using it.

Scarlett: get out of my way!!! know what?....

Dawn lifted her leg, then swung it backwards, hitting the golden egg with the heel of her foot, launching the egg far until it plunged into the sea.

Scarlett: No!! What is wrong with you, you disgusting corpse!!! Now neither of us will get it!!

Dawn: that's the point....

Dawn let go of Scarlett's brush, then quickly dodged a swing from her, rolling on the ground to pick up her roller that she threw earlier. Dawn and Scarlett heard a giant splashdown noise in the distance, then both of them looked over to see Rose running towards the basket with 3 eggs.

Scarlett: (No!!....if she gets those 3 eggs in....NO!!!)

Rose looked at the time to notice 15 seconds left on the clock, she quickly tossed in one egg, then another, tying up the score once again to 11-11. Just as Rose tossed her last egg in the air, Arlo jumped up and kicked the egg away, making it tumble on the ground.

Dawn: Get that egg, Rose!! Don't let them score!!

Rose quickly dashed towards the egg, but was beaten by Arlo, who grabbed the egg first. Arlo turned around to throw the egg, but Rose tackled him onto the ground, making him drop the egg and it rolled across the ground towards Scarlett and Dawn.

Scarlett ran to the egg, but was quickly intercepted by Dawn, who swung her roller, flinging ink straight at her. Scarlett and Dawn began to swing back and forth at each other with their weapons, both dodging each other's swings. Dawn and Scarlett noticed the 10 seconds remaining on the clock, knowing that they had to end the fight fast.

Dawn and Scarlett winded up one last swing and yelled at each other before swinging straight at one another. Scarlett hit Dawn straight in her face with her brush, while Dawn hit Scarlett straight in her face with her roller, and the two grunted in pain......but unlike Scarlett's OctoBrush.....Dawn's Roller did enough damage and force to break her body and splat her.......shocking everyone in the square......


Everyone in the square stood in complete silence from the experience, seeing Dawn as the one who was left standing from the clash, and seeing Scarlett's soul fly away.

Inkling way.....

Inkling girl:.....she just......she......

Inkling boy 2:....splatted Scarlett.......

Octoling girl:.....I must be dreaming.....


The explosion from Scarlett's splat was enough to push the Golden egg back over to Rose and Arlo. Arlo kicked Rose off of him and grabbed the egg, seeing only 5 seconds left on the clock. Knowing he couldn't get any closer to the basket, Arlo readied the Golden egg, then threw it straight at their team basket.




Just as the egg was going to land in their basket, Rose threw her N-Zap straight at the egg, knocking it away and instead of it landing into Scarlett and Arlo's red basket, it landed into Dawn and Rose's blue basket, rolling inside before landing in, winning the game for the both of them.

Blue Team Wins!!

Dawn:.....holy shit....




Rose looked up and noticed Dawn looking down at her, holding her hand out to her, which she gently grabbed onto.

Dawn: good job....

Rose stood up and gave Dawn a tiny thumbs up just as Scarlett stomped over to her brother and aggressively shoved him.


Arlo: I apologize....


Dawn: hey...quit your blabbering and let's get back on the boat....and I expect my 5 sea snails...

Dawn and Rose super jumped away while Scarlett gritted her teeth harder and harder, clenching her fists tightly.

Scarlett:....That fucking corpse....and that disgusting Pit-Dweller......they will pay for this......


Everyone in Inkopolis screamed and roared from either excitement or disappointment, just as Callie and Marie stood and stared at the screen without saying a single word, that is until they felt the taps of Pearl and Marina, which caught their attention.

Pearl:......c'mon....let's finish this concert.

Marina: Mhm.


*chapterly art*
-Dawn and Rose from one of my friends

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