Chapter 2: Partners By Force
It was late the next day; the sun has set, and cephalopods were now starting to head home to call it a night. The Marine flow Café just served it's last customer and Shade smiled while waving to the customer. Once the customer left, Shade turned around and smiled at all of her friends who were standing with her.
Shade: alright team! It's time for bleach protocol!!
Shadow slouched back in a booth and placed down her game, looking up at the ceiling and groaning very loudly in a miserable tone.
Shadow: Uuuuuuuugh!!! Whyyyyyy!!!?
Shade: *smiles* because we have to keep this place spotless!
Shadow:.....ooooow! Oh, my leeeeg, I can't walk sis, I think you'll have to count me out of this one!
Shade: *giggles* not working this time.
Shadow: *sigh*....dammit. You're only responsible when it comes to this Café, I swear....
Shade: we have to make gram gram proud! Now then.
Shade reached in her back pocket as Conner, Rune, and Rose all relaxed near her, seeing her clear her throat and point to the paper.
Shade: Rosie, you have the kitchen tonight.
Rose: *nods*
Shade: Corn.
Rune: Conner.
Shade: Cooper.
Shade: Cantaloupe.
Rune:....fuck it.
Shade: Cupcake! You have the counter and brewing machines.
Conner: *nods*
Shade: and Cute little Roo Roo~
Rune: please don't say it....
Shade: you have dish duty.
Rune: FUCK!
Shade: my dear sis, you have bathroom duty.
Shadow: FUCK FUCK!
Shade: and Dawney!
Silence filled the room and Shade looked around, confused a little until Shadow flopped on the floor and pointed at the entrance of the Café.
Shadow: she didn't show up to work today, remember?
Shade: oh yeah, dummy me. She had the lobby anyway.
Shadow: can I get that please!? Fuck the bathroom!
Shade: nope.
Shadow:....*sigh*.....It's times like these that make me want to splat myself.
Shade: hm....well, I had the back rooms, but I'll also do the lobby. Alright! Let's clean, team!!
Everyone: *fist-pump* hooray cleaning!
Rose: *cute fist-pump*
Everyone walked off to go and clean, and Rose walked over to a closet filled with cleaning supplies, pulling out a cloth and spray bottle, just as Shadow slowly walked over and was slouching like always, grabbing the mop and groaning even louder than before.
Shadow: the day when I actually make good progress in the story mode dammit!!!
Rune: you mind handing me some dish soap? The other one is all out.
Rose got on her tippy toes and grabbed a bottle of dish soap, then turned around, walking towards Rune and giving it to him, then the two walked along until they reached the main kitchen area, where Rose washed her cloth off with hot water before spraying down the ovens, slowly wiping them down and taking her time while Rune was behind her doing the dishes.
Rune:...*sigh* this is the 3rd damn time I was stuck with the you think Shade has some type of grudge against me?
Rose: *shrugs*.....
Rune: *scrub scrub* I wouldn't be surprised...
Some silence passed through the two, and Rune continued to scrub tiny plates while thinking a little to himself, letting out a little sigh and turning around to see Rose wiping down a nearby counter.
Rune: Dawn is coming back to work, right?....
Rune:....I everyone in Inkopolis knows you two....and now everyone thinks you're dating Dawn.
Rose: *shakes her head*
Rune: *scrub scrub* well I obviously know you're not. But that picture that Scarlett took of you two is trending on squidstagram....
Rose:.....*looks away*....
Rune: I don't blame her for not showing up...if I got embarrassed like that, I probably wouldn't show my face in public either.
Rune looked over at Rose and saw her standing still and looking down as if she was stuck in deep thought, and just as he was going to tap her to snap her out of it, Shadow's voice echoed through the bathroom and all throughout the Café for everyone to hear, making them all jump.
Rune:.....actually.....I kinda don't mind the dishes......
*30 minutes later*
Shade: good job guys! Time for your pay!
Shadow: finally...
Shade pulled out 5 envelopes and walked over to everyone, picking one and handing it to Shadow.
Shade: Sis.
Shadow: it's DLC time.
Shade: Roo Roo.
Rune: thanks.
Shade: Cabbage.
Conner: *takes and nods*
Shade: Rosie~
Rose: *takes*
Shade: and Dawney....but um....
Shadow: just give it to her tomorrow.
Shade: but Dawney always takes her pay as soon as it's available. She told me she really needs it.
Just then, Rose raised her hand slightly and walked over to Shade, gently grabbing onto Dawn's check, making Shade smile at her.
Shade: you know where Dawney lives!?
Rose: *nods*
Shade: thank you Rosie! You're a lifesaver!
Rose took Dawn's check and slid it in her pocket, and with her E-liter already strapped to her back, she turned around and began walking towards the entrance with her hands in her pockets.
Shade: see ya!
Rose gave them a tiny wave before exiting the Cafe, turning into her Octopus form and super jumping through the sky, feeling the cold breeze flow past her and make her tentacles sway. With the light of the moon and stars, Rose looked down and could see how the beautiful street lamps illuminated the roads and sidewalks as squids and Octos roamed around.
Within the far distance, Rose could see Moray Towers, a gigantic parking garage that rose above the city below, which was known as Moray City, a place that was quiet during the day, but was springing with life at night. A place where most cephalopods would go to unwind and let loose. Moray City had the best food, best parties, and best bar known as the undertow.
Rose looked down and started to descend once she reached her destination, Flounder heights; an apartment complex that was pretty cheap and affordable for many cephalopods.
She landed on her feet and walked up the stairs, going past many doors until she saw a door with the number "103". Rose hesitated, but built up the courage to knock on the door, waiting patiently and silently for an answer. Eventually the door slowly unlocked and opened up and Rose was met face to face with Dawn, who instantly glared at her with no sign of happiness.
Rose:.....*tiny wave*
Dawn: what the hell do you want?
Rose reached into her pocket and pulled out Dawn's check, holding it out for her to take. Dawn looked down at the check, then grabbed it from Rose's hand, and before Rose could do anything, Dawn slammed the door in her face, which wasn't that much of a surprise.
Rose simply raised her hand again and knocked back on Dawn's door, waiting for another response, but this time got nothing from her. Rose knocked again and again and again until Dawn aggressively opened the door with the urge to punch the hell out of her, but Rose stood her ground against Dawn, allowing the Inkling to glare straight at her.
Dawn: What now!!?
Rose: *points past Dawn*......
Dawn: no. You're not coming into my home.
Dawn: No. leave me alone.
Rose simply didn't take no for an answer and instead turned into her Octopus form and slid in between Dawn's legs to get inside of the apartment, then turned back into her human form.
Dawn: Hey!
Rose:...*looking around*
Dawn: this is breaking and entering you know! Get out!
Rose began to walk throughout Dawn's apartment instead, noticing a torn up couch and broken clock on the wall. There were some ramen cups on the floor and her Tv was turned on, playing a high school drama type of show.
Inkling boy: I love you!
Octoling girl:....
Inkling boy: I know things have been hard for you and your family...but I promise....
The Inkling boy grabbed onto the Octoling's hand and looked her in the eyes.
Inkling boy: I'll do everything I can to protect you and I'll support your family......
Octoling girl:.....
Inkling boy: I just need a chance...
Octoling girl:.......I-
Just then, Dawn shut off the Tv and tossed the remote on the couch, looking over at Rose.
Dawn: get out now.
Dawn and Rose stared at each other, but Dawn was shocked a little when she saw Rose bow down in front of her in a apologetic way, embarrassing her, but she could see the Octo's body shake and tremble as if she had something to say. Dawn crossed her arms and let out a very long sigh towards Rose, turning her head away from her.
Dawn: you have 5 minutes....
Rose looked up and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out, confusing Dawn a little, and seeing Rose grab her own neck that was wrapped with a scarf, gently and wince in pain. The Octo instead reached into her pocket and pulled out a little notepad with a pen attached to it. Rose took the pen off and began to scribble in the notepad, then she ripped the page out and handed it to Dawn. Dawn took the page and looked at it, raising her eyebrow as Rose simply watched her read it.
"I'm very sorry about what happened. I wanted to protect you"
Dawn: don't you think it's too late for a sorry?
Rose:......*scribble scribble*....
Dawn took another note from Rose, letting out another sigh and reading once more.
"I was going to apologize this morning, but you didn't show up to work"
Dawn:.....*grunts* look, I don't know why you're even speaking to me with these dumb notes, why don't you just open your mouth and say it!?
Rose stood in front of Dawn.....and she saw the Octo slowly lift up her hand and grab a scarf that was around her neck, gently unwrapping it and showing Dawn a weird injury that looked like it was made from ink that went across her neck, shocking Dawn just as she began to write another note and hand it to her.
"My vocal chords were badly damaged when I was young. I apologize."
Rose put her scarf back on and scribbled some more on her notepad, handing Dawn yet another note.
"Are you okay?"
Dawn:....I don't understand why you're even asking, we're already considered jokes on the internet, so what do you think my answer is gonna be?
Rose: *scribble scribble*
" She was going to hurt you"
Dawn:....does it even matter? I've been dealing with her shit for years
"Did you ever tell anyone about it?"
Dawn: yes. They didn't care whatsoever. That's enough questions, just leave me alone now.....I'm tired anyway.
Rose stood there for a second, then scribbled on her notepad one last time, giving Dawn her last note.
"I apologize for bothering you like this. I just wanted you to see if you were alright. Please come to work tomorrow, I enjoy your presence"
Dawn looked up at Rose once more, but when she did, she saw the Octoling opening her front door, slowly walking out and closing the door behind herself before Dawn could even say a word. Dawn looked at the note and just......stared at it........thinking to herself while doing so.
Dawn: (she.......enjoys my presence?....)
Dawn stayed silent while looking at the note, but instead of a smile forming on her face, she gritted her teeth at the note and crumpled it up, throwing it on the floor and walking away from it.
Dawn: not again......never.....again......
Shade: I'm telling ya, we should definitely upgrade our menu!
Shadow: it's already fine as is....the main reason why people even come to the Café is because of our Marine Maroons.
Marine Maroons, just the thought of them was almost enough to make Shade drool; a sweet, creamy coffee with whipped cream on the top, topped off with chocolate sprinkles, an old family recipe.
Shade: yeeeeeah~ they're so gooooood~
Shadow: exactly.
Shadow pulled out her keys and unlocked the door to their apartment. Even though they were sisters, Shade and Shadow actually weren't even league partners that had a blood contract, mainly because of their differences. Shade was much more outgoing and she loved to turf and splat her foes, while Shadow was much more introverted and she preferred to stay inside for most of the day playing video games. Turf war wasn't boring to her, but she wasn't that deep into it like how Shade was. The two sisters would play together every once in a while, but definitely not all the time, despite this, the two had no hard feelings against one another and respected each other's opinions. Shadow and Shade walked into the apartment and turned on the lights, closing the door behind them.
Shade: welp...I'm heading straight to bed.
Shadow: have fun. I'm gonna stay up and try to beat this boss within the dungeon of mercilessness.
Just then, the two heard something break within their home, as if a vase fell and shattered, catching their attention and while Shadow had a much more serious and concerned look, Shade was slightly more laid back, but still was very curious.
Shadow: the hell?....
Shade: it's probably that weird bird again. The one who swoops in and steals our food.
Shadow: I hope you're right, but we should check to make sure.
Shadow and Shade hesitantly walked down through their home, hearing a large thud on the ground coming from their bathroom. The two walked a little farther until they were standing face to face with their bathroom door, then Shade slowly reached over to turn the knob, but her hand froze, standing still for a second, then quickly ran behind Shadow, pushing her towards the door.
Shade: how about you go first.
Shadow rolled her eyes and looked down at the doorknob, reaching down to it and grabbing it, giving it a slow twist before gently pushing the door open. The two stood in the doorframe, completely stunned and confused on what they saw, an Inkling?.......the two didn't even know what the hell he even was....the boy was laying on the ground, unconscious next to the blood smears around him.
Shadow:....what the hell?.......
While Shadow was completely confused and concerned, Shade was just.......starring at the boy.....noticing his light green, long tentacles....and she looked over at Shadow to see her pulling out her phone, and began to dial a number.
Shade: what are you doing?
Shadow: calling the ambulance to get this guy out of our house.
Shade: No!!
Shadow: the hell? Why?
Shade froze for a second, sweating bullets and even began to question herself on why she even made that was as if he'd body was telling her what to do, and she had no control over it. She rubbed the back of her head and gave out a tiny chuckle while looking at her sister.
Shade: because uh.....what's the point of that?.....we can help him and patch him up ourselves. We don't need to waste their time.
Shadow:......what? Shade, you sound so dumb right now. You do realize some random guy just broke into our house, right? The hell is wrong with you?
Shade: I know he's not bad though. *points* Look.
Shadow looked where Shade was pointing and saw a box of bandage wraps near the boy's hand as if he was reaching for them, and Shade turned back to Shadow with a worried, yet flustered face.
Shade: he must've tried to get our bandage wraps so he could patch himself up!
Shadow:........that doesn't mean he's not a bad person.....I'll call medical, and also the police.
Shade: by the time they get here, he'll most likely be dead because of blood loss!
Shade quickly ran over to the boy on the floor, then instantly grabbed the boy by his shoulders, pulling him up and holding him.
Shadow: Shade!
Shade: even if he did attack us, he'd be too weak right now. He was probably running away from someone who tried to kill him........poor cutie~
Shadow groaned and walked over to Shade, grabbing the bandage wraps and sliding them into her pocket before helping Shade pick up the boy.
Shadow: *sigh*....if he wakes up and kills us, I'm beating the shit out of you in heaven.
Shade: bold of you to assume I'm going to heaven, sis~
Callie and Marie sat near each other while relaxing, Marie was scrolling on her phone while Callie was changing channels on the Tv. The two stayed silent for a little while, that is until Marie's eyes widened in shock from her phone, making her look closer at her phone which caught Callie's attention.
Callie: what's wrong?
Marie held her phone up to Callie's face, showing her a picture on Squidstagram that showed an Inkling girl standing near an Octoling girl, which confused Callie slightly.
Callie:....Um...nice picture?
Marie: Callie, you don't see it?
Callie: see what?
Marie pointed at the Inkling girl in the picture and Callie looked a little closer at it.
Marie: does she not look familiar to you?....
Marie: are you for eel?
Callie: I don't understand what you're talking about....I'm guessing you saw her before?
Marie: Callie, we both have.
Callie: I swear I've never met this girl in my entire life...
Marie:.....*sigh*.......Callie....I believe this is 3.
Callie sat there in shock as Marie pointed to the picture once more to show Callie her midnight blue eyes and scars on her face.
Marie: I've never seen an Inkling with such...pale skin as 3. Her scars are recognizable because of her past battles...I remember patching them up for her.......
Callie:....her tentacles weren't black....they...
Marie: I know.....they used to be green...but I'm sure she dyed them....I'm so happy to see that she's safe.
After some certain...incidents, Agent 3, Aka: Dawn, severed her bond from the squid sisters, Captain cuddle fish, and the squid beak Splatoon entirely, abandoning her duties and returning her uniform, completely disappearing from their eyes and not responding to their calls or texts.
???: who are you two talking about?~
Callie and Marie looked over and saw an Inkling girl with bandages wrapped around her hand as an Inkling boy stood beside her.
Marie: Scarlett....Soul....
Scarlett smiled while walking towards the two idols and the tall Inkling glared at the two as his Kensa rapid blaster dangled on his waist slowly.
Scarlett: hiiiii cuties~ *gasp* I see you noticed my squidstagram post!
Callie: you posted this?
Scarlett: Mmmmhm!
Marie:.....why?...don't you think that's a little....rude?
Scarlett: excuse me?
Callie:'re kinda being very mean about thi-
Callie stopped mid sentence when she felt the presence of an Inkling boy behind her, not even noticing his speed at all. Callie shook in fear as Scarlett walked over to her and gently placed her hand on her cheek.
Scarlett: I don't believe you should insult me like don't wanna see my big bro mad now.....
Scarlett: plus, her little Pit-Dweller friend cut my hand with her disgusting claws....ugh....
Scarlett showed Callie the bandages on her hand and saw Scarlett let out a little "hmph" and smirk at her.
Scarlett: I'll show them both true pain during the splatfest....just you wait....
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