Chapter 19: Back To Normal
*Marine Flow Café*
It was weirdly slow and peaceful for the morning within the Café. After the splatfest finally came to its official conclusion, all that was left to do...was wait....
Dawn picked up a bag of coffee beans alongside a stack of fresh cups, properly putting them in their respectful locations just as Shade was sitting on the counter with her legs crossed, looking up at the monitor screen within the lobby.
Pearl: hold onto your tentacles!
Marina: this is off the hook coming at you LIVE from Inkopolis square!
Shade: *gasp* guys it's starting!! it's starting!! it's STARTING!!
Dawn: *rolls her eyes*.....
Rune: what's starting?.....
Shadow: splatfest results dude.
Rune: oh yeah.......fuck......forgot about that.....
Shade: where's Rosie!? She's gonna miss the broadcast!
Shadow: she still hasn't clocked in yet.........*gasp* DAWNEY!!
Everyone turned and directed their attention towards Dawn, who was the only cephalopod that was still working and not joining the conversation....she organized brewing materials before walking towards a wall and grabbing a broom that leaned up against it, sweeping and ignoring everyone.
Shade: you were with Rosie during the splatfest! Do yo-
Dawn: No.
Shade: awe c'mon! you can't lie to me, silly!
Dawn: I know I can't lie to you....BUT I can simply stop associating with you all together........if no words are spoken......then no lies are know what?.....let me start doing that right now........
Shadow: seem a bit more ticked off than usual Dawn...are you alright?.......
Dawn: never been better......
Dawn reached down to grab a box full of spare plates, but before she could pick up the box, a ding was heard from the front of the Café. Dawn hesitated, and just like everyone else, she directed her attention towards the two doors........and......there she was........
Rose stood within the Café door frames.....with the same form of blank expression......well....the blank expression that everyone else was blinded by........but not Dawn........when her attention was directed towards Rose....she could read through her......that blank expression was nothing but a mask for the Octoling to hide herself behind........
Dawn could only question herself slightly on why she was even thinking and looking at Rose so differently was all over anyway.....the was done....the weekend was in the past......their 3 days of emotions and words they shared towards one another....was thrown away into the same trash bin of the past that the entire splatfest, the squid sisters.....and even Agent 3 properly belonged.......
Shade ran up to Rose and embraced her in a massive hug with a smile on her face just as everyone else walked over towards her as well. Dawn still didn't bother to move at all, being left alone behind the counter to continue her work, looking down with a annoyed glare.
Shade: there you are, dummy! did you have fun during the splatfest!? I missed you so muuuuuch!!
Rose smiled and gently hugged Shade back, but suddenly coughed a little, making herself whimper while concerning Shade, who let her go and tilted her head towards her as another cough came from Rose, sounding a lot more........rough.....than before, and covering her mouth with her arm.
Shade: oh I'm sorry! Did I squeeze you too hard?
Rose: *shakes her head*.....
Shadow: what's with the coughing then? Caught a little cold?
Rose began to feel nervous after tasting the blood within her mouth......but she was thankful that none managed to slip through and flow down her face for her friends to notice.....she waved her hand towards them to kinda show that she was "okay" even though the blood she lost last night definitely took a toll on her......making her oversleep and feel ridiculously nauseous enough to not even trust herself to super jump to work, but rather walk to avoid the risk of having a rough landing....
Even if she shrugged it off, Dawn still knew the truth about her even having the audacity to show up to work in the first place.......Rose thought about herself......Dawn thought about her as well, weirdly enough.......getting annoyed with herself as she tried to shake away her thoughts....but she couldn't......not after last night........
"Eight".....was the last thing Rose said towards Dawn last night.....and it roamed within her head ever her trouble to even sleep last night.......she wanted to ask Rose for a form of elaboration on what she said.....but it was obviously too late.....and she'd only make herself look like a hypocrite if she tried to start a conversation with the octoling after their incident.....she had no choice but to bite her own damn tongue.....
Sadly to her luck, Dawn was caught looking once again by Rose.....and the two simply looked at each other.....but for an odd reason.....Dawn actually felt calm and collected when Rose glanced at her......she didn't feel......uncomfortable or embarrassed......and to her surprise.......even though she maintained her glare.....she noticed Rose's small smile towards her friends fade away......and soon later......saw Rose actually break eye contact with her for her feel......bad?....
Shade dragged Rose and everyone else followed towards the television back near Dawn's location. When Dawn looked up at the Tv as well, she sighed and decided to watch the results with them, seeing Pearl and Marina start rolling the numbers.
Pearl: let's get these results to finally see which team absolutely dominated over the weekend. Go team squiddy cakes!
Marina: we can win this, team Octo buns! Let's see which team got the most votes.
Pearl/Marina: badabadabadabada......BAM.
Sc: 62%. Ob: 38%
Shade: YES! In your face Dawney!
Dawn:....the results just started....shut up.
Pearl: now let's see which team won the most battles!
Pearl/Marina: badabadabadabada......
Shade: psssh! We got this in the ba-
Pearl/Marina: BAM!
Sc: Ob:
49%. | 51%
48%. 52%
Shade: don't say anything!
Dawn:.....I wasn't going to.......
Pearl: okay y'all! Now it's time!
Marina: here it comes!..
Pearl: the winner of this splatfest is....
Squiddy Cakes / Octo Buns
62% |Votes| 38%
49% |Solo| 51%
48% |Team| 52%
1 - 2
Marina: and Octo Buns takes the win!!
Pearl: awe c'mon man!
Marina: see Pearlie? Told you that nothing can beat the sweetness of a freshly baked Octo Bun!
Pearl: *sigh* I suppose......
Marina: *giggle* it doesn't mean that squiddy cakes aren't delicious in their own way...... that right.....
Marina: soft and warm....covered in icing....heh.......nice.....sweet and savory-
Pearl: alright alright, please stop! you're making me hungry!
Marina: hungry for a Octo buuuun?
Pearl:................s-shut up....
Marina: you can't fool me, Pearlie!~
After hearing her own stomach grumble a little, Pearl gently patted her own stomach with a small sigh, looking at the monitor screen that showed the splatfest results, then she suddenly was hit with a thought of realization, looking towards Marina, seeing her with a warm smile as her eyes were closed, slightly drooling and letting out small chuckles....most likely imagining some Octo buns within her own state of mind.
Marina:....h-huh?......oh, yes!?
Pearl: let's uh......g-go grab something to eat.....
Marina: like some Octo buns!? uh....remember?.....
Marina:......remember what?.....
but Pearl sat blank for a second, looking at the camera in their studio to see that they were still live on television, and without hesitation, she jumped up from her chair and put her face in the camera, moving it away from the jelly who was controlling it.
Pearl: alright everyone, that's the end of the splatfest! We hope you all have a good day today and junk. Go claim your fucking snails, and Staysafeandwhateverokaybyyyyyyyyeee!!!
Pearl ended the broadcast herself, and she soon felt the Jelly aggressively wiggle and snatch the camera back from her, letting out a frustrated huff at her.
Pearl brushed off the Jelly and flicked them off before walking back towards Marina, reaching over towards her seat to grab onto a jacket that she had hung on it's back, and as she threw on her jacket, Marina stood up and raised an eyebrow at her.
Pearl:......yesterday......*zip* her.....since I ripped up the uh......pass.....Callie gave her....
Marina:.........oh....OH MY GOODNESS, YOU'RE RIGHT!
Pearl: Mmmmhm. She works with Dawn, so finding her is easy.
Marina: do you think Dawn will be...ya know...........happy to see us?....
Pearl: "happy" isn't really a good word to describe her reaction.........she'd be...neutral......she will acknowledge us.....the only ones she wouldn't properly acknowledge is..............them..........abuser number 1, and abuser number 2.
Marina:.....d-don't say that, Pearlie......that's mean.....
Pearl: am I wrong?......
Pearl: exactly. Also by the way, I wasn't using my hunger as an excuse or'm actually fucking hungry.......
Just then, Marina's stomach growled exactly like Pearl's earlier, and as Pearl put a smirk on her face, Marina blushed and slightly nodded her head.
Marina: too......
Pearl: that settles it. Let's give her the gift AND order some food while we're there. *shrugs* splatting two squids with one splat bomb.......I hope you understood my metaphor.....
Marina: *nod* yes.....I understand....
Marina thought about Dawn, which made her slightly upset......and before she could sink too deep, she felt a gentle poke on her nose, which snapped her out of it.......when she looked towards Pearl, she saw her smile....her damn beautiful smile that she gives to her every single day......her heart thumped.......and soon her blush of embarrassment turned into a blush of love.......'s alright......I would've felt shitty and nervous just like you........but.....Dawn......opened up to me........and it put me at ease a bit.......
Marina:............was that why you were crying?..........
Pearl's body tightened up alongside her face.......and just as Marina saw a small blush form on Pearl's face as well, Pearl quickly reached up and pinched her nose instead of poking it like before, and Marina let out a small whimper before grabbing her nose in pain just as Pearl turned around and began to walk towards the door of the studio, grumbling to herself.
Pearl: again, I wasn't crying! Let's just go!
Shadow: oh stop wining, you big baby. There's always next splatfest. It's literally a part of our culture.....
Rune: is she alright?....
Shadow: this is her 5th Splatfest that she lost.
Shade: shut up!
Shadow: in a row.
Rune: about bad luck.....
Conner: *nod nod*
Shade: don't try to make fun of me! You barely participate in splatfests yourself! Hmph! So your opinion is invalid!
Rune: trust me.....once the next splatfest rolls around, you're gonna forget all about this one...
Shade: no I won't! I have an amazing memory, thank you very much!
Rune: okay.....then tell me what was the theme of the previous splatfest before squiddy cakes Vs Octo buns.
Shade:...............oh....It was uh......
Rune:....I'm listening....... doesn't matter!! Rosie, did you cheat or something!?
Shadow: don't listen to her Rose. Congrats on winning your very first my knowledge at least....
Shade: how can you guys act so normal!?
Rune: I just wanted my snails.
Shadow: same here.
Conner: *thumbs up*
Shade: no wonder we looooost! You guys were only in it for the reward! shit...
Shade continued to groan and wine as Dawn saw everyone simply try their best to calm her down. Just as she shook her head, she heard foot steps approaching her past the countertop and into the work station.....
She looked over and saw Rose walk past her, and with no form of emotion, didn't even acknowledge her presence, but Dawn once again stood and stared at her.........
It echoed once again.....Dawn tried to fight back her urge to speak.....slowly losing control of herself as she saw Rose walk farther and farther towards the back of the café......
Dawn:......(it's just one simple question............that's all........t-then......No....I can't make myself.....l-look like a fucking idiot...............)
Rose opened up her locker and put on her café apron, then placed on her workers cap.........and for Dawn....the thoughts....the questions......the overflowed within her head......before she knew it........she took a step within the Octoling's direction......
Dawn:.....(...j-just this..........this last damn question......I know I'll feel much better if I.........a-ask.......dammit!!...).....
One step....then another.....the ink in her body began to boil......curling up her fists and praying to the Great Zapfish that there was no form of blush on her Rose was already preoccupied, Dawn walked behind Rose, noticing that she didn't even see her........then....she opened her mouth to speak......
No words were given........the sounds of her stuttering mumbles were as quiet as Judd's purring......she slowly extended her hand down towards Rose to tap her and grab her attention....however she didn't get the chance to.....because before she knew it, Rose stood up and closed her locker...and Dawn quickly came to her senses and snatched her hand away......
The Octoling turned around and was now face to face with Dawn, which obviously caught her by surprise...........with their faces being a bit closer than usual....
Dawn's mind was scrambled....she just wanted to ask one goddamn question.........she gathered up her pride......and took a deep breath.....
Dawn: Ro-
Shade's loud scream of excitement caught the attention from both Rose and Dawn.....and as Dawn could only get very annoyed.....her chance slipped right past her as she saw Rose walk off and away from her to see what all of the screaming was about.........
Dawn felt that same awkward feeling from before....strike her straight in the heart when she saw Rose give her the cold shoulder..........she couldn't blame the Octoling however........because it was all because of her......and Rose was respecting her wishes......apparently even more than she was herself.....almost going back on her own word.....
Dawn sighed and walked within the same direction as Rose, making their way to the front of the Café......unexpectedly locking their eyes towards Off The Hook themselves......and as Marina unwrapped a scarf she was wearing, Pearl took off the hood of her jacket, letting out a strong huff as she rubbed her hands together for warmth.
Pearl: sheesh it's getting cold out there..........I knew I should've brought my gloves too....
Marina: it sure is nice and toasty in here feels amazing......
As Rose's eyes widened in shock, Dawn was the complete opposite....tilting her head at the two.....seeing Marina take a long sniff of the Café's interior, and smiled as her body began to loosen up and relax.
Marina: I love the smell of just makes me so...comfortable.....
Pearl: you can say that again. Carp....if the Café smells like this...then just imagine the pastries~.....
Shade: *shake shake* Can you believe it, Shadow!!? Off The Hook!! IN OUR CAFÉ!!!
Shadow: yes I can see that! Please stop shaking me!!
Marina: hello! We're sorry for the random appearance....b-but we're here because.......of.....s-something....and someone....
Rune: Someone?
Pearl: *ahem*....our little superstar herself.
Pearl smirked and pointed a finger towards Dawn's direction, and right as Dawn thought she was pointing at her, she then quickly noticed Rose tense up next to her.....and only saw her slowly lift her own hand and point towards herself.
Pearl: yes you, Doofus!
Rose: *blush*......
Shade: Rosie, what did you do!?
Shadow: you didn't get on her bad side, right Rose?.......because if you did...I can't defend you in court.....
Rose: *shakes her head*...
Pearl: no, no. Trust me, it's nothing negative. I just wanna give the little Octo her gift.
Pearl: c'moooon, Rose! Even though 'Rina forgot all about it, I surely didn't.
Marina: I-I didn't forget about the gift!
Rose noticed every single one of her friends looking straight at her, and she began to feel more and more nervous as she took one step forward, than another as Pearl also closed the distance between the two......Pearl gave Rose a prideful, yet beautiful chuckle, then slowly raised her hand, curling it into a fist and lightly giving her a small punch on the shoulder.
Pearl: remember my little promise to you?....after I ripped up the uh....ya know.....
Pearl: well......
Pearl reached inside of her jacket and pulled out a little brochure, tapping it against Rose's head, and she grabbed it after letting out a small whimper, looking at its cover to see New Albacore Hotel on its cover page.
Pearl: how does a nice trip to Albacore sound? *shrug* For you and all of your buddies of course.
Rose: 0-0.........
Shade: w-wait......
Rune: you mean....Albacore?......
Pearl: *nod* yup.
Shade: THEE Albacore!!?
Pearl: *nod nod* yup yup.
Shade: Shadow.....pinch me....
Shadow: you pinch me first.....
Shade: at the same time!
The two sisters reached towards each other and pinched the other, yelping as Rose continued to look down at the brochure, completely star struck.....
The location of "Albacore" isn't only referring to the Hotel that many Inklings and Octolings turf on during their daily lives. The name originated from the city district that was spread below the large hotel, known as "Albacore Metropolis", which hence on how the hotel got it's name in the first place, being a simple speck within the massive area.
The metropolis was massive, but also rather expensive. Only the best of the best could even THINK on living within the City. It's a normal cephalopod's dream to actually have the chance to live in such a beautiful place. Life was calm, but battles were truly thrilling, and the spark of Turf war battles shined the brightest in this one location.
Even though the place is truly beautiful, a cephalopod must have at least 1 of the 3 requirements in order to gain access into the City.
1: Be within the high power range of X rank, with the minimum amount being 2500.
2: have the minimum of 10 million stacks of cash. (Which is absolute bullshit)
3: to receive access permission by Off The Hook, or The Squid Sisters.
It's pretty obvious that the 3 forms of requirements is basically impossible. Being placed within the high power of X Rank is a very difficult task that could make any Inkling or Octoling absolutely push themselves to their absolute limit and drive themselves insane......the rarity of even meeting the idols and receiving access from them is basically slim to none......but for truly was a dream come true......
Shade ran up to Rose and grabbed onto her face, pulling on her cheeks.
Rose gently pried Shades hands off of her, then pulled out her notepad.
Pearl: I already said that she could bring her buddies....
Marina: *smiles* and that means you too.
Shade: YEAAAAAH!! I'll start packing right no-
Pearl: Hold on, Hold on girl. Remember this is still Rose's gift specifically.
Marina: you're very's so
Shade:....*small blush* oh stop it you.
Pearl: alright....on Rose's behalf.....raise your hand if you want to go.
At that moment, all of Rose's friends raised their hands in the blink of an eye......all......except one..........
Pearl looked at Dawn and saw her walk away to pull herself away from the situation....She got slightly concerned, but before she could act, Shade called out towards Dawn instead.
Shade: Dawney! You didn't raise your hand!
Dawn: no shit.......
Shade:...but...don't you wanna join us?
Dawn: Not one bit.....
Shade ran up to Dawn and grabbed her shoulder, making Dawn stop in her tracks.....
Shade: C'mon Dawney......I don't wanna leave a friend behind like that! You gotta come! I know Rose wants to bring you!
Dawn turned her head a little and looked at Rose from the corner of her eye....seeing the silent Octoling look away from her..........she noticed Shade's hand on her shoulder.....and it made her ink boil.......but she then shut her eyes and let out a long sigh.....
Dawn:.......listen to me......
Dawn reached over and grabbed Shade's hand, moving it from her shoulder.
Dawn:......I'm not your friend......I don't want to ever be your friend......trips like this are completely out of my comfort this is the last time I'll say it....
Dawn: I'm. Not. Going.
Pearl noticed Shade's sudden change in emotion.......and she let out a small whimper, but still gave Dawn a nod, showing that she understood her.....Pearl shifted her attention to Marina....noticing how upset she truly was from noticing the new personality of the girl she used to know.....
But when Pearl looked back towards Dawn, she saw her put her hands on her hips. staying behind isn't too bad anyway.......
Dawn: you guys can go have fun.......I'll hold the Café down until you all return.....
Rune: wait really?.......all by yourself?.....
Dawn: it wouldn't be the first time I worked my ass off for someone me......I've gotten used to it.....
Shade: B-But Dawney....
Shadow:.....are you sure?..
Dawn: positive.....
Even though she was trying her hardest....Rose could still feel the pain from inside of herself......and after declining the invitation to Albacore....her heart.....skipped a beat....
She gently clenched onto her notepad harder, and just as she began to think on what to write.....the ringing of a bell could be heard, notifying everyone that there was a new customer.
They stepped inside, and everyone took a long look......noticing that the customer was no one other than the top 500 Octoling herself....Lyra......and everyone stood completely shocked......Pearl could only tilt her head at the situation....
Pearl: looks like other big faces are showing up here besides us, 'Rina......
Marina: yeah honestly.....
Lyra: good morning.....*nod*.....I hope you all are doing well...
Shade: Ms. Lyra! You too!? Oh my cod, Could this day get any better!?
Shadow: big fan of your work. Loved the match you fought in last night, You and Rose were amazing.
Lyra: I appreciate it.....sadly Squiddy cakes didn't win the splatfest....but I had fun participating.....I came down to the square for that main reason....
Shade: hmph! I still think it's rigged! *looks at Pearl* how could you let us lose!?
Pearl: hey, don't look at me....*shrug* I'm reading the numbers straight from Judd. You got a problem, go to the cat.
Shade: talk to Judd, huh?.........heh....okay then.....
Shadow: you do anything to harm that cat and I'll whoop your ass....Remember that.
Rune: *sigh*.....anyway.....what brings you here, Lyra?......
Lyra: well....the topic of the splatfest isn't far from my reasoning on why I'm here,......I'm referring to yesterday night.....
Rune: something to say?
Lyra: it's more along the lines of.........."I have someone to see"...
Lyra directed her attention straight towards Rose, and when she began to walk towards her, curiosity filled the minds of everyone around the two...watching Rose shake a bit as Lyra held her hand out towards her......
Lyra: "Rose" was it?.....I never got the chance to properly greet you before.....
Rose shook more and more while standing directly in front of her idol.....lifting her hand slowly and gently grasping hers, shaking her hand in the most weirdest and stiff way possible......
Lyra: it's nice to meet you. I wanted to congratulate you on your win over me last night........your fighting style was very impressive......
Rose: *shake shake shake*........*nod*.......
Lyra: *giggle* no need to feel nervous, little Octo.....I'm not going to cause any harm....
Rose felt Lyra gently let go of her hand, then she gave her a small nod to tell her that she was sorry, but saw Lyra simply shrug it off.....
Lyra: no need to a matter of fact.......I found it quite amusing.....adorable even.....
As Rose got more flustered by the second, Lyra diverted her attention towards Shade, giving her a concerned stare.
Lyra: I'd hate to be a bother, but do you mind if I borrow your employee for the day? There's so much I wish to discuss with her.
Shade: Oh of course! *blush blush* go on Rosie. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you can't miss it, girl!
Rose's face was as red as the flower itself....and as her smile pierced the hearts of everyone, she gave Shade a thankful nod.
Lyra thanked Shade as well, and nudged her head as a gesture towards Rose, signaling for them to leave, and Rose adorably walked by Lyra's side, holding her hands together while trying not to whimper from happiness.
Pearl and Marina looked towards the two Octolings, watching them walk out the door and officially exit the café together, then Marina could only raise her eyebrow at the situation, with Pearl noticing.
Pearl: something on your mind?
Marina:.......its just..........odd.....
Pearl: what?
Marina:.........didn't Lyra say that she showed up to the square not because of the splatfest? said she didn't about it...... that you bring it up.......yeah actually.....
Marina: she said she was at the square for a different reason....and THAT is why she participated.......but she then just.....changed her opinion?......*head tilt* I guess.....maybe she showed up for Rose?....she did come to the café specifically for top 500 cephalopod casually interacting with ones below them in power is.....pretty rare....
Marina:...........probably......I guess.....
Pearl: who knows? She most likely changed her mind and started to have some fun during that battle she was in.
Marina:......yeah.....maybe you're right....
The two decided to drop the topic for now, and as they redirected their attention back towards Shade and the others, the two of them noticed Dawn scoff before walking in the back, which made a smirk grow on Shade's face.
Shade: awwwwwwe......looks like someone is Jealous~....
Dawn: shut the hell up.......I'm giving you one warning........
Shade: Dawney, this is drama related love triangle! She's stealing your Rosie!!
With no hesitation, Dawn reached over towards a nearby countertop and grabbed a plastic cup, turning around and throwing it straight at Shade, hitting her straight in the face and making her yelp before falling on the ground.
Pearl: damn....headshot.
Marina:....oh my goodness......
Shadow:.....she warned ya....
Rune: *rolls his eyes*...anyway.....what do you two want to order?....'m hungry as hell.....but.....I don't know what I'm actually hungry for, ya know?...
Marina: same here. about you just surprise us with something?
Rune: you sure?
Pearl: as long as it satisfies our hunger, then yes.
Shadow: alright then. We'll try our best.
Shade: I see stars......pretty stars.....
Shadow: Shade, go sit down somewhere......
Rune: do you two want some coffee in the meantime? We can whip up some Marine Maroons for you.
Pearl: what type of coffee is that?
Shadow: our best selling coffee. It's Homemade.
Marina: oooooh! I'd love to try one then.
Pearl: eh....why not?....sure.
Shadow: gotcha. You two can sit anywhere you'd like. We'll be back soon.
Marina: thank you very much for the service!
Shadow: no prob. Serving you two is only a dream come true for us.
Pearl smirked at Marina after seeing her get a little flustered from Shadow's words, and she gently grabbed onto Marina's hand, walking away to find an empty table just as the Café team began their shift properly. Once they found a nice table, Pearl let go of Marina's hand and sat down, and Marina did the same, sitting directly across from her.
Pearl:.....finally.....the splatfest is over, the squid sisters are gone, and Dawn doesn't have to worry anymore............k-kinda.....
Marina:.....I-I still don't.....understand.......
Pearl: understand what?
Marina:....why they left......
Marina: I-It was just.....ridiculously random........
Pearl: they probably realized that what they're doing is dumb as literal hell......they left to not embarrass themselves even more.
Marina:..........t-this drama is temporary........right?, you don't think that society will continue this hatred towards Callie and Marie as days, weeks, months.......and even years pass by?......
Pearl:.....uh.......I honestly don't know.....once again, they did it to themselves......
Pearl: if they would've just left Dawn alone, none of this would've happened.........they're both fucking stupid.....
Pearl:.........yeah, yeah I know........I don't care about them like that, but I know they hold a special place in your heart, 'Rina...........with.....Calamari inkantation and all.......
Pearl:......sorry about my words of choice.....
Marina:.....i-it's okay....
Pearl: I just........feel nothing but anger towards them.......Dawn went through this shit ever since she was 14......and she's still going through it to this day.....5 whole fucking years later......
Marina:.......from what we know.....Mr. Cuttlefish was her only form of support before we met her and 8.........he told me that he values Dawn more than himself...........and he feels so much......
Pearl:.......guilt......for allowing her to become an agent in the first place.......
Pearl leaned forward in her chair......resting her arm on the table to hold her chin.
Pearl:.......within that span of 5 years......she lost her brother...........
Pearl: her best friend.......
Marina:.......*looks away*......
Pearl:......and her lover.........
Pearl imagined the previous pain of the former agent within her head...but then.....she heard a small sniffle.....looking up and seeing Marina gently wipe her eyes, and Pearl quickly began to panic, leaning over the table and reaching towards Marina.....
Pearl: H-Hey, Hey! 'Rina it's okay, please......n-not in public.....everything will be will....I know it...
Pearl gently held onto Marina's cheek, using her thumb to wipe away a newly formed tear.......and Marina soon looked back at her..............
Marina:........are you sure?......
Pearl:........I'm positive.......
Pearl looked back towards the main counter of the Café, seeing Dawn walking towards them in the distance, holding a tray with their coffees placed onto it...........and with the last remaining amount of time they had while Dawn was out of earshot......she spoke once again.
Pearl: even if it takes years.......literal fucking years...........I'll be there for her......even though Dawn will never be the same Inkling we once knew.....and she can't fully heal to 100%.......I won't rest until I see a smile on her face........a real smile........and I know you'll do the same.........
As Marina was left speechless, Pearl sat back down in her chair, taking a deep breath before letting it out.....and when Dawn finally reached their table........she changed her attitude, giving Dawn a small greeting of a nod.
Pearl: hey Dawn.
Pearl: you got my text, right?.....
Dawn carefully placed down their coffees and began to hold the tray by her side, looking towards Pearl.
Dawn:......I did.........sorry for not responding back.........
Pearl: it's cool. As long as you saw it, then that's all that matters.
Dawn:.........they left?.......just like that?......
Pearl: yeah.....
Dawn: say anything to them.....or......
Pearl: nothin'.....they were just....performing on stage......then stopped..........
Pearl: as they left......everyone was shouting at them.......I never expected any cephalopod to act that way towards them.......but......they proved me wrong....
Dawn:......I....I-I'm just so....confused.
Pearl: same here...*shrugs*...but you wanted them's obviously better to be confused about something positive instead of something negative.
Dawn didn't respond to Pearl, and even though not a word was said, in the back of her mind, Dawn obviously was agreeing with her, and she could tell that Pearl knew it as well.....
There was no need to Dawn looked towards Marina instead, and as Pearl picked up her coffee...Marina could only sit in silence, staring at hers.......but that was when Dawn soon noticed a slight tint of red within her eyes....
Dawn: the hell were you crying about?
Marina: w-what?.........oh lost my headphones!.....they uh.....went missing during the splatfest last night.......I must've misplaced them....they were my favorite pair!
Marina: man, I was crying a whole river, Dawn! b-but Pearlie said she was gonna help me find them today! Right, Pearlie!?
Dawn: oh......I can help you find them.
Marina: you can!? Oh that's so sweet of you, Dawn!
Dawn: *nod* and I already know where to look first.
Marina: really?....Where?
Dawn reached over towards Marina with a disappointed expression, placing her hand on top of Marina's head, grabbing straight onto her headphones and pulling them off her head, presenting them to her.
Dawn: your head...........
Marina:..........Oh!! How on earth did they get there!?.....heh........uh......
Pearl: *facepalm*.....
Marina:.......n-no no! I wear them so often that I just........forget they're on my head at times.........s-silly me.....
Marina:.......t-that last part wasn't a....l-lie......I actually do forget about...them.......
Pearl:......the amount of times she accidentally wore them in the shower and broke them is bigger than you think....
Marina: don't bring that up!!
Dawn: just answer my damn question please. What were you crying for? I wouldn't be asking twice if I wasn't concerned.
Pearl: nope......this is all you dude....*sip*.....
Dawn: seriously.......I don't have all day......
Marina: okay, okay! I've been thinking about Rose!
Marina: a-and I was.......wondering if she........makes you happy.......I-I'm not trying to dig deep into your relationship with her, but y-you asked gave you the truth......
Dawn stared at Marina, just as blank as ever....and just as she opened her mouth, she immediately closed it back back up......scoffing towards herself and turning around to walk away from the two Idols.
Dawn:.......of course it had to be a question about her......I should've kept my mouth shut.....
Marina: h-hey! You're playing dirty! Come on! You forced my question, so I want to know your answer!
Dawn: sorry, can't hear ya.....
Marina: please!?
Dawn: No.
Marina: Dawn!
Dawn: Fuck off.
Pearl: aaaaaand there she goes.
Marina:........the question was too deep......huh, Pearlie?.....
Pearl:.....I mean......*sip*......not....that much........I can see myself asking her the same thing.....also drink your coffee before it gets cold.
Just as Pearl took another sip of her coffee, Marina looked down to pick up her cup, taking a small sip herself, then relaxing her body as the delicious taste began to coarse throughout her body. After she took another sip, she looked over to the counter, but Dawn wasn't actually visible anymore, hiding herself in the far back of the café....
Marina:............I probably made her super uncomfortable with it though.....
Pearl: well of course you did. At least you noticed that on your own instead of me telling you.
Marina: *whimper* I can't tell if you're trying to comfort me or insult me for making Dawn mad at me!
Pearl: *chuckle* I'm not trying to insult ya. Also Dawn isn't mad at you.....she's mad at herself because she couldn't give you a proper answer.
Pearl: the girl is all over the place......she changed a lot, the one thing that hasn't changed however is her emotions, and how she deals with picking up what I'm putting down?
Pearl: she can't control herself......or how she thinks on something.......when she was talking to me about 8...she explained that she's never felt 1 singular emotion before......even though she could understand 1 of them, she never understood the 2nd emotion that was hiding in her mind.....ready to pounce at her when she was vulnerable in any way, shape, or form..... truly can read her like a book.......
Pearl: she vented to me a lot. Remember what we talked about before........I was there for her......and you were there for 8.......we love them both......*sip*.....but me and you prioritized one over the other.....we worked as a team.
Marina:.....that's true......
Pearl: I mean like, c' definitely know more about 8 compared to me, dummy. It's not even close. If I told you how many times I witnessed Dawn cry, you wouldn't believe me. Even though she's a tough squid, her heart is as fragile as an undercover brella shield. looks like we all shed tears........far too much.....
Pearl: well what do you expect?.......ever since that one fucking day.....things have just been horrible for all of us literally almost cried your eyes out like, 2 seconds ago.
Marina: a-and you cried yesterday night! So it's fair!
Pearl: uuuuugh, I didn't cry last ni-
Marina: Pearlie.......
Marina:.....please......I know I'm a horrible're not any me.....
Pearl:........*looks away*......dammit.......
Marina: it's okay to be emotional around me......I don't mind it.....
Pearl: but I DO......I would never want you to see me like.......l-like......
Marina: like what?......weak?......vulnerable?......
Pearl: yes! 'Rina, you know who I am, you know how I act, and you kno-
Marina: AND I know how you feel.....all day......everyday.......with no words needed.....
Marina: Pearlie, I would rather have you express your pain towards me with your words instead of continuing to torture yourself on the inside......I'd never look at you differently if you did so.....
Pearl:...........uuugh....I hate it when you're right...........*sigh* won me over.......I'll.....
Pearl: *blush* t-try to with you.......
Marina: *smile* I knew you could do it.
Pearl: *grumble grumble*......
Marina: I do.....kinda have a question though....
Pearl: hm?....
Marina: last night.....what happened between you and Dawn in order for you to finally break after all this time?......
Pearl:......*sigh* was about
Marina: what happened?
Pearl: me and Dawn got in a little argument.........and I had to properly explain to her how she wasn't the only one who was deeply affected by 8's death..........both of us were.....beyond belief.....
Pearl: but......talking about 8 just made me......upset......I couldn't hold myself together.....and I started crying....right in front of Dawn......
Marina:.....I understand........
Pearl: I just dropped everything and told Dawn that I want to protect her and I didn't wanna lose her.......I never wanted her to hate us like how she hates them........
Marina:........what did.....she say?...
Pearl:......she gave me a form of reassurance with her words.......and that she was thankful that we united her and 8 in the first place......when she said that to took so much weight off my shoulders.....weights that dragged me down since her death..... that's why you seem a bit more comfortable and teasing today.....
Pearl: yeah......when she told me that, it made me feel so much better.......I myself again......after all this time......
Marina: hearing that from you.....makes me feel better too.....*sip*....I'm glad that you and her are on good terms again....
Pearl: *nod* too....
Marina: what about.....Rose?....what did she have to do with that conversation?...... already saw and interacted with Rose to understand her.....she's a pretty fresh and beautiful octoling who was accidentally dragged into this drama......
Marina: *nod nod*.....
Pearl:.....I just......I tried to put the pieces of this puzzle together......and Rose is extra piece that doesn't belong to the picture in the first looks like she does......but when I try to put her piece just won't I asked Dawn.......
Pearl: if she saw Rose as her own Agent 8 herself.....
Pearl: I-It's just cuz I had this awkward moment with Rose in the limo.....for just a split moment.....I saw Agent 8...instead of freaked me out, 'Rina......
Marina: it makes sense.......Rose does......kinda remind me of her as well.....
Pearl: her personality, her smile, her polite form of communication.......she even uses an E-Liter JUST like 8......I just.......I feel like absolute shit whenever I think on it.....but I knew I had to ask this question to Dawn as well......
Pearl: Rose doesn't deserve any of this.....she's her own octoling......a completely different girl who's doing absolutely nothing wrong.......and she respectfully should only be seen as "Rose"..........not "8"'s not fair for her in the slightest........
Marina: *nod* absolutely.....
Pearl: Dawn......already stated that she didn't care for Rose.......she didn't mean anything special to her..........she even said she wasn't planning on turfing for the last day of the splatfest......then out of nowhere.....her personality just completely....flipped.....
Marina: and that's why she ended up in Inkopolis last night?
Pearl: yeah.......and Rose was using 8's E-Liter too.......Dawn gave her permission to use it.....
Pearl:.........but I......I'm just so mixed on this myself......on Dawn's emotions.......and I'm........a bit scared.....
Marina:.........scared that Dawn is......
Pearl:..........unintentionally abusing a way to cope with the loss of 8............I said "unintentionally" because I know that Dawn would never take advantage of someone like this on purpose.....her heart is made of pure gold.....she wants to stay away from others.......not drag them in and use them for her own mental benefit......
Marina:.......s-so that's why she didn't answer my question to her? question about Rose and if she makes her happy?.......
Pearl:......*nods*.........she can't tell if the one making her happy is Rose.....or Agent 8...........
Marina and Pearl had a moment of silence......and as the two thought on the muted Octoling herself......they were both suddenly caught off guard by the sound of plates touching on their table, making them jump.
Shade: Tada! Your meals are here, and ready to take a journey into your tummies! Sorry for the wait by the way!
Pearl: no it's cool....don't worry about it. We weren't really keeping track of time anyway.
Marina: oh what's this? It smells absolutely delicious!
Shade: both of you have the honor of trying my freshly baked Burstberry muffins! I threw my own little twist in them!
Pearl: sheesh.....these things do look good as hell..........
Shade: but that's not all!
Pearl/Marina: what?
Shade then lifted a tray hidden behind her back somehow, raising it and placing it down on the table with a large smirk on her face as the fresh aroma of the pastries began to take effect on the two idols, making them both stare and slightly drool.
Marina:.....oh my....
Pearl:......what.....are these?.....
Shade: *ahem* we call these "Yawney Dawnies"
Pearl: *snicker* what's with the silly name?
Shade: funny story actually! When Dawney was a new employee, I was teaching her how to make scones for customers. One day, she fell asleep on the job and added 2 extra ingredients to the recipe by mistake. By the time I noticed they were made wrong, they were already served out, but the customers actually LOVED them!!
Pearl: *chuckle* so Dawn created a masterpiece by accident?
Shade: yup!
Marina couldn't help but giggle herself, and from the corner of her eye, she saw Dawn emerge from the back....trying her hardest to cover her face, noticing a blush actually form and grow on her, obviously seeing the pastries and knowing that Shade was telling the story to them.
Marina: I love the name.....It's so adorable!
Pearl: what ingredients did she add by accident?
Shade: can't tell ya! It's a secret!
Shadow: it was just cinnamon and some honey.
Shade: SHADOW!!
Shadow: what? She was sleeping with her head on the countertop. Some honey and cinnamon tumbled from the top shelf, spilling a little into the dough.
Shade: you just revealed Dawney's secret though!
Shadow: it's not really a secret.......our menu literally contains text of the ingredients thrown into our pastries, just so customers know what they're specifically buying......
Shade: hm........I wonder if I can remove that text and put "a surprise!"
Shadow: okay, so what if a customer came in and was allergic to cinnamon, but they ordered a Yawney Dawney?
Shade:..........*blush* heh......true......
Shadow: sis......I love you, but that has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard you say.....
Shade: I Love You too, but shut up!!
Pearl: eh whatever. Let me try this fucking beautiful thing!
Marina: me too!
Pearl and Marina reached over towards the tray of scones, with both of them taking one and holding it in front of themselves. Pearl looked at Marina, seeing her look back as well, and with one simple nod from Pearl, the two took a bite at the same time.
With a moment of silence, Shade watched them both automatically light up, surprised beyond belief.
Pearl:.......holy shit.....
Marina: these are amazing!
Shade: hmhm! glad you like them!
Pearl: *nom*...f-fhese fhings hieh da shpot.
Shade: huh?
Pearl: *swallow* I said these things hit the spot. You guys have some fucking talent if you're able to whip up coffees and pastries like this.
Shade: *giggle* well you should say that to Dawney specifically. Every single top branded drink or meal is always made by her.
Marina: is that so? *nom*
Shade: yeah! Dawney states that she doesn't know how to cook and bake, but she obviously proves herself wrong at work! Right, Dawney!!?
Dawn got slightly more embarrassed than before, and tried to leave, but as Pearl let out a smirk, she called out to Dawn, making the inkling stop in her tracks.
Pearl: Yo Dawn! Mind coming over here for a sec!?
Dawn slowly turned around and walked back towards the main lobby of the café, and she let out a small grumble when she saw Shade, Pearl, and Marina looking towards her with smiles.
Pearl: ya know......considering on what your manager just said, I think it's only fair to give the employee a taste of their own creation, right?
Shade: Yup!
Marina: *nom* Yesh!
Dawn:.....N-No thanks........I'm not that hungry......
Pearl: liar!
Pearl: what did you eat for breakfast this morning!?
Marina: busted! *NOM*......
Pearl stood up from her chair and patted Dawn on the back, making her look away, but Pearl got on her tippy toes and poked Dawn with the pastry.
Pearl: c'mon little miss grumpy pants. A bite for the baker!
Dawn: P-Pearl stop.....
Pearl: try it! Try iiiiiit!
Marina: Take a bite! You know you want to!
As Dawn began to yelp from Pearl and Marina's teasing, Rune and Shadow looked towards them with small smiles on their faces.
Shadow: they seem so comfortable with Dawn.......don't you think?
Rune: looks like it, if they're besties or somethin'....'s adorable........I know Rose would've loved to see her like this....
Rune: speaking of that.....where do you think Lyra is taking her?....
Shadow relaxed a bit before looking on their wall, seeing a picture of Dawn and Rose awkwardly together, being labeled as "employees of the month" sharing the title unlike every other coworker within the Café, who had their separate pictures.
She noticed another picture above with every single employee posing for a nice picture together.......a picture that was taken months ago when Dawn was first hired at the Café.
Everyone stood around Dawn with smiles to embrace her, but unlike everyone else's smile......Rose stood out the most......looking towards Dawn in an adorably confused state......showing that the Octoling's thoughts on Dawn were always there.........ever since the beginning......... the future....
Thank you Pearl Amiibo
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