Chapter 18: No Second Chances
After leaving the square and noticing her text from Pearl earlier.....Dawn and Rose were now walking within Rose's apartment complex after Dawn decided to "escort" the Octoling home instead of allowing her to super jump back, simply due to Rose using majority of her energy to put up a good fight against Lyra.
Dawn walked by her side in silence, with her Tentatek Splattershot hooked to her hip, but also having Agent 8's E-Liter strapped to her back after Rose respectfully returned it to her.
The two were both silent for quite sometime, and the only sounds heard were slight fireworks within the distance for the splatfest alongside vehicles driving past the apartment complex. Even though Dawn expected the silence to be was rather the opposite.....
Within this small moment....she felt less tense.....and more relaxed than usual......she couldn't properly understand why, but every once in a while, she'd peek over towards Rose, just to make sure that she was stable and not going to pass out from exhaustion......
To her surprise, Rose took a peek at her as well, and Dawn immediately looked away, but before her or Rose could react on the situation towards each other, Dawn slightly tripped after unknowingly reaching the stairs of Rose's complex, but she quickly caught herself by the handrail, hoping her tentacles covered the humiliating embarrassment that was spread across her face.
Dawn:.....stupid fucking...
Rose: *poke*
Dawn: shut up....I forgot this was your complex.....not mine.....
Rose: *head tilt*.....
Dawn grumbled to herself as she walked up the stairs and purposely left Rose slightly behind so she couldn't notice the ridiculous blush she emitted.
Dawn: your stairs are steeper than mine.......
Rose walked faster up the stairs to catch up with Dawn so she could reach the top at the same time as her, seeing her shove her hands in her pockets, and the two began to walk down the outside hall of the other apartment doors from other resident cephalopods.
Dawn: alright.....which door is yours?....
Rose walked slightly faster and began to dig into her own pocket, pulling out a pair of keys after pointing towards a specific door down the hall. As the two approached the door, Rose unlocked it and opened it, turning on the lights to her apartment.
Almost instantly, Dawn felt a warm breeze touch and wrap around her body......her place looked pretty smelled....sweet........her small moment of relaxation only lasted for a minute though before she pulled her hands out of her own pockets just as Rose turned to look at her from inside, but instead of going inside herself, Dawn simply nodded her head towards the Octoling.'re and sound......get some rest....tomorrow's that means splatfest results, and we gotta go to work....
Dawn simply turned and began to walk off from Rose, back down the hall so she could leave herself. The Inkling sighed, but before she could get far, she felt a small tug on her shirt from behind......already knowing who followed her....
Rose: *tug*...
Dawn: I don't want to go inside your apartment, Rose......I already gave you my entire weekend......
Dawn reached behind herself and grabbed Rose's hand, gently prying it off of her shirt, but she only made Rose grab onto her wrist instead, which made her slightly grumble and turn her head to look back at her.
Dawn: look, I said no. Get off.
Rose whimpered and grasped her harder than before, which only made Dawn sigh in annoyance before completely turning to face her, snatching her own hand away from her to break from her grip.
Dawn: For the dear love of the great Zapfish!..............seriously......Rose! What more do you want from me at this point!?
Dawn: you had your fun, okay? I gave you my time and answered most of the questions you asked towards me! Which was a LOT by the way!
Dawn huffed and saw Rose reach to grab her own notepad, clicking her pen and making her roll her eyes.......but instead of being impolite and leaving, Dawn waited for Rose to finish her note, then saw her rip the paper, handing it to her.
"Just 5 more minutes? That's all I ask. I have one last question for you, but I also want to tell you something about myself"
Dawn: ugh...for fucks saaaaaaaake!.....
Dawn looked towards Rose and saw her gently fold her own hands together, basically begging for her to stay.......and Dawn pinched the bridge of her nose before eventually giving Rose a small hand gesture......
Dawn:.......fine....go ahead.....ask me your question.......
Instead of scribbling on her notepad, Dawn saw Rose smile towards her, then turn around, walking back towards her apartment once again down the hall, gesturing for Dawn to follow her.
Dawn: I......y-you....why!?....just ask me right here! Why do I have to follow you!?
Rose continued her gesture, and Dawn stared in annoyance, but eventually began to follow her, with a frown appearing on her face.
Dawn walked more and more until she eventually was right back in front of Rose's apartment door, and just as she reached the Octoling, she noticed Rose finish up her last scribble before ripping the note and handing it to her, and she only grumbled while snatching it away.
"Wait here!"
Dawn:...............just kill me already......please....
Rose bolted inside of her apartment, but not completely closing the door behind herself. Dawn shook her head and turned away from the apartment......looking up towards the moonlit sky.......
She walked closer to the handrail for the hall balcony.....resting her arms and slightly leaning onto the rail..........and just as her anger began to fade.....she reached into her pocket.....pulling out her phone......
As Rose was inside......Dawn unlocked her phone and began to scroll on it.......and purposefully pressing on her messaging app to open it.......
With her phone contacts being very slim.....she only had a chosen few to pick from....but her eyes were mainly caught on a profile that showed her standing beside the rapping princess herself, wrapping her arm around her in joy............Pearl.....
She pressed Pearl's user messages to open them up........reading the small and singular text that she sent to her earlier, yet she never properly replied back to it just yet....
P: it's over
She could only silently stare at the message yet still be overwhelmed with nothing but confusion. She would never believe such a thing.....a tingly feeling within her told her so.
She let her head hang low as she sighed.......feeling the weight of the E-Liter strapped to her back weigh her down........which made her immediately think of Rose.......No....Agent 8........Rose.........Agent....8.......
"Do you see Rose as "Rose" or do you see her as Agent 8?"........Pearl's question echoed in her mind.........she thought back to Rose's fight against Lyra.......her amazing speed....movements......and precise shots........she was highly impressed.....
Dawn:......(....why did you have to put that question in my damn head, Pearl?.....).....
Dawn shook her head.........and just then, a small tap from a object made contact with her face.....she inched her face away, looking towards it and noticing that she was simply touched by a paper plate.....and Rose smiled towards her with her small offering.
On the plate itself sat a piece of cake....covered in vanilla frosting and smelled like pure cinnamon.....the smell made Dawn's body loosen a bit........slightly tilting her head towards Rose.
Dawn: cake huh?......
Rose: *nod nod*
Dawn:.........well.....the smell did catch my attention......I'll give you that.....
Dawn extended her hand out and took the plate from Rose, then saw the Octoling lean over the balcony herself close and right next to her obviously, and having a plate of her own.....the two stood in silence, and Dawn grabbed a fork that rested on the plate, cutting a small bit of her slice while looking towards Rose, already seeing her eating up her slice.
Dawn lifted up her chunk of cake she cut, then opened her mouth, eating the dessert as well.........she unintentionally let out a small and slow sigh of satisfaction, and even though she felt slightly embarrassed because of it, her body began to move on its own, cutting another piece for herself.
Dawn:.....did you bake this?.....
Rose: *nod*.....*nom nom*.....'s uh.....
Dawn: pretty damn good......
Rose let out a small giggle when Dawn began to form a small blush of embarrassment only due to her simple compliment. Rose finished her slice and folded her paper plate into a very awkward shape that Dawn noticed.......a very weirdly shaped paper airplane.........
Dawn: how the fuck did you do that with a paper plate of all things? It's a fucking circle......
She noticed Rose looking into the slight distance as she didn't answer her question. Dawn looked in the same direction and noticed a large trash bin within the parking lot of the complex. With a literal impossible form of skill, Rose tossed the place and made it glide down towards the trash, doing a small loop in the air before perfectly diving straight inside of the trash can.....and Dawn could only smirk a bit.....
Just as Dawn took another bite, Rose began to scribble once again, then placed a note on her plate.
"You're not the only one who gets bored at work, silly"
Dawn:........true......*nom*......still a bit impressive though...
"Also I'm glad that you like the cake. you have a sweet tooth, don't ya?"
Dawn:....what?......oh..............*shrug*......a bit I guess.....
"I knew it! I worked hard on it to make it as perfect as possible!"
~~~ did a good job....*nom*.....
Rose let out the most beautiful and wholesome smile that she couldn't wipe away as she stared at Dawn, simply watching her eat and noticed her cheeks giving off a small blush as she took one bite after another........but then she saw Dawn stop suddenly, and look towards her from the corner of her eye.....
Dawn: get onto it.....what's your question?.....ya know....the question you wanted to ask me, so you dragged me all the way back over here?.....
Rose could only give Dawn a nod as she saw her surprisingly get very close to finishing her slice before she began to scribble on her notepad.....then showing her the note....
"Do you remember when you showed me that photo of your younger self?"
Dawn: yeah?....what about it?
"That Inkling boy in the you know him by any chance?...."
Dawn finished up her last bite with a pause.......seeing Rose innocently look at her........the two stood in silence.....just for a little while before Dawn sighed, noticing Rose extending her hand to take the plate herself.
Dawn:....okay uh......but that thingy again.....
Rose adorably gave Dawn a small smile before folding her plate as well, tossing the plane once again and making it loop once again before falling inside.
Dawn:......I'm still never gonna understand how u did that.........a-anyway.....
Dawn stayed silent for a bit and tried to build her own words to properly speak to Rose, but she only made herself a bit while doing so....from obviously thinking back on the subject in the first place....but.....she gave in.....and took a deep breath......
Dawn:.....that Inkling boy............yeah I......knew him.......
Rose:......*head tilt*....
Dawn:.........h-his name was Atlas...........he was my.....older brother.......
Dawn: yeah I already know......a squid like me.......with a sibling........shocker...
Rose: *scribble*....
"You look so happy in that picture. He was definitely a good brother I assume?"
Dawn:.........*tsk* wasn't a good brother.............he was the BEST brother.....that anyone could've ever asked for........there's a difference.....ya know?....
Dawn:.........I.........cherished him so the deepest depths of my heart...........he was always right by my side.....he always knew what to do or what to matter the situation.......he was the only one in the family to ever support me like that......
"But...what about your parents?.."
Dawn:......them?.........oh......they were.....not the best......more along the lines of my father....I love my mom.....but sometimes she can get pretty mean once dad was within the area.....
Dawn leaned back over the balcony and also removed her backwards cap from her head in the process, resting on her forearms while looking down at her cap.....seeing it consist of small rips and tears throughout the many years of nonstop turf.
Dawn:.......they were pretty strict.... my dad was selfish even.......but.....I never truly experienced their negative sides that often because Atlas would try to take me to Inkopolis as mom and dad began to ramble and scream towards each other......he would always turf with's weird but me and Atlas would try to win as much as we could so that we could always come home with smiles on our faces......hoping that mom will acknowledge us...
Rose gave Dawn a small nod as she looked towards the cap that Dawn was holding.....and she soon saw the Inkling notice her stare....
Dawn:.......this was his cap......and he soon passed it to me.........heh......I've been wearing this thing for years.....and yeah......of course it's slightly fucked up........but I can still feel his presence when I wear it...that's all that matters.......
Rose held her notepad and pen in her hands as she stood by Dawn's side....she began to slightly shake, and Dawn noticed her awkward sense of concern....watching Rose scribble on her notepad, but then stop halfway.....she saw Rose lift her pen from the paper, ripping the paper off herself and crumbling it into a ball, and she threw the ball to make it ONCE AGAIN land in the trash......but by the time Dawn noticed her do it, she looked away.....knowing exactly what she was going to ask.....
Dawn:......Yes Rose..........he's.....dead....
Dawn:...............I knew that was your question on that paper you crumpled up........and somehow tossed into the-.......fuck know what I was gonna say.....
She looked towards Rose and only saw her look down in shame, and Dawn let out a small sigh, gripping slightly harder onto her cap..... took my feelings into consideration.......and that's why you tossed away your question......I respect you for that.....
Dawn:.......remember when I spoke to you about that huge massacre that happened in Inkopolis plaza?....
Rose:......*nod nod*.....
Dawn:............he.......saved my life..........but lost his own while doing so.......and that was the last time I ever........
Dawn: felt.........normal...........
Dawn gently put her backwards cap on her head as Rose remained by her side, not even lifting a finger to try and communicate.....
Dawn:........everything went down hill for me when he died.........that was what started this ticking splat bomb for my future.......and what was yet to come.....I got kicked out of my apartment because I couldn't turf enough to maintain the rent amount I had to give.....Atlas was the main moneymaker......
Dawn: he was super talented and smart.........he was known as one of the best and skilled Inklings at the time........being within the absolute peak of his rank title.......S+50......while I was a........uh.....
Rose: *head tilt*......
Dawn:......*sigh*....C- rank squid......I know...."haha" I was the literal definition of squid shit at the age of 14.....while everyone else, alongside younger squids were miles ahead of me in skill.........
Dawn: everyone who found out about that definitely laughed their asses off......and I know it's funny to you too......
Dawn noticed Rose slightly raise an eyebrow towards her, looking up and down her body.......completely questioning her.....
"I don't understand how that's funny"
"I'm sorry. I don't usually catch onto jokes that well. Do you mind explaining the context behind it please?"
Rose:.......*head tilt*......
Dawn:........f-forget it...........
"Did you not usually participate in Ranked battles?"
Dawn:......I......guess....yeah.....I stuck with Turf War battles instead when I was younger......*mumbles* because I was a fucking pussy........
Dawn: if you're about to ask me what a pussy is, I swear I'm gonna sock you right in the jaw.....
Dawn:.........*sigh*.........okay....and regardless of what I wanted to do for the day....Atlas would always join me to make sure I wasn't alone........Atlas was going to help me with my training, ya know?.....but........he died before he had the chance to properly get I had to work my way up to the top all by myself.....S+50.....every single ranked mode......*tsk* even X's all a fucking cake walk for me nowadays.....
"You must've worked ridiculously hard to reach that level of skill! How did you do it!?"
Dawn:.....I trained.......all day, everyday......I barely slept......I worked hard not only because I wanted to be like Atlas.......but also because I needed to build fast as possible....the higher my rank....the more money I'd earn......
"So you didn't have a choice BUT to train, and you couldn't truly go at your own pace either?"
Dawn: in an alleyway was obviously not fun, Rose.........
"But you finally got an apartment, right? long did it take to save up your cash?"
Dawn:.....I never actually reached my goal from my own was bought for me and rent was paid by them instead of me.....
"Really? Wait, from who?"
Dawn:...don't.....worry about who did it.....honestly.......I don't want to speak on that specifically.......
Rose gave an apologetic nod, but only saw the inkling shake her head towards her.
Dawn:.....stop saying sorry all the time.......
Dawn:........though......with that aside....I guess I'll throw the same question back at you.......
Dawn: you told me you didn't participate in splatfests....because of a friend of yours....
Rose:...*nod*....... u mind telling me about them a bit?......
Rose paused for a second....and as her blush faded, she began to scribble on her notepad once again, but this time, she took a lot longer than usual to write her message.
"She was a close friend of mine. We were partners within our time in the army, under the rule of Octavio"
"She was my best friend, and we both had the same dream of making it to the surface together......we wanted to join your Inkling society......we wanted to turf.....make new friends........and participate within splatfests"
One day we actually tried to make a run for the surface......but we didn't get that far.....a fellow soldier within our division overheard us and told Octavio, and we were caught not that long afterwards.
Dawn:......someone ratted you two you know who did it?......
"No......even to this hurts to think about it...."
"My friend's name was Dahlia.......and.....she was the one who....deserved to go to the promise land.....instead of me........"
"She supported and fought by my side, and she always tried to help me in anyway she could. She was stronger, faster, smarter, and more prideful....and I was always happy whenever I was around her...."
Dawn:..........ah......I guess we both really do........have some shit in common........
Rose: *nod*......
"I sacrificed myself to allow her to escape.....and I was tortured as a punishment.........I will never forget what Octavio said to me one day...."
Dawn:....what was it?.....
""don't worry.....the Inklings will do the job for us""
Dawn noticed the small shaking from, trying to properly compose herself as she began to write eve.n faster than before.....
"And he was right..."
Dawn:..........what happened?.....
"Dahlia made it up to the surface to participate within her very first splatfest.......but.....she never expected inkling society to be so.......cruel"
She was beaten, bruised, kicked, stabbed......and humiliated by a riot of she......retreated to the metro once again..........she crawled her way down in the depths.....but....she didn't make it far....she died from blood loss........
"Octavio sent me out to retrieve her dispose of it...........he already punished me physically.....but....this was my punishment so he could watch me suffer mentally....I didn't have a choice.........and when I carried her showed me that I....was nothing but a protect my best friend".....
Dawn:......look I.......d-don't.....Rose....please just......
"When I was about to respectfully bury her...........she.......opened her eyes before me......but it wasn't the same......"
A small teardrop fell onto Rose's next page, but as Rose didn't pay attention to it at all, Dawn immediately began to feel slightly uncomfortable.
Dawn:....hey hey, you can stop Rose! I've heard enough!
Rose: *scribble*......*scribble*......
Dawn: seriously stop! Give your damn hand a rest before you get a cramp or something!
Rose looked towards her notepad.....and after she ripped out her previous page, she stopped her pen right above the notepad.....realizing that she ran out of paper.......Dawn let out a small sigh of relief......but when she directed her attention back up at Rose.......noticing her standing completely still.........Rose slowly lifted up her hand........grabbing onto her scarf..........she wasn't done......and as she took the scarf off, Dawn noticed the scar on her neck slightly glow.......just as she looked towards her with a sideways glance.......
Rose:.........she if she was infected...... Rose! Don't do this shit again! You already experienced the consequences for speaking last time!
Dawn saw Rose turn completely towards her............with small tear streaks down her face, but she only gave Dawn a small and gentle smile.......'s okay............we won't be the same after this.......this is my only chance....I know's what you want.....and I.....will respect your wish.....
The octoling let out a small huff.....then lifted her hand and wiped a drop of blood off of the corner of her mouth with her thumb....she began to calm herself down......and right before her own eyes, Dawn noticed Rose's infected scar slowly dim down from its glowing state....
Dawn:......... the reason.....why I'm the first...p-place
Rose: she.......attacked me......when I was....going to bury....h-her...but she...somehow came life.........she.......acted like scared me.......s-she wanted....
Rose painfully coughed in her own hand and leaned on the balcony, breathing heavily as Dawn walked towards her to lend support.....and when Rose removed her hand, she saw her own blood resting on her palm, being mixed in with her infection..... me........she beat me down...........and cut my throat......I should've died that day.......but somehow I.........didn't........the
Rose:.......melded my neck....and my throat.....back kept me alive.........but corrupted.....m-my vocal chords in the....process........but even then........she still........mercilessly tortured me..............a-and......
Even more blood dripped from Rose's mouth, feeling her heart beat faster and faster by the second, trying to calm herself once again.....even though she was losing control more and more as time went on......
Rose:.........I had to defend.......myself...... killed friend.......
Rose grunted and tightly grasped the railing of the balcony. She coughed harder and harder which made her struggle to even breathe properly, but also sadly throwing up more blood from her pain......Dawn could only stand and stare..........processing all of the information that was immediately dumped onto didn't add bit.........she had no answers.......only more questions........she began to shake uncontrollably, and she looked out from the balcony to see illuminating lights coming from buildings, cars, seeing many Inklings and Octolings soaring through the air, and going home for the day after the Splatfest's conclusion.
She couldn't even control herself anymore........her mind and body....made her look back at Rose.....feeling herself start to shed her own tears.......but weirdly enough.....she only cried from her right eye........her infected eye.........and her tears......felt felt like acid trailing down her face.....and when she wiped her own tear away, she looked down at her hand......seeing the sanitized glow emitting from her tear.....
Dawn:...........why?.........f-fucking......why?.............why Rose!?.........tell me that!.....
Rose lifted her head and finally managed to calm her body down....and when she looked at Dawn.....she noticed more tears flow out of both of her eyes this time......but with one side being a clear form of sadness......and the other being a clear form of pain....
Dawn:........tell me why you're even here in the first place, Rose! Why did you travel to the surface!? Why are you standing in front of me right fucking now!!?
Dawn: you lost your best friend because of our bullshit!!! You know the pain and suffering that was inflicted onto her! Her life was brutally taken away from her because of us inklings!!
Dawn grabbed her own head and gritted her teeth as she shut her eyes, but her tears still seeped through...and only began to speed up to fall and hit the floor.....
Dawn shook and trembled before Rose......slowly letting go of her own head and stopped gritting her teeth.....then she looked up to her a clear view of her vulnerable state.......
Dawn:...........I'm an Inkling....I'm a part of the same species that killed your friend...scarred you for why up here......and just throw your life on the line for no reason whatsoever?........what was the point of spending your entire weekend with me? wanted to "learn more about me"?......a fucking Inkling?.....bullshit....tell me the fucking truth........
Dawn glared firmly towards Rose.....expecting an answer.......but when she saw Rose open her mouth.....she couldn't speak another word......her lips quivered......she had finally pushed her voice to its absolute limit.........
Dawn was pulled from her aggressive state when she saw Rose cough....and begin to choke on her own blood.......Rose's body began to tremble.....and Dawn felt her heart sink as she saw Rose try to take one single step forward towards her......then with no hesitation....her body acted on its own, rushing towards Rose and catching her before she fell on the ground........
Dawn felt Rose's body go limp......hearing her cough, and she assisted her by patting her back..........and each time the octoling coughed, she could hear the pain striking Rose each time....and she began to feel tremendous guilt....seeing her scarf lying on the ground, now coated in blood as well.....'s okay.............
Dawn's gentle pats eventually turned into soothing rubs on Rose's back.....finally hearing her coughs slowly simmer down......but instead of hearing her sharp breaths alone.....they were also accompanied by Rose's trembling voice.....trying to speak one last time......
Dawn: I said to stop, Dammit!....I'm sorry, okay?............I don't want you to answer my damn question......
Dawn still felt Rose shake on her, and she shook her head as she picked her up and over her shoulder slightly, walking her inside of her apartment after opening the door, with it shutting behind them a little bit afterwards...... more......okay?........this.....was all a big mistake........
Regardless of her words.....she still heard Rose try to speak before her....and as Dawn walked over to Rose's living room to properly lay her down.....Rose mustered up enough strength to move her lips one last time.....quietly.....but at the perfect tone for Dawn to kinda hear straight from her.......
Dawn could feel her own heart thump within her chest........everything went blank for her........after hearing that one number escape from Rose's mouth.......just as she removed Rose from her grasp and laid her down on the couch to rest.......she saw the blood that surrounded her pale her skin has become.........
Dawn thought towards Rose's word....but shook her head and stood up to focus on the more important topic. She looked towards Rose's kitchen, walking towards it and around the counter top to grab a roll of paper towels, ripping a piece off and slightly wetting it under the faucet...
Dawn took back the roll as well, and ran back towards Rose, kneeling back down in front of the couch and her body. After putting the roll of paper towels down on the floor, She gently placed her hand on Rose's cheek, shifting her head a little and giving her a better angle to clean the blood from her face.....
The paper towel obviously did the trick, and it soon was drenched in blood and turned from pure white to dark red........Dawn could only stare at Rose and wipe her face with one new paper towel each time........
Once Rose's face was clean, Dawn examined the rest of her body to see any extra blood from the octoling........she looked down towards Rose's chest.....seeing it slowly raise and lower before her, signaling that Rose was still alive, which made Dawn let out a sigh of relief .......
She continued to search, tracing her eyes up and seeing a small remaining trail of blood that trailed down her neck.......and she gently began to clean Rose's neck and over her scar after leaning in a little bit herself......
Dawn:.........(..........did she.....actually say.............)
Dawn made sure to be extra gentle when the paper towel grazed Rose's scar....obviously not trying to harm her.......but when she was finished....she saw her scar begin to glow and pulse once more.......and when she looked towards Rose to see her still unconscious, Dawn could only shake her head to snap herself out of her own trance......
Dawn:.......( mind is just.....playing games with me.........s-she said it so quietly that.........)
Dawn cleaned up the paper towels, then stood up to walk towards a nearby trash bin, throwing the excess blood-stained pieces in the trash while placing the roll back on the countertop respectively........
Dawn:........(...I just......probably misheard her........I can't jump to that...........but).....
Dawn walked back towards Rose and kneeled down in front of her.......feeling her body tense up the more she continued to look at her......
Dawn:........(....why can't I shake this.....feeling?......)........
Dawn curled her hands into fists as she grumbled towards Rose.....and she could randomly feel it once again......her eyes water up...she hated was out of her control......she wanted to punch herself in the face so badly for allowing Rose to see her in her weakest and most vulnerable state once again throughout the entire splatfest weekend.......
Dawn looked up and covered her face to try and force herself not to cry for the millionth time......but it was no use........and once she felt her uncontrollable tears slip away, she looked down towards the unconscious octoling once again.......
Dawn: why is it only you?....why are you so different from the others?.....
She breathed heavily as she wiped her tears away, feeling her heart beat more and more rapidly.....
Dawn: why can't I control myself around you?.........why are you the only one who gets in my head like this? always know what to do.....what to to to make ME just have a counter to everything I throw at you....
Dawn eventually gave up on trying to control her emotions........and she just sat down and accepted them instead.....letting her tears flow with no interruptions....... threw me onto a roller coaster of emotions within the span of this one weekend..............I.....should've never agreed to this deal........because look at where that got me...........
Her once curled hands on her lap opened up....and she began to silently sob while firmly gripping her legs and began to dig her own fingers into her skin.....making herself bleed as her eyes were completely shut.....
Dawn:........I hate you........I hate you.......I hate you!.......I fucking hate you, dammit!!.....
She hung her head low.......but when she opened her eyes.......she was still looking straight at Rose's upper body........leaning over without even noticing.........
Dawn looked at Rose's scar......seeing the sanitized ink flow within her.........she got closer and closer towards the scar.........her mind went blank........
Right before her own eyes suddenly, Dawn was immediately caught within the trance of a that moment.......she saw her........Agent 8......looking towards her..........taking the position of Rose.........but.....something was off........8 was coated in blood.......dripping from her body..........when she made eye contact with 8, she only saw her give out a very comforting smile.......
Agent 8:........I.........Love you too.......
Agent 8:.......f-forever and....always.......
Just then, a very strong and painful strike inflicted Dawn right in her sanitized eye.....just as Agent 8 faded away, Dawn covered up her eye and leaned back, letting out a large scream of pain.
Dawn saw her vision flicker.....bringing her back to the one day when she stood across from Agent 8, ready to battle as calamari inkantation began to attract their attention.........
Dawn huffed as sanitized ink flowed in between her fingers, trying her hardest not to yell as she removed her hand from her face.....seeing her palm coated in Ink.......and right as she looked at Rose..............she could only think back to Pearl's question.........'re so could you be?.......towards me?.....
The sanitized Ink burned her hand......yet she didn't care......because her vision was only fixated on Rose.........'re so strong......yet you've lost so much.......but you're still pushing through........trying to help me.......a cowardly Inkling.....never letting go of her past.....
She used her other hand and gently touched Rose's face.....but for once.....she felt.....and saw "Rose"......not truly understanding why....yet her cheeks began to slightly warm up.....and for wasn't due to her embarrassment......but rather something else.......
Dawn:.....I's just because you're......what I want to be........even after so much tragedy.....I wish I could've still....held onto you I guess my "hatred".....for you still wraps back around and is truly revealed as hatred towards myself huh?........
She gently rubbed her thumb over Rose's cheek..........even giving her a very it was sadly for a small moment......
Dawn:.......I don't even know.......what this is........that I feel..........but......I know it's.......a feeling I don't deserve.........Rose..........especially if I don't even.......know who this feeling is rightfully for........
Dawn slowly let go of Rose....then leaned back with a little sigh. I said.....tomorrow is Monday......the splatfest is over.....the weekend........and
Dawn slowly stood up and looked down at Rose one last time before sighing and making her way towards the door....
Dawn:.......I'm sorry, Rose......I'm just.........not......strong enough.............
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