Chapter 16: Nothing But Lies
The even though the crowd began to cheer, it sounded more dull than usual, which made Pearl slightly concerned, looking over at Marina to see her shrug her shoulders a little. At that moment, Callie grabbed the microphone from Pearl's hand and looked down at all of the cephalopods below, giving them a goofy smile as Pearl looked over at her and only gave her a simple glare of annoyance.
Instead of cheering higher, all of the cephalopods in the square slowly lost their tone and leave a very tiny amount of cheers, which turned into an awkward moment and made Callie's goofy smile dim down to an embarrassed and concerning smile instead.
Marie:......tough crowd......
Callie: guys did exactly the opposite of what I told ya....
Pearl: it makes sense.
Pearl walked over to Callie and snatched the microphone back from her and surprise her, but from her sudden aggression, Marie glared at Pearl and crossed her arms at her.
Marie: and what's that supposed to mea-
Pearl: Today is the day, little cephalopods!! You know what that means!!
Marina: autograph tiiiiime!!
Pearl: considering the squid sisters are going to leave soon, we decided to give them the opportunity by signing anything you desire for the whole splatfest!!
Inkling boy: HELL NO!!
Marie: oh......well, that's a first........
The crowd roared in anger that surprised the 4 idols, making them look back and forth between each other before noticing the cephalopods pump their fists in the air.
Pearl:.......(.....I definitely should've expected this shit......)
Pearl looked down and slightly gritted her teeth while mumbling a tiny "fuck" as Marina walked over to her, grabbing her shoulder, and the second she did, Pearl felt her shaking hand from nervousness.
Marina: *whisper* w-what are we gonna do, Pearlie?......
Pearl:......*whisper* I don't know....looks like my plan to make them really exhausted and busy from taking autographs all night....completely backfired...I should've thought this through much better.....
Marina: but now we have to go sign for autographs....they'll be taking over......and........we don't have a plan B.....
Pearl:....look....I already know they're gonna figure out Rose didn't show up with her pass. During halftime and the end of the splatfest, they'll try to find her........
Marina:......that's true..
Pearl: Dawn said she wasn't going out to turf today......we still have to try and do our part.....and we just gotta have her watch Rose at her apartment......and the only person who knows Dawn's address is the old man.
Marina: so we just have to make them forget about it.....
Callie: forget about what?
Marina and Pearl jolted back from the sudden sound of Callie, tilting her head at them with Marie glaring at her from behind.
Pearl: don't worry about it.......
Marie:........they're waiting for you....
Pearl: I can see that......
Pearl and Marina walked away and began to walk down the stairs, pulling out their markers as the squid sisters were preparing themselves.
Pearl:.......alright....let's get this over wit-
Everyone began to scream and wail as Pearl and Marina simply looked in the distance to see an Octoling girl walking through Inkopolis square. She had on a simple coat with her long blue tentacles. From the top of her head, kelp stood up and drifted with the slight wind that flowed past her as her E-Liter was firmly strapped to her back. From the gaze of the idols, they noticed that one of her arms was completely covered by bandages.
Lyra: hello....
Marina: I'm happy to see that even you are participating in the splatfest, Lyra! It's very nice to see a top ranking cephalopod such as yourself take the time-
Lyra: please....don't state such things......I'm not here because the splatfest interested me.....but rather.....something else.....
Pearl: whatcha mean?
Lyra:..........there' need to worry.....I'll participate in a singular game.......
Lyra took a deep breath before stretching and cracking her neck as she made her way into Deca tower, with specifically the squid sisters looking towards her.......
Callie:........Marie........why does she seem......
Marie:.....I know........familiar.......I feel it too........
Marina: well because it's Lyra! She's a famously known Octoling, and is known as the very first Octoling to climb into the top 500 ranks ever!
Pearl: honestly never truly witnessed a squid or octo put up a good fight against her.....
When Callie simply looked away from Lyra to divert her attention to Pearl and Marina, Marie was still fixated on the octoling.......and all she could do was slightly grumble to herself as she walked into Deca Tower.
Marie:........(it can't be.....)
Callie, Pearl, and Marina all snapped Marie out of her trance to begin their performance for the final night, with Pearl and Marina unwillingly taking autographs while Callie and Marie walked up to the top of the stage.
Within the distance, Dawn looked into the square as Rose adorably stood behind her, letting out little grunts while trying to shift the bandana on her head to make it fit more comfortably, and Dawn rolled her eyes from Rose's complaining, turning around and fixing her bandana.
Dawn: there.....better?
Rose: *nod*
Dawn: big baby.....*sigh* okay, let's make our way to Deca tower....remember what I told you....
Rose: *nod nod nod*
Dawn looked out once again to see the squid sisters performing on stage as Pearl and Marina began to take autographs, and she raised her eyebrow with a slightly annoyed expression.
Dawn: ...(I thought Pearl said that Callie and Marie would be doing the autographs?......what the fuck?.....)
Rose: *poke*...
Dawn: yeah I know, don't rush me!
Dawn reached down and grabbed onto Rose's "wrist" and began to annoyingly navigate herself through the crowd while keeping a low profile, bumping into an Inkling boy in the process, which made him glare straight at her.
Inkling boy: what the hell!? Watch I-
With no hesitation, Rose saw Dawn immediately raise her other arm and aggressively, yet swiftly elbow the Inkling boy straight in his stomach, which knocked the wind out of him and made him fall on the ground, making an Inkling girl spill her drink on him.
Inkling girl: ugh! Seriously man!?
Dawn: not in the mood for this shit....
Marina: *scribble* here ya go!
Octoling boy: thank you so much!
Marina: *smile* anytime!
Inkling girl: me next, Ms. Marina!
Inkling boy: no me!!
Octoling girl: no pick me!!!
Marina:...u-uh...settle down please.....I'll get to all of you as fast as I can!
Marina grabbed a simple Takaroka cap from an Inkling girl that stood before her and scribbled her signature perfectly, looking over at Pearl as well after gently handing the cap back, noticing that Pearl was completely in a different world within her mind as she rested her chin on her palm, but from directly in front of her, an Octoling girl looked in concern as well while holding onto her splattershot pro, leaning towards Pearl and tapping her head a little.
Octoling girl:....M-Ms. Pearl?...
Pearl: hm.......w-what!? What's up!?
Octoling girl: can you sign my splattershot pro...p-please?
Pearl:.....oh uh....sure, hand it here.
Marina noticed an Octoling boy walk straight up to her and gave her a little smile as he pointed towards his own chest.
Octoling boy: can you sign here on my shirt?
Marina: oh, of course!
Marina leaned over the table and began to casually sign the boy's shirt, and as she got halfway through her signature, her eyes looked back towards Pearl, who handed the Octoling girl back her splattershot pro, giving her a small thumbs up.
Octoling girl: thank you!
Pearl: no prob. Go splat some losers.
The Octoling ran towards Deca tower and Pearl let out a small sigh as she grabbed onto a Luna blaster that came from her next fan in line.
Marina: you okay, Pearlie?
Pearl:.....I'm cool.....just a bit annoyed that I didn't see this coming even though it was obvious.......
Marina: the autographs?.....
Pearl: *nod* ya go, dude.
Inkling boy: thanks!
Pearl: next up!
Marina: w-we should be okay though.....because.....Dawn and Rose are both safe and sound at Dawn's apartment.......
Pearl: yeah I know, I know...*scribble*.......just pissed that we couldn't hold our end of the long as Dawn and Rose stay occupied away from here....things will go smoothly I guess....
Marina: *smile* exactly!
Pearl:....also........Rina....*point* might wanna start paying a bit more attention when you're giving autographs yourself......
Marina tilted her head at Pearl, then averted her attention over to the Octoling boy in front of her, and her face immediately flushed in pure embarrassment when she saw her marker somehow make its way all the way up to the Octoling boy's face, leaving nothing but a very long black scribble from his chest, past his neck, and up to his cheek. Marina quickly jolted up from her chair with a giant blush of embarrassment as she dropped her marker.
Pearl: *smirk*......dummy...
Octoling boy: oh there's no reason to! Hah! Marina signed my face!! You just made today one of the best days in my entire life!!!
Pearlie: *shrug* just roll with it.....
Marina: o-oh I uh....I'm glad I could make you.....ha-....happy?
Inkling girl: MARINA!! SIGN MY FACE TOO!!
Inkling boy: ME THREE!!
Everyone began to chant and yell towards Marina, which only made her a bit flustered while also stuttering in her own words. Pearl couldn't help but shake her head from Marina's adorable state, and she let out a small sigh as she turned her head and began to zone out while resting against the table.
She gently tapped her fingers within a rhythm, unintentionally smiling.....but it didn't last long.....she felt a jolt shoot through awkward feeling of concern and fear.....yet she didn't need to even question herself.....because it was already answered within the short span of time when she saw something from the corner of her eye.....
She shifted her head, and her worst fear came to life as she saw a inkling girl within the square, dragging an Octoling girl with her, which was only obvious to her, and she easily knew that it was Rose.....and even though the inkling wore a mask to try and "hide" her identity, Pearl noticed the separate colored eyes from her, one orange, and one green....sanitized......
Pearl:........oh no......
Pearl actually managed to see Dawn strike a eye in her direction, noticing her stare towards her........and from taking the opportunity.....Pearl shook her head rapidly towards Dawn with a frustrated and concerned stare....
Dawn responded by nudging her head towards Deca tower, but Pearl shook her head even more, getting obviously more and more annoyed by the second.....she looked behind herself to see Callie and Marie performing on stage, letting out a small sigh of relief after seeing them not noticing Dawn as well. She took one last look at Marina, seeing her sign more and more objects alongside the faces of the Inkling and octolings, and she stood up from her chair, tapping Marina gently.
Pearl: hold it down for me, Kay?
Marina: w-wait what!? Pearlie-
Pearl immediately ran away from Marina, and the octoling noticed a familiar squid that Pearl was running towards, seeing them pinch the bridge of their nose....only widening her eyes to notice that the girl was simply Dawn......
Rose looked towards Dawn and saw her place her hand on her shoulder, gently getting pushed towards Deca tower, still in her confused state.
Dawn: wait for me in the lobby.....
Rose nodded her head in response and began to walk away from her, only feeling a slight bit concerned and not even noticing Pearl walk straight past her. Pearl noticed Rose's blank state and right as they stood across from one another, Pearl gently gave Rose a small and gentle jab at her shoulder, making Rose look at Pearl just in time for her to give her a thumbs up in respect.
Pearl: don't stress it....
Rose soaked in Pearl's words and gave her a small nod, then began to make her way towards Deca tower as Pearl made her way to Dawn instead, already noticing the inkling girl look away from her.
Dawn: look I-
Pearl: shut it.
Only to properly get them out of sight, Pearl grabbed onto Dawn's arm tightly and pulled the inkling down the side alleyway of Inkopolis square and near the Deepsea metro entrance, which was now blocked off by yellow tape, displaying "DO NOT ENTER" across each strand.
Dawn caught a glimpse of Spike from the corner of her eye, seeing him actually......ignoring the splatfest music and atmosphere as he instead typed on his laptop.....lifting his head to notice Dawn as well, giving her a small nudge of his head to signal a hi to her.
Dawn looked away from Spike and saw Pearl unlock the door to their news studio within the square, pulling her inside before locking the door behind them until Dawn snatched her own arm from her grasp and grabbed her face mask, taking it off and tossing it aside.
Dawn: you didn't have to grab me that hard, ya know.
Pearl ignored Dawn and walked towards the giant glass window that presented their studio to all of the squids and octos of the square, gently grabbing onto a single curtain from the left of the glass, dragging across until she couldn't any further, then did the same to the curtain from the right side, giving them both absolute privacy.
Pearl:......why the fuck are you here!?
Dawn:......look, Pearl I-
Pearl: you better think twice about what the hell you're gonna say, Dawn. I'm giving you one chance to tell the damn truth....If you don't, I'll punch the living shit out of you......
Pearl: go on....I'm waiting...
Dawn: alright alright, Shit!.....look, Rose said she was never gonna participate in a splatfest ever again......and one thing lead to another.
Pearl: I thought you didn't "care" for Rose......'s not like that....
Pearl: It IS like that, idiot! You literally threw a temper tantrum when we told you that we would drop her off at your apartment!
Pearl: why did you bring her here!? Why did you even come here yourself!? Why are you risking the chance of Callie and Marie noticing you!? You just flat-out IGNORED your end of the deal, Dawn!!
Dawn: You ignored your end too! I thought Callie and Mari-
Pearl: we got caught in a awkward state. Everyone wanted autographs from me and Rina instead of Callie and Marie.......I didn't expect the crowd's hatred for the squid sisters to be THAT serious!
Pearl: please just go got lucky that I noticed you before anyone else.............
Dawn:......*sigh*.....I know......
Pearl: we can still fix the about this.......
Pearl placed her hands on her hips as Dawn looked at her, leaning against the wall...
Pearl: you.....go home.......I can discuss the plan with Rina.......but what I'm thinking we can do is keep an eye on Rose tonight.....we'll scoop her up and take her home once she's all beat out from turfing.......does that sound good?.....
Pearl: just........please go and relax, okay?.....
Dawn:......I..... what?...
Dawn:..........I gotta hold up my end of the deal between me and Rose.....she wanted to learn more about tonight was.....*shrugs*.....ya know...
Pearl:......please don't tell me that you're trying to think of a shitty excuse so you can stay and turf with Rose....
Dawn: I'm not!
Pearl: you are!! I'm not stupid, Dawn!!
Dawn: look, get off my back, okay!? It's whatever, j-just fucking whatever! This whole plan doesn't matter anymore!
Pearl: what do you mean it doesn't matter anymore!? I'm trying to help you, dumbass!!
Dawn: since when did you become so damn overprotective!!!?
The studio went silent....and the two squids looked at each other........with Pearl letting out small huffs as her body began to shake........she broke eye contact with Dawn, holding onto her own head as she walked over and sat down on her iconic beanbag chair, letting her head hang low as her crown fell off of her head.....slowly rolling over to Dawn's foot.......
Dawn looked at the crown.....then kneeled down to gently pick it up....noticing Pearl's other hand rest on her head as well, hiding her face as she clenched her fingers, dragging them through her tentacles........'re not the only one....who feels like a failure......because I'm.....right in that same category as you......
Pearl: *nod* I loved 8 so much.....she a daughter to me and Rina........we were the ones supporting her through her journey.......and when she finally reached us......helping us win against that damn phone....I was...happy......
Pearl: I told her that I'd protect her....that she could always come to me for help.......teaching her about the ways of Inkling culture......and helping her fit was something that I took to heart......and I know you did too...
Dawn noticed Pearl's body slightly shake more and more.....even hearing a small sniffle come from her.....
Pearl:.......I was never the same......when I got the news that she.....passed........I held in these emotions ever since........I never wanted Rina to see me in a state like this......Dawn, I....
Pearl: I just want to protect you......I don't want to lose you too....I want to make you happy...........I care for you more than you could ever imagine,'s just...........I don't.....I....never...
Dawn began to hear the slight sobbing from Pearl, and she stood and stared at her in disbelief.....a girl like her...showing signs of sadness......weakness.......vulnerability ....
Pearl: I don't want you to hate me and Rina too.........just like you hate them.......
Dawn looked at her crown in her hands, then walked over to Pearl, gently placing it back onto her head, which made her lift her head and look towards her, with Dawn noticing her tears roll down her face.......
Dawn:.....Pearl...I just.....I know this is a stupid choice....a dumb decision to obviously throw myself out like this.....I just didn't.......wanna admit it with my own words.......
Dawn looked away in shame as Pearl wiped her own tears away and began to regain herself as she saw the retired agent simply scoff at herself in a very ignorant fashion.
Dawn: I would never......hate you that much.....or....well I honestly don't...hate you at helped 8 through the metro in the first place like you said.......I technically owe you for me the chance to even meet and bond with the damn octoling...
Dawn:.....but for Rose.........I-I don't.....know.......*sigh* half of curious......but the other scared........
Pearl stood from her beanbag chair and walked over to Dawn who was once again rested against the wall, and soon she did the same.....calmly opening her mouth......
Pearl:...I saw it.........8's.....E-Liter....
Pearl:....Rose has it strapped to her back.........and I just can't....believe cherish everything that reminds you of agent 8 and 4.........very VERY deeply.....yet you're letting Rose-
Dawn: y-yeah I......I know........
The two stayed silent for a second, and Dawn only slouched against the wall as Pearl thought to herself......but from her expressions was clear that her thoughts were only centered around a negative state......looking back at Dawn and poking her to direct her gaze straight at her..... you......
Pearl:...see Rose as...."Rose"......or do you see her as.......Agent 8?.......
Not shortly after....Dawn already knew her answer........opening her mouth to speak to words came from her mouth......her body simply just........stopped?.......losing every ounce of air she had left.......feeling her own heart thump deeply as a result........
Dawn noticed Pearl's stare.......only watching her get more and more saddened by her silence..........she took a deep breath to try and gather least until the point where she could mumble..........
Pearl:........if your answer is what I think it is.............then have to tell Rose specifically.......she's a very fresh and gentle octoling.........I don't want Rose to live in a fantasy world surrounded by lies........she doesn't deserve that one bit......
Dawn:...........Rose is-
The door to the off the hook studio began to shake.....and the two immediately jumped from the random wiggle from the door knob.....hearing a set of keys get inserted into the keyhole, quickly opening it to reveal Marina, who quickly shut the door behind herself while slightly panting and sweating.
Marina: Pearlie!! They're getting reckless and want autographs from you!! Please come ba-.....
Marina noticed Dawn staring at her with Pearl by her side, which made her blush slightly from embarrassment.
Marina: I-I'm sorry!! Was I interrupting something!?
The room stayed silent, and Dawn noticed Marina's slight gaze towards her, and they stared at each other until Marina lifted her arm and gave her a small wave.
Marina: H-Hi have things been......g-going?....
Dawn:..........fine I guess.......
Pearl: I just had to speak to her about the whole "deal" situation, Rina......
Marina: oh..........yeah we....we're sorr-
Dawn: I don't want an apology......
Marina noticed Dawn's state and could only feel a slight feeling of sadness rush over her.......she wanted to speak to the Inkling.....but her thoughts were cut off by noticing Pearl gently tap Dawn on the shoulder to direct her attention towards her instead.
Pearl:.....*mumble*.....please think about what I asked........okay?......
Pearl walked towards Marina as she threw a smirk back on her face, stretching her body with a small grunt.
Pearl: alright Rina......let's get back on the autograph train......I'm Feelin a bit more pumped, ya know?....
Marina: o-oh yeah!.........also.....Pearlie, are you alright?....
Pearl: yeah...why do you ask?
Marina: your eyes......they're a bit if you were cryi-
Pearl: what!? No no! crying!? C'mon Rina, that's dumb!!
Dawn watched as Pearl and Marina left the studio together.......leaving her in there all by herself............. She felt a slight tingle rush through her body....shocking her slightly after an image flashed before her.....
A view of Octo canyon......the endless abyss that surrounded the floating island's atmosphere.....she looked down and noticed her Agent uniform on her body alongside her shoes as well..........
She shook her head from her hallucinations and left the studio with her hands tucked in her pockets.........looking over to see Pearl and Marina sit back down in their seats to continue their session of autograph signing......and when she looked up, she only saw the shoes from the two cousins performing on stage......letting out a small sigh after knowing she was out of their general view.....
Dawn walked into Deca tower as the door opened up automatically for her....soon closing up as she reached down to her waist and unclipped her tentatek splattershot.....and right before her eyes.....stood Rose.....
The Octoling leaned against the wall in the tower......but she didn't notice Dawn at all.....her focus was rather on the E-Liter she held in her hands.....
Dawn watched Rose gently rub her hand over the metal material....feeling every scratch and dent that was visible.......Dawn walked over to Rose and gently poked her shoulder, which slightly startled her, but direct her attention towards her.
Dawn: let's go....
Rose smiled at Dawn and leaned up from the wall, holding the E-Liter in a safe and respectful fashion.........when Dawn noticed, her eyes slightly widened from another glimpse of a hallucination.....
A flash before her eyes........she saw her......Agent 8........standing in Rose's her a small smile.......but the moment only lasted for a split second before fading....showing Rose next to her instead once again.......and from slight embarrassment, she walked into battle before Rose, leaving her behind, but hearing her whimpers and hearing her quickly run to catch up.........noticing her trying to compose herself......
Dawn: at your best, okay?........
Dawn: show me what you can REALLY do......
Rose gave Dawn a small nod as the two walked together.......and Rose looked down at Dawn's hand.......thinking to herself before she embarrassingly reached her hand over and touched Dawn's pinky with her own, then wrapped it around Dawn's pinky as a way to "hold her hand"....
Rose felt a small spark ignite in her body when she felt Dawn slowly and gently wrap her own pinky around hers as well......but the moment only lasted for a split second.....because Rose immediately saw Dawn move her hand away from her, breaking their pinky's apart with a small huff....
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