Chapter 11: Jealousy


Later on in the afternoon, Mona quickly ran through hoards of salmonids, shooting them and dodging frying pans from all around her.

She whimpered and shot more chum, watching them explode and splash their green slime onto her body. She heard a roar from behind her. She turned her head and saw a steel eel, opening it's mouth and aggressively slamming it back down to clang the metal together.

Before Mona could be chomped to bits, the Steel Eel twitched and exploded right before her eyes. She noticed the Octoling boy standing across from her, picking up a golden egg for himself, then picking up another to toss in her direction, and she barely managed to catch it.

Rune: are you alright?

Mona:....y-yes.....thank you....

Crystal: Help! Help! Help me please!

Mona looked down at the ground next to her and saw a lifesaver jumping in the ink right next to her. She pointed her N-Zap down at the lifesaver and shot at it, reviving Crystal, then watched her get off of the ground and hold her close by a hug.

Crystal: thank you, my diggity dog!


Rune: Crystal....

Crystal: o-oh...right!

Crystal let go of Mona and held out her hand while giving the Inkling a nice little smile.

Crystal: good job uh....buddy!

Mona:....*shakes her hand* n-no problem.....

Rune: *shrugs* that'll do, I guess.....

Crystal: Booyah!

Rune tossed his egg into the basket while Mona tossed her's in as well. Just as she did, the three noticed a Steelhead in the distance. Crystal let out a nice "hmph" while holding onto a splat charger and Rune held onto a carbon roller.

Crystal: c'mon bestie! Let's take this guy out together!

Rune walked along while Crystal swam ahead of him all by herself. Mona watched the two run along, and she once again felt like her heart was getting strangled from the inside. Her thoughts were interrupted by a large hunk of metal bumping into her from behind, which made her fall and drop her N-Zap on the ground.

Mona looked behind herself and saw a Scrapper above her, charging at her once again, but before it touched her, it was interrupted and it's attention was drawn towards Conner, who shot at it with his splash-o-matic. While the scrapper had it's back towards her, Mona used the opportunity to grab her N-Zap once again and quickly stand, shooting the scrapper from behind and destroying it.

Conner patted Mona on the head as he grabbed an egg and tossed it into the basket, and while Mona grabbed another egg, she saw her reflection within the gold, making her stop and let out a tiny sigh.

Mona: I'm sorry......I got....a little distracted.....

Conner tilted his head at first, but then heard loud footsteps marching through the ink. The boy looked past Mona and saw Crystal running away with a terrified expression on her face.

Crystal: I missed! I missed! Abort the mission, my guppies!!

Mona watched as Crystal began to tap fire on her charger straight at a Cohock, but since she wasn't doing much damage, the Cohock approached her and raised it's frying pan, swinging it down onto her and splatting her in the process

Crystal: aaaaaaa!


The two turned around and saw the same steelhead from earlier, charging up another bomb, but it randomly exploded before it had the chance to attack. The two saw Rune walk up from behind the explosion, picking up a golden egg while Crystal hopped around in her lifesaver next to Mona again.

Crystal: Help! Help!


Mona revived Crystal again, and saw her let out a sigh of relief as she wiped some sweat from her forehead, then gave the shy Inkling a toothy smile.

Crystal: thanks!


Just then, a large siren went off, and Rune turned his head to see all the salmon heading back into the water, then Mr. Grizz speak from their Walkie talkies.

Mr. Grizz: that's the last of 'em. Get back to the boat!

Crystal: hm hm! A job well done, my comrades!

Crystal dusted off her shoulder as Rune rolled his eyes at her and super jumped back to the boat along with Conner. Mona followed up behind them right after, landing on her feet, but losing her balance slightly and tumbling forward only for Rune to catch her in his arms and look at her.

Rune: and the queen of fumbling does it once again.

Conner: *thumbs up*

Mona: N-N-No!....I've been practicing on my super jumps!

Rune let out a tiny chuckle as Crystal landed straight on the boat, face first into the ground, flopping like a pancake in front of them.

Mona: 0-0.....

Rune: well.....looks like you have a twin.....

Crystal: I'm okay!

Conner: *helps her up*

Crystal: sorry! Super jumping with so much adrenaline in my just feels so good! But then I get a little carried away and don't pay attention.

Rune: we've noticed.

Conner: *nod nod*

The boat let out a honk of it's horn before sailing away over the green water. Conner took Crystal away to find bandages and wrap her head up from her rough landing while Rune leaned over the side of the boat and stared off into the ocean.

Mona looked at him, feeling her butterflies overwhelm her. Her legs shook and her heart felt as if it was beating a thousand times per minute. She built up her courage and walked over to Rune, leaning over the edge beside him, looking at his red eyes, then slowly opened her mouth which made her blush grow.

Mona:.....A-Are you........enjoying the splatfest so far?.....

Rune: hm?.....oh.....*shrugs* I mean....I'm enjoying myself, so a bit, yeah.

Mona: that's good....have you this splatfest is......getting a lot of negative reviews?

Rune: c'mon Mona, that's just the squid sisters fans throwing hissy fits. The splatfest ITSELF doesn't look bad....ya know?

Mona: well....yes....b-but the idols are....the main attraction to the splatfests...

Rune:.......true.....Don't get me wrong, I love the idols and everything.....but I'm not gonna be a weird fanboy over them.....

Mona: *tiny smile* who's your favorite?

Rune: Callie....she's nice and sweet.

Mona:...I-I'm much more of a Marina fan.

Rune: why's that?

Mona: b-because she's very cute and she make me smile whenever I see her.....I want to be like her one day...

Rune: is that so?.......

Mona gave him a cute nod, then saw him look back out at the water, watching his own smile fade from his face. She began to get concerned for the boy, looking at his shoulder and blushing slightly.

Mona adorably scooted closer to Rune until her arm was almost touching his. She tilted her head down to lay on his shoulder, but before she could, she heard a loud thump, which startled her and make her jump from Rune. The two turned and saw Crystal running out of the boat's main station with bandages on her head, smiling from embarrassment.

Crystal: alright, I'm ready for more!

Rune: are you sure you didn't bonk your head too hard?

Crystal: I'll be okay, Bestie! You don't have to worry about me!

Rune:.....if you say so.....I guess we can start showing you around some areas and shops before the splatfest.

Crystal squealed in delight as she ran over to Rune and gave him a big hug in front of Mona, and causing Rune to lift his hand and place it on top of Crystal, gently pushing her head away with a tiny chuckle.

Rune: alright uh.....too touchy....

Mona felt her heart surge as if it had been impaled by a thousand needles, which made her body tense up slightly, being unable to move properly after seeing the inkling let go and give him an apologetic smile, and that smile only caused her to whimper a little to herself.



Tar Tar: don't worry, Little will be reborn......

Rose's eyes shot awake and she felt the tight grip and surge of metal wrapped around her arms and legs, pinning her down on a table, having no other option to look up at the demonic phone above her.

She shivered and shook in fear, seeing a sanitized Doctor Octoling walk up to her as well, slowly reaching one finger towards her and gently dragging it across Rose's neck.

Doctor:.....right along the seems the most logical....

Tar Tar: I see.......such a vital spot.....let us hope that everything turns out smoothly.

Doctor: it's a gamble......50-50....either she'll die from the injection, or survive and become a true warrior...

Rose tried her hardest to speak and scream out for help, but her mouth was covered by tape. She shook greatly as the doctor pulled out a scalpel and looked down at her. The sign that was given to Rose was a sign of pity, and before she got to work, she grabbed the tape from Rose's mouth and pulled it off, seeing tears emerge from her eyes.

Doctor: do you have anything to say?.....

Her mind was blank.....her body was numb.......her colorful eyes were faded and lifeless.......she clenched her fists as tears rolled down her face rapidly......she mumbled......But it was nothing that the Doctor or phone could hear......


Rose's eyes opened from her sleep, and She quickly leaned up from a bed.....noticing that she was back at home all by herself. She looked at her phone and saw the time and date, with a little phase of disappointment rushing over her face knowing that she couldn't participate in more of the splatfest yesterday night.

She shook her head and let out a tiny sigh before shifting her body to get up from her bed. She stood up and felt the bandages on her head while walking into her bathroom. She took off the bandages and saw her little scar heal itself up a bit before, and while she was thinking, she heard her Tv in the living room going off slightly in the distance.

She walked out the bathroom and into her living room to see the news report on and showing an Inkling woman standing near a screen.


News squid: even though the splatfest is coming to a close after tonight, squids and Octos are still battling it out for every minute they have to participate.

The screen flickered and showed a group of four cephalopods that caught Rose's attention.....and she looked closer at the Tv, unintentionally raising her hand and feeling on the scar across her neck in the process.

News squid: apparently this squad is known as the Archdemon squad. They've been absolutely dominating the splatfest ever since they first stepped foot in the square, and they'll definitely slaughter for years to come!!

Rose felt her mind go numb and her body feel sluggish, seeing the Octoling girl as they showed off her performance. She was lost in her mind with no way of believing this was real.

She saw the Octoling look straight in the camera and it sent an uncomfortable shiver through her body ink before the news switched to a new broadcast, and it felt as if a thousand weights were lifted from off of her shoulders.

She stood up slowly and felt on her neck slightly.......she opened her mouth to try and speak.....she hesitated....then stopped herself, shaking her head in the process and walking over to her door while grabbing her scarf on a hanger.

She wrapped it around her neck and grabbed onto her E-Liter, strapping it to her back before walking out of her home, gently closing the door behind herself.

She felt the wind sway along with her tentacles and scarf. Considering that it was within the early season of October, fall was rolling around rather quickly, yet it was still warm outside on some days.

The Octoling took a slight breath before turning into her octopus form and super jumping up and away, drifting across the sky by herself, before landing on a building.

She looked off and saw Inkopolis in one direction, but in another, she saw Flounder heights; Dawn's living made the Octoling think to herself on the Inkling girl......her mind slowly revolved around Dawn.....she took one step in the direction of flounder heights.......then stopped once again......she keeps hesitating.......

Maybe the bet was too much........all of a sudden.....Rose felt someone grab her shoulder from made her jump.....but when she turned around, she saw nobody behind her...

???: "just give up.......your efforts are'll like her......."

She felt the voice sent waves of confusion through her head.....she felt her body tremble from going to see Dawn once more......she unzipped her jacket and saw her splatfest tee underneath it......then she gently shook her head.......quickly zipping it back up and turning back into her octopus form and super jumping over to flounder heights.

She felt a throbbing pain in her stomach, but she ignored it and proceeded forward towards the apartment complex......


Inkopolis was swarmed with life from the many cephalopods walking around. Inside of the arcade known as "The Shoal" Rune and Conner were both standing in front of an arcade machine together and spamming buttons on it. The two Octoling boys shifted their joysticks and made their characters jump, flip, spin, shoot, all to dodge a giant beast's attacks that soared their way.

Rune: die already, dammit!

Conner: *mash mash mash*

Rune: shoot the thing, Conner! The thing!!

Conner: *glares*

Rune: you know what the thingy is!! You're not stupid!

The two boys continued to play their game as Mona and Crystal sat at a table near them with some food of their own to nibble on. Crystal bit into a burger while Mona picked up one of her French fries, staring at it blankly for a while and getting lost in her own mind.

Without any warning, Mona felt Crystal touch her forehead and break her free from her thoughts. Mona saw Crystal smile at her gently while holding onto her burger, letting out a tiny "woomy" towards her.

Crystal: are you okay, girlfriend?

Mona: oh....*looks away*....yes.....

Crystal: you've been staring at your French fry for quite some time. Does it look too delicious to eat?


Mona slowly ate the fry without responding to Crystal, and she noticed that Crystal turned her head over to look at the two boys. A small smile formed on Crystal's face as she watched Rune mash the buttons as if his life depended on it, and it only made Mona feel very uncomfortable and uneasy on the inside.

Crystal: Rune is very nice. You're so lucky to have someone like him.

Mona:....*nods*....I-I definitely am.....

Crystal: how long have you known him?

Mona: a couple.....of months maybe....

Crystal: wow! I wish I had a real life friend for that long. The longest friend I had was my good ol' buddy, Mr. slinky!

Crystal quickly pulled out her phone and began to scroll through her gallery, then smiled as she leaned over the table and showed Mona a picture of an Octopus plushie with very long tentacles and a goofy face.

Crystal: do you like him? I've had him ever since I was a little guppy....well...squid technically.

Mona: he looks......v-very nice......

Crystal: do you wanna know why I named him "Mr. Slinky"?

Mona: is it because of his long, stretchy tenta-

Crystal: it's because of his long, stretchy tentacles! He's like a slinky! Get it?


Crystal: do you have a plushie?

Mona:.....w-well.....*looks away*...I do.......

Crystal gasped when she saw a tiny blush form over Mona's face. She leaned over the table further with a excited smile on her face straight at Mona, which only made her sweat uncomfortably and whimper to herself.

Crystal: Tell, Tell, Tell!


Crystal: please!

Mona: it's embarrassing.....

Crystal: Mr. Slinky is embarrassing!

Mona: t-that's not embarrassing! he's an octopus!

Crystal: what do you mean!? An Octopus is so cute that it's embarrassing!!

Rune: what?

Crystal and Mona tensed up for a second and directed their attention over to Rune and Conner who were walking over to the table after finishing up their game, with Conner carrying a giant pile of tickets.

Rune: you two were yelling at each other....even with my nice sense of hearing, all I heard was "blah blah Octopus".....the hell are you girls talkin' about?



Crystal looked back over at Mona and gave her a little wink, which only confused Mona way too much, and after looking away, Crystal smirked and crossed her arms at Rune in a cute way.

Crystal: we can't tell ya! Sorry, bubbleclam.....this is a delicate talk between gals~


Crystal: w-what!? No no! This is the part where you say "but Crystal! I wanna know so much! You're the most freshest squid I've ever met!"

Rune:.....I was just asking a simple question.....*shrugs* I don't really "care" like that.

Crystal: b-but....

Rune: also....did you call me "bubbleclam"? Is that like, a compliment or something?.....

Crystal:.....yes....I heard it before on my favorite show.....


Crystal: huh!?

Rune: also, you said you and Mona were having a "delicate" conversation.....and I'm pretty sure yelling at each other isn't a delicate conversation, Gem..... is lashing me gonna help me become fresh, Rune-!......w-wait....what?

Crystal looked up at Rune, only to see him swaying off Conner as he finally managed to take the giant bundle of tickets and fold them up properly.

Rune: let's cash those babies in and get some stretchy, sticky hands.

Crystal: Rune! Rune Runey Rune!

Rune: what's up?....I looked away for like, 2 seconds.......

Crystal: what did you call me?....earlier.

Rune: sticky hand?

Crystal: no no! The thingy before that.

Rune:.....oh yeah, rolled off the tongue for me....might as well be your new nickname, right?

Rune: yeah? Is that bad?

Mona saw Crystal look down slightly and could see her smile while clenching her hands together from pure happiness....and her pure gentle radiance was enough to make Mona tense up in sadness, gripping onto her own thighs under the table.

Crystal:....Gem....heh...I like your jokes!....I like it! I like, like it! It's so cool!

Rune: really?....well, you're Gem now.

Crystal: Gem, Gem, Gem~ hm hm hmmm!~ It's so nice!


Rune: yeah yeah......hey Mona, you wanna cash these tickets in with us?

Mona:....I-I'm alright.......

Mona stood up from the table, and shifted away in an uncomfortable manner, confusing Rune a bit while Crystal jumped around and continued to repeat her nickname.

Rune: you sure?.......what's up? You look sad.

Mona: I-I'm alright......I just.....want to head outside.....

Rune:......huh...alright. we'll meet you outside. I'll make sure to get you a prize. don't......need to....

Mona saw Rune open his mouth in confusion, but before he could speak, she ran off with a large embarrassed blush on her face, shaking her head back and forth.

Mona: ( stupid squid!.....I'm stupid!...)

Mona ran out of the shoal and looked around Inkopolis, seeing that nobody was obviously paying her no mind, which made her sigh in relief as her blush started to fade, but before she could relax for long, she felt a tap on her shoulder, making the ink in her body feel as if it was gonna jump straight out of her as she let out a tiny squeal.

Mona: I-I-I-I said I didn't want a prize.....R-Rune I didn't-....

Mona turned her head and didn't see Rune behind her, but rather a different Octoling who looked really concerned for her, holding onto a tray that contained a crusty seanwich and a simple swim speed up berry juice.


Rose: *tilts head*....

Mona: Oh I......*looks away*....I'm okay......I think.....what are you doing here?.......

Rose took one of her own hands off of her tray and pointed up at the stage that was currently unoccupied by the idols at the moment, making Mona slightly jump in realization.

Mona: o-oh....the you're just here early?....

Rose gave Mona a nod and grabbed onto her wrist, pulling her over to a table and sitting down, and Mona watched as she placed down her tray and smiled at it before gesturing her to sit as well. After her slight hesitation, but then realizing she didn't have anywhere else to run off too, Mona sat down at the table with Rose, watching her nibble on her meal.

Mona:..........can I.........ask you something?............

Rose: *nibble*....*nod*...

Mona:.....*blush*.......s-so we have a new friend........and....she's been hanging out with us a lot......

Rose: *nod nod*....

Mona:......I like her....she's very nice.....but.......I feel so......b-bad......around her......

Rose stopped on her feast and placed down her seanwich, looking up at Mona to see her embarrassingly holding in her whimpers and looking down at her lap.

Mona:.......When she.......t-talks to Rune I.......I get sad.....I......

Just then, Mona felt a fry hit her forehead, which knocked her out of her state of mind. She looked at Rose across from her and saw that she already scribbled a note for her to read specifically.

"You're Jealous"

Mona:......n-no....I can't.....I can't be jealous........I'm sad...*mumble* and angry.....

"Those are some of the factors of being jealous"

Mona: but I don't......I don't like that....I don't wanna be a mean person.....

Rose: *tilts her head*

Mona:.....jealous squids can be mean....They do selfish things sometimes....I don't wanna be like that.......

Mona rested her head on the table and let out a long sigh just as Rose looked down at her, gently poking on her head.

Mona: m-maybe I should go back to work.......Ollie can only do so much on his own.......I shouldn't have asked for a day off......

"Don't say that. He gave you a day off because he wanted you to have fun."


"Maybe if you're lucky, you'll even get the Splatfest's blessing with Rune"

Mona:....I-I hop-........wait! You knew it was!-......

Rose gave a cute nod and Mona began to blush horrendously, allowing her tentacles to bubble and ignite from her embarrassment. She yelped and leaned over the table and began to adorably hit the giggling Octoling.

But within the distance from the two, a pair of unique squids wearing disguises watched from an alley way directly at Rose, then one of the squids nodded to themselves before turning back at the other.

Marie:....there she is.....time to make our move.....


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