Chapter 1: Seperation

A simple foundation known as Inkopolis square began to glow with life as the sun rose once more to start another day. Some early birds came to Inkopolis pretty early to get their splat on as soon as possible, while some night owls would come later on in the afternoon and battle until the sun set.

With the integration of Octolings into society, It was pretty obvious that Inklings didn't really...welcome them with open arms. Inklings would lash them, hurt them, and call them rude slurs....such as metro scum....freaks...dirt lickers...and Pit Dwellers, which was the worst slur that could possibly be said.

With some recent events, Octolings started to fight back against Inklings because of the constant back lashing, making up their own slur for Inklings, calling them Promise land Parasites, and even blood suckers, the only thing that infects and contaminates the surface from being beautiful and free.

But since the fighting is so neutral, nothing bad usually happens to either side....that is....until splatfests roll around.....


An alarm went off rapidly and loudly on top of a desk. The Alarm was Judd holding up a victory flag and letting out meows over and over again, until a very rough and stiff Octoling hand reached over and gently pushed down the flag on the alarm, ceasing Judd's victory cry.

Rose, An Octoling girl with dark red tentacles and pure green eyes, slowly leaned up from her bed, then simply sat there in silence, stretching a little and looking over to her window that was right next to her bed, seeing the beautiful view of her home apartment complex, seeing some Octos soaring throughout the sky, most likely heading to Inkopolis to get their turf on.

She turned her body and slowly placed her feet on the ground, feeling the soft and curly carpet floor below her. She stood up from her bed and began to walk over to her door, opening it up and slowly walking out, blending in with the cold silence of her home.

Throughout this world, skill and league battles was everything....if you had no skill, you had no worth. Rankings are what earned you your respect and honor....squads would dominate and battle over and over again just to get in the top 300. Ranked battles reflect on you only, but the real blood and ink is in your league ranking with your partner.

If you wanted to make it to the top, you needed a partner...a league partner. Your partner is known as your other half, your dependent, your lifelong link, the one you would shed blood and ink for. If you have your partner, you both have to sign a blood contract, linking you two together for life, but if you and your partner break from each's over, you cannot participate within league battles anymore and you'll be marked for everyone to see.

A very brutal and sad'll be tattooed straight across your forehead with a black broken heart showing your betrayal and disloyalty to everyone in the square. League is meant for the best of the best, and there's no room for fakers....if you want to win and become the best, you better work and splat your ass off for it with your partner.

If you do make a contract with someone, you two will be escorted to the shellscraper, a giant dark pink building that was specifically meant for league partners, rent was expensive, but it was definitely worth it because of the amazing housing you're provided. Once you and your partner are officially done with signing your contract of course.

If you both sign the contract, you and your partner will both be branded with pair codes (PCs for short) on your forearms. Your pair code simply just informs everyone that you have a partner, and who they are by the matching 4 digits.

Rose didn't live in the shellscraper...hell...she doesn't even have a partner. She glanced down at her forearm to see no digits on it, but that didn't faze her, mainly because she could care less about that aspect...she spends most of her time playing on her own anyway with her E-Liter. She looked over to her living room clock and saw the time almost a quarter from 10Am, so she walked over to the kitchen and slowly grabbed her pantry door, opening it up and seeing some newly bought groceries.

Rose looked around, and eventually laid eyes on a box of Octo-Os, a nice brand of honey flavored cereal that could brighten a cephalopod's whole day. She thought for a second, then eventually grabbed the box and closed the pantry. She opened up her fridge and grabbed a tiny quart of milk, placing the two items on the table and then grabbing a bowl as well.

She sat down at the table and reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone and scrolling on the "Top Turf" app, looking to see if anything's changed, and she saw a nice video that was posted 10 hours ago which was the Techno squad vs the Tundra squad in league.

She pressed on the video and placed her phone down as she made her cereal, then the video began with Callie and Marie smiling at the camera as Rose couldn't help but look straight back at them. It's already obvious that the squid sisters are super popular, so popular that a simple hello could make a squid have a heart attack, even Rose had a little Callie plushie on her desk in her room from her own little fangirly nature of the two.

Rose poured the milk into her bowl of cereal, grabbing her spoon and slowly taking a bite of her Octo-Os, crunching fairly slowly, while seeing the two idols present the squads.

*Rose's phone*

Callie: the Techno squad, a fairly known powerful squad with good attributes!

Marie: they play pretty strategically as if they all shared one mind, and all of them utilized weapons that could benefit them with their coordination, which were the Splattershot Pro, The Firefin splat charger, the N-Zap, and the Kensa .52 gal. What are your thoughts about the squad, Callie?

Callie: *giggles* definitely a very smart and prepared team, and they're slowly rising up the ranks as we speak. What really is pushing them forward though is their leader, Coda.

Marie: oh for sure. Coda is a very smart Octoling boy, being within the top 200 in his solo ranking, dominating the competition with his splattershot pro.

A photo of an Octoling boy with silver hair and cyan eyes flashed on the screen, showing the boy named Coda, standing with his team and glaring at the camera.

Callie: it seems he's able to analyze his opponents and slowly download their play style into his mind to get a good understanding and achieve victory.

Marie: an impressive one indeed.

Callie: but how about we start showing off the other squad, Marie? The Tundra squad.

Marie: hmph, the Tundra squad definitely shouldn't be counted out of this battle for sure. This team is a squad consisting of quick and dominating slayers that will splat you in the blink of an eye.

Callie: exactly! When the whole squad rushes you down, it's as if you're experiencing a blizzard, no matter what you do, it's impossible to stop their assault, especially since they all use fast and crazy weapons, consisting of clear dapple dualies, a Tri slosher, a squiffer, and a .96 gal.

Marie: all thanks to their leader, Adele, a truly gifted squid without a doubt.

Callie: Adele is a very aggressive and quick Inkling girl, knowing when to strike, how to strike, and where to strike. Even though she uses Clear dapple dualies, she's still able to rush down a Jet Squelcher without a doubt!

Marie: the way how she knows when to use her torpedoes as a means of distraction or aggression is really impressive. Not to mention she uses Ninja squid in her kit.

The picture of the Techno squad fazed to a picture of the Tundra squad, showing Adele, an Inkling girl with a face of aggression and pure determination, expressing herself with her pure white tentacles and solid red eyes. The two teams fazed next to each other and showed a ratio number under the two squads, 1-2 to be exact.

Callie: these two squads have fought 3 times in the past, and the Tundra squad came out with a positive 2 wins against the Techno squad, with only 1 win.

Marie: I wouldn't count team Techno out though. After those two losses, it seems Coda has gotten a good download on them, and that allowed them to win the last time they played.

Callie: so if Coda can do the same, he can bring the score up to 2-2 and tie it up with them.

Marie: what's the stage and mode, Callie?

Callie: Splat Zones on New Albacore Hotel, so this will definitely be interesting!


Rose took more slow bites of her cereal as she watched the two squads spawn into their respective spawn pads, then the timer slowly ticked down.

The timer sounded off and the two squads rushed towards each other, instantly inking their turf. There are 3 types of rankings within the Deca Tower Splat Leaderboards: Solo ranking, which you achieve by playing ranked battles alone, Duo ranking, which you get with a bonded blood partner in league, and Squad ranking that you achieve when you and your partner team up with another duo to battle.

A contract bond isn't needed for a full squad, only for a duo, and each of the ranking leaderboards are specifically separate, so the best Squad, potentially couldn't have the best duo team, or even solo squid. The leaderboards are separate just to give turfers a better challenge, and many have tried to achieve rank 1 in all 3 leaderboards, but it was never ever accomplished.

Goals for true competitors....something that Rose wasn't all that much.....Rose loved to turf, but she wasn't really competitive when it comes to it. She does still like to win of course, but she's never been put under pressure and felt like she NEEDED to win, which is something that a lot of her previous partners didn't like. Rose has had many squids and Octos come to her and ask for her blood bond, but the second they found out about her reason for turfing and what her condition was, they left her in an instant.....showing her that they only wanted her for her skill, which she'd never respect from a selfish individual.

She wiped her mouth from the dripping milk, then placed her empty bowl in the sink, pausing her match on her phone and sliding it in her pocket. She put on her boots and jacket, then opened up the door to her apartment, but before she walked outside, she looked over to see her E-Liter leaning against the wall, and she took it, strapping it to her back while walking outside and closing the door, hearing the constant sound of cephalopods super jumps.

She turned around and readied herself with a strong super jump. Rose released her ink and rocketed in the sky, soaring through the air and looking down to see the quick buildings pass by her from below. She looked over to her side and saw an Octo flying next to her while texting on his phone, and even an Inkling girl who was eating a bagel.

Within the slight distance, Rose could see the Shellscraper standing tall and proud, showing off all of the talented duo partners, but as the building creeped closer and closer, Rose began to descend slowly downwards towards The Reef, landing on her feet and looking around, hearing a Jumbotron near the Reef, with Pearl and Marina smiling at everyone.


Marina: good morning everyone! Today is a new day for all of us, and the climate for the day would be slightly chilly, but still pretty warm and fresh, and the first rotation today will be Clam blitz on Inkblot Art Academy and Piranha pit. Pearlie, are you ready to show yesterday's highlight play of the day?

Pearl: oh hell yeah!

The Jumbotron flashed and showed the league symbol with a huge slash across it, then the words "highlight play of the day" appeared at the bottom of the symbol.

Pearl: once again, the great and powerful Mortelix is back once again with another amazing play of the day!

Marina: I swear, the boy is getting more and more talented as we speak.

On Goby Arena , A singular Octoling boy stood alone while holding a power clam and glaring at the enemy squad. The boy had black tentacles that faded into green to match his frightening eyes. He quickly dashed at the squad, reaching behind himself and pulling out a burst bomb, throwing it at a carbon Roller, that dodged it but then they saw him instantly appear straight in front of her, shooting her and splatting her.

A dynamo roller readied a vertical flick and flung his ink straight at Mortelix, but he swiftly dodged to the side and aimed straight at the Dynamo, splatting him with ease as well and jumping in the air to avoid an auto bomb.

Mortelix looked down and saw a Custom splattershot Jr, and aimed his custom Jet squelcher straight at them from above, but he didn't pull the trigger.....he instead turned his Jet squelcher around and pointed at an Inkling girl who was using her Ink Jet to try and sneak up on him and splat him from behind, but Mortelix didn't let that happen, and he quickly shot the Ink Jet instead, without breaking eye contact with the custom Jr.

Mortelix splatted the Ink Jet and, landed back on his feet, quickly pulling out a burst bomb and throwing it at the Custom Jr, but he dodged his bomb, only to see Mortelix dash towards him and get in his face in the blink of an eye, splatting him before his finger could even pull the trigger, then he ran with her power clam and slammed it into the basket, breaking it for the first time in the game, getting in the lead.

Pearl: the kid is improving more and more as we speak!

Marina: exactly. It's just something about him that's so....intimidating.

Pearl: there ya have it, squiddos, now go out there and splat like fucking craz-

Marina: wait Pearlie!

Pearl: hm?

Marina: aren't you forgetting something?

Pearl: forgetting something? yeah!

Marina: *smirks* I believe it's time once again.

Pearl: took the words right out of my mouth. Ladies and gentlesquids! It's finally time for another splatfest!!

Rose heard gasps and screams coming from all around her, making her look around and see a bunch of Inklings and Octolings hyped up and jumping like crazy.

Octoling girl: *shaking her friend* YEAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Octoling boy:....y-yeaaaa...*throws up*

Inkling girl: I wonder what it's gonna be this time!?

Inkling boy: hmph! I hope it's better than the last splatfest. FireFin Vs Takaroka wasn't even a fresh splatfest.

Octoling girl: I thought it was fresh....

Splatfests.....The means of settling a big decision within society. Everyone loved splatfests, and everyone participated within them because of how competitive they were, also how rewarding they were, giving you Super Sea Snails as a benefit.

Sea Snails were very rare and valuable, and they were also worth a lot of money, allowing you to change up your gear if needed, because some squids and Octos wanted the best gear possible. Rose didn't really care all that much about Splatfests, and she's never participated in one so she simply just looked back up at the Jumbotron to see Pearl grabbing a piece of paper from a printer, then clearing her throat with a cough.

Marina: read it Pearlie!

Pearl: yeah, next splatfest will take place pretty soon....

Marina: what's the theme!!?

Pearl: the theme......for the next splatfest is.....

Rose felt everyone crowd around her and stare up at the screen, which made her very uncomfortable, but she tried her best to ignore it and look up at the screen to see it flash and show two pictures of delicious pastries.

Pearl: Squiddy Cakes Vs Octo Buns!!!!

Rose: *confused*......

The Crowd roared and screamed at the announcement, yelling and throwing their fists in the air, making Rose slightly cover her ears from the noise.



Squiddy cakes....a delicious cream filled pastry covered in white icing and glazed slightly with chocolate as well, being a very very popular product in Inkopolis that was eaten pretty frequently by many.

Octo Buns....a glazed puffy, sweet and savory pastry, better when they're fresh out the oven. A single bite will send and squid or Octo into a sensational trance of delight from the pure sweetness of the product, going on a huge rivalry with Squiddy cakes and battling it for it's popularity.

Everyone went back and forth with the constant arguing, and Rose just simply walked through the crowd and finally slipped her inky body out of all the rambling cephalopods, continuing her walk down the Reef until she saw a Café near her.

The Café was known as "Marine flow", a simple Café that Rose worked at with some other cephalopods she knew. Rose slowly opened the door to the Café and heard a little jingle from it, looking around and instantly smelling the delicious scent of coffee and feeling the quite and calm vibe of the small area.

Some Inklings and Octolings sat down in the Café already receiving their orders from earlier, and Rose simply walked down the dining area, going past the counter and catching the attention of an Octoling girl with Red eyes and Red tentacles, unlike a lot of other Cephalopods who had some fangs, this Octo had fangs all throughout her mouth, and she wore a black hoodie as another Octoling girl with lighter red tentacles and pink eyes stood next to her playing video games, wearing a very big and baggy hoodie that went down to her thighs.

The pure Red Octoling was known as Shade, a very hyper and outgoing Octoling girl that always kept a smile on her face wherever she went, and the other Octo was known as Shadow, Shade's younger sister who was much more calm and mature, but also someone that mainly kept her head in her games all day and night. The two are the main managers of the Café, since that role was passed down onto them by their grandmother. Rose would simply look at the two sisters and see Shade waving at her while giving a big toothy smile.

Shade: Rosie, Rosie!! Good Morning!!

Rose:......*tiny wave*....

Shade: did you hear about the new splatfest!? Please tell me you did!

Shadow: *mash mash* it just got announced like, a minute ago....

Shade: but she definitely still saw it!!

Shadow: uh-huh....

Shade: I'm telling you she did!

Rose, not even answering Shade's question, walked past the counter and into the back room where she grabbed her working cap, then slid it on her head while taking her E-liter off of her back and going over to a group of lockers, unlocking hers and placing it inside.

She turned around after locking up her locker and saw an Octoling boy leaning up against the wall, standing next to some ovens, letting out a tiny sigh as he looked down at his phone.

The boy's name was Rune, and Octoling who's tentacles were orange that faded into red to match his shining ruby eyes. He wore a long and black hoodie and also wore a working cap exactly like Rose. The boy looked up from his phone, making eye contact with Rose and slid his phone into his pocket.

Rune: I'm guessing you heard about the splatfest too?

Rose: *nods*

Rune: Aaaaaand you're not participating this one either, huh?

Rose: *shakes her head*

Rune: *sigh* figures.

Just then, Rose saw a tentacle touch Rune's shoulder from behind, then she saw a Octopus poke up from behind him, looking at her and letting out a tiny wave.

The boy's name was Conner, a very calm, quiet, and collected Octoling boy, also known as Rune's brother. Unlike Rune, Conner never actually spoke any words whatsoever, but he'd usually communicate to people with either body language or sign language. The boy was very humble and kind, yet also very talented. Conner jumped out of Rune's hood and turned back into his human form, and Rose could see the marking code on his forearm.

Rune and Conner were league partners and would mostly go everywhere together, but Rose definitely respected their brotherly bond. While Rune used a Splat Charger, Conner used the Kensa Splattershot Pro, working together and having beautiful coordination, with Rune being the brains, and Conner being the brawn.

Rose waved at Conner and heard the Café door open up once more, hearing footsteps and looking over to see an Inkling girl with a backwards cap, a Toni K. Baseball Jersey, and Annaki Arachno, Boots. Rose couldn't help but stare at the Inkling, Watching her open her locker and take off her backwards cap, showing her ruffled tentacles before sliding on her work cap instead. The girl unclipped her Splattershot and placed it in her locker as well before looking over and seeing Rose, linking her eyes with the Octo's.

Dawn was her name......a very mysterious girl for sure. She had pale skin and scars all throughout her body and had default black tentacles that faded into midnight blue to match her eyes. The girl glared at Rose before closing her locker pretty aggressively and turning away to get started with work.

Rune: mornin Dawn.

Dawn: shut up.


Rose couldn't help but look at Dawn a bit more, noticing her miserable and rude state, something she's seen ever since they first met. Dawn is a very antisocial inkling girl, and no matter how much people try to become her friend, Dawn would instantly push them away, refusing to make bonds with anyone.

Rose walked from out of the back room and into the main work center of the Café, seeing Shade giving an Inkling a coffee while smiling at him.

Shade: have a nice day!

Inkling boy: uh huh....

The Inkling boy walked off with his coffee while Shade waved him farewell and Dawn walked past her, catching her attention and making her smile.

Shade: Dawny!

Dawn: don't call me that.

Shade: but it's adorable!

Dawn: no, it's just weird.

Shadow: *mash mash* I'm with Dawn on this one.

Shade: hmph...I like it...

Shadow: what team are you gonna be on, Dawn?

Dawn walked over to a little machine and began to instantly brew some coffee while sighing a little. She kneeled down and opened up a low cabinet, grabbing some spare napkins.

Dawn: Octo buns.....

Shade: what!!? Squiddy cakes are better!!

Dawn: you clearly don't have any idea on what a "good pastry" tastes like.


Shadow: how about you, Rose?


Rune: neither. Rose Isn't participating this time....again.

Everyone looked over and saw Rune carrying a pie while wearing oven mitts. He placed it down on the counter and took off his mitts before grabbing a nearby knife and cutting into the pie and dividing it into slices.

Shade: c'mon Rosie! You have to at least participate in 1 splatfest!

Rose: *shakes her head*

Shade: why!?


Shade: please!


Shade: please!


Shade: pleeeeeeeease!

Dawn rolled her eyes at them and started to brew some coffee by herself, looking past the main dining area while doing so, seeing out the glass entrance doors and showing cephalopods walking around and enjoying themselves.



Some time has passed and the Café squad was know in Inkopolis square, standing in a long line to pick their team for the splatfest. Shade tapped her foot uncomfortably as Shadow mashed on her video game, and Rose looked completely miserable as if she had a major headache....which she definitely does from how many times Shade asked her to play in the splatfest which eventually worked just to get her to be quiet.

Dawn stood behind Rose and had her arms crossed, thinking to herself. The only reason she's even participating in this dumb splatfest is so she could get more money to help her fucking survive in this world.

She definitely wasn't the wealthiest Inkling, but she makes enough money from Ranked battles and her job to pull through.

She let out a sigh and took one step forward, going along with the slow moving line so she can sign up for the splatfest, but only so she can get Super Sea Snails to sell and get money for. She looked around the square and saw cephalopods holding their new splatfest shirts, with some bickering slowly starting up.

Inkling boy: how the hell do you like Octo buns!? They're fucking disgusting!

Octoling boy: says you! Who the hell would eat a squiddy cake!?

The only reason why splatfests were taken so seriously is because during the splatfest, you have a proper chance of getting noticed in society, along with earning Super Sea Snails, and you'll gain double the cash compared to Ranked or Turf.

Many cephalopods were persistent and filled with pride during splatfests, and things would get out of hand at times, with some fights breaking out, friendships lost, bonds broken, etc.

Inkling girl: maybe if I'm lucky, I can meet the man of my dreams so we can get married and become league partners!

Inkling girl 2: I highly doubt that.

Inkling girl: but I have a good feeling about this one!

Inkling girl 2: you said that last time....and the time before that....

Within Splatfests, there is a rumor known as the "Splatfest's blessing". The blessing is said to grant you your soulmate when you play in a Splatfest, and change your life forever when you discover it. Dawn didn't believe any of that Seahorse shit, and besides....she doesn't need a partner....she doesn't need anyone....she believes she's better off on her own.

???: is that little miss no friends? *giggles* oh my cod.

Dawn recognized that voice from anywhere......that horrible and annoying voice that made her want to rip her tentacles off. She didn't even turn back to look at the cephalopod, instead she kept her gaze forward and ignored her as best as she could, but that barely helped.

???: I know you're not ignoring me, rotten flesh. Speak to me!

Rotten flesh....a term used straight against Dawn because of her scars and pale skin, making her look as if she was slowly dying. Dawn turned her head a little and saw the Inkling girl from the corner of her eye, an inkling girl with purple tentacles that faded into black. She had light skin and black eyes, and she wore a golden flower hair pin, a white Inky Rider jacket, and a pair of punk white boots.


Scarlett: *smirks* you always come back to these splatfests huh? Most likely because you're hoping that you'll get your significant other, or even better! A league partner!

Dawn didn't respond to Scarlett, and saw her squad mates laughing alongside her. Their squad was known as the Royalty squad.....and they rank 2nd within the squad leaderboards, showing everyone that they were no joke whatsoever. Scarlett was respected by everyone and loved by everyone.....she was perfect on the outside.....but on the inside, she was rotten to the core.

Scarlett was officially known as a talented girl, being the best dualie user in Inkopolis. She used the Enperry Splat Dualies and completely dominated with them, splatting anyone that's in her way. Another reason why Scarlett is loved is because she hasn't been splatted by anyone in the last 4 months, coming out victorious in any fight she was thrown into.

Scarlett walked over to Dawn and poked her forehand over and over and over again, teasing Dawn relentlessly, and Dawn simply just stood there and didn't respond to it...she just let it happen.....this has been going on for years between these two, and every time Dawn fought Scarlett, she'd always barely lose to her....every time she lost, Scarlett would tease her about it for weeks until they fought again. Over time, Dawn just simply gotten used to the bullying....she used to hate it before, making her cry when she got home that day, not show up to turf for weeks....even Scarlett would send her letters in the mail telling her that she's worthless and she should just die already....and she almost did...but someone kept her going forward....

Scarlett: you know.....maybe some make up will make you look much more attractive. No man wants a beaten and battered female ya know~

Dawn: I could care less...

Rose turned around in the line and saw what was going on between the two, and she even looked around the square to see everyone staring straight at Scarlett and Dawn as well. Even though Dawn didn't care, something inside of Rose did....watching Scarlett abuse her popularity to knock Dawn down.

Scarlett: maybe you should work overtime at that Pit-Dweller filled Café, you'd earn a lot of extra cash if you did so~

Dawn: maybe you should stop being a slutty bitch and not fuck dudes every 2 seconds. I am very tired today, and your shit is just aggravating....please be quiet.

Scarlett was actually taken aback by Dawn's comment, forcing her to stop poking on Dawn's head, and glare straight at her.

Scarlett: excuse me?

Dawn: you heard me.

Silence irrupted from the two, and Scarlett simply just.....stared at Dawn. All of a sudden, Dawn's eyes widened in shock from Scarlett's quick speed, bringing up her hand and swinging it towards her to slap her straight across the face, being too fast for Dawn to even react, but before the slap connected, it was grabbed by Rose, which caught Dawn's attention and surprised Scarlett entirely.

Rose: *glares*......

Scarlett:......get your.....

Scarlett tried to pull her hand out of Rose's grip, but Rose was too strong, and instead tightened her grip on Scarlett, making the girl grit her teeth and pull even harder.

Scarlett: fucking.....*grunt*....hand.....

Rune and Conner, who were up in the line, turned around along with Shade and Shadow to see what was going on, and when they did, they instantly ran over to Rose and grabbed her from behind, pulling her away from Scarlett, but Rose simply just tightened her grip even more than before.


Rune: Rose! Let go!

Shadow: it's not worth it!

Rose's Octoling claws began to dig into Scarlett's skin and cut her deeply, making her wince in pain and scream. With enough strength and force, her friends managed to pull her off of Scarlett, scratching her hand and making it bleed.

Scarlett held her hand in pain and gritted her teeth in anger at Rose, while Rose simply looked straight back at her. The attention from everyone in the square was now brought onto them, even waking up Judd from his nap, hearing mumbling from the cephalopods.

Inkling boy: holy shit....she just hurt....Scarlett....

Inkling girl: in big trouble....

Octoling boy: she deserved it.

Inkling girl: no she didn't. You Octolings are supposed to know your fucking boundaries. You guys know your claws are sharp and dangerous, so that's all her fault.

Octoling boy:....*sigh* parasites are stupid...


Rune: here comes the speech where she talks all high and mighty about herself....

Conner: *nods*...


Rune: there it is...

Conner: *disappointment*

Scarlett stopped herself for a second, and she looked over at Dawn, then at Rose, letting out a little smirk and a snicker.

Scarlett: oh my can't be serious....

Dawn: what?

Scarlett: is she protecting you because she's your girlfriend or something!? She had to jump in and save you. What next, are you two gonna make out in front of everyone? HEY, EVERYONE! LOOK AT THIS ADORABLE INKLING GIRL AND HER AMAZING OCTOLING GIRLFRIEND!!!

Dawn: WHAT!!!!!?



Rune: oh jeez.....

Conner: 0-0....

Just then, Dawn began to hear phones go off by the clicks of their cameras. She looked around and saw everyone in the square snapping pictures of her, laughing and looking at her in pure disgust.

Inkling girl: I am sooooo posting this on squidstagram.

Octoling girl:....ew...are they actually dating?

Octoling boy: I mean.....She did protect her...I guess it's a tiny relationship somehow....

Dawn became lost and confused within all the rambling from the crowd around her, just then, she heard one last click right next to her, and she looked over to see Scarlett holding up her phone after taking the picture, smirking straight at her.

Scarlett: this is just a reminder not to get on my bad side~

The laughing intensified and Rose wasn't bothered by it whatsoever, but when she looked at Dawn, it looked as if she was gonna have a mental breakdown, concerning her a little, but before she could do anything, she saw Scarlett walk up to her and glare at her.

Scarlett: trust me......when I see you on the night of the splatfest....I'll fucking destroy you and make you regret ever putting your hands on me. I'll give you my own blessing.....something that'll change your life forever.

Scarlett pushed Rose out of the way and began to cut the line with her squad while pulling out a rag from her pocket and wiping the blood off of her hand.

Scarlett: I can't believe I actually got touched by you disgusting dirt rats....get out of my way! Injured inkling coming through!

Rose looked back at Dawn and saw her still in an emotionless state. Rose walked up to her to try and tap her, but Dawn slapped her hand away and looked over at her. you realize what you just did?.......DO YOU!?


Dawn: you ruined everything!! Now I'm gonna be known as a weirdo around the square!! You made my life worse!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

Dawn turned into her squid form and super jumped away, leaving Rose and the others, and all Rose could do was feel ashamed of herself......because she knew what she just did.....will affect her forever.


New story cuz why not?

Sadly I can't show any characters right now cuz I don't have my drawing stuff with me, but when I eventually get it mailed to me, I'll properly make a character intro. Hooyah.

Also Rune and Conner belong to Fireghost647

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