Chapter 9: Salmon Run.

9:00am at Suction-Cup Lookout..


Lai: Grr.. What a jerk..

Agent 5: Yeah, she deserved that, way a lot!

Agent 2: Alright, now the boss kettle had unlocked. Shall we keep going?

Agent 6 glances at her watch and realize the time is now 9:00am..

Agent 6: Oh cod! We should go right now, Agent 5! We're late for our work!

Agent 5: Seriously!? Let's go, 6!

Lai: Well, we'll continue that tomorrow.

Agent 2: Okay..

They both hurry up and super jump back to Tentakeel Outpost first. Then, Agent 2 and I super jump back as well and meet up with Cap'n at the Cuttlefish Cabin.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh, you guys came back! How's it going there? I saw Agent 5 and Agent 6 just rush back to Inkopolis through that Manhole.

Agent 2: Well, we just cleared all the kettles except the boss one. Agent 5 and Agent 6 probably busy with their own things so we'll do that tomorrow.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: It's okay, you all should get some well-deserved rest today.

Lai: What about you, Agent 2? What are you gonna do?

Agent 2: Uhm..

She turns to Cap'n..

Agent 2: Are you sure you'll be okay?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Don't you worry, Agent 2. I'll be fine. You should go play Turf War with Agent 3!

Agent 2: It's Agent 4.

Lai: I guess they both were the same person tho. *sweatdropped*

Agent 2: Whatever.. Let's go, Lai.

Lai: Okay..

We both went into the Manhole that leads back to Inkopolis Square.


Lai: That's strange.. You never gone out with anyone else except Callie.

Marie: What? You don't want me to?

Lai: Just asking.. But I'm glad tho..

Marie: Well, the same goes for me too. Where should we go now?

Lai: Let's go to the Deca Tower! I haven't start leveling yet in the Square!

Marie: Alright, let's go then.

Before we start heading to the lobby. She equipped her Splat Charger on. I ask in surprise..

Lai: How did you get a Splat Charger when you still in Level 1?

Marie: Oh, I got leveled up recently before you did..

Lai: How come you never tell me that.. I thought you're always busy on your own. -_-

She chuckles with a grin..

Marie: Because you never ask. Besides, I'm not that busy tho. At least I still got time to spend in our apartment.

Lai: Yeah, yeah.. I got that.. Lucky that I had brought the Dualie Squelchers from Squidmas. Can't wait to try these.

We both went into the lobby of Deca Tower as we decided to play some Turf War together.

Meanwhile, at the "Off The Hook" studio..

Pearl: Hey Marina! Look at them, how lovey-dovey they are.

Marina: Yeah, I'm supposed they'd be that close since three of them were knew each other for two years.

Pearl: *nod* That makes sense..

She stares out the window as she was thinking.. Marina asks her politely..

Marina: What's wrong, Pearl? You seem bothered..

Pearl: It's just about that dude earlier..

Marina: You mean the boy in Snapper Canal?

Pearl: No! It was that Octo in the Reef! She was trying to say something.

Marina: Oh, I wonder what she said. I kinda forgot tho. What about you?

She shakes her head..

Pearl: Meh.. Who cares.. It makes me wanna splat her one more time.

Then, she yawns in exhaustion..

Pearl: *yawn* Man, I'm so beat out from all the Agent stuffs we did..

Marina: Maybe you should take a nap back in our room. I'll wake you up before the broadcast starts.. ^^"

Pearl: Sounds great... You should take a rest as well.

Marina: Oh, no I'm fine! ^^

Timeskip... 1:00pm..

After we've been leveling a bit with some matches we just had in this morning, Marie and I decided to have a break at the Crusty Sean. I order a Deep-Fried Shwaffle and a Crusty Seanwich. Then, I went to the seat where Marie is and sat down with the food.

Lai: Here's your Seanwich.

Marie: Thanks.

Lai: Well, I've got to hand it to you. You've improved yet again, Marie.

Marie: Geez.. You flattered me. But I admit that you're actually a fast-learner. I can't believe you had mastered the Dualies already with just a few matches..

Lai: Hm... Perhaps I like dual wield tho. Maybe I should try that with two brushes. It would be absolutely great in that way I think.

Marie: Nah, it would be a bad idea for me.

Lai: Not unless you try?

Marie: *chuckle* But I'd already expect that.

We both talking and laughing like usual.. I look at the Deca Tower. Then, I noticed that still a lot of people were crowding at the Grizzco Taloupe was talking about.

Lai: Hey, what's with the crowd there?

Marie: Huh?

She turns around and saw the crowd..

Marie: Oh, I hear the kids are all obsessed with these Power-Egg-collecting jobs nowadays. They said it pays well but the job are sketchy tho.

Lai: How?

Marie: Well, you'll be going on head to head against the Salmonids in order to collect the golden eggs from them. Plus, you never know where the Golden Eggs will be ended up to.

Lai: Wanna try that one?

Marie: Uhm... Are you sure? I don't wanna risk my life out there with two random people.

Lai: I'm sure they'll take the responsibility for this. Plus, we also had risked our life in the Canyon.

Marie: If "Off The Hook" was with us. I might consider that a bit since we got enough members for a shift.

Her phone just vibrates.. She took out and check. It was from Marina from the "Off The Hook."

Marie: Ah, speak of the devil..

Lai: Let me guess, it's from Marina?

Marie: Yeah, sounds like they wanna go for a shift in Salmon run.

Lai: Okay, let's go then!

Marie: Hope we can make it out alive after this..

After done eating, Marie and I start heading to the Grizzco industries and it just at the left side of the Deca Tower. We looked around the surrounding as we entered. The place was a bit dim light and placed with containers and fishing nets litterally everywhere. Then, we heard a transmission voice.

???: Hello, ya there! Welcome to Grizzco industries!

Lai: Hm?

We both turn to look at the wooden statue where the voice came from..

Marie: It's just a bear statue..

Lai: Who are you?

Mr. Grizz: I'm Mr. Grizz. Here at Grizzco, we're trying to make the world a better place, see?

Marie: With just fishing around? Seriously?

Mr. Grizz: Not only that, young girl. And we need fresh young talent to do it. Yeah, it's just your run-of-the-mill, manual-labor type of work, but's for a good cause, and most important is, we pay well. So whaddaya say, squid kids? The next training boat is heading out now. You ready to be part of something bigger than yourself?

Marie: Whoa slow down, bear guy. We need to find our friends first.

Lai: Yeah, where are they anyway.

Pearl: Yo, what's up guys!

We both turn around, seeing Pearl and Marina just got arrived..

Lai: I thought you were already working on a shift.

Marina: Well, we have to deal all sorts of things before we came here.

Pearl: Let's just get started, shall we? B?

Marie: All four of us were here. This shouldn't be a problem.

Mr. Grizz: Alright, just swim through this manhole and you'll arrive at the pier in no time. The Captain is waiting for ya all.

Lai: Okay then..

Timeskip... At the boat..

All four of us all were on the way to the Spawning Ground where our training course will be at and we got changed into special gears that allows us to be revived if we got splatted. Pearl and Marina were viewing the ocean while Marie is simply just resting in the cabin and I'm currently reading the Employee Handbook at the outside. Pearl suddenly walks up to me cheerfully.

Pearl: Hey, dude! What you reading at?

Lai: Just a handbook from Grizzco. Wanna read?

Pearl: Nah! I'm cool without it!

Lai: Even without your packets?

Pearl: Wait, really!? I'll go get it right now!

She ran inside the cabin to equip the packet filled with Special abilities.

Lai: Is she always like this?

Marina: Like what?

Lai: Being so awfully cheerful..

Marina: No, only when she's with her friends tho, especially with me.

Lai: Sounds like you mean a lot to her.

Marina: Yeah! A rapper can't rap without her Dj around. And we're just like the Squid Sisters, never be separated!

Lai: ...

Marina: Oh sorry. I was getting excited.

Lai: It's fine.. I'm glad you noticed that.

Marina: Does it bothers you a lot?

I turn around and lean against the railing..

Lai: No, not really.. I still got no clue for that.

She beams me with a smile..

Marina: I'm sure you'll find her and talk it out the problems together.

Lai: Thanks.. But now, Marie still needs me so I need to keep going..

Marina: Aww... I'm so envy for her right now. Having a boy like you would be a bless for them.

Lai: Well, all thanks to her for choosing me in the first time. I wouldn't be here if she didn't.. But I'm sure you'll meet someone who might be just like me and I'm sure he'll take care of you and Pearl in the future.

Marina: Thanks!

The boat horns and it wakes Marie up. She walks out the cabin to meet up with us. Pearl also just came back with the packets equipped on her helmet.

Marie: Alright, you guys ready for this?

Pearl: Heck yeah!

Lai: Then, let's do this.

All four of us super jump from the boat and landed at Spawning Ground. We all were also equipped with Splattershots provided by Grizzco.

Mr. Grizz: Alright, rookies! The first lesson: On-The-Job-Basics. There are two types of them: The lesser one and the boss one. The lesser one are Chum, Smallfry and Cohock. They drop Power eggs when defeated and as a Grizzco Industries Employee, you are contractually obligated to collect as many of them as possible. Now, go hunt them down!

Pearl: Alright, we're on it!

After a while, she realizes something..

Pearl: Eh? What?!

Marina: What's wrong?

Pearl: I can't open the map of this area!

Lai: Oh yeah, there's some sort of magnetic field that affects us when opening the map or even super jumping.

Pearl: What!?! No super jump!? That sucks, dude! How are we gonna get out then!?

Lai: We'll be super jumping back to spawn or the boat using Grizzco Technology, but only if we survived a wave and completed our shift.

Marina gasped in panic...

Marina: That's scary! What if we all got wiped out or failed to meet the quota!?

Lai: Well... They'll just terminate our shift early if that happens. But we still can super jump back to the boat so don't worry.

Marie: Salmonids at the east shore!

We all turned to look at the shore where Marie was pointing at. We saw a school of Salmonids had spawned out from the ocean and currently rushing to us, leaving a trail of green ink and they all equipped with frying pan as their weapon.

Lai: Here they come!

We all rushed to the shore and clashing up with the Salmonids. Obtaining some power eggs in each splats we got..

Mr. Grizz: Good! Now the most important of your job is to collect the Golden Eggs, only Boss Salmonids have those!

Then, a Golden Salmonid just spawned out from another shore.

Mr. Grizz: Alright, one of the Boss Salmonids had appeared! Go harvest it now!

We went searching for it and splat it. Then, it drops three Golden Eggs each with an embryo of Salmonid inside of it. Mr. Grizz was talking about.

Pearl: Alright, that was easy tho.

Marina: You know it's just a training..

Lai: Let's take it to the Egg Basket.

Marie, Pearl and Marina both pick up each one Golden Egg on the ground and strapped it to their back. Then, I lead them to where the Egg Basket is, they all toss the Eggs into the basket perfectly.

Mr. Grizz: Nice! That's three egg down in a row. The quota is 24, so you need to get 21 more.

Pearl: 21?! This is different from the other training schedule! The quota in the first one should be just 3 only!

Mr. Grizz: Because all of you suddenly showed up and none of you have complete the training, so I changed a bit of the training process to make things more quickly and shorten the training time. Plus, I'll give ya all a really nice bonus if you all make it out in the end.

Marie: Wow, I actually never thought you would be that thoughtful.

Mr. Grizz: Yes.. That's how business works.. Plus, taking care of my employees is one of my principles in the Grizzco family. Now back to training!

Marie: Sounds he's a pretty decent guy.

Lai: See, I know it's worth a try.

Mr. Grizz: Alright! Lesson two: Increasing Productivity! There are eight varieties of Boss Salmonids and that one you just harvested is one of them. In this training session, you'll learn about the other seven types. The first one is Steelhead! This overgrown appetizer has armor all over its slimy body so your Ink attacks don't hurt it. It also lobs a giant bombs at its prey from his head so listen closely, shoot the bomb while it expands on its head. With any luck, the bomb will blow up, cooking the Steelhead in its own juice.

The boat horns as a Steelhead has just appear from the east shore. Pearl notices it and rushes to the shore first.. Then, she calls out to us through the wireless antenna.

Pearl: This way, guys!

Lai: Booyah!

Then, the three of us went followed her as well. But we all suddenly heard an explosion and that almost got Pearl. Marina runs up to her in worried.

Marina: Pearl! Are you okay!?

Pearl: Yeah! It almost got me!

Marie: Let's take it out together!

Lai: On it!

As the Steelhead shakes out another bomb from its head, Marie and I start shooting it. The bomb blows up the Steelhead with our Ink. Marina helps her up and we grab the Golden Eggs and toss it to the basket..

Lai: Just 6 more and our shift is done.


Mr. Grizz: Alright, that's all for the training! Get back to the boat!

Pearl: Booyah! Let's go fam!

Lai: Alright!

We all turn into Squid/Octo Form and super jump back to the boat. The boat starts leaving from Spawning Grounds and heading back to Inkopolis..

End Of Chapter.


Mr. Grizz: Oh yeah! Grizzco is a result-based organization. Let's see your performances. Surprisingly, only Pearl didn't got splatted even once during the training.

Pearl: Booyah! That was really easy back there! They weren't even try to attack me!

Lai: Because they didn't attack you at all!

Marina: Actually, the Salmonids mistook her as a Chum. So that's why she didn't got targeted. ^^"

Marie: You serious, Marina!? Just how short she is?

Marina: 147cm or less maybe?

Marie: No wonder she haven't got a boyfriend at that age of hers..

Pearl: Hey!

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