Chapter 39: Dream Fight and Lovely Date.

Time Unknown, Dive to the heart...

Into the abyss of unknown.. A Blue Inkling sinks down through the depths of darkness unconsciously. Until his eyes open to see a Glowing Cylinder Tower and he is about to land on it.. Then, the gravity slows down and both of his foots touch the ground softly.. He looks around.. But the enviroment that surrounds him is just only pitch black except the glowing tower. Then, a mysterious voice is calling out to him..

???: So much to do... So little time.. Take your time.. Don't be afraid..

The voice slowly shifts over him as it stops in front of him..

???: Now, step forward... Can you do it?

He moves forward just like as the voice told.. Soon enough, the first thing is a Bomb Defense Up DX ability chunk had summoned and floating at the side of the tower.

???: Power sleeps within you...

The next one is a Sub Power Up ability chunk had summoned at another side from him.

???: If you give it form..

Then, a Main Power Up ability chunk floats at the another side from him..

???: It will give you strength..

All three abilities are now appeared around him.. Waiting for him to be chosen.

???: Choose wisely...

As the voice ends.. He walks up forward and start analyzing each of the abilities. He grabs the Sub Power Up first.

???: The power of its oneself. Utilizing one's Ink-ner strength. An ability of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek?

He shakes his head as he denies.. He grabs Main Power Up ability as his mind made up. Then, the voice comes up again to explain.

???: The power of the weapon wielder. Utilizing strength to its fullest. An ability of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek?

His head looks up and nods.. The chunk in his hand blinks out with light as it disappears.

???: Your path is set. Now, what will you give up in exchange?

Then, he goes forward to pick the Bomb Defense Up DX ability as the exchange.

???: The power of the supporter. Kindness to aid friends. An ability to repel all. You give up this power?

He nods and the chunk blinks out again..

???: You've chosen the power of the wielder. You've given up the power of the supporter. Is this the form you choose?

He goes in a thought for a while.. Then, he nods as he decided.. The other chunk disappears and the platform start shattering.. Causing him to panic and inevitably falls down to another platform on the cylinder tower with a different glowing color. Then, he lands on it smoothly. An Inkbrush had summoned on his right palm.

???: You've gained the power to fight.

A shadow Octarian just spawns in front of him and he goes into his fighting stance.

???: There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light flowing strong. But..

The Octarian is attacking him. But he strikes it down first, thrusting, then a finisher to end a combo.

???: The closer you get to light. The greater your shadow becomes.

As the voices goes quiet.. A shadow DJ Octarian hops up from his shadow and wields a Splat Roller. He notices that from above and blocks his attack. Then, he jumps away from him and charges towards him. The Blue Inkling counters back with a slide dash and slapshot him. Slashing diagonally and strikes down vertically with a jump. The Octarian got weakened a bit but he got boosted by another weapon. A Splat Charger is backing him up and both of his weapons are coated with dark aura. The Blue Inkling got shocked and gritted his teeth. He charges towards the Octarian to finish him. But his attack got blocked by his Roller and the Charger shot him at point-blank range that he barely dodges it away at all. Then, the dream ends in all of a sudden.

2:00am in Squid Sister's Apartment...

Lai: *Gasp!* What was that!?!

It is now 3:00am.. He just woke up by his nightmare with a gasp that is loud enough to wake Callie up who is sleeping next to him in her room. She asks in a sleepy tone while rubbing her eyes.

Callie: Huh....? What's wrong, Lai?

Lai: Huh? Oh nothing.. It's just a dream.. Sorry for waking you up in a sudden..

Callie: It's okay.. Let's get back to sleep, alright? We got a long day ahead..

Lai: Sure thing...

Timeskip... 10:00am in Cafe Cardamari..

She notices a pair of black round under his eyes.

Callie: Geez... Just how bad the nightmare is?

Lai: I had no idea.. It's just so bizarre.. I was in on a tower and something attacked me. Something quicker and it's like wielding two weapons.

Marie: Maybe a replica version of you?

Lai: I doubted that wasn't me judging by the tentacles.. But to recall that back..

Then, he slams on his palm with his other fist as he figures it out. But it startled the Squid Sisters.

Lai: It's him.. That prick!

Marie: Who-?

Lai: It's that freaking DJ..

Marie: Whoa, calm down. You can't just blame everything on him for no reason. Even though after all he did to us was unforgivable.

Callie: Yeah, it's already over and we all finally made it up from the recovery.

Lai: Sorry girls.. I just can't withstand that at all. Not to mention that part again.

Marie: Maybe.. Just try something else to forget that? You know going on a date or having fun together you always wanted for?

Lai: But this is different. Although, it can be forgotten but hardly to remove that.

Callie: So.. How can we help you getting away from your nightmare?

Marie: Aw come on, it just a nightmare. There's no need to be freaking out.

Lai: Yeah, she's right. It might just for today. I'll be fine tomorrow.

Callie: You sure you will?

Lai: It just a dream. Anyway, you got any plans for today?

Marie: I got a schedule for the radio broadcast today. You two go and have fun today. See ya at home.

Callie: Be careful on your way, Marie!

She leaves the Cafe first, Callie asks her soulmate as her hand slowly places on his.

Callie: So.. Where should we start hanging out?

Lai: Maybe start strolling at the beach side near from Arowana Mall?

Callie: Yeah.. A breathtaking view will ease our mind for sure.

Lai: Let's go then. *smile*

Their date just getting started after they both pay the bill and leave the Cafe..

Timeskip...Arowana beach..

Wind blows gently at the beach. Soothing wave splashes coming up and down at the shore as the couple are now strolling at the beach side. With her leaning against him while their arms entwined.

Callie: Ah~ The warm breeze never fails me.

Lai: Indeed. The weather is pretty decent today.

Callie: We sure picked the right time on here.

As they both can see the end of their stroll.

Lai: Mind taking a break for a while.

Callie: Yeah.. I wanna get down on the shore.

Lai: Sure thing.

They both sit down on the shore where the water can only reach their feet.

Lai: Hey Callie..

Callie: Yes?

Lai: Now I remember something. I had a dream of it after the end of the Splatfest.

Callie: Oh. I wonder what is it?

Lai: I woke up at the beach side and I realized that I'm in our hometown. But the timeline was different tho.

Callie: When Marie and I were still kids?

Lai: Yeah. You both finally noticed my presence at that night when we're watching the fireworks.

Callie: And you carried Marie and I back to our room before you go.

Lai: It was a good dream.

Callie: It is.. I could never forget that one.

Lai: Say Callie.. How was your vacation going?

Callie: It went smooth and pretty well. Just had some fun with some other girls in the spa and I'm glad I didn't tackle up any troubles during my vacation. Did you missed me?

Lai: Yeah kinda.. Because I knew you would be fine on your own.

Callie: But you were worried about my safety, weren't you? Not to bring up the touchy subject...

Lai: Yeah, but your cousin talked me out of it so it's fine.

Callie: *sigh* I could just talk to the boss and offer extra one for you.

Lai: No it's really fine.. It's nothing to blame on that.

She smiles..

Callie: Yeah! At least I'm safe and sound! Just wanna let you know.

Lai: Glad to hear that.

As their heart both feel the comfort from their conversation, Callie throws a suggestion to make things better. She grabs out her MP3 Radio Player and a pair of earphones.

Callie: Wanna listen some musics?

Lai: Yeah sure..

Callie: Alright then..

She toggles the radio to switch to the channel which Marie is working on as the host and with another commentary crew. They both listen..

Inkling girl: Alright, that song was sure kinda interesting and decent one!

Marie: Perhaps we should switch to a better one?

Inkling girl: Cool! What will it be?

Marie: It'll be this one for sure.

She selects and starts playing the song "Cake by the Ocean." By DNCE, feat Jonas Brother. For obvious reason...

As the lyrics of the song just start playing after the intro and they both immediately realized what it really "means", they both remove their earphones as their faces just got blushed from the embarassment.

Lai: Nope! Too embarassing!

Callie: Geez.. Typical cupid Marie..

Lai: Can't believe she just did that.

Callie: Like it's just a piece of "cake" for her..

Lai: *chuckle* Indeed.

They both laughed at the cake puns. Callie gives a quick kiss on his cheek before he smiles and they move on to the next place.

Timeskip... 1:00pm.. Arowana Mall..

As they both planned to start window-shopping after lunch. Callie stops in the middle of their walk and view the whole new mall since it had changed a lot with some of the Off The Hook Idol banners hanging on the wall after her last visit. She mumbles..

Callie: This place had changed a lot lately... I never knew about that..

Lai: I thought you liked window-shopping tho.

Callie: Yeah. My work held me back a lot. And it changed me from what I used to be.. There's no turning back at all.

Lai: But you're still you. No matter what.. That's why we're here. To be back to our old usual self.

Callie: Yeah. Clinging on the past isn't work. But we can still walk down through the memory lane around here and this is our chance to do that.

Lai: Yeah. I knew you would think of that way.

She holds onto his hand, smiling at her soulmate..

Callie: Then, let's go.. Together.. ^^

Lai: Yep, Team Love still rules it all..

"Couples" minutes later.

They checked every interesting spot and some other places that we're used to hang around. Although they are still not getting used with the layout around the mall, but the setup got much better for them. Especially as they are now noticed that there's a huge Ice Rink and a lot of couples and other performers are skating joyfully.

Callie: Whoa! They got Ice Rink in here!? This is amazing!

Lai: We sure had missed out a lot of stuffs here.

Callie: Yeah.. But bad news is.. We both clearly knew I can't really skate tho. Not to mention on the ice part and the thin blades that gives me really chill. So I might just chill at the railing.

Lai: Nah-uh! You can always count on this!

Callie: Hm?

He turns his back and shows her his hoodie hat. She realizes what's he up to immediately.

Lai: Although you can't even take on the "Roller" Skate and other skating sports. But you sure knows how to deal with the "Roller" Coaster.

Callie: No way..! xD

Lai: Yep and it saves the cost by sneaking you in for free as well.

Callie: But do you know how to skate?

Lai: Trust me Cal.. I'm a fast learner. So hop on!


After testing out with the Ice Rink Equipment and Ice guards, he also puts an earmuffs with a pair of cute pink rabbit ears plush on Callie for the better and "cooler" experience. He informs her to be prepared for the ride as she pops up from his hoodie hat and leaning against his back shoulder in her Squid Form.

Lai: Ready for the ride?

Callie: Yeah, let's start the coaster!

He pushes himself off from the railing and balance himself while getting used to it. Then, he starts the basic gliding slowly around the Rink by marching forward two steps while both of his hands place behind him. Pushing off to the side to boost himself up as chilling wind starts breezing through Callie as she felt the ride is speeding up.

Callie: Woomy! This is like virtual reality ride! I really like the cold, breezy wind here!

Lai: Wanna go faster?

Callie: Yeah!

Lai: Brace yourself then. ^^

His legs make a crossover to the left as his body slightly lean against right to make a right power turn. Then, he makes a 180 degree spin to make himself glide backward and letting Callie to be in front view. She got excited by his performance..

Callie: Booyah! I can imagine myself skating around with you back to back! This is so much fun!

Lai: Glad you love it!

He hops for a body spin before landing and gliding gracefully with only one of his legs. He balances himself with another spin and glide back to front view. Lai suggests something for her.

Lai: Mind getting a better view for you?

Callie: How?

Lai: This!

He grabs her Squid Form out and lifts her high up in the air as he balances his glide. She enjoys the wind and the ride even more.

Callie: Woomy! Now this is way more better than I thought!

Lai: See! I know you can handle this!

Timeskip... Outside of the Rink..

As he unequips the ice guards and returns it back, Callie also takes off the earmuffs and takes a deep breath.

Callie: Ah~! It feels refreshing after this! Thanks a lot for the ride! The hoodie hat sure makes quite a lot useful in our lives. xD

Lai: Yeah, my pleasure. I should spend some time practicing here.

She plants a kiss on his cheek as she is filled with the excitement.

Callie: Thank you! ❤ I really never thought I could be skating on the Ice Rink in my life with you!

Lai: You're welcome! ^^

They both smile as they head on to the next location..

Timeskip... 3:30pm in the Squidbucks..

Waiter: Here's your two Pearl Milk Tea.

Lai: Thanks.

He pays the bill for the beverages and they start their conversation..

Lai: I thought you liked lemon tea tho.

Callie: Nah! That doesn't mean I always order that all the time. You know people will get bored at the same stuff someday. Plus, I love the plain sweet sometimes! Just like you!

Lai: Oh.. Yeah, point taken.

Callie: But I guess you still remember the Splatfest theme! Me either!

Lai: And Marie as well!

Callie: Yeah! We sure had great times during on Splatfests we participated in!

Lai: Indeed.

She takes a sip of her drink while chatting with him..

Callie: So anyway, where should we going next after this?

He checks the time.

Lai: It's almost 4pm.. I think we should hang around a bit more before we go to the Jel's for dinner?

Callie: Oh sure! We haven't buy anything yet in the mall!

Timeskip... 5:00pm in Jel's restaurant.

After the shopping, they both decided to check out the Jel's for dinner. Surprisingly, that is the only place they both able to recognize it immediately and the chips are still have the same taste from two years ago. The couple both enjoying their food heartily.

Lai: So how's the chips?

Callie: Yeah it's still taste good! Thank cod this place hasn't changed a bit!

Lai: Glad it hasn't..

She asks him excitedly about their next date for today's night..

Callie: So what should we do for tonight?

Lai: Of course it'll be on Wahoo World! Nothing's beat that place when it comes to the enviroment against the others. Don't you agree?

Callie: Hm.. Yeah.. I do.

Lai: Something's wrong?

Callie: No, come to think of it. You just reminded me of our very first date! Ah, that sweet, nostalgia memories tho..

Lai: So wanna walk down with me?

She smiles cheerfully..

Callie: Hehe! Of course! ^^

They both smiling while eating chips together heartily.

Timeskip... 7:00pm in Wahoo World..

They just got out from the train and arrived at the entrance of the amusement park, Wahoo World. And they can tell the place had gone several renovations before they came here. Instead of taking any intense rides in the park. They decided to take on the Ferris Wheel Ride for a spin. As the cart rises up, Callie leans close against him while they both are viewing the whole light of Inkopolis city in their night.

Callie: Hey..

Lai: Yeah?

Callie: We both finally in here again.

He nods as he hugs her around..

Lai: Mhm.. Nothing's changed tho.

Callie: Yeah.. It sure is.. Despite how busy and inconvenient we are.

Lai: Callie..

Callie: Sorry.. I shouldn't say that. I really feel so happy that I can't just let this night end so quickly..

Lai: No..

One of his hands turns her head, facing to his. Then, as their face are slowly moving forward and their lips are about to meet each other. The whole Ferris Wheel suddenly lights out and the cart stops its moving in the middle.


Jellyfishes 1: Who turned off the power!?

They both check the power room and they just notice the wire is just being cut off.

Jellyfishes 1: The wires been cut off! Get the replcement!

Jellyfishes 2: On it!

While they are on it, an Inkling with white lime green tentacles just escape..

Marie: (You two owe me one... :3)

Back to the Ferris Wheel..

Callie: What was that!?

Lai: Just the power outage tho. That means we got more time for this..

Callie: Yeah.. You got a point..

Despite the whole cart is being filled with dark and Callie's fear towards ghost. She feels the calm with him around and both of their eyes are still glowing as his Blue Sapphire pupils gaze down upon her Golden Ninja Star pupils. Enjoying their moment in their night as they both confessing their love to each other.

Callie: I love you. 💜

Lai: I love you too. 💙

They both continue what they are doing. She closes her eyes and cuddling him as his hand is now moving behind of her head as her pillow while her head and her whole body lays on the seat, letting Lai be on top of her. He comments about her charm as like he always wanted to say it to her.

Lai: You're still beautiful in my eyes as always, even with your casual outfits.

His word and his compliment tickles her heart.

Callie: You're still sweet as always.. My heart could feel your warmth at all.

She pulls off a bit of her pink hoodie and her white shirt as well to reveal her neckline. She looks away as she feels the nervous runs through her heart, causing her face to blush a bit.

Callie: Please mark our night with your kiss.. ><"

Lai: Will do..

He starts kissing her neck, she starts moaning as Callie felt the passionate.

Callie: Mhm! ❤

Her body twitched while she holds her scream as his teeth pokes inside her a bit. Simply leaving a bite mark on her lower neck where it's not easily be viewed by all the others but for herself only.

Lai: You're officially mine forever, Callie.. And I'm officially yours as well.

Callie: Thank you.. I will not forget this.

Then, they continue back for kissing as he lays beside her on the seat to cuddle each other. Eventually, they both fall asleep for a long while..

Time Unknown, Dive to the heart...

As the blue Inkling open his eyes, he realizes that he's back on top of the Glowing Cylinder Tower.

Lai: ...I'm back to this place?

He looks around as he moves forward, he notices someone is standing in front of him. The Octarian summons his Splat Roller coated with dark aura. He got shocked by that.

Lai: A Splat Roller!?

Then, the Octarian charges forward. Lai guards his attacks with his summoned Inkbrush. The Octarian hops back to a distance with him.. Lai curiously but stutters when asking him as he raises up his guard.

Lai: You can't be.. Octavio?

???: Octavio? You beaten him, remember?

Lai: Just who are you?

???: I'm...

He summons his Splat Charger this time, coated with his aura as well to let him dual wield with both weapons.

???: Someone you hate the most..

His two weapons flashes itself with a wide, full horizontal slash covers the ground. Lai guards from the slash and counterattack with a finishing thrust and several explosions around him that send the Octarian up in mid-air. He retaliates back with two spinning slashes and Lai dodges it away.

??? Tell me why... Tell me why they picked you!?

The Octarian rushes behind him in quick speed and begins his dual combos with both of his weapons. Lai blocks every single one from him, including his finishing strike. Lai breaks his combo and perform upper slash to knock him up to the aerial level. Then, he horizontal slashes him three times in each combos to keep him stunlocked until he unleashes the Aerial Finish, slapping him with his brush and knocks him back down to ground level. He lands and as the moment they both charges forward at the same time.

Lai: Huh?

In slow motion, he notices two of his weapons are struggling itself. Then, he just came up with an idea before the duel settles. He knocks two of his weapons up in the air. Both weapons are now purified and float around him like they both has its own mind now.

???: What!?

Lai: It's over!

He opens his solo combination that costs all of his ink, Trinity Limit. He teleports in front of the fully vulnerable Octarian in the Aerial and slashes him nine times before a thrust break. He performs that again two more times until his limit times out, ends up with total 30 hits combo. His garments transforms itself into Limit Form and all of his old abilities are enhancing. He performs a Sonic Rave instead of Sonic Blade. Rocket himself through him seven times even more quicker as his two other weapons starts spinning slashes the Octarian as the additional blows in every combos he does and both shoot out several ray during in his finisher, adding up to 29 hits. Then, he performs a series of Last Arcanum attacks with his inkbrush coated with light that deals eight hits and bashes five more times even greater, triple up to 47 total hits with his two other weapons support. As Lai throws his Inkbrush and it's spinning towards him, the Roller and the Charger both follow up spinning as well. Three weapons strikes him at the same times and summoned back to him as well. He continues up to 5 times and it multiplies to 15 hits. Then, he Aerial Strikes the Octarian 5 times to the air and the tip of each of his weapons are charging up. Unleashes triple barrage of homing ink bullets and strikes all over him. After that, the Octarian's armor shreds apart completely and all of his attacks had weakened him a lot. The Octarian now noticed two of his weapons are floating around him, coated with bright light.

???: I see.. That's why...

As soon as Lai let his guard down, he summons back his weapons and Lai just notices that. He fends out with his last strength and Lai blocks it. But the Octarian constantly bashing his Inkbrush until he breaks his guard and knocks away his Inkbrush. He points at him down with his Roller as he grabs a hold tight on his pendant. Wishing for those two would give him support again.

Lai: (Callie... Marie... Please give me strength..)

Before the Octarian ends him, his weapons suddenly disappear, including the Inkbrush. The Octarian got completely shocked.

???: What!?

Two of his weapons are appeared back to Lai as he summons back his Inkbrush. Then, he makes the Final Cut to him with three weapons slashing him at the same time. The Octarian's body is slowly starting to fade away..

???: You make a good other..

The dream ends after his body had faded away completely..

8:00pm in Ferris Wheel..

As he open his eyes, he could see Callie was sleeping beside him in the seat. And they are still stucked in the Ferris Wheel with no power at all. His awaken just woke up Callie as well.

Callie: Hm..? You woke up.. *yawn* Are we still stuck in the middle?

Lai: Yeah.. Did I disturbed you?

Callie: No, it just my feeling of knowing that you're gonna wake up.. Are you still having that nightmare anyway?

Lai: No.. And I guess... It won't happen anymore..

Callie: Great..! Now I don't have to worry about your sleep..! ^^

Lai: But I feel that you two helped me out of it.

Callie: Hm? How come..?

Lai: Well.. It's complicated.. But never mind..

Callie: Okay.. Anyway, it looks like we have to stay here till the next morning..

Lai: Yeah.. At least nothing's gonna affect us at all. It just us alone here.

Callie: *nod* Mhm.. Want another go?

Lai: Of course, Callie..

They both continue their romantic stuff until they fall asleep again for the next morning..

End Of Chapter...


7:00pm in Squid Sisters Apartment...

*Door opens*

Callie: *Yawn*

Lai: *Yawn* Finally back home...

Marie: Guys? Where have you two been?

Callie: We both stayed at the Ferris Wheel in Wahoo World for an entire night..

He adds up..

Lai: Literally..

Marie: Ah I see! ^^" I guess I'll be making some waffles for us today so have some sleeps! (Oh cod.. I should just switch off the power..)

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