Chapter 38: Rare fruits and New forms.

1:00pm, Coro Forest...

Both Lai and Marie currently venturing deep in the forest. Searching a light pink rare peach fruit that can boost the taste and the refreshness of his cocktail tremendously. Marie complains.

Marie: Seriously, Lai? I thought you were going a date with me.. -_-

Lai: Oh sorry, I heard there's a rare fruit that grows deep in the Coro Forest. So I really need your keen eyes to look out for them. Sorry to bring you here with me. ^^"

Marie: Yeah, whatever. This is just a waste of time. And don't try to get us lost.

Lai: Come on, we're gonna be fine so cheer up Marie. At least we're together. As a team.

Marie: Yeah, yeah... Hm...?

Lai: You saw any?

Marie: No.. Follow me.. I saw someone else..

Lai: ?

They both sneak up to a bush. Then, they both look up to the strange figures.

Marie: Look over there..

Over there, there's a Cyan Inkling with Gas Mask Headgear, Purple Camo LS Clothing and Green Rains Boots Shoes. Another one is a Purple Inkling with Skull Bandana Headgear, Octo Tee Clothing and Gold Hi-Horses Shoes. And they both are looking something else.

Lai: No way...

Marie: Yeah.. Two of the S4s are here as well. Looks like they might be in the same objective as ours.

Lai: Well, if it is.. Let's find it before they do. And get out of here quickly.

Marie: Agreed..

They both leave from the bush. On the other side..

Mask: Man, we're beiinnng here for a loooong time. Thanks for wasting my tiiiime here.. And I guess we're probably got lost because of yooou!

Skull: Just shut up and keep finding...

Mask: I bet there's no such fruit around the forest.. I guess you're just desperate to find a girlfriend like Headphones.

Skull: ...Then why are you following me?

Mask: Oooh wellll, uhm... Just to make a juice of it for myseelf. Man, the one from the Cafe are so expensive.

Skull: ...You're not being honest..

Mask: What do you meeaaan I'm not being honest!?

Skull: You were daydreaming about Bobble after you battled with her...

Mask: Hey! That doesn't mean that I liked her!

Then, he starts his daydreaming about Bobble's smile as long as Skull mentioned her. The Purple Inkling sighs..

Skull: There you go again...

Mask: Wha-! Hey! Don't buurst my Bobble out!

As he just finished his sentence, Skull spots something else and runs to confirm.

Mask: Hey! Waaaiiit up!

As they both stopped, they just saw a Pink Jellyfish fishing at the river from a far.

Skull: Wrong one..

Mask: There gooees your-air-headed-self.. *sweatdropped*

Then, he notices another strange figures..

Skull: Wait, someone's there..

Mask: Really? Who?

Skull: Lai.... And he's with one of the Squid Sisters, Marie.

Mask: You caaann't be serioouss, riiiight?

Skull: ...

Mask: Oh.. But what are they doing in the forest?

Skull: Don't know... Let's follow them..

Mask: Waaaait!! What about the fruit?

Skull: I bet that's what they're after too.

Then, Skull goes after them.. Mask sighs..

Mask: Geez....


With them walking in the forest, almost reach near the mountain. Marie notices something..

Marie: Hey, I think I just got a sight of it.

Lai: Really!?

Marie: Just over the bush near the mountains.

Lai: Okay! Thanks!

As he proceeds, he saw Marie isn't following him, just standing there.

Lai: Something's wrong, Marie?

Marie: Nothing, I'm just keeping my eye out in this forest for you in case anything happens.

Lai: Oh, I'll be fine!

He proceeds to the bush where all the rare fruits are grew near the mountains. Then, as he finally gets there. A lot of freshly peach fruits that surprises him with its fascinating color.

Lai: So the rumors are true at last. Thanks Vadelma!

In the mind...

Vadelma: Hehe... You're welcome!


Lai: Alright, let's get some these and one Bellini coming up!

When he is about to start the plucking. A splash sounds alerts him and Lai dodges aside with a dodge roll. The splashed ink ended up staining some of the fruits. He draws his Splattershot Pro to the attacker.

Lai: !?

Then, he shouts out..

Lai: What the shell is your problem!?

???: Oooh.. Who's maaad now?

Lai: !?

A Cyan Inkling with a Carbon Roller Deco shows up in front of him..

Lai: You! One of the S4s! Mask!

Mask: Oh, I gueess you knooow me well. Then, enoough with the chaaat right now.

Then, the gas masked Inkling points at Lai with his Roller. On the other side... With Skull hiding in the trees. Spectating the cocky Mask and the serious Lai.

Skull: ...

As he looks around, he notices another sniper aiming at him from behind.

Skull: !!


Skull dodges from the shot and fall from the tree. Then, as Marie gets close to him in an instant. He bounces up and they both clash with their E-litre 4K scoped Chargers. Marie takes her chance to disarm his weapon by hooking up onto his weapon with hers and throws away far from them, then she thrusts him to a distance with her weapon wielding like a long rod and then one of her foots steps onto his chest and points at him with her weapon.

Meantime, while the two got startled by the gunshot.

Mask: What nooow!?

As Mask's eyes just shifts a bit, Lai rushes right in front of him just a several centimeters away. He got shocked by his speed.

Mask: !?

Before he could swings his Carbon Roller Deco at him, Lai melees out his right arm which equipped with a weapon and disarms him in a quick blink with his gun. Then, he points at him with his Splattershot Pro..

Mask: Wait! Stoooop!

He warns him..

Lai: You shouldn't pick a fight on us..

Then, he shouts..

Mask: Skull!! Where are yooou!?

Marie: I guess there's no need to waste your breath..

Mask: Ehh!?

The other two show up to them, with Marie pointing her Charger at Skull with his hands up in the air. Lai compliments her with his weapon pointing at Mask.

Lai: You did great, Marie..

Marie: Heh... This was just a piece of cake for me.

Skull: ...

Lai: Now tell me, why and what's your purpose? You two plan to stalk on us?

Skull: ...

Mask: Heeey, Skull! Saay something! Woould ya!?

Lai: I'm asking you!!!!

Mask: Eeek!!

Skull looks up to Lai's face..

Skull: (That face expression... That hostility of his..)

In the Flashback... In the Shooting Range..

Army: You're going up against him, huh?

Skull: Yeah.. Although this will be my first time searching for opponent after I heard that he took down Emperor by himself.

Army: But he's not an ordinary one to deal with..

Skull: ...What do you mean?

Army: His abilities are depending on his mood and reflects on his opponent's feelings. So try to get along with him. Just like Goggles and his teammates usually does.

Skull: What if I don't?

Army: Then, you'll be ended up like Emperor..

Then, Army takes his leave...

Skull: ...

End Of Flashback...

Skull: ...So that's how it is..

Lai: Marie.. Mind if you pick those fruits for us while I'm keeping my eyes out on them?

Marie: My pleasure... For the Bellini.

Then, she starts plucking up the fruits.. While she's at it.. He swears another warning on them..

Lai: We could have take the easy way out.

Then, Skull confesses..

Skull: Actually, It was Mask's fault... He decided to hunt you down on his own..

Mask: Heeey!! We're heeere just to find the fruits! You jerrrk!

Lai: Oh.. Really? So why you didn't just say instead of ambushing us!?

Skull: I tried... But Mask broke it..

Mask: Heeey!!💢

Lai: *sigh*

He lowers his weapon as he can't believe all of this.. Then, he facepalms..

Lai: Good grief... People these days..

Marie: What're you doing!? Don't let your guard down!

Lai: They're just after the fruits just as we expected. Let's just grab some of that and go..

Marie: Oh.. Is that it? Man, that's kinda awkward..

Before Lai and Marie both start leaving the forest, Skull stops them.

Skull: Wait!

Marie: Ugh... What now?

Skull: Mind if we have a 2 v 2 match?

Then, Lai turns him down in cold tone..

Lai: I'll definitely pass that one out...

Skull: !!

They continue to walk on. Leaving Skull and Mask alone.

Mask: Man, what a jeeerk..

Skull: Indeed.. They're weaklings after all..

He retorts back..

Lai: And then who's the kook that got himself owned by us!?

Skull: ..Mask..

Mask: I haaate you, Skuuull! 💢

Marie: *sigh and facepalm*

Lai: ...Well, what do you think, Marie? Wanna give them a try?

Marie: No... I'll pass that one out.. What about Callie? I'm sure you're not gonna make a lady waiting for us.

Lai: Well, I'll call her out and witness our battle. Anyway, you're up for this?

Marie: *sigh* Whatever... Let's do this then. Maybe we should try out with our new "combination" I just come out with.

Lai: That's more like it.. We accept your challenge, Skull!

Skull: Nice...

Mask: Whaaaatever, let's geeeet this over with..

Timeskip... In Moray Tower with 2 v 2 Turf War Match..

In Spectator's view...

Callie: Hm... What are they up to?

Then, Goggles and his two other teammates join in.. He greets at her happily like usual.

Goggles: Oh, it's Callie!

Callie: Oh hey! What brings you here?

Glasses and Headphones: (No way! It's Callie from the Squid Sisters!) 😲

Goggles: We heard Skull and Mask are battling against your teammates from Army!

Callie: Yeah, I know Lai called me here but.. How did they all ended up here?

Goggles: Beats me! But I'm so exciting to see Lai and your sister both in action!

Callie: Yeah, me too!

Glasses: Goggles! They're actually cousins, not really the real sisters!

Callie: It's okay! We're close just like sisters so there's no need to be freaking out! ^^"

In Blue Team...

*Blop* *Blop*

Both of them are prepared with their weapons and their usual gears setup. Marie warns Lai..

Marie: Seriously, hope you're not regretting this once if we lost to them.

The Blue Inkling reassures his partner..

Lai: You knew we won't, Marie! ^^ We got this!

Marie: Yeah, that's what I always thought.

Lai: Remember what we learned. And everything will be fine.

Marie: But you sure it's gonna work on any battle?

Lai: Aww... Come on, I was like every time I did that when I fetch you two back home from work everyday!

As Marie thought about it, she chuckles serenely..

Marie: Heh.. Wish you're right! I kinda missed doing that.

Lai: But now, let's do this!

Marie: Right!


As Lai and Marie both rush and drops straight down to the center from buildings to buildings. Then, they both found out that Skull is already in his sniping position and Mask had covered the half of the center. Suddenly,a snipe that separates Lai and Marie.


Marie: Split up! Keep that Mask off while I'm targeting Skull!

Lai: Already on it!

Both split up, while Marie is exchanging shots with Skulls with their E-litre 4K scoped, Lai got ambushed by Mask up from the ramp

Mask: Goot you noow!

Lai: Nope!

While Mask jumps into the air and performs a vertical swings at him. Lai slides dash through the ink splashes in the under. Aiming him from underneath with his Splattershot Pro.

Lai: I got you first!

*Pop!* *Pop!* *Splat!*

Glasses: He got Mask!

Callie: That's what Lai would always do! Go! Lai! You too, Marie!

As she cheers up for her teammates, her cheerful looks makes Headphones blushes frantically.

Headphones: (She's so beautiful..!) 😶

Back in the battle, with Marie pursuing Skull at the ramp.

Skull: As I expected.. Mask isn't making any progress.. But she's sharp..


Skull: !!

He dodges from Marie's full charged shot and he returns fire back at her. Then, she takes cover behind the obstacle, both chilling out and Skull charges another shot first. As she climbs on top of it and start charging up her shot, Skull is already reached the half of his charge and can be ready to take her out before she did. But as the shot fired, Marie's body were slowly falls off from the obstacles and from Skull's shot as well. She fires back with her three-quarter charged shot that pierces Skull and splatted him completely before she lands.


Then, she regains her balance on the ground as the moment she lands. She smiles serenely..

Marie: Heh.. Easy peasy.

She waves at her cousin at the Spectator's view before returning back to the center to join up with her partner.

In Spectator's view...

Glasses: She.. She got Skull too!

Headphones: No way!

Callie: Way to go, Marie!

Goggles: Yeah! And you too, Mask! You can do it too!

Mask: I'm dooing it!!

Mask super jumps to the Squid Beakon placed by Skull on the right side of the map where they both are in order to flank them.

With Lai and Marie...

Lai: You ready!?

Marie: When you are!

Lai: Okay!

Callie: Huh!?

As she tosses her weapon high up in the air, she transforms into her Squid Form and jumps into Lai's hoodie hat. Resting and letting Lai takes care the rest of this match. Her E-litre 4K Scoped then falls down in his palm flawlessly as the appearances of his garments transforms, his clothing blue and black, with blue flames on his pants and sleeves, specks of light hover around Lai's legs. There is also a blue magical mist surrounding his feet that turns into two light blue wisps. Equipping another weapon in his left hand and now he's in Wisdom Form with Splattershot Pro and E-litre 4K Scoped.

Callie: Whoa!!

Lai: Let's do this!

He slides across the ground, covers his entire body with him sliding across the ground on his back during some ranged combos. Leaving ink trails behind him. Both Mask and Skull were shocked.

Mask: Hooow in the wooorld!?

Lai: You're finished!

Mask: Ahh!!

He goes against Mask first as he's escaping. Couple shots were fired from his Splattershot Pro and then several Charged shots from his E-litre 4K Scoped when moving flawlessly, Mask escapes away from him until a super jump marked on the ground between Mask and Lai.

Goggles: There's she is!!

All: What!?

The Blue Inkling stops his skating as soon as he notices Bobble is going to land.

Mask and Lai: Bobble!?

Headphones and Glasses: Bobble!

A huge ink splashes as she lands, waving her hand at Mask while walking towards him with her cute smiley face as her usual self.

Bobble: Mask! I was looking for you everywhere! Where have you been all this time?

Mask: Uhm... I was trying to battle with the new guy.

Bobble: Oh cool!

Then, the Sniper cuts in.

Skull: But you almost got dominated by them if she didn't show up..

Mask: That's not truuuue!

Bobble: So mind if I join? We might be able to win this match with the two of us together!

Mask: But I..

Then, her team leader shouts from a far..

Glasses: Bobble! You know joining in the middle of the match is against the rules!

Mask: Yeah! Don't worry about meee! I can haaandle this by myself!

Meanwhile... On the other two while Mask and Bobble are chatting..

Marie: *sigh* This isn't what I expected to be..

Lai: Well, gotta give the couple some time. We can't cut in between them at all.

Marie: But you know we're not the "only"one who's watching!

Lai: Huh?

Thanks to his form, he quickly boosts away from his position to avoid the laser sight away from Skull's E-liter 4k Scoped Charger and hides behind the obstacle. Skull raises his charger as they both just got away.

Lai: He's cunning.. I should expect that from S4.

Meanwhile... Back to those two..

Bobble: See you at the end of the match!

Mask: Ahh... Okay.. Sureee.. *blush*

Skull: 3... 2... 1...

The moment when he hits zero and Bobble super jumps to the audience's view.. Lai comes out and continues his pursuing towards Mask as both of his eyes sparks while using the most famous phrase before the splat.

Lai: Omae Wa Mou!!! Shindeiru!!!

Mask: Nani!?!?!


Skull: Well.. There he goes...

After that, he charges towards Skull along up the ramp this time. But his form runs out of time for that.

Marie: Shoot! Gotta hop out!!

Marie quickly hops out from the hoodie hat as his garments changes back to normal form. He grabs ahold of her arm as she turns back to her Inkling Form and he throws her high up to distract him before he fires. Attacking him on ground level while she's sniping him in the air.

Skull: !?

He got surprised but his reflexes was quickly enough to react. He unleashes his Bubble Blower to block against them completely.

Marie: Knew it!

Lai: Shoot!

He rolls back away from the Bubbles to escape from its explosion. Giving Skull a chance to charge his shot before advancing through the Bubbles to splat him out in an instant. But..

*Charger cocks*

Skull: !?

Marie is already behind him before he could notice it.. Aiming at him in point-blank range.

Marie: Nice try, bone head.

Skull: Wha-!? How?


Marie: He sures have a lot of backup plans..

In Spectator's view...

Headphones: How did she got passed through the Bubbles? There's no way!

Glasses: Oh I get it! So he's not only trying to distract him away. He actually tosses her up on top to the next side of the upper ramp so she can get behind him without being noticed!

Goggles: So that was in his plan as well! So strong!


Blue Team 78.94% - Purple Team 15.53%

As their team just takes the win announced by Judd. Both of them start celebrating with their victory poses together.

Marie: Yeah, take that! We sure just ruled the S4!

Lai: Indeed we are!

Then, Callie and the Goggle's team all super jump to them to celebrate their winning together.

Callie: That was astounding match!

Lai: Yeah! Glad you all watched the whole match!

Callie: But I can tell the throwing part wasn't your idea at all, was it?

Lai: Well, I just got the feeling to throw her up there. But it worked out eventually. So you got me there!

Headphones and Glasses: *Collapsed*

Goggles: So that was just a lucky shot then! ^^

Lai: Yeah! You can say that I guess.

Then, they all notice Mask and Skull super jump away to leave the match.

Headphones: They left..

Callie: Maybe you went overboard on them.

Lai: Well, they're S4s. Can't let our guard down anytime.

As he sees Headphones is slightly worried and Bobbles seems to be happy as usual. Then, he had an idea.

Lai: But I'm sure I can make an apology for their loss!

Marie: How?

Lai: You'll see.

End Of Chapter...


Timeskip... In the next morning..

*Knock!* *Knock!*

Headphones: Huh? Who is it?

As she opens the door, she looks around and didn't saw anyone who knocks the door. But she noticed something was below her and it was a thermos bottle with a note attached to it. As she reads the note when picking up the bottle, she smiles serenely..

Headphones: It's from him..

As she opens the thermos cap and taking a sip of it, the refreshness and the sweetness taste of the bellini makes her tears of joy drips out from her as her heart throb with eternal bliss. Saying the three words as she cries heartily.

Headphones: Thank you, Skull!

Those words she just said out just heard by Skull who is hiding behind the wall. Smiling silently as he continues to hear her cries as she got moved.

Skull: You're welcome...

As for Bobble and Mask...

Bobble: Mhm~ This taste really nice!

Mask: Wha-!? She didn't got moved at all!?

Lai: Maybe she's already appreciate by your gift tho.. ^^"

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