Chapter 36: Princess's Crisis.

7:00am at Off The Hook's Apartment.

*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep!*

She turns off the alarm..


Pearl: Ugh... I shouldn't set my alarm at my day off...

As she goes back to her sleep, her phone rings with Acid Hues set as ringtone.

*Ring!* *Ring!*

Pearl: *Yawn* Can't you just turn off the alarm.. Reena? I wanna sleeeep...

Her phone rings again and she frowns..

Pearl: Gah...! Guess I'll do it...

As her hand reaches out, she just falls out from her bed when almost grabs ahold on her phone. Then, she picks it up eventually and put to her ear.

Pearl: Hello?

A few minutes later...

Pearl: What!?!

Timeskip... 7:30am..

She suddenly rushes out from the Apartment and bumps into Marina who's just heading her way back home.

Pearl: Oof!!

Marina: Pearl? Where are you going in this morning?

Pearl: Something's going on about my dad! I have to go back!

Marina: Wait!

Then, she runs off as fast as she could..

Marina: I wonder what's going on..

Timeskip at Cafe Cardamari... 9:30am..

Callie: Pearl!? What happened to her!?

Marina: I don't know..! I don't see her anywhere after I bumped into her at the Apartment. She said something's going on about her dad.

Marie: Why's taking her so long? She should be back at this hour.

Marina: Yeah, that's what I'm worried about.


Callie: Oh hey! What did you find?

At Off The Hook's Apartment..

Lai: I just found some selfies she took with her dad and some photos of her house.

Callie: So is that it? Those leads can't take us anywhere.

Lai: It's enough for Marina actually..

Callie: Huh?

Lai: Listen carefully, I need Marina's help to locate her with these photos. I'll send it to her now.

Callie: Okay thanks.

*Phone ends*

After the call, Marina's phone just received a notification.

Marina: Huh? It's from Lai..

Callie: You think you can locate her with these?

Marina: Yeah, I forgot I can do that. Cod, I'm too worried about her for that!

Marie: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's meet up with Lai and find Pearl.

Marina: Okay.


A bus just arrived at the Mansion far away from Inkopolis. Pearl gets off from the bus, staring at her "old home" as the bus drives away.

Pearl: What's going on this time...

Meanwhile... Back to them.. In a truck with Sheldon as the driver on their way to the Mansion just as the photo from Pearl.

Sheldon: Uhm... Are you sure is this way, Marina?

Marina: Yeah, I'm sure. Sorry to interrupt your time.

Sheldon: It's okay, helping an Idol out is always my pleasure.

Callie whispers to her cousin..

Callie: Hey.. Isn't he just a nerd? So when did he became such a gentleman?

Marie: No worries.. He's just showing off his abilities tho. He's being like that since I asked his help.

Callie: Oh. *giggle*

Then, Lai asks the Octoling..

Lai: So Marina, what happened to Pearl actually? How much do you know about her family's background?

Marina: Oh! Well, she invited me several times to her home and I never actually meet her dad tho since he's millionaire and he's always busying himself at overseas.

Lai: Yeah I get it..

Marina: *sigh* I still remember the Mansion she showed it to me...

Lai: Cool! Wonder what's it be like..


As the truck arrives a bit far from the Mansion's gate. All four of them grab their gears and weapons strapped on their back. The Squid Sisters wear on their disguises this time and they are all spying the Mansion inside the truck. From what they saw, a huge, well-made garden with a large bush of flowers planted all around and the garden surrounds the big mansion. At the center between the gate and the main entrance, a big statue of Pearl placed on a large fountain. Although it's just a beautiful rose but its thorns doesn't welcome for them to grab. There are dozens of guards standing around the garden, all equipped with Jet Squelcher.

Sheldon: Whoa... That's a nice looking Mansion she got there.

Lai: The guards are not seems to be friendly for visitors tho.

Marie: Yeah, wish I was born there..

Callie: Marie!

Marie: Uhm... I mean us.. Cal..

Lai: So what's our next move?

Marina: Let's greet them first at the gate..

Lai: Agreed..

As they planned out, Lai explains to the Squid Sisters..

Lai: Okay, Marina and I will approach at the main gate! You two stay put.

Marie: Will do..

Callie: Yes sir!

Marina and Lai both get out from the truck and start walking on foot to the gate. There's a camera attached to the wall and a speaker beside it. Then, Marina presses the door bell button and it takes them a couple minutes to reply and the voice sounds stuttering.

???: Hel.. Hello?

Marina: Ah, this is Marina. You know, a friend of Pearl.

???: Oh.. But we can't have visitors today. And.. And who's the guy with you?

Marina: Uhm... It's just a friend of mine and Pearl as well. Is something happen inside?

???: Sorry, we.. We can't tell anything to the outsiders.

Then, the speaker shuts down before Marina can reply.

Marina: Wait!

Lai: Marina.. I think we should go back..

Marina: What are you sayin-

She turns back to Lai who's signalling her with his expression pointing at the camera. Then, she follows up..

Marina: Yeah, we should wait for her in the next day.

Lai: We'll find her, trust me.

They both slowly walking away from the gate. As they got out from the camera's sight. Marina and Lai return back to the truck.

Callie: So how is it?

Lai: Just as we expected, something's must be happen inside. And Pearl's in trouble. We gotta sneak in asap.

Marie: How are we gonna do that?

Lai: Marina can be a use of our help. Think your hacking skills can carry us?

Marina: Yeah.. I think.. But we can't afford knocking one of the guards down. It'll alert the rest.

Lai: But I think we can do that.

Callie: And we all don't know where Pearl is since the Mansion is so huge.

Lai: Yeah.. That's the main problem there..

Marie: Maybe we should send someone to check every rooms?

Lai: No, that would be risky.. So we got no choice but to move out together. All four of us.

Callie: Yeah! I like that.

Marie: Of course you would said that.. Cal..

Marina: I agreed, teamwork makes the plan works. Not only for dreams tho.

Lai: Alright then.

All four of them carry out their mission and move out from the truck, leaving Sheldon on the driver seat. He sighs.

Sheldon: *sigh* I guess I'll take a break from my business.


After just hopping over the wall without alerting the guards and sneak into one of the bushes of the garden. Marina is following him behind and the Squid Sisters always staying inside of his Hoodie hat like usual. Proceeding to another one to get a better view of the Mansion's windows. As they all arrive there..

Marina: Alright, what's next?

Lai: Let's split up and search every windows. If you spot her, call me via the walkie-talkie.

Marina: Okay..

They both split up to left and right. Lai climbs up a top of the tree branch near from the Mansion to get a view on every windows of the second floor.

Marie: Did you see her?

Lai: No.. Wish Marina would have brought her scanning device or something..

As his eyes blinks, he can see an dark aura blazing inside of the Mansion's room..

Lai: What was that?

Callie: You alright?

He points at the far right side window of the Mansion where he just saw the dark aura.

Lai: Yeah.. I just saw something unusual. I guess is coming from that room..

Marie: You're kidding, right? How can you see that from this view point?

Lai: ...I've no idea.. But let's check it out.

He jumps down from the branch and draw out his Hero Charger attached with suppressor while heading to the second floor window. Shot the wall and left with a line of ink for him to climb on. As he runs up the wall and peeks through the window with each limbs on the left side of his body attached to the inked wall to keep him from falling. He notices Pearl was captured by some men inside the room while another noble old Inkling was tied up and several armed Inkling men wearing mafia-like black suits. One of them suddenly just slap Pearl.

Lai: Shoot.. Looks like I'm right. Marina would be furious to see that.

Marie: No kidding..

Callie: But how did you figured out?

Marie: Let's put that aside first, how are we gonna get them out from trouble?

Lai: Well.. Let's do this in "Housekeeping" way..

Marie: You're gonna come in anyway?

Lai: Yep, I come in anyway..

His right hand takes out the Charger and loaded out a grapple ink at the muzzle of his weapon with the help from Squid Sisters. Then, a grapple shot out and stuck on the wall above of the window frame and a raw ink-based rope attached to his charger and the grapple. Then, his body got from the ink and prepare to crash through the window.

Lai: Ready to hop out?

Callie: On it!

Marie: Anytime.

Lai: Okay..

He hops from the wall and swing himself back with the rope to crash through the window.


Lai: Housekeeping!!!

Inkling man: What the-?

As they could react, Lai sniped one of their henchmen. Both Squid Sisters splatted out the rest of them, another two of them who were guarding outside the room suddenly barge in and prepare to sweep the room with their Mini Splatlings. Marina sneak attacks them from behind. Knocking them out for a while.. She drops her weapon as she just witnesses her best friend was tied up.

Marina: Pearl!

She rushes to untie her while the trio just release the noble old Inkling.

Lai: You alright?

Old Inkling: Yeah.. Thank cod you three rescue us.

Pearl: Dad!

She releases from Marina's hug and lifts her dad up.

Noble Inkling: Oh.. My dear. You must be terrified from those guys. Thank cod your friend just saved both of us.

The Octoling notices a slap on Pearl's slap.

Marina: Pearl? Where did you get that?

Callie and Lai: (Oh shoot..)

As the couple tries to mute, Marie blurts it out by pointing the guy who just knocked out.

Marie: It was..

Callie: Marie!

Inkling man: *Cough* You think you can get away from this?

All: !?

Inkling man: Soon, more of us will come after you all. And if we can't get anything. We'll just "entertain" your little wretch over there once we got her.

Noble Inkling: How dare-!

Lai stabs both of the guy's legs with his Hero Charger. Release a blast shot with each stabs. Causing more pain to the Inkling and immobilize him.

Lai: Don't talk big after you just slap her!

Callie: Lai!

Marie: *facepalm* There he goes..

Lai: Oh! Sorry!

Marina: Is that so?

Inkling man: Huh?

Her innocent and cheerful personality are no longer displayed as she got drove by her anger. She grabs him and violently toss his body leaning against the wall. Then, she prepares to bash his head with her Splat Brella in two-handed holding like a Baseball Bat. Without saying anything, she whacks his face with all her strength. Making his face disfigured and some of his teeth dropped.


Inkling man: Argh!!!

She grits her teeth and bashes his face one more time. Then, straight down crushing his head to splat him out.

Marina: *Huff* *Huff*

Callie: Oh my cod.. You shouldn't spill the beans.

Marie: It wasn't me..

Lai: My bad..


After the maid in the Mansion had cleaned up the mess. All of them are now at the dining room as their meeting places. Pearl still terrified from their threats and Marina comforts her with her utmost kindness. The noble starts the conversation.

Noble Inkling: Thank you for saving us back there. How did you three manage to locate my empress's home.

Lai: Thanks to Marina's tracking device. We managed to find her. But we sure arrived at the bad time.

Pearl: Just what happened, Pops?

Noble Inkling: Everything's alright, dear. It's common to get these threats for nobles like me.

He sighs in disappointment.

Lai: Hm... Even for them?

Noble Inkling: !?

Lai: Judging on their wearings, they're not some kind of low-cheap rats from the underworld society. Their suits cost a bomb, you know? Plus, I can assume that you're having some difficulties over the successor to the estate?

Noble Inkling: !? Wha-! What are you saying!?

Lai: I'll start from the beginning.. You're the chairman of the Emperor Group, Sebastian Kataoka. And I know someone's after your daughter tho. So yeah, this is all I know..

Sebastion: Yes.. That's correct..

Marina: Eh!? How did you know!?

Lai: I went in a research while searching for Pearl. I can tell it isn't just a mere issue she's dealing with. So it turns out just like I expected..

Sebastian: Indeed you hit the point tho..

Lai: Man, that's a bad scene all right. But I expect it's "someone" in Pearl's immediate circle who's responsible for the mess we just dealt with. Pearl-haps that must be you for example, Sebastian..

A fist slams the table and point at Lai..

Sebastian: Nonsense! Why would I do this especially to my daughter!?

Lai: I don't know the details but how did they entered your Mansion without any conflict from the guard outside, unless you let them in of course. And the maid must be in panicked when Marina and I talked to one of them via the speaker outside the gate.

Callie: Yeah... That's right..

As he stated the suspicious point.. The noble goes silent..

Sebastian: ..Ugh...

Pearl: So.. That means.. No way.. You tried to sold me out!?

Sebastian: Listen, dear.. I had no choi-

Pearl: No way, dude!! This is why I left this place in this first place!! You're just too selfish!!

Marina: Pearl! Wait!!

She storms out from the dining room without slowing down and Marina goes after her.

Sebastian: *sigh* You got me there.. But I'm impressed by your information. So maybe.. Maybe if I like to request you to solve this case? For the sake of me and especially my daughter? I'll reward you three handsomely.

Lai: Uhm... How?

Sebastian: Let's say.. Mind if you three be her bodyguards?

Marie: What!? No way!

Lai: Count them out. I don't want them get involved to your mess.

Sebastian: Great, you'll take the job.

Lai: But wait! There's one condition.

Sebastian: Is it the reward? It's all right, you can name it out you want.

Lai: Yes, the reward will be your own daughter, Pearl. Once I done my job, she belongs to Marina forever. Can you do that?

Sebastian: !?

Callie: What are you saying, Lai!? How could you-!

Her cousin stops her..

Marie: Trust him, Callie.

Callie: Huh.. Even for this..?

Sebastian: ...You sure you want this?

The Blue Inkling smiles...

Lai: Yes, I can tell she's very precious for Marina. Plus, I can't let my friend get involved.

After some deep thoughts, the noble accepts his condition.

Sebastian: Well said.. I will not regret on my decision.

Lai: You said it. Let's go, girls.

The trio take their leave from the dining room.

Sebastian: *sigh* I'm sorry, Pearl...

Then, a Jellyfish Butler came in with a phone which it's ringing.. The noble Inkling picks it up..

Sebastian: Hello?

???: You fail. And that's all you have to say?

Sebastian: No.. I'm changing my mind! I'm not sacrifice my daughter over that incident.

???: If you don't splat her, I guess we'll have to. But that means everyone will learn about that hit-and-run you were involved in.

Sebastian: Ugh... Damn you...

???: Huh? If you don't like it, then you better splat her. Do that, no one finds out about the hit-and-run and you can get back your Emperor estate.

Then, the phone call immediately hung out.. Sebastian harden his fist, worrying his daughter's safety..

Timeskip... Mansion's Garden..

Pearl: *sob*

Marina: It's all right, Pearlie.. Nobody's gonna hurt you as long we're all here.

The trio meet up with Off The Hook.

Lai: How's she doing?

Marina: Not well. She's still devastated over her dad's betrayal.

Lai: I can't help but to think the estate isn't his reason to betray his own daughter.

Marina: You think there's other?

Lai: Yeah.. I forgot to mention.. There was a chairman of the Akagawa Group who's in a rival cooperation with Emperor Group, Tsugijiro Akagawa.

Marie: So you mean maybe it was his plan to take over the group as his own?

Lai: Not sure.. If I can ask that guy before Marina took him out.

Marina: Sorry.. I can't believe he hurts Pearl tho. I just can't take it..

Callie: It's okay..

Marie: Man, this is gonna be a long day for us..

Lai: Yeah..

Pearl: That's it. I'm leaving here.

Lai: Wait! I was about to say that we all should stay here!

Pearl: Are you kidding!? I don't wanna see that old dude's face! And don't you dare saying anything just to change my mind!

After ranting, Pearl rushes out from the Mansion this time.. Marina catches up with her again..

Marie: Wow.. There goes your bodyguard job.

Lai: Yeah.. It sucks.. Kinda..

Callie: What are we waiting!? Let's go after her!

Marie: But we can't go out exposing ourselves like this. We gotta change the outfit.

Callie: Oh.. Good point there.

Timeskip... Highway Street.

Marina: Hey! Wait up! Listen to me, Pearlie!

Pearl: *sob* Why'd you follow me?

Marina: Because you're important to me. Very important.. I can't afford losing you at all, Pearlie.

Pearl: Really?

Marina: Yeah.. Lai and the Squid Sisters will be helping us solving this case out. But please come back to us. Your dad will be worrying about you.

Pearl: Marina.. Reena!

She runs into Marina's hug as she couldn't kept her self-emotion controlled.

Marina: It's okay.. I'll protect you.. Pearl..

Pearl: *sob* Thanks, Marina.

Suddenly, several urban vans are driving towards them in high speed. Marina pulls Pearl and start running away as along as she realize it was those men before.

Marina: We gotta run!

The vans caught up to them inevitably. Several Inklings just snatch her away. Despite the overwhelming numbers and powers, Marina draws out her Brella to fend off against them. But they all armed with ranged weapon so Marina can't counter back but to defend herself until her shield breaks and she got repelled back. As she stands up, they are already captured Pearl.

Marina: Pearl!!

Soon, a Blue stream of ink descended down from the sky like a javelin and landed a huge Splashdown on the van where Pearl in. Splatted the driver and causing the van to crash against the barrier and the rest of them stop in the middle. She recognized the blue ink immediately.

Marina: Lai!


After splatting the driver and successfully stop the van, one of them exit out fron the vehicle.

Inkling man: Son of a-!

Lai sniped the first one who comes out from the van then jump down from the vehicle to deal with the rest. With the Squid Sisters disguised in Ninja Squid to hide their identities, Marie hops out from his hoodie hat and stealthily grabs Pearl out from the other side while Callie and Lai both prepare to go head to head against them as about total 50 or more of them come out from the vehicles. Marina catches up with them.

Marina: Is she alright?

Marie: Yeah, let's get out of here.

Marina: What about Callie and Lai?

Marie: Trust them. They'll make their way out. Plus, they want the princess.

Marina: Okay..

They both super jump away from the mess. As for the couple..

Callie: Are you sure we're gonna make it out in one piece?

Lai: Well, I cleaned up a whole gang before and an army of Elites all on my own. This is nothing for me. You should catch up with them.

Callie: Hey! I would never say that I'll leave you here! And wait, how did I not know you were involved in a gang before?

Lai: Well, long story.. But let's focus on the bigger picture first.

Callie: Okay.. Because they're coming right now!

A crowd of henchmen start charging towards them. They both can't help it but to unleash their first team limit. Callie launches out the Splat Bombs to Lai with her Splat Bomb Launcher, then Lai knocks every bombs further than the usual range that the Launcher does to the enemies with his Hero Roller. Then, as her specials out, they both hurl their Rollers to deal a lot of splash damage to them, summon back and hurl again up to 5 times. Finally, both take out their Splat Bomb Launchers again to create a Bomb massacre to a huge crowd, splatting every last of them in the end.

Callie: Booyah!! That worked out perfectly!

Lai: Now let's ask one of them quick before more of them show up.

Timeskip... Back to the Mansion. Main hall..

Marie: ...

Marina and Pearl: ...

Sebastian: ...

Everyone is still silent until the couple are just got back. Both start explaining after catching their breath.

Lai: Okay, guys! I think I know who's the real mastermind is!

Sebastian: You do?

Lai: Yeah! This is all a set-up trap designed by the chairman of the Akagawa Group!

Callie: And! We just learned about that hit-and-run case! Is that the issue you're dealing against, Mr. Sebastian?

Sebastian: Yes.. I got blackmailed and manipulated by him in order to get rid of the successor. So he can take over my estate..

Lai: Actually, that was part of the set-up trap as well!

Sebastian: Hm?

The Blue Inkling toss two photos out on the ground. On the pictures, one is a naked dead body which it's still a bit frozen on the looks. Another one is the same body but wore in a businessman suit and this time, it placed on the road in front of a car, obviously a fake proof of hit-and-run.

Lai: They actually stole a dead body from the hospital and created a fake car accident so they can get a hold on you.

Marie: So it was just a set-up trap..

Marina: So Mr. Sebastian is innocent. Did you hear that, Pearl?

Pearl: Thank cod.. I'm so scared..

The princess jumps into her father's lap in her Squid Form. The noble pats on his daughter gently.

Sebastian: Oh.. My little princess.. I shouldn't involved you into my trouble earlier. But you sure made a lot of loyal friends there. So Lai, right?

Lai: Yes?

Sebastian: Even tho you had solved the case. I can tell Tsugijiro isn't gonna let all of us off at any cost. So I wanna request yo-

As he haven't finish his sentence, Lai just disappears from the Mansion.

Sebastian: Uhm... Where is he going?

Soon, Callie notices a memo left by him.. She picks it up and read.

Callie: "Don't worry.. Gonna let him taste his own medicine tho."

Marie: So he's gonna change his mind, huh?

Callie: Yup!

Timeskip... Akagawa Mansion..

Far away from the Mansion, Lai camped in one of the trees far away from the building where the Chairman is sitting on the chair at the balcony. He installed a Tactical 8x Scope on the Charger's sight and loaded a .50 caliber ink bullet in the muzzle. Then, he starts zooming in and charging up as he is watching the Chairman ranting about his plan being foiled.

Tsugijiro: If only my plan had succeeded, I could have manipulated that man, absorbing the Emperor Group into my own Akagawa Group!

Then, his fist slams the table.. The Blue Inkling smiles upon his frustration.

Lai: I'll change your mind soon enough..

Tsugijiro: Damn it! Okay, Emperor bodyguard, it appears extreme measures are in order. A phone! Bring me a phone!

He calls out for his butler..

Butler: But, sir. You're not...

Tsugijiro: Now, I say!

He got shocked by his tone and rushes to grab the phone.

Tsugijiro: Ugh... With all these idiots, even my coffee begins to taste bad.

As he grabs the cup's handle and when he is about to move it close to his mouth to drink the beverage.. Lai pulls the trigger and fires the bullet straight across to the balcony, penetrates the whole cup and it bursts into million pieces right in front of him, leaving only the cup's handle on his finger. The chairman got terrified from what he just saw and his hand start trembling in fear. Then, his butler just came back with a phone.

Butler: Sir, your phone.

Tsugijiro: No, I.. I don't need it now..

Butler: Huh?

Tsugijiro: I'm leaving the Emperor Group alone...

Then, the handle drops from his finger and breaks into pieces as well. Lai taunts as he is now satisfied by his reaction.

Lai: Enjoy the feels of being assassinated....

He proudly left the scene with his Charger leaning against his shoulder. As for the day, they spend the rest of their time staying in Pearl's Mansion.

In the next day... With everyone at the backyard.. Except Marina.

Callie: Man! That sure was a long day tho! It was great staying in Pearl's home after all!

Marie: That's why I wish that to be true for us.

Then, Marina rushes out as she just discovered something else..

Marina: Pearl! Mr. Sebastian! I just found an interesting article!

Sebastian: What is it?

She hands the phone to Sebastian. He got shocked as he reads it out.

Sebastian: "Shot is fired at Chairman Akagawa." "Fortunately, the bullet misses its mark and hits the coffee cup." Oh dear..

Callie: I can assume it was you doing, right Lai?

Lai: Yep, that cup was my target. So all I did was just a warning for him.

Sebastian: Yeah, indeed you did the right thing. Thank you very much.

Lai: Hope he doesn't cause any trouble to you both!

Marie: Seriously, I thought you were gonna cause a rampage in his Mansion.

Lai: Why's that?

Marie: Cuz you sweeped a whole gang before?

Callie: Oh yeah! You haven't explain that to me yet! How did that happened to you?

Lai: Uhm... I'm not gonna do that because I did that especially for your sake.

Callie: Wha-? You're not making any sense!

Lai: So that's why I can't tell you~ Not suitable for a Cutie like you to hear it..

Callie: Geez...! ><"

His compliment start making her blush immediately and hops into his lap in her Squid Form to avoid the embarassment as everyone starts laughing.

End Of Chapter...


5:00pm, with the trio heading back to their Apartment. As they finally arrived at their block. They all saw a huge Golden statue placed at their doorstep. On the looks of it, it was Lai standing proudly in the middle, leaning against the Charger which is forcefully standing up. Both of his sides was the Squid Sisters in their Squid Form. Super jumping with their ink streams crossing up. Forming a "X" behind the Inkling. All of their jaw were dropped by the gift from Sebastian.

Marie: Oh my cod.. This is probably the best gift I've ever had in my life..

Lai: Yeah but.. Don't celebrate too early tho...

Callie: How are we gonna carry it inside?

Marie: Oh.. Yeah, that's right... *Sweatdropped*

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