Chapter 35: The Garments.
12:00pm, back to Ammo Knights..
Sheldon: Ah! Did you three bring the materials?
Lai: Of course! What about the Garments?
Sheldon: It's done perfectly! Now, the only left is the core and the cloths.
Agent 1: Don't worry! Here!
Agent 1 hands over to Sheldon, Agent 2 feels unsure..
Agent 2: But..
Sheldon: Yes, Agent 2?
Agent 2: We saw a lot of Octarians making the exact same Garments like this but they all failed in the end from the report results during the investigation. I wonder why... And will this work?
Sheldon: Ah! Don't worry! They're probably just in the novices level. Plus, factory-made aren't the match against my handmade like this one at all!
Agent 2: Maybe..
Sheldon: Now this is my time to shine! Please wait for me in the store!
Lai: Okay!
Timeskip... 1:00pm.
They all could hear a lot of clanging and installing noises coming from the back of the store. Must be Sheldon's doing while installing the parts to the Garments.. After that...
Sheldon: It's done!
Agent 1: Cool! Let's check it out!
Timeskip... At the Shooting Range..
Sheldon: You ready, Agent 3?
Lai: Yeah!
As Lai steps out for the testing with the Garments equipped. The Squid Sisters comments..
Agent 2: Oh my cod..
Agent 1: You looked really dashing with it!
From the looks of his gear, wears a navy blue v-neck t-shirt with white hemming and a red front pocket, and black chap-style shorts with yellow belts holding on two red pockets on either leg. He has a black hooded jacket with white hemming and pauldron-like additions on the shoulder with yellow belts hanging off the front. His fingerless gloves are black with white hemming, a yellow wrist strap, and white straps making an x across the back of the hand. His shoes are black and yellow with blue straps and a zipper running the length of each shoe, and he wears his signature Azure Blue Star necklace.
Lai: This looks different from all the gears I've been wearing with in my life.
Sheldon: That's why it's Legendary! Try it and don't be shy! Grab the weapons on the crate and show off your skills to those Squid Bumpers!
Lai: He seems to be very excited...
Agent 2: This isn't the first time we see him like this..
Lai: Alright.. Then, I'm going with this!
He grabs an Inkbrush from the weapon crates. Then, he gets into his fighting stances by holding its handle like a sword with both hands combined. Except it's not a long sharp edged tho.. As he's ready, theee Squid Bumpers spawns in front of him and he attacks with basic combo moveset. He strikes it vertical, then thrust the target and a full horizontal slash as the finisher to pop the Bumper.
Sheldon: Slick moves! But please continue!
Lai: Okay...?
He slides dash with his Inkbrush as a starting attack. Then, he slashes it from upward and downward to deliver quick combo to the finishing move. Then, he pops the target with jump strike. As the last one, he leaps to the target and performs Aerial basic combo. Striking from downward and upward, then spin himself vertically while slashing during hurricane blast.
Lai: How's that!? Don't tell me this is the end of testing!
Sheldon: Well, there's more! Wait for me!
Lai: Oh, then I'll be looking forward!
Then, his Garments starts shining brightly in a sudden.
Lai: Whoa!
Agent 1 and Agent 2: Agent 3!
Sheldon: This isn't the part of the test tho..
The light flooded the whole room and they all couldn't know what's going on as they block their eyes from its brightful shine. But when another second just passed.
Unknown place...
Lai: Ugh...
When his arm moves away from his sight, the first thing he sees is the Heavenly Sunset Sky. Then, he notices that he's standing on the sky without floating nor falling at all.
Lai: Where am I? I'm actually in sky in all of a sudden? Wait what!?
He looks around a bit but nothing's here but just sky and clouds. Then, a huge, saint human-like figure with a heavenly staff.
Lai: Huh?
???: Hm... I don't know your face. Still, if you're here, you must be the chosen one.
Lai: Uhm... How did I get here?
???: Your light brought you here.. But there's still darkness inside your heart. So sit..
He sits down like the figure said as he doesn't feel any bad intentions from him.
Lai: Okay.. So who are you?
Almas: I'm Almas, God of the heavens, Father of the realm of light.. The Garments you're wearing now is the door to this heavenly place.
Lai: But how am I become the chosen one? This is so sudden.
Almas: I know it is.. And well. This time, you're different from the previous one. It's been hundred years ago since another shows up.
Lai: Hundred years... That must be Cap'n Cuttlefish!
Almas: Yes.. I still remember his name. But it's all in the past and now! As for the new chosen one. Banisher of darkness... Gatherer of light.. What is your name?
Lai: Lai...
Almas: Now Lai.. The moment you wear this. I've read all your memories.. All I can say is, you're caring to your friends.. You even embrace your darkness and use it against those who harms to your dear ones. Especially those two of yours. But you saved the world crisis twice and done a lot of rightful things in your past.
Lai: So is it the reason why I got chose?
Almas: Maybe.. But remember.. It's your light what brought you here.
Lai: Hm... Okay..
Almas: You seems promising.. But confused at first.. You can ask any questions to me before we speak to the point.. Is there any?
The Inkling thinks for a while...
Lai: So why Cap'n didn't look up to you?
Almas: *sigh* I have no idea... From hundred years ago.. The door starts glowing with such darkness.. I've no choice but to banish the door to cut the connection between here and your world... Then recently, a lot of doors such that one showed up with no reasons. Until the last one finally came with light and you show up.
Lai: So, that's why it vanished.. And from the factory as well..
Almas: Yes.. It all thanks to you for putting an end to this chaos..
Lai: It all makes sense now.. So is it only you in this place?
Almas: No.. There are other gods and goddesses who lives here peacefully. And other high soul classes here.
Lai: Hm... So what is it that you wanna tell me?
Almas: I'm glad you said, there are a lot of darkness lurking around in your world.
Lai: Wait, that must be the Octarian's again!
The god shook his head..
Almas: Not only them... Not always the Octarians nor the Octoling's doing.. There are some among Inklings who corrupts by darkness filled with selfish desire and ambition.
Lai: Oh.. So how am I gonna get rid of that?
Almas: It depends on your actions.. The darkness will always grow deep inside of everyone's heart as time passes along. Except for those two...
Lai: Who?
Almas: The Inklings who deared the most to you.
Lai: You mean Callie and Marie?
Almas: Do not worry.. Their hearts are made with pure light. Their voice drives off the darkness. So, it cannot touch their hearts at all.
Lai: Oh, I'm glad..
Almas: Those connection you made up with them and the others. They'll be the source of your light and power. Make sure you put a good use of it in ways those are right for you and everyone else..
Lai: *nod* I will..
Almas: Very well, the Garments will show you its powerful abilities.. It'll be useful in battles and to build up bonds with them as well. Don't lose it at any cost, I don't wish the same happened to you from the previous one.
Lai: Okay, thanks!
Almas: Good, may our visit will be soon granted again one day. Once you get stronger..
His figure's light shines brightly and Lai covers his eyes to block away.
At the Shooting Range...
Lai: ...
Agent 1: Is he really okay? Is this part of your testing as well?
Sheldon: Nope, I wouldn't do something strange like this. Perhaps the Garments responding?
Agent 2: Lai? You there? Helloooo?
Lai: ...Huh?
Agent 1: Oh there he is!
Lai: What... What happened?
Agent 2: That's what I'm gonna ask.. You're just spaced out all of a sudden..
Lai: Uhm...
Agent 1: You're feeling uncomfortable, Lai?
Lai: Ah... No.. It just.. Bizarre... I feel like I'm actually in heaven..
Sheldon: Ah! That means you had just met the god, huh?
Agent 1 and Agent 2: Ehh..! Really!?
Lai: How did you know?
Sheldon: It's all recorded in this book. It's kinda rude of me for not showing it to you first.
He hands over the book to Agent 3 and the trio take a look of its content. In the first page.
The Legendary Garments
Legends of it said it is first created by the gods during the early of Mollusk Era, and it can be forged by the Master of Engineering and Tinkering...
Agent 1: Wait! That must be Shellendorf, right?
Sheldon: Yes, Ammoses Shellendorf. Like I said, my Grandpappy was the one who discovered the first Garments.
Agent 1: Okay... That doesn't give much clues for us.. Especially the gods you're talking about..
Agent 3 flips to the next page...
Its appearances
When I discovered it in the underground ruins left by the humans, a set of garments floats in the air with its light shines brightly around it. If I remember correctly, the hoodie is originally colored black, with silver pauldron-like additions to the sleeves and white lining. The undershirt is a navy blue with a red patch in the center. The pants, similar to chaps, are colored black on the outside, and a navy blue on the inside, lined with silver-white edging. Yellow straps criss-cross around the pants, held together with a black belt. The pants feature red pockets with a black cross over them. As for the gloves, they are colored black on the outside and white on the inside with a yellow line running around them. Also with a pair of large black-yellow shoes with silver soles, a zipper running across the top, and black straps holding them together with buckles here and there. I could feel the warmth light as soon as I got a hold on it, just as it was given by the gods. So I took it and went for some research with Craig Cuttlefish.
Lai: Even Cap'n was part of it too.
Sheldon: Yeah! Marvellous, right?
Then, he flips to another page..
Its powers and the effects
After testing out the Garments with Craig, we soon found out it can increase one's attack abilities, enhance ink recovery speed, toughness, jump height and both run and swim speed. But there are so much yet to learn.. Maybe there's more than we expected..
Agent 2: What does that mean?
Lai: I don't know... He said some of it can be done by two people with linked synchronization.
Agent 2: You mean the god you just met?
Lai: Yeah.. It helps in battle and build up bonds with other people as well..
Agent 1: Ohh! Wanna try it?
Lai: I don't know if it works with that method..
Agent 1: We won't know unless we try! It won't hurt our skin if we do that!
Lai: Okay..
Sheldon: Excellent! Now let's continue the testing! Agent 1 will be your partner this time!
Agent 1: Okay!
Sheldon: Here comes the Squid Bumpers! Go get 'em, Agents!
5 Squid Bumpers spawn up immediately, three on the ground level and 2 of them are on the grate. Agent 1 transform into her Squid Form and hops inside his hoodie hat. Then, the Garments starts reacting on its own and bursts into pure light while transforming by their energy.
Lai: Whoa!
As the light dims down, the color of his Garments turns into a red and black color scheme with a fleur-de-lis on each sleeve and pant leg. In this form, two weapons are equipped in the same time, a Hero Roller summons on his left hand and another one is the Inkbrush that he's currently using with. His hands glow light red and flicker with red electricity, utilizing his physical strength to its fullest. In addition, it reacts towards Agent 1's specialized weapon type, Roller.
Agent 2 and Sheldon: Whoa! Two weapons!
Lai: Here it goes!
His runs speed increases drastically that he reaches his target within a second. He unleashes a combo attacks with his dual wielding weapons. Rapidly slashing the target with a Brave Beat Strong Finisher that is wide enough to damage all 3 Squid Bumpers on the ground with a powerful spinning attack. Then, he smites the ground with Brave Shot very hard that creates a wave of red energy that splats one of the Bumpers on the grate. In the end, he jumps three times higher than normal Inkling would do and unleashes his Sonic Strike, spears the last target with both of his weapons in midair. Dealing massive damage and lands back on the ground.
Agent 2: Damn...
Sheldon: Those are some sick moves. I was right about that!
His Garments transform back to its original form and his Hero Roller disappears on its own as Agent 1 jumps out from his hoodie.
Agent 1: That was cool! No wonder the Octarians are trying to make one of it!
Lai: Yeah...
Timeskip... Inkopolis Square...
Callie: Well, we gotta go. See you at home!
Marie: Take care.
Lai: Yeah, you too. Both of you.
As they both take their leave, Sheldon calls up to Lai..
Sheldon: Lai!
Lai: What's up?
He looks around to check if someone's eavesdropping on them. Then, he asks him..
Sheldon: About the god, what did he say to you?
Lai: Uhm... I can't tell you that. You know the point.
Sheldon: Hm... Oh, okay! I won't ask further about this!
Lai: Glad to hear. ^^
Sheldon: Well, I'm going back now! Take care! Especially the Garments!
Lai: Yeah I will..
Sheldon goes back to his store.. Leaving Lai alone in the Square.
Lai: There's darkness among the Inklings, huh?
As he looks around carefully, nothing bad happens around here actually. Just some Inklings are just having fun, Squid Partying at the street, chatting and laughing with each other at the Crust Bucket and some of them are just sitting, looking at their phones or hanging around at the Grizzco Industry. As for thw Off The Hook, Pearl and Marina are pretty much just doing their stuffs. So, there's no way he doubts that he can see any of that in a peaceful atmosphere around the Square like this.
Lai: You gotta be joking me.. Of course, they're having fun. There's no way they're up to no good for no reasons.
As he checks the Square and is about to go to the Alley.. He hears a girl screaming.
???: Ahh!!
Lai: Wait.. That voice.
He sprints his way to the Alley to find out.
Alley to the Abandoned Station...
As he stops, he sees two Yellow Inkling Boys are harassing and one of them is now trapping a girl against the wall with both arms on each sides of her. The girl with Studio Headphone that reminds him of someone else immediately, Headphones, one of the Goggle's Team.
Lai: I gotta help her out..
Then, he rushes up as fast as he can.
Yellow Inkling Boy 1: Well.. You're looking cute when you're scared.. There's no way I would let such squiddy like you to be free. We promised to let you go after we ba-!
Yellow Inkling Boy 2: Dude! Someone's coming in high speed!
Yellow Inkling Boy 1: Wha-!
A bare fist had thrown out, blowing through his stomach and send him flying away from Headphones and crash the barrier that leads to the Abandoned Station. The other one try to land a punch on Lai but he just dodges that and casually just smack his face. He flinched from the hurt while covering his face. The Blue Inkling lands a punch on the guy's stomach and both of his hands move away from his face this time. Then, he just keep punching his both side of his face 30 times before smashing his face with his right knee and blows him away with his palm on the chest. He yells at them as he recognizes them.
Lai: Why are you still here!?! Aren't you supposed to be in Hospital!?
Yellow Inkling Boy 1: Who the shell are you!? We don't even know you!!
Lai: Huh.. Oh, that makes sense..
As they both stand up while injured, they run down to the Abandoned Station. When Lai is about to follow them behind if they have a gang hideout to clean out all the members, Headphones stops him.
Headphones: Wait, Lai! Don't go over there!
Lai: Huh?
Headphones: Just leave them be. They won't come back anymore.
Lai: Uhm.. How come?
Headphones: People easily got lost there and ended up missing sometimes. And thank you for saving me! What you doing here anyway?
Lai: Well, I heard your voice while walking around the Deca Tower and you're welcome. Please be careful next time. And what you doing here in the Alley?
She said with gentle voice..
Headphones: Yeah.. I was trying to find someone else who always got lost in this city. It's kinda silly of me for getting myself into trouble.
Lai: Who?
Headphones: Uhm...
She starts blushing a little as she thinks about something..
Lai: You're blushing...
Headphones: Ah! It's just a friend of mine! I was trying to give a present for him!
Lai: Oh.. Mind if I help you out with the present?
She nervously refuses his help.
Headphones: No! I can do it by myself! Thanks for your concern!
Lai: Okay.. I'll go back to the Plaza. Take care, Headphones.
Headphones: You too, Lai!
Then, she super jumps as Lai leaves the Alley.
Lai: Just what she's up to..?
After getting rid of the boys from harming Headphones, the boy still cluesless about Almas's request.. Worrying that he might done in a wrong way.
Lai: I'm not sure if that counts as the right way tho..
Then, he got inevitably confused..
Lai: Maybe there's not too much around here..
He goes on a search around the city.. But in the end...
Lai: Nothing's happening around here either! -_- Maybe it's just too peaceful..
As he walks a few steps.. A godly voice comes up..
Almas: It seems like you misunderstood my request..
Lai: Huh?
The whole enviroment around him got frozed completely and immediately.. Except for him still moving.
Lai: What..?
Almas: I merely just pause the time. The time itself will show it to you.. Just like recently you just fought back for the girl..
Lai: But.. I have a question..
Almas: Speak..
Lai: Uhm... How much the chance of that will encounter?
Almas: Hm... I see, so that is your problem. Pardon me for not giving you this first. But before that, I have to give you a trial to see if you can handle all by yourself..
Lai: What kind of?
Then, several shadow Inklings and Octarians spawn in front of him.
Almas: This will be your first trial..
He summons his Inkbrush and prepares himself for a fight.
Lai: Okay, let's do it!
They all start attacking with their first strike. He slashes one and another that jumps towards him. Then, an Inkling try to land a scratch on him but his body shifts away quickly and counter attack with Upper Slash. Then, he slides dash to reach his another target and perform dodge slash that deals several hit damage around him. Then he leaps up and spear the ground to create an explosion on the ground. Splatting the whole enemies in the end..
Lai: I guess this is just the first wave, huh?
Almas: Not bad at all.. But yeah, I was just testing if your light could handle against the darkness without using your friend's help. But I am sure I can put my trust on you so that is all for this trial. Here is my divine power for you.
His Garments starts shining with its divine light as it receives a new ability.
Almas: I gave you this as I promised. Now, punish them with your divine judgement.
Lai: Wait! You-!
The time goes back to normal so same for everything around him..
Lai: You haven't tell me yet...
He takes a look on his Garments. But nothing's changing tho.
Lai: Well, maybe the time will give me the answer.. Better go back home and tell Callie and Marie about this..
Then, he heads back home as the times is now 5:30pm..
6:00pm at Squid Sisters Apartment...
Lai: Hey girls..
Callie: Hey, welcome back, Lai!
Marie: How's your day?
Lai: Pretty much plain tho.
Callie: Why's that?
Lai: Didn't have any Turf War today but I just helped Headphones out from her trouble. Yeah, just only that.
Marie: Sounds like something's troubling you?
Lai: Maybe.. Remember what Sheldon said after I snapped out?
Callie: Oh yeah, the god! What did he said?
After minutes of explaining..
Lai: He said "Darkness lurking around every corner of people's heart." He depends on us to disperse it as much as possible. They said both of your hearts are made out with pure light so..
Callie: We're pretty much safe..
Marie: And it's up to us, huh?
Lai: Yeah. He's pretty much meant that way tho.
Callie: Well, I'm sure we can do it!
Marie: You think so?
Lai: Yeah I agreed, this world is full of possibilities, right? Don't you wanna join us as well?
Marie: Well, I was about to ask that one out. But it seems I don't need the question anymore.
Lai: Glad to hear!
Callie: Let's save the world together! All three of us! As a team!
Marie and Lai: Yeah!
End Of Chapter...
After declaring, a noise growls out from everyone's stomach.
Lai: Oh...
Callie: XD
Marie: Lol. We really need to grab a bite like right now.
Callie and Lai: Agreed!
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