Chapter 34: Task from Sheldon.

5:00am, Inside Ammo Knights with Sheldon currently sweeping the floor and tidying his store. Unfortunately, he bumps into a large shelves and an old book drops on his head. Then, he picks it up and read the title.

Sheldon: Oh, what is this..?

Timeskip, 7:00am..

All three Agents were listening to Sheldon.

Agent 2: Okay so what's the mission info, big boy?

Sheldon: Well, there are still a lot of data that needed to be collected. But Lai- I mean Agent 3 had been doing all of these for me and I can't keep on questing him like all the time. So I asked the ladies like you two to go on mission with him!

Agent 1: Sure! We'd love to! It's been a really long time since the last time going out missions together like this!

Lai: Yeah I agreed!

Agent 2: *chuckle* Me too. Thanks.

Sheldon: Glad you all okay with this! All the Hero Weapons are stored in the Enhancifer. And I got another task for you three. I'm guarantee that it's an important one for your upcoming battles!

Agent 2: Then, spit it out if you don't wanna make the ladies wait.

Sheldon: Okay so recently, I found a book that was left from my Grandpappy. It's all about the Legendary Garments and it said they had possessed very special powers for its wearer. I know it's illogical for me but it's true but I don't know about the power details at all.

Agent 1 and Agent 3 all got excited as soon as they both just hear it..

Agent 1 and Lai: Really!?

Sheldon: Uhm.. Yeah! But the materials are kinda rare tho. And judging from my Grandpappy's previous journals. It can be made with the materials from the Octarians since they have technologies which advance enough to make a real one.

Agent 2: Wait, how come you can be so sure about that?

Sheldon: Oh, my Grandpappy was the only one who discovered about the garments from the ancient time all by himself. You see, my Grandpappy-

Agent 2: Alright, just give us the book. You know we can read, right?

Sheldon: Oh.. Sorry, you need to collect them first so I can show you the book of it.

Agent 2: Ugh... Whatever.. It better be worth the trouble..

Sheldon: Thanks! Here's the note for the materials!

He hands the recipe note to Agent 3..

Super Elastic Cloth ×15

Ink Energy Core ×5

Agent 2: So.. That's it?

Sheldon: No, it's actually need a lot of clothing for its appearances but I'll just grab some parts from all the gears I can find and combines them all into the Garments perfectly. You three should head out first while I'm at it! Just count on me and I'll make the best Garments that no one will reach!

Lai: Okay! Let's go!

Agent 1 and Agent 2: Right!

They all exit out the Ammo Knights and enter the Manhole.

Timeskip... In Tentakeel Outpost..

*Blop* *Blop* *Blop*

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh it's you three! Morning, Agents!

Lai: Morning, Cap'n.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: What brings you all here? There's nothing going on by the Octarians.

Agent 2: Helping Sheldon for the weapon data.

Agent 1: And materials for the Garments.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: The Legendary Garments? Why's that?

Lai: Sheldon suggested us to collect the materials for it. Do you know about it?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yeah.. I remember.. Shellendorf was the first one who found the Garments. Then, I was the one who wore it first.

Agent 1: Really!? So what powers did you got? Like flight or invisibility!?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: *chuckle* Definitely not that one, dear. It's very unique one yet very complicated to explain. Let's have a chat in the Cabin before going out for the mission.

All: Yeah!

Inside Cuttlefish Cabin..

Agent 2: So it's true after all..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yeah, Shellendorf and I had tested it like umpteen times with a lot of wacky stuffs back in the days in Calamari and I still remember that vividly.

They all staring at each other, all confused by the "test". Then, Agent 3 asks the Captain.

Lai: So what did you do?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Uhm... We both... Um...

Agent 2: I guess you don't remember the process, huh?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yeah, because it's already in decades ago. Sorry about that, Agents.

They all sigh in the end..

Agent 2: So you really don't remember at all..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Sorry. ^^"

Timeskip... In Tentakeel Outpost..

Lai: Well, I thought we could know the details.

Agent 2: Well, at least we know the legend is true.

Agent 1: So let's go get those materials and report to Sheldon!

Lai: Okay, grab your weapons and let's head out.

Agent 2: But do you know where the materials come from?

Lai: Well..

Agent 1: I guess you forgot someone else!

Lai: Who?

After a while, Agent 2 recalled her clearly..

Agent 2: Oh.. It's Octavia, right?

Lai: Oh yeah, that's right! Since she became the leader of the Octarians. Maybe she can help us for the materials!

Agent 1: That's what I thought! Then, let's go visit her! I'm sure she'll lend us a big hand!

Agent 2: Cool! So we just gotta find her!

Lai: Alright, let's go!

They all equip different weapons this time, Agent 1 is with her Hero Slosher, Agent 2 is in her Hero Splatling and Agent 3 is now with his Herobrush. As they all about to head out, an Octoling with traditional Japanese Empress Kimono just arrived at the Sector and meet up with them. It takes them a full second to recognize her. Agent 1 runs into a hug with her happily.

Agent 1: Octavia!

Octavia: It's you, Callie! How's your doing?

Agent 1: Pretty good! What brings you here? We're just about to find you! And you look really stylish on your Kimono!

Octavia: Oh I'm flattered! But not to bring up the sensitive subject. I'm just visiting my Grandpa. Asking him for advice how to manage the Octarian's activities like a true leader. But not like the enslaving or claiming Turf War one.

Lai: I guess it's cool. Glad you became the Leader of the Octarians.

Agent 1 chuckles and says happily.

Agent 1: Oh! So is there anything we can service you?

Octavia: Nah, it's fine. Being a leader is always tough in the beginning. So anyway, is something you want to tell me?

Lai: Oh yeah, we kinda need these materials for the Garments tho.

He hands over the note to Octavia..

Octavia: Hm... I guess I can get you that.

Agent 2: Yes!

Octavia: But that's the problem I'm dealing with..

Agent 2: Oh... Really!?

Agent 1: What's wrong?

Octavia: Recently, a lot of these materials were overused during in some unknown activities. And I can't know what's going on and what are their purposes is.

Lai: How? I mean you're the leader, right? There's no way you can't solve that.

Octavia: But it doesn't mean I can control almost everything. Plus, I have to be in low profile but I can't do that alone.

Lai: Oh..

Agent 1: So, how can we help you?

Octavia: Follow me to Cephalon HQ, then enter one of the kettles and I'll show you the way to my place. Once we get there, you three need to be sneaky. That place are heavily guarded and most of them are still hostile towards Inklings..

Lai: Yeah.. I get it..

She nods and smiles..

Octavia: See you all there..

Then, she takes her leave and super jump back to the HQ.

Lai: So what do you think?

Agent 2: *sigh* I thought this would be easy tho..

Agent 1: At least we'll get the materials in the end! So cheer up!

Agent 2: *sigh* Let's just go help her up first.

Timeskip... Sector 5, Cephalon HQ.. After all four of them are there..

Octavia: You guys ready?

Lai: Yeah..

Octavia: Then, let's enter this Kettle first.

She points out to the 22th Kettle, Underground Expressway. Then, they all super jump to the Kettle and enter it.

Timeskip... Entrance of Minaula City..

*Blop* *Blop* *Blop* *Blop*

After arriving, in front of them is a modern village but with tradisional Japanese house and buildings. And a large castle building is set at the center of the village and the time is now in night time. All the Agents are amazed.

All: Whoa...

Octavia: I guess you all never been here before, right? Judging by the reactions of you three..

Agent 1: How come you never tell me this!? This is amazing!

Octavia: Well, I was a soldier, remember? So I haven't got back here for a long time. And sorry that I forgot to tell you this. ^^

Agent 1: It's okay! And I'm really excited to explore new places like this!

Agent 2: Agent 1! The mission!

Agent 1: Oh yeah! Right!

Lai: But why is it in night time? It's 8:00am right now.

Octavia: The people in there are preffered in night time so they can watch the beautiful view of the village in 24/7. You should check it out!

Lai: Okay so that's the castle you're living in now?

Octavia: Yeah, kinda huge tho. The throne room is deep inside the castle so you have to be careful.

Agent 2: Looks like we have to do a lot of parkour.

Lai: Yeah.. *Sweatdropped*

Octavia: But luckily, there's a secret tunnel around here where I always sneak out through.

Agent 2: Cool! It should be easier for us to get through.

Octavia: Yeah so follow me in this way! It won't be far from here!

The Agents follow the leader. She reveals the trapdoor where she hid it with a layer of mud. She opens it and they all enter.


It is dark and moist tunnel where it been dug from decades ago but it doesn't take too much time for them to reach to the leader's throne. Then, they finally take the stairs back to the surface. Octavia opens the trapdoor and the light floods in. Octavia exits out first to check the course. As it all clear..

Octavia: Okay, you can come out now. There's no one here.

The Agents enter inside the room and are fascinated by the interior design, it is huge and luxury with fancy Japanese decoration. A throne in the middle and two lines of pillows where all the Octolings will be sitting on when during meetings..

Agent 1: Whoa! This place is kinda calming and lively.

Octavia: Yeah, the atmosphere always soothes my mind a lot.

Agent 2: So mind telling us the problem that you're dealing with right now?

Octavia: Oh, it's like this..

She hands over the pictures that was took from the illegal activities to the Agents. They inspect it for a while.

Lai: ...

Inside of the picture, there are massive number of Garments were created from the factory and some of them were installed with Ink Energy Core.

Agent 1: Isn't that The Legendary Garments!?

Octavia: I guess you all knew the legends, huh?

Agent 2: Yeah, just the name of it tho. Still clueless about its history.

Octavia: You guys wanna hear it?

Lai: Yeah!

Octavia: It's just like this.. During the Great Turf War, after the Octarians had witnessed the power of the Garments that shines with its brightful light. They first got their hands on it from the Inklings. Unfortunately, the power didn't last long for us to weaponize it against the Inklings and it suddenly disappeared for unknown reasons. But we still got the data of it and its synthesis process. Despite of that, we had abandoned the idea of making another one because it's pointless for us. Until now...

Lai: They try to rebuild it..

Octavia: Exactly.. We can't let that happen. Or else it'll be a threat to both of us.

Agent 2: So where's the factory?

Octavia: At the...

*Knock!* *Knock!*

???: Lord Octavia!

All: !?

The door slides open and Octavia is just sitting on the throne. Replying her assistant in calmly tone.

Octavia: Yes? Something's wrong?

Assistant: Sorry to barge in, we had finished making the custom weapon that you had requested for.

Octavia: Thanks, bring them here and how's the investigation?

Assistant: We managed to get the location of it. Should we send some unit to attack?

Octavia: No, that would cause a lot of trouble. I'll go on my own.

Assistant: Ehh!? Are-! Are you sure!?

The Leader smiles...

Octavia: A leader should be strong for the sake of the people.

Assistant: But..

Octavia: I'll be fine.. Trust me.. I can tell my Lady Luck is standing on me today.

Assistant: Okay.. If you insist, I won't stop you. But be careful out there. We can't lose another leader. Especially for someone who leads people to peace.

Octavia: Thanks..

Assistant: I shall leave then. Leader.

Then, the Octoling leaves the room. Octavia signals the Agents as they come out.

Octavia: You three wait me outside. I'll catch up later.

Lai: *nod* Alright.

Agent 1: See you there!

Timeskip... Entrance of Minaula City.

After couple of minutes, Octavia catches up with the Agents.

Octavia: Guys, sorry to keep you waiting!

Agent 1: It's okay! Whoa!

Judging on the looks, Octavia seems to be wearing a customed, heavily refined Neo Octoling Armor and a Black Jacket with a Large Hoodie Hat. Then, she's wearing a pair of High Heel boots which is desgined for her during combat and she's carrying a pair of Dualies behind her lower back with Squid design on the left pair and Octo design on the right one. Representing the peace between the species.

Agent 2: You looked fresh!

Octavia: Thanks! And look who I brought today!

She grabs out an Octarian. Surprisingly, it's an Octoball that Agent 1 recognizes it immediately.

Agent 1: Goofball!

Octoball: Blor!

The Octarian jumps out from the Hoodie and hops into Agent 1's hug.

Agent 1: Oh! I missed you so much!

Octavia: I bet it missed you too!

Lai: I guess it's okay..? *sweatdropped*

Agent 2: You jealous?

Lai: No! I'm fine, Agent 2!

Agent 2: *chuckle* So shall we move?

Octavia: Sure! Head right this way, everyone!

Timeskip... At a factory far from the City. With five of them arrive at the top of the slopes. Octavia scouts the factory with her night vision binocular.

Octavia: ...Not too much Octarian guarding around there. But I bet they're just letting their guard down.

Agent 1: Maybe there's more inside?

Octavia: Don't know.. I haven't found an opening yet..

Lai: Hey look. That must be the supply truck.

All: Huh?

They all turn to the main entrance, when the supply truck just got entered in after being verified by the Octolings.

Lai: Maybe we should hide under the truck? Seems enough space for us to fit in..

Agent 2: Good idea but when will another truck arrive?

Lai: No idea..

Octavia: In that case.. We can't enter unless some of us create an attention and draw them away.

Lai: I guess I'll do that. The rest of you sneak inside while I'm in it.

Agent 2: Sounds great.

Agent 1: I'll go with you!

Octavia: Okay that's our plan, be careful there. Let's go, Goofball.

Octoball: Pip pip!

They all split up into two teams. Agent 3 and Agent 1 are heading to the main entrance while Agent 2, Octavia and her Octoball all ready their super jump.

Around outside the Main Entrance..

Lai: Okay, we're here.

Then, Agent 1 pops up from his hoodie hat in her Squid Form.

Agent 1: What should we do?

Agent 3 looks around.. Then picks up a pebble.

Lai: This..

As he get close to the entrance, he throws it over them to lure the guards out. Two of them slowly got outside and examine the object. Then, Agent 3 slowly and steadily sneak behind them before taking out with silence knock..

Guard 1: !? Who's-!?

A fist just knocks behind his head and the guard got knocked down. The other guard alerted with his Octo Shot.

Guard 2: Freeze!

Agent 3 turns to other guard immediately, stealing away his weapon and points him with it.

Guard 2: Ah sho-!


The gunshot alerts the troop inside the factory area. Then, an alarm light illuminates them, exposing the Agents out in the open. Agent 3 tosses away the Octo Shot and starts walking away from the scene with his Herobrush leaning on his shoulder as some of the Octolings are sent out via Super jumping towards his direction.

Troop: There they are! After them!

Lai: Come at me if you dare..

In the meanwhile...

As the gunshot just happened and some Octolings are sent out via Super jump. They all take the chance.

Octavia: Now!

After they just all set, Octavia transforms into her Octo Form and Agent 2 transforms into her Squid Form. Both super jump onto the rooftop of the factory and peek through the window.

Agent 2: Holy...

Octavia: That's more meets the picture, huh?

Octoball: Blor?

As Octoball comes out from Octavia's hoodie hat to peek inside as well. Suddenly, it accidentally slips out and falls inside the factory. They both got shocked..

Octavia: Goofball!

Octoball: Pip!!

Agent 2: I knew this is not gonna be easy!

Both of them break through the roof window. Engage themselves to retrieve Octoball back. But the commotion already alerted the Octarians inside the factory. So as they reach the landing. Some troopers are already armed and pointing at them. Ready to open fire. They both take out their weapons and the leader murmurs out with a grin.

Octavia: Well, I had waited for this moment..

Agent 2 chuckles...

Agent 2: So what would you do, Leader?

Octavia: We fight.. As one!

They both start battling against the troopers.

Back to Agent 3...

Lai: *huff* *huff*

Agent 1: I guess we can't shake them off!

Lai: Yeah..

He stops and unsheathes his Herobrush, ready to counter back against the enemies.

Lai: I'm tired of running right now! Bring it on!

Agent 1: Great! I should get off now!

Lai: No, stay inside! I got a better idea!

Agent 1: Huh?

Lai: Please support me. You know Brushes consumes a lot of my ink.

Then, Agent 1 nods happily..

Agent 1: Okay! And please make a good use of that bad boy! I'm counting on you!

Lai: You know I will!

A trooper's voice alerts them..

Lai: They're coming.

Agent 1: I'll stay inside! Be careful!

Lai: *nod*

As Agent 3 prepares, a troop of Octolings with their Rollers show up and surrounds them.

Trooper: It's the Agent! Don't let your guard down!

Lai: !?

He turns his weapon in backhand and parries one of the trooper's attack from behind. Knocking his Roller off in the air with upper slash and splats him out with a finisher move. Then, the Roller falls gracefully and he grabs it flawlessly. Equiping another weapon and unleash his dual wield style.

Lai: It's show time!

He slashes another and then another one who tries to attack him. Then, he guards one of their attacks with his Roller and counters back with Meteor Breaker by leaping up. Smashing the troopers head and breaking the ground with both of his weapon combined together. Splatting him out completely and creates a quake that deals massive damage to all other troopers around him, clearing all of them out.

Lai: That settled..

Agent 1: Nice! Wish I can do that!

Lai: Maybe you can, someday. ^^

Agent 1: Let's go back to Agent 2 and Octavia!

Lai: Sure thing!

Then, he splints as fast as he can and super jumps back to the factory where the others are battling.

Back in the factory...

*Splata!* *Splatatata!* *Splat!*

Agent 2: Hey, don't go too far away!

Octavia: Yeah, I got this!

Agent 2 is rampaging now, shooting a rain stream of Ink Bullets to the troopers with her Hero Splatling in front of her while the leader is dodge rolling, advancing forward to splat some of them who stands in their way to rescue her pet, Octoball. Who's struggling in the factory line.

Octoball: Pip blor!

Octavia: Don't panic! Give us some time! We'll get you back down!

Then, four troopers just arrived to check the factory line. One of them takes Octoball out.

Trooper 1: Why there's an Octoball here!?

Trooper 2: Who cares!? Let's take it to the boss and check its memory! Maybe we can brainwash it!

Octavia: No!!!

*Fwee-!!* *Window crashes*

Lai: Not on my watch!!!

As he reaches the landing on the factory line, Octoball bites the trooper's finger.

Trooper 1: Ah!

It forces him to let go of it and rolls to Agent 3's side. Agent 1 jumps out from his hoodie hat and grabs Octoball before jumping out from the factory line. Letting Agent 3 take care the rest.

Trooper 1: You're toast!

Before he throws his punch, Agent 3 rushes straight and a massive impact blows through his stomach from his bare fist. Grabs his leg and slaps the other two in a circle. Tosses him out and as the last one tries to splat him from a distance. Agent 3 is about to throw his Roller at the trooper, but Agent 1 throws Octoball at the trooper and knocks him out in the end.

Lai: Thanks!

Agent 1: You're welcome!

They all meet up back together.

Octavia: You two are back! I'm so glad Goofball is safe, thanks to you!

Agent 1: Aww...! Agent 3 just picked the right spot to land! I wasn't do anything tho!

Octavia: Still, you have my thanks, Agent 1! And Agent 3 too!

Lai: Save it later! What's the next move?

Octavia: We just gotta shutdown this whole facility! Then secure this place somehow!

Agent 2: Must be in the Power room!

Octavia: That's right! I'll go check it. You guys secure here for a while! Come with me, Goofball!

Lai: Be careful!

Octavia advances to the upstairs to the Power Room. As for the Agents, they all prepare for the next wave of trooper's attack.

Agent 2: They're coming!

Then, as more Octarians arrived. Several Deluxe Octocommanders and Elite Octosnipers storm through the window roof with more tactical Splatling and Sniper Rifle. Three of them all split up and flanking each sides. Agent 2 takes the middle to distract their attention away from targeting her teammates while Agent 1 and Agent 3 both advance to the upstairs to take care of the reinforcement. Agent 3 melees and hijacks one of the commander's Splatling Turret and starts firing a stream of bullets on the Snipers who tries to snipe Agent 1 from a far. Then, he faces against the sniper to block another sniper's shot with its turret shield. On Agent 1's situation, she attacks one of the sniper and supports Agent 3. Blasting their head off from the turret, thanks to her recent training with Agent 3. Soon, the couple finish up the mess eventually. Agent 2 checks if the course is cleared and reports to her teammates via the mic.

Agent 2: All clear! For now..

Agent 1: You think there's more?

Lai: Unfortunately, yes.. Don't relax just yet! How's your status, Octavia?

Octavia: Almost there!

Then, a Super Jump marker tags on where Agent 2 is and several missiles been fired and rains down from the sky. She dashes away from the marker before the missiles blows up and the Octoling lands. The other two notices that. As the smoke clears out, it's a Cyborg with 6-barrels Splatling attached to its left arm and a Spinning Roller attached to the right, several missile dispensers on its back and two Metal tentacles as its limbs on the back as well. The Agents got shocked by the latest tech weapon developed by the Octarians.

Agent 2: Holy...!

Agent 1: Marie!!! Get out of there!!

As she tries to get away from it. The Cyborg's tentacles grabs a hold of her Hero Splatling and she struggles to pull it away. It disarms her and a tentacle slashes her stomach and sends her staright throwing. Agent 3 rushes to protect her from the crash with his body. Agent 1 super jumps to them.

Agent 1: Marie!? You okay!?

Agent 2: Guh.. I'm fine.. Don't worry...

They both saw her ink bleeds out from her stomach. Agent 3 covers the cut with his palm to stop its bleeding.

Lai: You're bleeding, Agent 2!

Agent 2: It can't be helped... Take out that freak first..

Agent 1: No!! This can't be!!

Lai: Why...?

He grits his teeth and clenches his fist as he watches the helpless Inkling dying. Then, a light on the palm that cover her wound starts curing Agent 2. The Squid Sisters got shocked..

Agent 2: Lai...?

Lai: You're not gonna get away with this!!

After the curing, he hops up with his Herobrush unshealthed. Charging against the Cyborg.. Agent 3 jumps to dodge its Roller attack and performs Aerial Strike on it as soon as he stands on its arm, he strikes its face very hard and upper slash to knock it back. Then, he charges it with Sonic Blade. Rocketing himself through the Octoling and rockets himself again. Deals 7 hits with twice the damage he dealt before and a Blitz as a Super Jump finisher, cutting out all of its Metal Tentacles. Then, he consecutively unleashes a series of Arcanum attacks. Deals 8 hits and bashes 5 more times to knockback it again, strong enough to break its Splatling and its Roller. His light getting stronger that his Herobrush coats with its aura to perform Strike Raid. He throws his Herobrush to hit it from a distance. Then, he summons his weapon back and throws it again up to 6 times and finishes the Cyborg with the Judgment. The Herobrush keep spinning on its own, slashing and hacking it from every corner. Then, he summons back and performs Zantetsuken to cut its head off in the end before it could react. Finally, the Cyborg got destroyed.. Agent 3 starts bashing its corpse mercilessly. Then, the Squid Sisters catches up with him.

Agent 1: Calm down, Lai! Marie's okay right now!

Lai: *huff* *huff* Wait... How?

Agent 2: I thought I was gonna be out for sure. But your palm kinda saved my life by healing my wounds. Glad it didn't even leave a scar tho.

Lai: I'm glad it did... Anyway, who made this horrible things...?

The other two inspects the destroyed Cyborg.

Agent 1: Must be from the Octarians..

After that, Octavia just got arrived after shutting the power.

Octavia: Hey! I heard a lot of noises! What's going on!?

Agent 3 stands up and points the Cyborg.

Lai: Mind explaining this?

Octavia: Wha-? I don't know! I didn't ask them to create this! Don't accuse me like that!

Lai: But do you know it almost took my friend's life away!?

Agent 2: Calm down! I'm still fine in the end!

Octavia: Oh my cod... But.. it's really not my creation! I would never ask them to make this horrible thing!

Lai: Okay, I won't get to the bottom of this. But I'm sure it's one of your Grandpa's request..

Octavia: Oh.. I get it.. I'll make sure to tell my troops to get rid of it.

Agent 2: You better be, if you don't wanna make the beast cleans up your Grandpa's mess in more violent way.

Then, her reinforcement just arrived the scene and got the place secured. The three Agents got what they want for the mission and they all head back to Cephalon HQ.

End Of Chapter...


In Cephalon HQ...

Lai: *Huff...*

Agent 2: So you finally calm down..

Lai: Just why we have to go through this again...?

Agent 1: Yeah, we both sick of this as well. But it's all for Octavia's future and our city's peace.

Lai: Yeah...

Agent 2: So what was the light about?

Lai: I don't know... Let's just report back to Sheldon first..

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