Chapter 31: The girl from two years ago..
1:00pm, Inkopolis Square..
After filming the Toni Kensa's commercial with Kensa Dynamo Roller and Kensa Splattershot Pro starring by the couple. They both had their lunch and exit out from the cafe.
Callie: Thanks for your help, Lai!
Lai: You're welcome. It was really perfect with us wielding the Kensa Dynamo Roller and Kensa Splattershot Pro for the commercial.
Callie: Yeah.. So what are we gonna do?
Lai: Wanna play turf war?
Callie: Yeah! I haven't try the weapons yet! I bet it would be fresh!
Lai: Alright then. Let's test it out and report back to Sheldon after that.
Before they both head back to Deca Tower with their new Kensa weapons, an Inkling girl with newbie gears notices them and approaches in front of them..
???: Hey!
Callie and Lai: Hm?
???: Do you remember me? You helped me with the bromide for my birthday!
Lai: Wait, you're..!
Her smiles spreads across her face.
Ayumi: It's me, Ayumi! And you're Lai! Right?
Lai: Yeah! Glad to see you again! You had grown up so much that I almost can't recognize you!
Callie: Uhm... Do you know her?
Lai: Oh sorry, she's Ayumi! I helped her out during her birthday and I got her drawing with three of us in it! Do you remember that?
Callie: Oh! Yeah I do! It's been two years!
She got hyped as she notices the popstar..
Ayumi: Oh my cod, Callie! I'm your biggest fan ever! Did you got the drawing?
Callie: Yeah! I hung it on my wall since I got it from him so I remember it!
Ayumi: Cool! Did you like it!
Callie: Of course I do! Lai also told me about your promise! About hanging out like this with the three of us!
Ayumi: Really? But.. Are you sure? Aren't you busy all the time?
She beams at her..
Callie: Yeah, but I'll do anything I can for my biggest fan for being by my side all the time! Beside, it's a promise, right?
Ayumi: Woomy! I can't wait to team up with you two!
Lai: Let's go then! And..
The couple both suddenly grab both of Ayumi's hands, like parents would do with their child. They both smile while the girl flushes, then she smiles back..
Callie: Just like the drawing you gave us..
Ayumi: Yeah.. I remember that.
As they all enter the lobby of Deca Tower. A reporter takes a picture..
Reporter: Did they just adopted a child? This will be on the news headlines for sure!
Tanaka: Not in a million years..
Reporter: !?
He silently knocks him out from behind before the victim could react. He picks up the camera and deletes the picture immediately before he destroys it in pieces, then pushes his glasses as he taunts..
Tanaka: I admired your passion about your profession. But too bad that you're gonna change it as long as I'm here.
Timeskip... Mako Mart..
Ayumi's POV
I'm now currently teaming up with my favorite idol, my best friend and a random guy in a stage called Mako Mart as the purple team. Although I feel hyped up and all excited but in the same time, I feel nervous that both of my legs are actually shivering a little bit by the silent atmosphere and scared that I might be of their burden in the end. Beside, I just got moved in to Inkopolis and I've never played a single match before I met them.. I clutch ahold tightly on my Splattershot Jr as everybody are now preparing themselves for the match until Lai suddenly breaks the silence.
Lai: Oh yeah! I forgot something!
Ayumi: !?
Callie asks him with concern.
Callie: What's wrong?
Lai: I haven't buy the groceries yet...
Ayumi: *collapsed*
Callie: Ah! It's okay! ^^" Maybe we'll do a little shopping in Arowana Mall tonight after dinner!
Lai: Sounds good to me. You okay, Ayumi?
Ayumi: Yeah I'm fine!
Callie: Are you sure? You're new to this..
Ayumi: Yeah.. But I'll be okay!
Lai pats on Callie's shoulder and winks at her with confident..
Lai: She'll be fine.
Then, she nods back..
Callie: Okay.. I believe in her.
A minute had passed after the match had started, with Ayumi currently inking to the left of enemy territory.
Ayumi: (Alright! As long as I control this turf. We'll win for sure!)
Suddenly, a splash of ink had flung out on her and she got stucked in enemy's ink. She panics and tries to escape, but a Dynamo Roller had jumped out and as he was about to perform a vertical swing at her. A Splat Bomb just dropped from the platform and splatted him instantly. Then, Lai notices her immediately as he just passes by in front of her.
Lai: Got him! Oh hey you okay, Ayumi?
Ayumi: Yeah! How did you know he was about to splat me?
Lai: I was chasing him. Seriously, that guy needs to chill from flinging ink around. And I'm glad that was a lucky throw. You should be more careful next time.
Ayumi: Yeah! Thanks a lot!
Meanwhile... An E-liter 4k camper got a sight of them..
Inkling boy: Now I got you..
Then, Callie just casually rolls over him with her Roller while inking. Then, she waved at them as she notices them.
Callie: Hey! You two okay?
Lai: Yeah! We both fine!
They both wave back just before the match ends.
Timeskip... After the match..
Ayumi: Woomy! We won!
Callie: I feel so great carrying her during the match!
Lai: But doing it all the time isn't gonna get her anywhere. You know she needs to learn by herself.
Callie: Yeah! Maybe we should give her a challenge?
A light bulb sparks above his head after a while..
Lai: You're thinking what I'm thinking, Cal?
She nods happily..
Callie: Yup! I guess it's enough for her!
He smiles at his girlfriend before he goes to Ayumi..
Lai: Okay!
Then, he approaches to Ayumi and pats on her shoulder.
Lai: Hey, Ayumi?
Ayumi: Yeah?
Lai: Since it's your second match, mind if you try to get a splat. We'll be impressed if you can achieve that.
Ayumi: Sure! I will do my best!
Ayumi's POV
After a minute of match had passed, I'm currently on the center, still haven't found any enemies. But the center's already claimed by them. I retreat back, try to ambush them from behind. Then, I saw a girl with a Jet Squelcher. Shooting from atop of the wall and suppressing my teammates action from moving on.
Ayumi: (This is my chance!)
I start shooting at her from behind while she's focusing. Although I did some damage on her but the accuracy of my weapon fails to take her out as she quickly reacts that one coming, she jumps off from the ledge and I follow up to chase her. But she got splatted by Callie's special weapon, Booyah Bomband. Callie lands on the ground and comments that one.
Callie: Booyah! Nice work, Ayumi!
Lai: Let's start our counterattack!
My team starts to attack and claiming back their base and most of the turf in the center until the timer is up.
After match..
Lai: We won again! Thanks to you!
Ayumi: Booyah! ^^
Lai: Alright.. This will be our final match. We have to report back to Sheldon.
Callie: Yeah! Then let's hang out around the city!
Ayumi: You two wanna stop playing?
Lai: Yeah, because we got things to do and stuffs to settle.
Callie: But you can come with us if you wanna!
Ayumi: Really!?
Callie: *nod* We had a promise, hadn't we?
Ayumi: Yeah! Thanks!
Lai: Let's keep our head up to the game. Just give it all you got!
Ayumi: Booyah! Will do!
As the match starts, Ayumi rushes to the center. The couple got shocked.
Lai: Wait!
Callie: She's getting too excited. ^^"
Ayumi's POV
I was exciting that I just wanna wrap this up and hang out with them after turf war. As I reach the center, a bottle had thrown out at me and creates a Mist around me. I panicked as I got immobilized by the mist. Then, a circle just marks around me. Signalling me that a barrage of Tenta Missiles just launched and is about to rain down on me. I rush out from the mist and nearly escaped from the missiles then I ended up leaning against the wall. Then, a girl that I tried to ambush points her Jet Squelcher at me.
Inkling girl: Nice try for ambushing me..
Ayumi: Uggh...
Then, a Splat Bomb just dropped from above and splatted her out. Callie and Lai just arrived in time.
Lai: You okay? You shouldn't rush out like that.
Ayumi: Sorry, I was too exciting about hanging with you two.
Callie: It's okay! Glad Lai saved you in time! He's a good thrower.
Lai: Now, just watch us take care of the rest. Enjoy the show. ^^
Ayumi: Huh? What do you mean?
Callie and Lai both smile to each other with total confident while their hands both held together. Ayumi got blushed by their affinity.
Lai: You know what to do, right?
Callie: Yeah! Let's do it!
They both start attacking with their Toni Kensa weapons, facing against the entire team. Lai hops onto Callie's Dynamo Roller and she flings him up enough to let him reach the grate. He takes out two of them with Clash Blaster and Carbon Roller while Callie splats another one with Splash-O-Matic on the left side from a long range. Lai notices the Jet Squelcher coming from the right side and he takes cover behind the pillar as she starts shooting at him.. Callie peeks at him and he signals her by nodding his head at. Then, she nods back..
Callie: Got it..
As he's hiding, the Green Inkling changes her target to Callie and she throws a Toxic Mist to trap her inside it. But Callie senses that one coming and dodges to aside for a counterattack. She flings a splash of ink that it hits her from a distance, then Lai adds up the damage to splat her out by ambushing the Jet Squelcher from above since his ink can be shot through the grate.
Callie: Thanks! We got them all!
Lai: It's a team wipeout!
Ayumi: Whoa..
Lai: Let's move up.
Callie: Alright!
Two of them both proceed to the enemy base while Ayumi follows up to them. Then, they both continue. Callie throws her sprinkler to gather additional Turf Points and her special all charged up. Then, Lai splatted one with Carbon Roller and his special charged up as well.
Callie: Now!
Lai: Okay!
They both activate their Special Weapon. Both of them float onto the air with ink armor and charging up their Booyah Bombs on their palm. When they done, they both nod to each other before they unleash their specials at the same time and create their new technique.
Callie and Lai: Double Last Resort!
They both throw their Booyah Bombs near the spawn and it exploded upon impact, splatted the rest of the team.
Pink Team 89.78% - Green Team 8.57%
Pink Team wins!
Lai: Glad Sheldon made our weapon with same specials!
Callie: Yeah. That was perfect!
Ayumi: Wow! You two are awesome!
Callie: Thanks!
Timeskip... 5:00pm at the Ammo Knights..
After the match, Callie and Lai are now reporting back to Sheldon. Along bringing the girl with them.
Sheldon: Ah! Glad you two liked it! I spent a lot of time matching a suitable weapon set on these. You both can have it as a reward for testing it out!
Callie: Really!?
Sheldon: Yes.. You both had collected a lot of data for me with all of my Hero Weapons! I can't thank you enough for that.
Callie: You're welcome! We're going then!
Before they all leave, Ayumi tugs their clothing and ask..
Ayumi: Hero Weapons? What kind are these?
Lai: Ah! Those are just a new series of skins for some weapons tho!
Ayumi: Cool!
They both exit out of the store..
In the Square, they both holding each of Ayumi's hand while walking down the street, smiling and chatting happily until they had reached to Ayumi's Apartment to drop her off there. She sighs..
Callie: I guess this is as far as we go..
Ayumi: Oh... Well, I definitely gonna miss you two.
Lai: Well, we'll call you out once we got another time!
Ayumi: Woomy! It's a promise then!
Both of their fingers crossed while their thumbs met as they made another promise.
Lai: Yeah, pinky promise.
Ayumi: Yay! This is probably the best day in my life! Thanks, you two! Thank you so much!
Callie: You're welcome! Let's meet again someday!
Ayumi: *nod* Yeah!
Lai: Well, goodbye then.
Ayumi: Bye!
She waves at them and they both wave back before they left from her apartment to their usual spot.
6:00pm at Port Mackerel...
Callie: Here's your ice cream!
Lai: Thanks.
She sits beside of him and places a box of it next to her. They both having Sea Salt Ice Cream while viewing the sunset.
Callie: Ahh~ I'm beat up for today. To be honest, I missed that girl already.
Lai: You do? I thought I'm the only one.
Callie: She's so cute and fresh. I'm glad that she's still my biggest fan after all!
Lai: Maybe she'll become just like you someday.
Callie: Hope so! Hey..
Lai: Hm?
She flushes as she tries to ask..
Callie: Uhm... Do you have a thought of.... Having a child ever before?
Lai: What!?
The Blue Inkling got shocked completely by her question.. And it took him for a few minutes to answer back since he doesn't want to hurt her so he can't ignore that one. He answers back cautiously..
Lai: Um... No, I never had one of that. Sorry about that. But... Why you ask that in a sudden?
She smiles cheerfully..
Callie: Well, if you do. We can adopt her as our child!
He chuckles as he got relieved.
Lai: Really? You sure about this?
Callie: Yeah! Because we'll be married in the end. But I'm not sure if you agree or not.
Lai: Well, for me.. I kinda don't want a child for now.
Callie: Why?
Lai: I doubted myself if I had the responsibility to do that all by myself. But if you insist, we can have one in the future. Plus, I only have a thought of being with you and Marie forever.
Callie: Yeah, that's what I thought as well..
She gives a soft peck onto his cheek and smiles happily..
Callie: Thank you.. Lai. 💜
He smiles back at her..
Lai: You're welcome, Callie.. 💙
End Of Chapter...
Another reporter just recorded their whole conversation.
Reporter: (Got you two! Now I'm just gonna published it to the media. Then, I'll be promoted for sure!)
Tanaka: Not on my watch.. Especially in my sight.
Reporter: Huh!? Who's there!?
The Jellyfish jumps in front of him with his eyes sparks.
Tanaka: Omae wa mou shindeiru.
Reporter: Nani!?
Tanaka destroys the recorder and the rest of the evidence into pieces without leaving any single trail in the end..
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