Chapter 20: Callie...
*Blop* *Blop* *Blop*
After arrived to the deepest lair, the Agents had came out from the spawnpoint. Observing the view around them. Ahead of them was just an Arena but the terrain of it with a Japanese crossroad and the enviroment with two large statues gave Agent 4 a very familiar feels and all the memories he had made with Agent 1 and Agent 2 back in Inkopolis Plaza in two years ago. But around the Arena was filled with Octolings citizens and the troopers as the audiences. Agent 4 takes a deep breath as he scans the area while Agent 5 and Agent 6 are whispering behind him with a bit worries.
Agent 6: Shouldn't we tell him about "that" early?
Agent 5: But he'll find out eventually once he rides the launchpad.
The Octo sighs in disappointment and afraid of something will happen to him..
Agent 6: Yeah...
Suddenly, Agent 4 turns around..
Agent 4: You guys ready?
The duo's conversation got interrupt and turns to Agent 4 immediately.
Agent 6: Ah! Yeah we're ready!
Agent 5: Let's save the uhm.. Whatever-it-called-Zapfish and our city!
Agent 6: It's the Great Zapfish.. ^^"
Agent 4: Let's go then..
He rides on launchpad first, then Agent 5 and Agent 6. They landed at the Arena where their final showdown begins. The first thing that Agent 4 sees is someone's standing at the center of it with her back facing him. He also noticed a large bow and two long black hair tentacles with magenta at the tip of it. He asks as he slowly approaches to her.
Lai: Callie.. Is.. Is that you?
He stops and his eyes widened as she turns around, finally facing him and they both stood there face-to-face. Agent 5's jaws dropped and Agent 6 gasps in horror with her hand covered her mouth.
Callie: I told you to leave, didn't I...?
Lai: ...Cal..
Agent 5: Oh cod...
Agent 6: What happened to her...?
Callie: Now you leave me no choice... Prepare to be rocked! Hey DJ!
The stage starts to lift up in mid-air. Underneath it was the DJ Octavio with his turntables and he's the pilot of the newest Octobot King II. With the Great Zapfish as his source of energy.
DJ Octavio: Octavio is in da houuuse!!!
Agent 5 and Agent 6 draws their weapons out and goes into their fighting stances. He clenches both of his fist and his panic rises up but he suppressed it all. Octavio taunts at his nemesis, Agent 4 who defeated him in the identity as Agent 3.
DJ Octavio: Gyah ha ha!! How's that!? I remixed Callie's brain and her pathetic song!!
Callie: Time for our first song of the night: Bomb Rush Blush!!
The song that Agent 4 always listen with his beloved Inkling is now remixed into his worst nightmare. And the word "Pathetic" is what insults him and gets him the most. His rage and hatred start emerging up and shadowed his heart completely, making his ink boils. He shouted back with his teeth gritted. Then...
Lai: I'm gonna crush you!!!
He draws out his Hero Shot, rushing towards the flying Octobot and jump. A giant fist had shot out but he dodges it and it hits onto the ground. He tries a few shots and a punch to the DJ. An invisible barrier blocks his attacks and he notices it. Then, he lands against it to jump back to the chain where the machine connects to the fist and rides back to the ground. He jumps in mid air and shoots the fist back at him, then lands back with his teammates.
DJ Octavio: Back to the same trick again, huh!? I'll show you this time!!
He fires several Splat Bombs bigger than the usual and he targets Agent 4 in the start. The Agents avoid from the blast and they separate away, start covering their turf for the advantage, since neither of them can hit him at this point. Agent 2 contacts them through their ear piece.
Agent 2: Hey! What's going on?
Agent 5: We're fighting against the DJ Octobot and we have found Callie but..
Agent 2: But what!?
Agent 6: She's...! She got brainwashed by Octavio and Agent 4's pretty mad right now! They both clashing up together!
Agent 2: Callie!? Hang in there! We're coming! And don't turn off the mic!
Agent 5: Okay! Better be quick! This is getting intense right now!
Agent 5 and Agent 6 kept in touch with Agent 2. While the Octobot focusing on Agent 4. The DJ throws a spinning punch and deflects all Agent 4's shots. The Inkling dodges away from the giant fist's crash. It stops spinning and Agent 4 dashes towards it, channeling his energy to his right hand and ink starts floating from the ground and forming into an explosive orb onto his palm, smashes the fist back to Octavio with his newest ability, Booyah Bomb. The fist delivers a knockback to the Octobot. Making the stage unstable that Callie almost falls. Agent 4 jumps again and forms another one onto his left palm and clash against the invisible barrier. It turns into a massive explosion as Agent 4 lands back. But the barrier still safe and sound that it hardly did any scratch on it. His breath starts getting heavily as he felt a bit weakened.
Lai: Shoot! I used too much Ink on him..
Then, the DJ starts taunting at him..
DJ Octavio: Hah!! Even with your Booyah Bomb couldn't break through this! Wha-!?
The other Agents jumps straight to it after charging up their specials. Their fist were chanelled with their energy, preparing for another strike with their double Splashdowns.
Agent 6: Well, you forgot about us!!
Agent 5: Yeah!! Cuz Off The Hook is here!!
Both of their fist strikes the barrier that the impact causing it to crack a bit. Soon, the barrier shatters into a million piece. They both land in front of Agent 4.
Agent 6: Sorry for the late, Agent 4!
Lai: Yeah... On the right time..
Agent 5: Let's cook this thing up!
The Octobot boosts itself away from the Agents.
DJ Octavio: Okay! That does it!
He sets the Octobot into Auto-driver and he jumps off from his machine with his Octobrush equipped in his tentacle and lands a strike on Agent 4 from above in mid air. Agent 4 blocks it with his Hero Shot while Agent 5 and Agent 6 keep the Octobot busy. Octavio curses on him.
DJ Octavio: Damn you, Agent 3!! You're not gonna to foil my plan this time!
He shouts back...
Lai: Give me back Callie!!! Or else you'll gonna be sorry for it!!
Both Agent 4 and DJ Octavio rush against each other. The Inkling dashes and tries to land a few hits on him. The DJ blocks it and one of his tentacles tries to stab him. Agent 4 backsteps away and draws out his weapon. Start shooting at him while strafing around him. The DJ blocks his fire and makes a rush attack on him. Agent 4 counters back with a shoulder charge. Knocking him back and successful land a lot of shots on him, then he jumps and tumbles him with a dropkick. When he's about to take a beating on him mercilessly, Octavio takes out a remote control with a red button on it in vicious smile.
DJ Octavio: Come at me if you dare to see this!!
He stops immediately..
Lai: !?
DJ Octavio: Once I press this one, your friend's gonna be blind for the rest of her life!
Lai: What the heck!?
DJ Octavio: I had installed a self-destruct on that hypnoshade! One more step and you'll know what happen to her!!
Agent 5: Wait what!? That's frickin cheap, dude!
When Agent 5 was about to attack Octavio. Agent 6 stops her.
Agent 5: Let me go!
Agent 6: Don't do that! We can't risk this!
A Suction Bomb just stick onto the ground between them. Agent 4 rolls away from its explosion and dodges the Burst Bombs barrages from the Octobot. Suddenly, he steps onto some Ink mines that dropped from the Octobot and it all explodes. Trapping him in enemy's ink. Octavio takes his chance and swings his Octobrush at him, several flings damage are enough to break his suit and knock him from a far. Agent 4 maintains his stands on the ground but Octavio didn't let him take his breath and stab directly into his chest. Agent 5 and Agent 6 got terrified.
Agent 5: Four! No!
Agent 6: Agent 4!!
As the Agents rush to Agent 4's aid. They got interrupted by the Octobot in front of them.
Agent 5: Oh come on!! Give me a break, would ya!?
The DJ lifts him up with his Octobrush still inside of him. One of his tentacles wraps around Agent 4's neck and start choking him.
DJ Octavio: I guess this is the end, Agent 3!
Lai: Guh... Gah!!
The Inkling struggles with his remaining breaths, until the last one...
DJ Octavio: Gah!!
Agent 4 suddenly gets a hold on his tentacle and grips it hard till it almost pops. Octavio screams from the pain and backsteps away from him. The Inkling lands on the ground and his head bows down with his arms hanging from his shoulder. Surrounding his body with Ink Aura and the stab on his chest is slowly recovering.
DJ Octavio: What is this? His chest.. is vanishing!? Is that even an Inkling!?
His head lifts up to face Octavio who is still terrified by his murderous look on his face and his teeth and fangs are gritting hard, his pupils also become into crimson red and his Aura is getting stronger that it can create an ink circle-wave around him. He shouts at him in pure rage.
Lai: OCTAVIO! I'm not gonna let Callie be taken away by you!! Do you understand me!?!
DJ Octavio: !?
Lai: I'll TEAR every single limb in your body!! And that's what it takes to STOP YOU!! YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!!
After the circles calm, Agent 4 throws a punch that blows Octavio back from a distance and the DJ drops the self-destruct remote control. He rushes in fast speed and another punch pierces Octavio's stomach that he almost pukes out with his own ink. Then, Agent 4 lethally punches him 4 more times and a fatal kick that backflips him to the mid-air. The DJ got balanced and lands on his ink. As he looks up, Agent 4 was above him and the Inkling smashes him down with both of fists combined together, leaving a hole on the arena and the DJ had fallen down into the ocean under the arena. Agent 5 dashes to where the remote control is and she grabs it in her dodge rolls. She passes it to Agent 6 to disable it.
Agent 5: Got it! Catch!
Agent 6: Nice work, 5! Wait for a sec... Okay here! It's done!
Agent 5: Booyah! Callie is safe for now!
Suddenly, Agent 4 howls in total rage that the scream spreads throughout the concert and terrorize everyone in here. The mic goes on and it was Agent 2.
Agent 2: What's going on!? Why do I hear a scream!?
Agent 5: Uhm... Agent 4 just dominated the DJ but he's kinda out of control right now!
Agent 2: Oh no.. Lai! What happened!? How is he doing!?
Agent 6: I don't know but we both noticed him threw two Booyah Bombs while battling the Octobot!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: What!? That's...!
Agent 5: You know something, Cap'n?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: That's the limit break!
Agent 2: Wha-!? That means..
Agent 6: His limiter had broken.. That's why..
The Captain sighs in their call.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Agent 3... He always goes through a lot of trouble to save the city and my granddaughter.
Agent 2: No! I'm not gonna let him sacrifice himself! I'm saving her too! And I'm not gonna lose Agent 4 as well! Just please just give us some minutes! The low-tide ink is almost done!
Agent 6: Okay, hurry!
After their mic goes off, Octavio emerges up from the ocean and lands back up to the arena. Weakened a bit by all the damages Agent 4 did to him. He notices the Inkling was just chilling there so he takes his chance to come out with a strategy.
DJ Octavio: (What just happened? His speed caught me up completely.. His punches were more stronger than before!)
The DJ then stares at the Octobot that still in Auto-driver mode.
DJ Octavio: (I'll be safe if I get back to the Octobot.. I have to make it quick.)
After he made his decision and when he's about to super jump back to his machine. Agent 4 rushes to him in almost hypersonic. He lands a dropkick above him, preventing him from getting back to the Octobot. He pushes him with his kick and continues adding blows onto the DJ. Then, he tumbles him and super jumps above him, trying to stomp him this time with all of his might. But Octavio always got his Plan B to back him up. He draws out a pair of Missile Launchers and fires 10 of them straight to him from ground level. But Agent 4's berserk still haven't calmed yet, he screams out at top of his lung that the soundwave mislead all of the Tenta Missiles. Causing it to miss the Inkling and crashes onto the ground, almost hit Agent 5 and Agent 6.
Agent 5: Whoa!!
Agent 6: Watch out!
As the stomp crashes down and leaving a huge crater on it, Octavio jumps away from it. But Agent 4 tackles him with his super jump in his Squid Form while the DJ still in mid-air. He lands and super jumps to tackle him again before Octavio lands onto the ground. He desperately tries to super jump back to his machine one last time but Agent 4 cuts in between him and the Octobot as the Inkling is way faster than him. A kick had dropped upon him and he grabs the DJ's tentacles while unleashing his war cry and start spinning in the air before he throws him back to the machine, ended up crashing to the core. Thankfully, the core was designed to be harder than the first one so it didn't explode just by impact. Octavio barely gets back onto his tentacles on the Octobot and curses under his breath.
DJ Octavio: Gah... Damn you... Agent 3!
Agent 4 lands back and becomes more aggressive than before and shouts even more louder and more threatening.
Lai: Give! Me! Back! CALLIE!! And don't YOU talk about her!!! Like you own HER!!!
DJ Octavio: !!
End Of Chapter...
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