Chapter 14: Mending the broken ties.

3:00pm at the hospital..

Lai's POV

After the fire of the warehouse had extinguished. Whinter, Vadelma, that girl and I had arrived to the hospital along with the ambulance filled with victims including the brothers. I was sitting on a bench at the hallway near the surgery room where the operation were now ongoing for one of the brothers who was half-burnt from the fire while the nurses are bandaging the other one's face. Marie suddenly storms through the hallway while looking for me..

Marie: Lai!?

Lai: Marie!? What are you doing here?

Marie: That should be my question! What's going on and are you okay!?

He chuckles nervously as he meets with one of his favorite idols.

Whinter: Well, you see...

Vadelma cuts him off..

Vadelma: Lai's fine.. This all caused by her two brothers tho.

She notices the Yellow Inkling...

Marie: Wait! I know that girl! What are you trying to do to us, huh!?

Lai: Wait! She's innocent, Marie! Calm down!

She stops and takes a deep breath to calm herself..

Marie: *sigh* Whatever...

Yellow Inkling girl: I apologize for what my brothers did. Sorry if I can't make it up for you two.

Lai: Don't say that, you had nothing to do with it.

Yellow Inkling girl: But still...

Whinter: Didn't you hear what Lai said? He said he forgives you.

Marie: Hmph.. But not for the brothers tho..

Whinter: Yeah, that's right! ^^"

She turns to me and asks with concern.

Marie: So what's going on? What were they trying to do?

Lai: Those scumbags sent some fake news about Callie's missing was involved in the last Splatfest.

Marie: WHAT!?

Lai: Yeah, I kid you not! And those guys had burnt everyone in the warehouse just to get their revenge on us! Although I had beat the carp out of them in the end...

Marie: But still not enough for me and Callie.

Lai: I guess you're right..

Whinter: And I haven't kick his sac yet...

Vadelma: Uhm... I guess that's enough.. ^^"

We both started to crack our knuckles.. Then, we all noticed one of her brother just got out from the ward room. His face covered with bandages, only his mouth, nose and his eyes were still left open. He's now held by two police who are standing beside him. The police stop as Marie, Whinter and I start walking towards him.

Yellow Inkling boy 2: Uh oh...

Lai: Why are you still alive?

Marie: You sick...

Whinter: SON OF A-!

Before we reach him, a Jellyfish tentacle suddenly just stretch outpasses us and it punches his face directly, he got fainted again and the police drag him away. We look behind and surprised.

Lai: That tentacle!

???: Sorry about that, that one's for me.

The tentacle retracts back to a Jellyfish who seems familiar for me and Marie only.. The Cafe Lady asks in curious..

Vadelma: Who are you?

He adjusts his glasses by pushing back up before he introduces himself..

Tanaka: The name's Tanaka Tatsukaya. A manager of the one of the biggest superstar, Callie. Of course.

Lai: But what you doing here in all of a sudden?

Tanaka: I was intending to be here to give them a piece of my mind for being "parasites" to the our society. But since you already had beaten them up so bad back in the warehouse. I guess it's enough with just a punch.

Lai: Wait, what about the news? It still posted on the internet!

Tanaka: I'll be the one doing it immediately after this.. But if you two still have time, mind if I have a chat with you two at the balcony?

I nod and Marie replies back..

Marie: Okay..

Lai: You two should be going back. I'll catch up later. Oh, yeah!

I turn to the Yellow Inkling girl and ask her name finally..

Lai: What's your name? I forgot to ask.

Then, she replies back...

Kunon: Oh, my name's Kunon. And my brothers...

I cut off her sentence before she says out..

Lai: Save it, I don't wanna know their names.

Kunon: Okay... I guess we won't be seeing them from now on and that's for sure.

Vadelma: We're leaving then!

Whinter: See you later!

The three of them had took their leave from the hallway. Marie and I went followed Tanaka until we reached at the balcony. Marie starts up with a question..

Marie: So what is it? You got any clue from Callie?

Tanaka: Sorry to say, I really had done my searching around the city, especially all the places she would possibly appear at. But I never get to know her whereabout until now. Perhaps you two know?

Marie and Lai: ...

We both went silenced after hearing the news from Callie's manager. Then, the Jellyfish adds up with polite tone.

Tanaka: I guess I'll take that silence as a no then.. And do you still keep the pendant on yourself?

Lai: Yeah.

I took out Callie's pendant from my pocket and show it to the manager.. He then chuckles and a grin had shown on his face..

Tanaka: Good. Guess I can still count on you at all.. I promised you two that I'll take care of her in her work but she suddenly gone missing when she's out of my sight. Sorry about that..

Marie: It's fine.. We both didn't expect it would happened at all..

Then, he sighs and try to say something that would make us feel better..

Tanaka: Working with a superstar like her always being my greatest honor in my entire life. Plus, she was a perfect girl that I've ever seen and I'd give her that. When she have the time, she'll always pay a visit to my family to check on how my family been doing. My wife was proud about my job and especially when working with Callie. So I try to repay her. Trying to manage her schedule for some free time so she would be able to relax herself from her filming and let her meet her friends especially you two. But she never get to meet her cousin.

The green Inkling stops the manager as soon as she hears it and turns to me.

Marie: Wait, how come you never tell me that?

Lai: Well, you always said that you're busy and didn't answer my calls at all. Plus, I can't even interrupt you when you on air in the radio station almost all day all night.

Marie: *sigh* I guess I can't possibly blame you for all of that.. It's part of my fault too..

We all went a bit glum until the manager breaks the silence and replies..

Tanaka: Nobody's gonna deserve the blame as well. I know it's hard for you two to get back together again but Callie's boyfriend had already done his best to try to get you two together. You should be grateful to him, Marie. Or else Callie's gonna feel worse without him around.

Marie: Yeah.. So glad that I met him at the very start.

Lai: Don't mention it.. We just gotta keep moving, right?

The Jellyfish then adds up..

Tanaka: He's right. I don't really care if this will affect my job. Just bring her back once you both find her. And if you two discover something, please inform me.

I nod and reply to him..

Lai: Okay... We'll try. As much as we can.

Tanaka: Great, I still have some issues to take care of. Especially that news tho.

After the conversation, the manager left from the balcony, leaving both of us with depressed feelings. Then, we both headed back home without saying anything while on the way..

Timeskip... 7:00pm..

We both got home and had our dinner. We both also wore our pyjamas and now sitting on the couch, both of us were still quiet after the conversation with the manager. Then, the green Inkling tries to break the silence.

Marie: Lai?

Lai: Hm?

Marie: Is there something else that you wanna tell me?

Lai: Maybe.. About what?

Marie: Then tell me, how's Callie doing?

I stared at the corner next to the door.

Lai: Remember that she wanna have a night party with the three of us once you got home? She had waited to meet you again for like two months since the last time.

Marie: Why you bring this up? What happened to her?

Lai: She.. She missed you so much, Marie...

Flashback... 8:00pm in Squid Sisters Apartment..

I was viewing the city from a small balcony in the Apartment, currently drinking the "Rum and Cola". And I was looking forward for the night party that Callie had told me in the message. After I heard a door unlocking and opening, I quickly turned around and saw Callie just I expected, except the look on her face, it was shown a depressed on her face instead of the bubbly one. Before I asked in worried, she calls out my name before she falls on the ground.

Callie: Lai....

I rushed to Callie and her body falls around my arm before she touches the ground. I got shocked and worried. Clueless about what happened to her..

Lai: Callie!? What happened!?

She hugs me and buries her face in my chest. Then, I heard her sobbing and weeping from her cries.. I saw her phone and snacks that had bought from the Mako Mart scattered on the ground. I overlooked the text messages in her phone and my eyes widened out. Then, I turn my eyes back on Callie who's now crying in my chest. I hurried up to console her.

Callie: Marie... *sob* She's not coming home tonight...

Lai: It's okay, Callie. Everything's gonna be fine.

Callie: No! It's already been two months since our last met! I wanted to take this chance to party with you and Marie to the most! But it just got ruined like it was nothing.. Why it always happens to us? I missed her so much..

After saying, her cries got louder.. letting out her emotion in my chest. I couldn't say anything to help her so I hug her even more tight to make her comfort.. Then I lean myself against the wall and try to say something else to her..

Lai: I'll try to make an arrangement for you and Marie in the next time. Just let out your emotion and you'll be fine, Callie.. I'm here for you.

I kept holding her on until her cries started to calm. Soon, she slowly falls asleep after she stops from crying.. I gently grab on her thigh with my left hand and lift her up heading to her room. I struggle a bit on twisting the doorknob with my left hand but it didn't take too much time for me. Then, I slowly lay her body onto the bed. I could see her swollen eyes as I gently wipe her tears out from her face. It was a total hurt for me to see her like this.. I pull the cover all over until it covers her chest. Then, I set her pink beanie on the bedside table before I went back to the living room and started to pick up the stuffs she just bought from Mako Mart. I grab her phone as well and read the message.


Hey Cal..

I'm sorry but.. Something urgent came up..

I actually hate that this is going to happen but I will make it up to you someday I promise..

I clench with my other fist as I turn her phone off..

Lai: (What should I do..? I can't even save their relationship..)

I let out a sigh of disappointment in the end and set her phone on the bedside table next to her beanie before I left her room and close the door..

Flashback ends...

Marie covers her mouth with both hands as she gasps while trying to hold her cries..

Marie: Oh my cod.. Callie..

Lai: I know you don't wanna hear this but.. She really needs you..

Marie: But I missed it.. I should just rush back home and have fun with you two...

Lai: There's no point saying this right now..

Marie: What should we do?

Lai: I got a feeling that we should wrap up all the Agents work fast. Then, we'll focus on finding Callie when we got time.

Marie: Yeah.. The Octarians are just getting in our way and wasting their time with us... But are you sure about this?

I crossed my arm and ran a lot of my thoughts in my mind. Then, I reply to her with faith.

Lai: You know what? Let's finish this up asap so at least everyone don't have to worry about the missing case again!

She nodded after a while of thinking..

Marie: You made a point but sure thing, Lai. Let's finish that tomorrow. We should inform Pearl and Marina to prepare for tomorrow. But..

Lai: Hm?

Marie: Will we able to make it up to Callie after we find her?

Lai: I'm sure that she'll be happy when she finally gets to see you. Just don't overthink about it, okay?

Marie: I just feel bad about myself for not being by her side..

Lai: Maybe you shouldn't feel that once we find her. Do you wanna make her feel bad?

She sighs as she grins..

Marie: *sigh* Geez.. You're just like her..

I chirp back with a smile..

Lai: Well, what can I say? Plus, I had promised you to take care of you both in the first place and you two are the only thing I have. Now, let's get some sleeps, shall we?

I stood up and before I was about to head to my room. Marie calls up to me, I stop and turn to her..

Marie: Hey.

Lai: Huh?

She then twirls her loose hair tentacles.

Marie: Will you... Will you sleep in my room just tonight?

I got collapsed as soon as I hear it from her, I got myself up and sigh this time..

Lai: Marie.. You're not seriously doing that, aren't you?

Marie: I had been feeling down after she's missing.. I just afraid that I might be having nightmares from that. So will you?

I stare at her for a while.. A part of me feels wrong but I couldn't just leave her alone in her room. I sigh again and agree to her.

Lai: Alright.. I guess I can't leave a girl alone in her room.

Marie: Thanks..

Lai: Just this once, okay? I don't wanna let Callie knows what we're doing.

Marie: You knew how she is. She probably wants us to be getting more along too, right?

I stutter as I don't know about how Callie will think about us..

Lai: Well.. Maybe yeah I guess..

She chuckles before we entered Marie's room. It was neat and tidy plus there are not too much stuffs in her room. Just a bed, bedside table and a closet same size as Callie's. I didn't notice any mattresses around her room so I expect that she wanted me to sleep with her. As we both lay on the bed, I couldn't remember how much I got anxiety when I slept with Cal for the first time. But now with Marie, her face keeps giving out a smile at me and teases me as she giggles about my anxiety.

Marie: So this is how you feel when doing with Cal for the first time..

My eyes rolled up..

Lai: Not cool at all, Marie.. Let's just switch off the lights.

Marie: Okay..

She went turned off the light before we both getting into our sleep.. I still feel the nerves rushing through my body.. I ask her if she knows what she's doing or not.

Lai: We shouldn't be doing this, right?

Marie: She'll understand so don't worry about it.

Lai: But what if that's not how she understands?

She teases me seductively..

Marie: Then, we'll be an item.. You okay with it?

Lai: Geez... That's not gonna happen tho. We're just brother and sister. And that's like almost close to lovers. Still not enough for you?

Marie: Yeah but I kinda need more.. I really miss Callie so much that I need someone to accompany with me.

Lai: Well... If it makes you feel better so I'll do it.. For you and Callie's sake tho.

Marie: Thanks, good night then.

Lai: You too Marie..

We both fall asleep..

End Of Chapter...


"I feel the same way too, Marie."

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