Chapter 13: Nemesis from the past.

(Author's note: I swear to the goddess of Woomies, this is gonna be brutal.)

9:00am in Sector 3, Beaker's Depot.

After clearing the kettles and retrieving back the Zapfishes... All three of the Agents got out from each Kettles.

*Blop* *Blop* *Blop*

Agent 5: Aw yeah! I got two of them!

Agent 6: Me too!

Lai: Same here.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I guess it all adds up to six. That means the boss kettle has unlock!

Agent 2: That's all for today's work. Well done, Agents.

Agent 6: We're leaving now! Let's go, 5!

Agent 5: Okay!

The Off The Hook entered the manhole and took their leave first..

Lai: Well, just hope I don't get roast by the outside tho.

Agent 2: Nah, I'm sure you won't..

I jump into the manhole..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: What's he talking about?

Agent 2: It's... Kinda complicated, gramps.



Lai: Alright, what to do today?

I explore around the Square a bit and someone calls me..

Whinter: Hey! Great timing!

Lai: Hm?

He runs up to me..

Lai: What's up, Whinter?

Whinter: Well, I was wondering if you can team up with us in Salmon Run shift. I'm kinda short on cash right now.

Lai: Sure. Who's with you?

Whinter: Tanrine and Daisy will be joining us in the shift and they're waiting in Grizzco!

Lai: Oh cool. What are the loadouts?

Whinter: Splattershot, Splat Charger, Inkbrush and Mini Splatling.

Lai: I guess that's okay for us..

The two of us had entered the Grizzco Industries and started our shift.

Timeskip... Wave 3 in Marooner's Bay.

When clashing up against the Salmonids and acquired some golden eggs during the process. I noticed Tanrine just squatting there while Whinter and Daisy are busy doing their jobs and I heard a strange noise from her. I walk up to her in curious.

Lai: Uhm... What are you doing?

She quickly stood up in nervous. Hiding her hat behind her back.

Tanrine: Ah! What!? Nothing! ^^"

Lai: What are you hiding? -_-

Then, a Smallfry had escaped from her hat and tried to attack me with its spoon.

Lai: Holy-!

I backstep away from it and when I was about to splat it..

Tanrine: Wait! Don't shoot!!

Lai: Huh!?

She rushes to the Smallfry and grabs it up.. Surprise is, it didn't try to protest her at all.

Tanrine: You see... I feel I wanna adopt him as my new pet.

Lai: Seriously? You know it's hostile to us.

Tanrine: But he knows what's he doing, right? Plus, he's kinda cute tho. Can you help me out without letting them know about this? ><"

Lai: Well, tell him not to ambush me from below and I'll be grateful. Let's get back to work!

Tanrine: Okay! Come on, Chip. He's not gonna splat you I promise. Just be nice and stay quiet in my hat and we'll be home in no time, alright?

Chip: *Happy chirps* ^^

Lai: That's Callie's favorite dish. 😖

After clearing our shifts and returning back to Inkopolis Square..

Whinter: Finally! Got my payment!

Daisy: So when did you start wearing beanie, Tanrine?

Tanrine: Uhm... Well...

Lai: Well, she wanna be like you. Right, Tanrine?

Tanrine: Yeah! ^^"

A noise came out from Tanrine's beanie due to lack of oxygen.

Daisy: And what was that noise?

Lai: Just some birds chirping around here. You know birds love to chill in the Square. ^^"

Tanrine: Let's just go back home, Daisy!

Daisy: Okay... See you guys later!

The girls took their leave first..

Whinter: Hey! Let's go to the Cafe Cardamari! They just got moved out to here and it opens today! It'll be my treat!

Lai: Okay!

Whinter and I went to the Cafe where it just located in the corner of the Galleria.

*Door rings*

Kirsikka: Irashimase! Uh- I mean, welcome!

Vadelma: Ah Whinter, Lai! It's you!

She walks up to us in pure excitement.

Whinter: So how's it going?

Vadelma: Pretty well! The Cafe almost filled with a lot of people! And the cocktails are still in a big hit!

I place both of my hands to the back of my head while smiling up.

Lai: Well, good for you! Just hope Sean will be okay with this.

Vadelma: *chuckle* I'm sure he'll be fine! And it'll be my treat for you both today!

Whinter: Wow, for eel!? Thanks a lot, Vadelma!

Vadelma: Please enjoy!

She bows down before going back to work.. We both took a seat and view the Square through the window.

Whinter: I never seen the Square could be so lively in my whole life.

Lai: Yeah.. I agree with you..

After minutes of viewing... Whinter asks me..

Whinter: Hey..

Lai: Hm?

Whinter: Still got no clue about Callie's whereabout?

I looked away immediately after hearing it..

Lai: Don't ask..

Whinter: Hey, I'm just curio-

I reply back in furious but in calm tone.

Lai: Can you just shut up? I had tried everything else but no avail so stop asking me everyday.

Whinter: Tsk...

Vadelma serves up to them with Tea and freshly fried Cannoli. But neither of them didn't want to face her.

Vadelma: What's wrong? You both alright?

Lai: ...

Whinter: Still no clue about her...

Vadelma: Oh that's bad... By the way, you guys had heard the news?

Whinter: Oh yeah! I heard it! Those scumbags!

Lai: What?

Vadelma: Eh? You don't know?

Lai: What is it?

Vadelma: Uhh... Hate to say it but..

Whinter suddenly worked up and furiously requesting me while clenching his fists..

Whinter: Bro! I got a job for you!!

Lai: Wait, wait! What's going on!?

Vadelma: You see.. Remember this girl?

Lai: ?

A familiar Yellow Inkling girl suddenly shows up beside Vadelma.. I got shocked..

Lai: You're..!

Yellow Inkling girl: Yes, it's me.. Remember that you had a fight with my brothers back at the alley in two years ago?

Lai: Uhm... Yeah.. I could still remember that. What's wrong with them? I thought everything was square out after one of them got himself behind the bars.

Yellow Inkling girl: Well, their hatred to the Squid Sisters is immeasurable but after my older brother got arrested and his ID got permanently banned from Turf War. Their target had changed to you.

Lai: What are they trying to do?

Yellow Inkling girl: They had sent some fake news about Callie's missing was involved in the final Splatfest in the last year. And they..

I shot her with a death stare after hearing it.. Then, I shout at her..

Lai: What!? Come again!?

Everyone's started to look at me as soon as they all heard the shout. She backs away a bit until she hides behind Vadelma..

Yellow Inkling girl: Woomy... 😢

Vadelma: Lai.. You're scaring her..

Lai: Just get to the point, FAST!

Whinter: Dude, chill out! I know how you feel but she's not gonna tell you if you keep up like this!

Yellow Inkling girl: They... They said she ran away because she lost the last Splatfest and that's why she's missing.

Everyone overheard it and they all shouted..

All: That's not true!!!

Kirsikka: Wha-? What's going on!?

Vadelma: But why you never call the police?

Yellow Inkling girl: He said he'll splat me if I interfere or call the police.

I gritted my teeth..

Lai: Those bastards... Should have bash their heads off at the start...

After a while, I ask her in calmed tone..

Lai: Okay, so when did it got posted?

Yellow Inkling girl: It was just yesterday tho, but most of the people had already noticed it and start spreading around or gossip about it.

Lai: Shoot...

Whinter: But hey, everyone!

Everyone turns to look at him..

All: ?

Whinter: All you guys knew that she was on Team Marie, right!? And we all already knew how well their relationships are!

Some of them reply back to Whinter while all of them are supporting us..

All: Yeah! We all respect that!!

Whinter: See! I told you everyone are still loyal to you and the Squid Sisters!

Yellow Inkling girl: Yeah, I guess that didn't do much to everyone but people who's new around here might be buying this and start spreading around to the others.

I got relieved a bit after she finished her word..

Lai: That so, huh? Where are these guys hideout? I pay them a little visit and teach them some freaking manners.

Yellow Inkling girl: They're at the alleyway of the Squid Street and they all armed with Splattershots and Baseball bats.

Lai: That's enough for me to find them out. Call the police. And this time they're not getting away with this.

Yellow Inkling girl: Okay..

Cyan Inkling boy: Can we all go with you?

Lai: Huh?

Purple Inkling girl: Yeah! We should work together and put a stop to them!

The others add in with their agreement.. Including Whinter..

Whinter: Yeah! Can I go with you too? I wanna kick their ink sacs so bad!

All of the people in the Cafe start cheering up.. But I smile as I refused their help and I decided to make a swear to all of them.

Lai: I appreciate it but you all should stay out of this, this should be my responsibility to take care of the Squid Sisters reputation! And since they're asking for it, it's time for me to end their whole life behind the bars with my own hands!

Cyan Inkling boy: Yeah! We all stand with you!

Purple Inkling girl: You have our supports! Please be safe! For the Squid Sisters!

Lai: Will do!

I stood up furiously and rushed out the Cafe with pure anger. I equipped a Splat Roller on my left and Splat Charger on the right hand. Ready to head over to the Squid Street.

Yellow Inkling girl: Should I really call the police right now?

Vadelma: You should. You can put your faith on him, dear.

Whinter: Yeah! I'm sure he'll bring them to justice and gives an explanation to the fans!

Yellow Inkling girl: Well.. I'm relieved then..

Whinter: But should we follow him? He might can't deal with those guys alone.

Vadelma: We should.. Let's go!

Yellow Inkling girl: Wait for me!


At the alleyway...

Green Inkling boy: Hm?

Orange Inkling boy: Hey! This is our turf! Now scram!

*Splash* *Splat!*

Green Inkling boy: Uhm! Ahh!! Help me!!

As he runs away, he got splatted by my Splat Charger.

*Pow!* *Splat!*

As the course's clear, I bust the door where they're guarding at. Then, I saw a gang of people are hanging out in the warehouse. They all got surprised.

Blue Inkling boy: Who the heck are you!?

Lai: I'm the undertaker! And your boxes are ready!

Blue Inkling boy: What are you talking about?

Lai: You got 5 seconds to tell me where your leaders are, before I send you all to the deepest ocean!!

Blue Inkling boy: Who do you think he is? Louie! Cheech! Break his legs for me.

They grab their Baseball bats and start walking towards me. I blow off Louie's head and smack Cheech's body off crashing some wooden crates.

Blue Inkling boy: !?

Lai: Just take me to them or out of my way!

I sprint my way and wield my Roller, splatting some Inklings with just a swing. I darted back and hide behind of the crates as soon as one of the gang throws a Splat Bomb. It explodes and suddenly a fire roars out from the explosion caused by the sparks. I inspect them for a bit and realize what inside their bombs are.

Lai: Ugh... Napalm Jelly, of course.. Hey! Didn't your parents told you not to play with fire!?

Blue Inkling boy: You're scared right now, huh!? How's that!?

As he throws out another Splat Bomb and when it was about to touch the ground. I hit it back to him with my Roller and release a full-charged shot to the Bomb as soon as it is in front of him. It explodes and the flame got all over his whole body, burning him to death. He screams out loud in pain.

Blue Inkling boy: AHHHHH!!!!!

His whole body got melted away.. I taunted..

Lai: I'll make sure I'll put all pieces of you in the same coffin!

???: We've been expecting you, old pal.

Lai: Huh?

I look up to the second floor and notice the brothers are there.

Yellow Inkling boy 2: How convenient of you inviting yourself in here just as we planned, you will not escape!

Lai: I ain't going nowhere, you piece of carp! Now take off the false news or there's gonna be a pieces of you all over the city!

His older brother calls up their whole gang, aiming at me with Splattershots and some of them are holding Baseball bats.

Yellow Inkling boy 1: Waste him then!

They start shooting and I quickly snipe the rope above them. A lot of crates start falling out and some of them got crushed by it. I proceed to the stairs while blocking the attacks and strike them back that who are trying to ambush me. I rushed to the upstairs, charging my shot. Then, a line of Inklings reveal themselves and start shooting at me. I released the shot and the bullet penetrates all of them in a single line. Splatting them all with just a single shot. One of the brothers had threw a Splat Bomb at the grates, creating a gap to prevent me from reaching them and the other one threw another one to the downstairs. Ignited the whole warehouse with a sea of flame and burn their whole gang in it. I got startled by their screams coming from the downstairs.

Lai: Are you both psychos!!? You just burn everyone in the warehouse!!

Yellow Inkling boy 1: So what!? You got a problem with that!?

Yellow Inkling boy 2: We had planned a lot of time getting revenge on you for putting my brother in jail and humiliating him in the Cafe!

Lai: Your brother brought this on himself and he deserves that way a lot!! Why not you two just screw each other up in the jail with your entire life, huh!?

I charge to the wall and jump, then stick myself to the wall in my Squid Form and super jump straight to their location. I headbutt one of them and turn back to Inkling Form quickly, then swinging my Roller to the other one. Causing a huge knockback to both of them. I strap my weapons to my back and walk up to the older brother furiously. I grab him up, then throw him down to the sea of flame without hesitation. The other one screams..

Yellow Inkling boy 2: NO!! You splatted my brother!!

Lai: And your death is coming!!

He backs away until he reaches the end of the road. I grab his hair and smash his head to the grate with a few times. As he got weaken, I lift up his whole body and throw him, crashing through the office window. I jump to the office and pin him down completely. Grabbing his shirt collar and start punching his face with a full-force, devastating beating.

Lai: This is for Callie!!!

His nose starts uncontrollably bleeding out. Then, I headbutt him to his forehead with a few times.

Lai: This is for Marie!!!

His forehead start bruising a lot from all the impact I gave him. Then, I continue back with a few punches to his cheek.

Lai: And this is for me!!!!

Most of his teeth got knocked out from his mouth with the last hit. He got fainted and I stopped after I knocked out all of his teeth. I stood up with my hands and face covered with his ink.

Lai: Ew... Looks like urine for me.

I wiped it out with the office's tissue paper before getting out from here with the back door. Still remember how Marie said about my hygience tho..


Outside the warehouse..

Whinter: Hey look! He made it!

They both sprint to me.

Vadelma: Lai!? Are you okay!? Why's the warehouse starts burning?

Lai: We'll talk later.. Let's get out of here first.

Vadelma: It's too late! The police, the fire brigade and the ambulance are already here and they had sealed all the alleys from the outsider.

Lai: Ah shoot.. Then where's the girl?

Yellow Inkling girl: Over here!

Lai: Oh, there you are.

Yellow Inkling girl: I was worried about you a bit.

Lai: I made it out in the end.. But not everyone tho..

Whinter: What do you mean "Not everyone"?

I raised up my voice a bit to the girl..

Lai: Your brothers just burnt the whole warehouse with everyone in it, just to have their revenge by splatting me! And you didn't tell me that they had Napalm Jelly in their disposal!

They all gasped..

Vadelma: That's horrible!

Whinter: Dude! That's mess up!

Vadelma: But I saw some of them had got out from the warehouse and yeah, the others got half-burnt and the ambulance is now escorting them to the hospital.

Lai: So what should we do now?

Yellow Inkling girl: I had explained to the police so you won't be caught. Let's head to the hospital to find my brothers.

Lai: *sigh* Okay... Let's get outta here before the reporters get here.

Whinter: Sure thing, Lai!

The four of us boarded in one of the ambulances and headed to the hospital..

End Of Chapter...


Inside the Cuttlefish Cabin..

*Phone rings*

She picks up the call..

Agent 2: Who's there?

After the call, she storms out from the Cabin. Before she rushes to the Manhole and heads to Inkopolis, Cap'n asks in curious..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Where you going, Agent 2?

Agent 2: I got a call and something's cropped out really fast so I gotta go!

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Take care then, Agent 2!

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