VM: Two states - Part 15
Please be advised that this part of the story contains mature content.It is not suitable for younger audiences.
Vicky and Meenakshi were doing well professionally and their life was going smooth.Vicky bought a car and on their maiden trip he took Meenakshi to Agra.They returned home late in the evening.Vicky went to the balcony and Meenakshi joined him.
V: I'm feeling very happy Ms.Fish...heart feels at peace...😌
M: Ah haan...
V: To celebrate this joy it would be good if I could get a chilled beer...
He mumbled to himself before he felt a cold sensation on his skin and he looked.Meenakshi pressed a chilled beer bottle on his arm.
M: Here,have it...
V: Huh...uh...Ms.Fish when you went and got this?😳
M: Not me.I sent one of the boys to get this for you.☺️
V: Err...it's ok Ms.Fish...I had given my word to you that I wouldn't touch these things.
M: One beer occasionally won't do any harm.I'm only giving you permission no...have it....
She passed him the bottle opener.
M: You need a glass?
V: It's ok.You read my mind Ms.Fish..I wanted to have one and you got it for me.🥰
She smiled and he took a sip.
V: You want to try?
Smiling she shook her head no.
V: Seems like you are also happy?
Nodding,Meenakshi clasped her hand around his and looked at him.
M: Vicky...I'm ready....🙈
He spurted his beer.
V: Huh...what did you say?😳
M: I said I'm ready...you do get what I mean right?
He blinked hard.
M: Pls don't refuse Vicky...I'm also like you...in a very dry state...🥺
Breaking into a wide grin,he kept his beer bottle aside and lifted her by her legs like carrying a hay bundle then made his way to their room.He lowered her on her bed.
V: Wait a minute...😍
He returned with flowers.Kicking the door shut,he drew the curtains to a close while she removed her earrings and took off her duppatta keeping it on the night stand.
He showered those flower petals on her and scattered some on the bed.
M: I got this for the goddess...you're using it for this...😥
V: Baah...for goddess her husband will shower her with flowers.Let's not intrude into their bedroom.Forget them lets talk about us.😍
Smirking at her he removed his tshirt and climbed on the bed dragging her by her ankle towards him.She fell on her back and he got on top of her.
Their gaze was fixed on each other and her heart began to race as the excitement built up.When he inched closer to her mouth she placed her fingers over his lips.
M: I need to tell you something...
V: Mmm...
He smooched her fingers .
M: Can we postpone having a baby?
He twitched his eyebrows at her.
M: We really haven't gotten time to love so I want us to enjoy life as a couple for some time before having a baby.
She looked at him unsure of his reaction.He kissed her forehead.
V: Goodnight.
He almost got up but she held him back.
M: Huh...what?Why?
V: You only told no you don't want to start a family yet so I'll go to my ward.
M: I told for a baby only.
V: I don't understand...
M: If it is not troublesome for you,can you run an errand to the medical shop?🙈
He looked at her.She dropped her gaze in response and he got his answer.
V: 10 mins...I'll be back...😉
He was about to pick his tshirt on the floor when she pulled him back and looped her arms around his neck.
V: What now?😳
M: I change my mind...don't go now...🥰
V: You sure?What if you conceive?
M: I won't...
V: How are you so sure?
M: By the looks I can say you can't make it in one attempt.
V: You don't know about my talents.I don't have to touch you,my romantic gaze itself is enough to make you a mother.😎
M: Oh really?Ok then look into my eyes...
He threw her that hooded eyes romantic look.She kept a nauseous face and cupped her mouth.
M: You were right.You have magic in your gaze...I feel like puking now that means I'm pregnant...
V: See I told you that's Vicky talents...😎
M: Since I'm expecting now I don't think it's ok to proceed with this so you go and sleep.We can get intimate after baby is born ok?
That was a check mate for Vicky who's victory smile faltered to a frown.She wiggled her brows at him.
M: What?Go to your ward and sleep...
V: Huh..uh...that..I...err..sorry...😞
M: Next time will you brag about your talents to me?🤨
He shook his head no rapidly.
V: I won't...I won't...you can smack my head if I do...🥺
Seeing his pitiful face she broke into a grin.Raising her head she bit his cheek pulling her along with him as her head sunk onto the pillow.She hugged him and he buried his face on the crook of her neck.
He paused his ministrations to take his phone from the night stand and switched it off.He asked for hers she took it from under the pillow and passed it to him and he turned that off as well.
V: Hereafter no disturbance...it's our night...♥️
They kissed slowly at first and gradually started to explore each other's mouth while his hand went to untie her salwar bottom.She bucked her hips,he pulled down the material till her ankles and she kicked it off.
Hugging her,he pulled the zipper of her salwar top and roved his hand on her back before unclasping her bra.He tugged her top along with the straps until it fell off her shoulder.He placed kisses on her collar bone and throat trailing down to the flesh of her bosoms.She pressed his head to her chest and moaned when his lips tasted her flesh.
Their romance was interrupted by the shrill of the landline.
M: Vicky,the phone is ringing...
V: Let it be...
Though they tried to ignore,it kept ringing disturbing their peace.
M: I can't proceed like this...pls Vicky let me answer the call no it must be from the hospital maybe an emergency...
He was pissed but he rolled over to the side letting her go.Pulling back her salwar top over her shoulders she rushed to pick the call.
V: At which wretched time did I tie the knot around her neck?😭
He went to the kitchen.Gulping water from the bottle he looked at her.
V: Who is that?
She was still over the phone.Vicky made his way to her.It was then she hung the phone.Her eyes was teary.
M: Vicky,Priya's dad has passed on.Nanna called to inform us.
He wore a serious look.
Vicky and Meenakshi entered Priya's house.Vicky's parents were already there.They saw Priya seated on the floor leaning against the wall infront of her father's body.She was devastated but wasn't crying and staring at his body.Meenakshi rushed to her side while Vicky stood with the men.
M: Priya...😢
She looked at Meenakshi.
M: I'm sorry Priya...😢
P: He has left me alone in this world...😭
Meenakshi hugged her friend and consoled her.It was time to take the body.
P: Nanna...nanna...pls don't take him away...😭😭😭
Meenakshi held her back.
M: Be strong Priya 😢
Vicky left to the cemetery with the men while the ladies remained at home.
A week passed.Vicky and Meenakshi were getting ready to leave when Priya approached them.
P: I'm sorry for all that I have spoken or done that day.Without keeping anything in mind you both came to see his last face and stood by me giving your support.I'm thankful to you both.
She turned to leave.
V: Priya,wait...
She stopped and he went to her.
V: Pack your things you're coming with us to Delhi.
P: No it's ok.I can manage.Thank you.
V: No.I insist.You have to come with us.
She agreed.When she went to pack her things,Vicky's mother yelled at her son.
V's mom: Do you have any brains?Ok you attended the funeral and shared her grief fine why are you tagging her along?What all she spoke about you?Leave aside you,what all she spoke about Meenakshi?You want to take the girl who humiliated your wife with you?Now itself I'm going to tell her off!!
Before Vicky could say anything,
M: Ma...pls don't do that.She has agreed to come.Now if you tell her she might get offended.Let her come with us.
V's mom: I know you are a nice girl but you shouldn't be this nice.You very well know what she was to your husband yet you are supporting him to take her along with you.This is heights of stupidity!!I've never seen a girl like you!
Meenakshi remained quiet.It was the first time ever that his mom spoke harshly.
V: Amma,don't vent it out on Meenakshi.Scold me if you want to.
M: No ma don't scold him,you can tell me whatever it is.
V's mom: I don't know what to say do whatever you want!😤
She walked out of the room.
V's dad: What happened?Why are you so angry?
V's mom: They are too wise to handle their lives they don't need us come let's leave.
Vicky,Meenakshi and Priya arrived at Delhi.Meenakshi showed her their guest room.
M: You can be here...😊
P: Thanks Meenakshi... 🙂
She went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner.Changing into her home clothes,Priya joined her.
P: Is there anything I can do?
M: No it's ok I can manage.You take rest.
P: I'm feeling bored...
M: In that case you can cut the potatoes.We'll finish cooking faster.
Priya helped her.After dinner they went to their respective rooms.Vicky was working on his laptop.Seeing his wife he put it aside.
M: Come madam let's call it a day.
He patted the bed gesturing her to sit.
M: Vicky,I'll go and sleep with Priya.
V: Why?
M: She's an unmarried girl.With her around if we both are in a single room it doesn't look good no...she might think otherwise.
V: Hmm...ok then...goodnight.
Kissing him goodnight Meenakshi went to the guest room.Priya was already asleep.
Meenakshi and Vicky overslept so they got up late in the morning and were rushing for work.Both were fighting for the mirror.
M: Uff!Move Vicky I have to brush my hair!
V: Then what about me?
M: What is there to brush in a coconut shell?You can do it after I finish mine.
He glared at her.Not minding him she dressed up and stepped aside giving way to him.She went to the kitchen to prepare their food.
P: I've already cooked and packed your meals.This is yours this is for Vicky.
M: Thank you.You shouldn't have taken the trouble.
P: It's ok I am idle anyway...
Vicky came and Meenakshi passed him his lunchbox.Sending them off,Priya was going to go to her room when she found Meenakshi's rings on the table.She went to keep it in her room and she saw the separate beds.
P: They're married for more than an year but still separate.That means Vicky doesn't see Meenakshi as his wife?He is so true to me.I suspected him unnecessarily and ruined my own life.Cha...
She concluded that Vicky had no interest in Meenakshi and was living with her for namesake.By the time they returned she had cleaned the house and cooked dinner also.
Welcoming them with a smile she took the lunchboxes from them.Meenakshi was surprised seeing the house kept clean.
M: Our helper has gone to her native.I thought I'll clean up this Sunday but by then you have only done it.Thank you Priya.
P: No worries.When I'm idle I keep thinking about nanna these things keep me occupied that's why.
M: Ok...come let's eat.
A week later,
Meenakshi was grinding the batter for idly while Priya was cutting vegetables when the doorbell rang.Priya opened the door.Meenakshi had given her clothes for ironing and it was the boy who came to deliver that.Priya took it.
M: Priya if you don't mind,can you leave it on the bed in my room?
Neither Meenakshi nor Priya was aware that Vicky had just finished his bath.
V: There is only one towel.For a change should I wrap it around my head like Ms.Fish does or my waist as usual?🤔Bah...I don't have long hair like her so waist only is better.
As soon as she kept the clothes on the bed,Vicky stepped out of the bathroom.
V: Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!😱
Seeing Priya in his room he shrieked dramatically covering his mouth with the back of his palm like yesteryear heroines.
Priya quickly turned around facing away from him.Mouthing a sorry she exited the room.
Vicky shut the door immediately thanking all gods.
V: What if I had tied the towel to my head instead?Cha...I dread to think...thankfully my chastity is intact...Phew!😥
Priya returned to the kitchen.Meenakshi couldn't hear his screams because of the grinder.
P: Sorry Priya...Vicky was bathing I didn't know.He came out of the bathroom unaware of my presence.I didn't see anything I swear.
M: Hey cool...for this you're getting tensed.It was an accident no...leave it...
Priya thought of how understanding her friend was.If it was her she would have suspected both of them.Her conscience pricked for badmouthing Meenakshi.Dressed for work,Vicky tried to sneak away without letting the ladies know.
M: Vicky,have your breakfast and go...
V: (mv: Shucks she caught me)Err...Ms.Fish...I'll have it in office ok bye tata see you...
However she didn't leave him.Priya had kept his plate on the table and poured water in his glass.
Reluctantly he sat down.Meenakshi placed one dosa while Priya served him chutney and sambar.Both stood on his either side.
P: Have while it's hot Vicky...😊
M: Eat and tell how it is...😊
He tore a piece and stuffed in his mouth.
V: Nice...😕
M: Ok..I'll get you one more then.Priya,I'll flip the dosa meanwhile if he wants more you serve him.
Meenakshi went to the kitchen.
V: Wait..Ms.Fis...huh...uh...
P: Shall I put more sambar for you?
V: No no this is enough...
M: Priya,I forgot to keep vadai for him!
Priya smacked her head.
P: Haan...ok Meenakshi...sorry Vicky...
She placed two vadais on his plate.
V mv: They're sharing the workload it seems.One side Maya,one side Lisa.Should I rejoice or cry?
As if answering his question,a song played on tv.
"Brindavanamadi andaridi
govindudu iddari vaade le
Adigo raada idigo satya
iddari madhyana mardana le"
"Chinnadho vypu pedhadho vypu
chindhesi chengumante peragadha oopu..."
V: 😰😰😰
Priya came after shower.
P: What are you cooking today?
M: Today is Sunday no...I got good mutton.Vicky has gone to play volleyball with his mates.He will come home ferociously hungry so I'm prepping things to make mutton biriyani and chicken fry.
P: Oh those are his favourites na...
M: Yes.For desserts I am going to make carrot halwa.
P: But he doesn't like that.He likes mango pudding.
M: But I don't know how to make that besides I've already grated the carrot for halwa.It will go to waste.
P: No problem.Is there any rule there should only be one dessert?You make carrot halwa and I'll make mango pudding.
Meenakshi agreed and they got to work.After cooking the main items they started preparing the desserts.Priya made the mango pudding first as it had to be kept in the fridge to set then Meenakshi prepared carrot halwa.
M: Mango pudding has come out so well Priya.
P: Thanks da.Vicky will take this first because he loves it a lot.
M: Or for a change he might take carrot halwa also.
P: Let's see.We'll have bet.If Vicky takes mango pudding first,I win.If he takes carrot halwa first,you win!
M: Don't want all that Priya.Let him have whichever he wants.
Priya was adamant and Meenakshi agreed for the bet.They laid all the dishes on the table and waited for Mr.Perfect.Like the little boy in surf excel detergent powder ad,Vicky came home covered in dirt.
M: How did the game go?
V: Very well!I won in all the matches!I'm so hungry....
M: Food is ready.We're waiting for you only.Bathe and come...
The trio sat down to eat.Vicky relished the biriyani and chicken drumsticks that was kept separately for him.
V: Chomp...chomp...chomp...
M: Is it good ?
V: Chomp...chomp...super!
He had his meal and sat in the hall.Meenakshi placed the tray before him.
Ms.Fish's carrot halwa
Priya's mango pudding
V: Wow desserts!So colourful and appetizing!😋
He was about to take one when a thought occurred to him,
V mv: Usually Ms.Fish makes only one dessert but there is two here.Has Priya made one?
He studied their faces.Priya was biting her finger nail while Meenakshi was cracking her knuckles due to tension.
V mv: Their face reaction as if one is representing Tamilnadu and the other is representing Telangana in beauty pageant waiting for my announcement to get Ms.World crown only affirms my doubt.Baboi now who made what?😥
He glanced at both the items.
V mv: In this whichever I take the other might get offended.Their efforts will go to waste and they will be disappointed.
M: Vicky eat no...
P: Tell how it is...
V: I love all girls.I cannot see them hurt.My heart will bleed because I'm living for them only so no fighting pls.Sweetu pappa,get me a bowl,Kaju pappa you get me a spoon.
They gave him.
He scooped some mango pudding and then some carrot halwa.Mixing both nicely in the bowl,he emptied it into his mouth and let out a monstrous burp.
V: Mmm...so yummy...thank you pappas.
He rubbed his belly.Priya and Meenakshi exchanged looks.
P&M: Vicky!!!😡
Their call jerked him out of his trance.
V: Chi...why have I become like that fella?Oh no I'm cornered what to do now?😰
P mv: Pls Pls take the mango pudding...😰
M mv: Pls Pls take the carrot halwa...😰
V mv: Why should I crack my head so much?I'm going to take what I love!
Taking a large scoop of mango pudding he tasted it.
V: Aaahhh this is heaven!😌
P: Yaayyy!I win!I told you know he will take that only...
Meenakshi gave a forced smile.Vicky blinked like a thief.
V: (mv:That means Jejamma made carrot halwa😰)Oops...
He quickly took a spoonful of carrot halwa and ate.
V: Super Ms.Fish!Carrot halwa is so delicious!👌🏼👌🏼
But the damage had already been done.Not saying a word,Meenakshi went to her room.
Vicky came with the bowl of carrot halwa.
V: Ms.Fish!😃
She turned her face away feigning anger.Sitting beside her,he brought the spoon of halwa near her mouth.
V: Say aaaa....
M: Don't want.You love mango pudding no...😔
V: Huh...uh...to be honest it was not at all good...ooowackk...so sour it was...but this carrot halwa is so sweet...delicious...that's why I took a second helping.😋
M: Lies...😏😒
V: No I'm saying the truth.You try this then only you will know...
He forcefully made her eat.
V: Nice no?
He took a mouthful.She was solemn.
Putting the bowl away he hugged her and fell back tugging her along with him.She nestled her head on his chest and he embraced her.
V: Are you feeling insecure with her around?
M: Not with her but if you leave me I won't be able to take it.😢
V: You fought death to be with me will I leave you for someone else?
He kissed the tip of her head and she snuggled more to him.
V: We waited this long.Just one more week.Everything will be alright.
She nodded.Patting her head he lulled her to sleep.
Meanwhile in Priya's room,she was lying on her bed thinking about about the events.
P: Vicky still loves me.It was his decision to bring me here.He wants me to be with him.Meenakshi also doesn't seem to have an issue with me around.I'll be here only if that gives him happiness.🥰
To be continued...
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