(Dark Arc)4: unknown darkness

The sun rises to the sky, shining on the village that has been reborn, thanks to a certain dragon, who chose to stay in the village, five weeks later....our hero is now.........currently sleeping on the bed, in his clothes, and he begins to wake up.

Spike: *groans & opens his eyes* guess it's time to wake up.

As Spike rises up, he felt a small pull on his shirt, he looks to his right side & sees Twilight sleeping while holding his shirt, who is still in her clothing.

Spike: heh, you miss me THAT much, Twilight? i wonder......*removes Twilight's hand off of his shirt*

Twilight: *groans* Spike.....?

Spike: morning sleepyhead, you gonna be okay?

Twilight: yeah, *gets up & yawns* it felt great sleeping with you again Spike.

Spike: do i always sleep with you on the bed when i was a kid?

Twilight: well....when you were just a newborn dragon, princess Celestia was the one who raised you before she gave you to me, you sleep with me, but in time, you got your own bed as you grow.

Spike: i see, Twilight.....be honest....was i....an immature brat back then?

Twilight: uh.....well.....i.....wouldn't say "immature", you're more like.....a baby dragon that needs to know better.

Spike: baby dragon?

Twilight: in pony years, you were basically a colt, but in dragon years, you were a baby dragon.

Spike: okay, and now i'm like this, *points at himself* what am i now?

Twilight: well, you're more like a teenager right now, but i bet in dragon years, you're kind of a young dragon at this point.

Spike: hm, i see, oh hey! we need to get to the kitchen, Tina's making some food.

Spike gets off of bed & puts on his unbutton up purple shirt & white shoes.

Twilight: alright, let's see what kind of food they have here.

Spike & Twilight head downstairs and make their way to the kitchen, Saber, Steel, and Tina are already on the table eating.

Spike: hey, have we miss anything?

Saber: no, you're just in time.

Steel: now hurry up and eat!

Tina: i already made some fish for you Spike.

Spike: thanks Tina, you're the best.

Twilight: wow, this look delicious.

Tina: well, dig in dearie.

After a few minutes, they all have finish their food & Spike helps Tina with the dishes.

Tina: oh you don't need to help me with that, Spike.

Spike: sorry, but i feel like i should, it feels right.

Tina: aww, you have a kind heart.

Spike: thanks, it's no big deal.

Tina: i'm serious, you hardly know about me and everyone else in this village, but you help us get back on our hooves again.

Spike: well, i feel like i have a reason to come back here, like there's something here that i want to find out about.

Tina: are you saying you want to....stay here?

Spike: maybe? maybe not? i don't know, but for the time being, i'll stay here, so i can find the answer.

Tina: *chuckles* well, for the time being, make yourself at home.

Spike: thank you Tina, really.....you're a nice old mare.

Tina: *chuckles more & pats Spike's head* you keep talking like that & you'll find yourself a marefriend.

Spike: what's that mean?

Tina: oh my,  you're innocent one~!

Spike makes a confused face before heading back to his friends & sitting next to Twilight.

Steel: so Spike, what's next?

Twilight: huh? why ask him that?

Steel: well, back at Canterlot, you saw how Spike act like a leader towards me & Saber, it makes sense why i ask him that.

Saber: wish i can argue, but he's right, Spike has some great leadership skills, i guess it's only fitting that Spike takes it up.

Twilight: but being a leader holds a lot of responsibility and Spike, well he does show leadership, but he still needs to learn the basics and—!

Spike: Twilight! it's okay, in time, i will learn how to be a better leader, just give me a chance.

Twilight: *deep breath & exhale* okay Spike, i trust you on this one.

Spike: well, back on topic, we need to keep looking for the other emeralds, we have to get back to the castle, so we can use the cutie map to locate the emeralds.

Saber: well said.

Spike: now....get your asses ready, we gotta move.

Twilight: *shocked & jaw dropped*

Steel: *smiles* well said!

Saber: *smacks Steel's head* stop teaching that stuff!

Steel: *rubs his head* hey, if he's gonna be a badass leader, he's gonna learn how to talk shit.

Twilight: *deadpan face & thinking* i don't know if this stallion is really a good influence for Spike.

Later, Spike is standing in the living room, waiting for his friends to arrive, but he felt a strange feeling, like something or someONE is waiting for him.

Steel: Spike! we're ready to go!

Spike: *snaps out of it* huh? oh, right....let's go.

Twilight: you okay, Spike?

Spike: yeah, i'm fine, i got lost in thought.

Saber: try not think about it too much, it will distract you.

Spike: alright, ready?

Steel & Saber: ready!

Twilight: *smiles* let's go, Spike.

Spike: *nods* Tina! i'll be back, i promise!

Tina: okay, take care dearie!

The three emeralds exit out of Spike's body & begins to circle around them.

Spike: CHAOS.......CONTROL!!!!!

They disappear from that spot and they appeared in front of the castle, the emeralds enter Spike once again.

Twilight: great job, Spike.

Spike: it's no big deal, now let's head in.

They wnter the castle and make their way to the cutie map, however, they are met by Starlight and the girls.

Twilight: hey girls.

Mane 5 & Starlight: Twilight!! *runs to her and hugs her*

Twilight: it's good to see you all too.

Spike makes his way to the map, he places the white emerald on it & the map expanded.

Spike: hm.....nothing, no dots anywhere on the map.

Saber: it means the emeralds are not showing themselves.

Steel: welp, this is gonna be a pain in the ass.

Spike: don't whine, we just a lead or a clue to find the next emerald, it's tough, yes, but we'll find a way, alright?

Saber: *smiles* you're right.

Steel: *grins proudly* got it, boss!

Fluttershy: wow, Spike acts like a true leader.

Pinkie Pie: yeah! he's like a pro!

Rainbow Dash: so Twilight, what happened to you after Spike took you.

Twilight: well here's the thing....

Spike, Steel & Saber looks at the map with intense focus, trying to find a hint or clue, but they find none.

Steel: okay, so.....since there's nothing on this map to help us, how exactly are we gonna find the next emerald?

Saber: i could locate the next emerald, like i did with locating the white one, but unfortunately there's a limit of my locating abilites.

Steel: oh, so tracking the white emerald here at ponyville was hard enough for ya?!

Saber: hey, you try to find a unknown power source somewhere far away!

Spike: damnit guys! we can't waste our time fighting, we need to find a lead, so quit arguing!

Steel & Saber look at each other & nods in apology.


Twilight: Pinkie, i understand you take parties seriously, but it's okay, the ponies at point village already make a party for Spike helping them.

Rainbow Dash: you didn't give a book as a gift again, right? cause that will be sad.

Twilight shoots a glare at Rainbow Dash.

Rarity: point village? who's the one who gave that place such a name.

Twilight: Spike did that.

Rarity: *blush in embarrassment* oh, s-sorry.

Applejack: and ya'll didn't bother coming back?

Twilight: no, i....wanted to stay with Spike for a little bit longer, it's been so long since i've been close to him.

Fluttershy: we understand Twilight, you miss him ever since we thought he was....you know.

Pinkie Pie: but we should all be happy! Spike's alive and he's strong!

Rainbow Dash: that i agreed, you all saw how he whip those dogs' butts! i didn't know he can shoot a laser out of his claws!

Starlight: it must have something to do with those emeralds, it's not just giving Spike more power.

Twilight: then there's another thing i never figure out, why Spike?

Fluttershy: could it be that Spike is.....chosen?

Rainbow Dash: chosen? what, like destiny chose him for something?

Rarity: well, we ARE chosen for the elements of harmony, maybe Spike is meant for something else.

Twilight:*panicking* b-but...that means h-h-he will—!

Starlight: whoa, calm down Twilight, Spike can take care of himself, i know he'll properly go fight dangerous monsters, beasts, creatures that wants him dea—ooookay i'm starting to see why you're panicking.

Applejack: calm down, you two, if Spike is chosen by these emeralds, then why don't we ask him?

Twilight: *sigh* okay, you're right.

Twilight, Starlight, & mane 5 turn to the boys, but Spike is the only one not there.

Pinkie Pie: what the?! where's Spike?!

Saber: oh, he chaos control out of the castle and he's heading to the everfree forest.

Steel: but don't worry, he'll be fine, right?

The girls are in total shock, but Twilight & Starlight, they are pale as white & they both fainted.

Steel: whoa, *looks at Saber* shock much?

Saber: *deadpan expression* told you they would freak out.

Steel: alright alright, my bad.

A few seconds earlier, Spike appears in the everfree forest.

Spike: i have the feeling that Twilight's not the only one freaking out right now, *walks through the forest* wow....i may not remember, but this sure feels familiar.

As Spike was walking, he founds himself in a clear area, he then begin to sense someone around.

Spike: who's there? show yourself.

A figure begins to emerge from the trees, Spike ready himself for him to attack, but to his surprise....

???: help, please you must help me.

Spike: huh? who are you? a grey mane earth pony stallion?

Colton: my name's Colton, and i need some help.

Spike: why? what's wrong?

Colton: it's terrible, he or it has return!!

Spike: he or it? who's he.....or it?

Colton: he's the darkness or rather....the pony of shadows!!

Spike: the pony of shadows? what do you know about him?

Colton: all i know is he was banish to limbo by the pillers and the Mane 6, but now....he has return!

Spike: what? Twilight & the others knows about him?

Colton: yes, but after he escape, i heard said something important.

Spike: really? what is it?

Colton: he said "my power has been divided into seven orbs and they seem to spread all over Equestria."

Spike: really? i wonder if he used up all his power in order to escape.

Colton: that could be true, but please...i need your help, you need to collect them all before he does, but be careful....what if those dark orbs can corrupt anypony or anything who touches them.

Spike: don't worry, i'll find a way to collect them all.

Colton: there is a way actually, only a creature with a strong willpower can contain the orbs within their bodies.

Spike: that's awesome, but where do i find them?

Colton: i saw the orbs in the sky, but they separated really quick, however i saw one landed here, in this forest.

Spike: all right, hopefully this will be easy.

Suddenly, some rumbling begins to shake them, they look at the trees & a dark muscular creature with long ears bust through them.

Spike: okay, when i say easy, i mean looking for the dark orb, but this? this is just crazy.

Colton: i agree, now if you excuse me, i gotta go and hide.*runs away*

Spike: alright, let's do this!!*jumps at it* RAAAHHHH!!!!

Meanwhile, with the gang, who is walking through the forest.

Twilight: why didn't you try to stop him!?

Steel: because he's our leader & his orders are "him looking for clues."

Saber: we can't find anything on the map & we need find a way to proceed.

Twilight: i lost Spike once, i don't want to lose him again.

Steel: hey, he can take care of himself, besides...you didn't give him space when you're sleeping with him.

The girls gasp on that & Starlight felt strange feeling she never felt in her life.

Fluttershy: oh....my....

Rainbow Dash: damn Twilight, i know you miss him, but....


Saber: she's right, they went to sleep with their clothes on.

Twilight: thank you, now let's focus on finding Spike.

Pinkie Pie: come on Twilight, it's not like Spike is fighting a monster right now.

Suddenly, they heard a crashing sound, then the dark monster smash through the trees.

Steel: what's that!?

Starlight: some sort of creature, i can sense that it's filled with dark magic!

Rainbow Dash: great! first magic Diamond Dogs, and now this?!

Spike: i ain't done with ya!!

They all saw Spike jumping off the destroyed trees.

Twilight: Spike!! *teleports & hugs him* don't you ever EVER leave without me again!!

Spike: Twilight, i'm sorry that i leave like that and gave you a big scare, but i want to find a lead on the chaos emearlds, but instead....that.*points at the monster*

Steel: care to tell us where did you find it?

Spike: i'll explain later, right now, let's beat the fuck outta him!!

Twilight: language Spike!!

Spike: english! i already gave that answer yesterday, why do you want to hear again?

Rainbow Dash:*snickers* yeah Twilight, aren't you smart enough to know that?

Twilight shoots a glare at her, while that happens, Spike & his team charge at the monster, surprising them and look where they're going.

Spike: Steel, you & i distract the creature, Saber, find a way to immobilize it.

Steel & Saber: got it!

Spike runs at high speed, circling around the monster, Steel flys above it, making sure it's focusing on him too, seeing this chance, Saber uses his magic to create chains from the ground and they grab on the monster's arms and legs real tight.

Spike: great job boys!

Saber: thanks Spike.

Steel: see? told you, you be a awesome leader!

Spike: *looks at the monster* time to finish this!

Spike uses the power of the emeralds to charge himself up, Steel & Saber jumps away from him, Spike then puts his claws together into a double palm strike pose & points them at the monster, he then places his right foot in a back stance & spread his left foot slightly further, he moved his body clockwise while moving his claws clockwise to his hips' right side, he then begins to chant.

Spike: Ka.....Me.......

A purple glow begins to appear in between Spike's claws, Steel, Saber, and the girls watched in awe.

Spike: Ha.....Me.......

The glow begins to shine brighter and the monster starts trying to get out of the chains, but no avail.

Spike: HA!!!!!!!!!!!

Spike shoots out a purple beam out of his claws and it hits the monster completely, after that....the monster's gone.

Spike: *breathes in & out* it's done.

Steel: dude......that......was.......BEYOND EPIC!!!!!

Saber: impressive attack, Spike, when did you learn to do that?

Spike: i don't know, it just....came into my head.

Saber: it must have something to do with the emeralds.

Steel: looks like they can do more than just give you more power.

Spike: guess we'll have to look into that another time.

Mane 7: SPIKE!!!

Spike: huh?

Saber: uh oh! *moves outta the way*

Steel: good luck dude! *moves as well*

Spike: wait wha—

Spike gets dogpiled by the girls, but been hugged by Twilight & Starlight because they ran to him first.

Raindow Dash: you did that blast again!

Pinkie Pie: i should throw you a victory party!!

Rarity: are you alright darling? nothing off on you?

Applejack: holy tarnation Spike, yer sure know how to surprise us!

Fluttershy: are you hurt anywhere? do you need anything?

Starlight: *hugging Spike* i'm so glad you're safe!

Twilight: *hugging Spike as well* will you stop worrying me like that!?

Spike: ok ok, i'm sorry that i worried some of you,  but it's ok.....i'm ok.

Spike hugs Twilight & Starlight, they both got surprise and starts to blush.

Steel: ooooooo~ Saber, can you uh....*grins and points at the rest of the girls*

Saber: normally, i would say no, but seeing such a good moment, i'll make it a exception.

Saber uses his magic to pull the Mane 5 back to them.

Rainbow Dash: hey, what are you—!?

Steel: shh, let them have their moment.

They look at Spike, Twilight, and Starlight with confusion, but realization hit them.

Applejack: wait, ya mean....?

Rainbow Dash: *grins* oooh, i get it.

Pinkie Pie: *quietly squeals* future polyamory couple party!

Fluttershy: oh my.

Rarity: oh my, indeed.

Twilight: *thinking* what's going on? i can feel my heart pumping fast whatever i'm near Spike, but when he holds me like this, suddenly i feel....i feel.....*close her eyes & smiles*

Starlight: *thinking* i feel like i don't want to let go of him, it's like....i want to stay like this for a long time.*close her eyes & smiles*

Spike then senses something behind him, he turns his head to look at the small crater & sees a bunny walking out of it but it's a little dizzy.

Spike: who's that?

Everyone looks at where Spike is looking at.

Fluttershy: Angel?!?

Spike: Angel? you know him, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: he's my pet & friend, *runs to Angel* Angel, are you okay? speak to me!

Angel shakes his head to snap out of it, he looks at Fluttershy and immediately hugs her.

Saber: so that little bunny was the monster, but how?

Spike lets go of Twilight & Starlight and looks closer at the small crater, he sees a......dark orb.

Spike: *gasps* one of the seven dark orbs.....Angel must of touch it, causing it to enter & corrupted him.

Twilight: what? a dark orb?

Starlight: i can tell it's filled with dark magic, don't touch it.

Spike looks at the orb, he remembers what Colton said, in one swift moment, he grabs the orb, suddenly the orb turns into living shadows and enters Spike's body.

Steel & Saber & Mane 7: SPIKE!!!! *runs to him*

Twilight: Spike, are you okay?! speak to me!!

Spike: Twilight, everyone, i'm fine, nothing's happening to me, i guess Colton is right, i'm the only one who can store the dark orbs in my body.

Starlight: what?

Saber: Colton? who's he?

Spike: well, here's the thing....

One big explanation later......


Steel: pony of shadows? who's he?

Saber: i heard about him in stories and the part where he was banish to limbo, but now.....he has manage to escape.

Twilight: *panicking* this is bad! really really bad! the darkness himself is loose, now that i think about it more, limbo is now not enough! how are we suppose to defeat him!? maybe i can get princess Celestia to message Starswirl and the rest of the pillers to get back together and try a new spell to stop him, Spike...take a note!


Spike: uh.........what?

Saber: ooooookaaaaay......this is weird AND awkward.

Steel: it was at this moment that Twilight knew, she fucked up.

Twilight:*realized* oh! s-sorry Spike, i.....it's just that—

Starlight: Twilight, you go into panic mode & completely forgot Spike can't do that anymore AND......he can't breathe fire magic as well.

Spike: i used to do that?

Pinkie Pie: yeah! buuuuuuuut...we found out your fire magic is, somehow, mysteriously vanish, we don't know what happened, but princess Celestia told two things, one....you might be unconscious, two....something must of get rid of your ability.

Spike remembers something and pulls out the green emerald.

Spike: this emerald....could it possibly...?

Saber: it's possible, i mean, these emeralds can do something that this world has never seen.

Steel: but that raises more questions!

Spike: i get your frustration, but can we focus on finding the dark orbs, if anyone or any creature touches it, then they will be corrupted by it's dark magic.

Rarity: i guess you have to put your emerald search on hold for the meantime.

Spike: well, here's the plan, we need to go & find Colton.

Rainbow Dash: well, where is he?

Colton: no need to look for me, because i'm here.

They all look behind themselves and sees Colton waking out of the forest.

Spike: Colton, you're ok!

Colton: thank you, i see that you alteady store the dark orb inside you.

Spike: yeah, one down, six more to go.

Twilight: w-wait! Spike, we don't know what that dark orb will do to you!

Colton: do not worry princess Twilight, Spike's pure heart can contain any kind of dark magic, do not underestimate him.

Steel: yup, Spike here is undefeatable!

Saber: so....if we're gonna find all the dark orbs, where do we begin?

Colton: perhaps the dark orb you possess might be an assist?

Starlight: wait, you're saying we use the dark orb that's inside Spike? that's impossible!

Steel: well, you're too late to say that. *points behind him*

Spike has his eyes closed and begins to concentrate, suddenly...a dark aura begins to appear on his body, he opens his eyes and his pupils are gone, they're completely white.


Saber: Twilight, stop! look closely.

Spike closes his eyes and the dark aura disappears, his pupils also return.

Spike: i.....i know where the next one is.

Twilight: y-you do?

Colton: you see? by using the power of dark magic, you can sense the other orbs in no time.

Spike: thank you for your help, Colton, so...what are you gonna do now?

Colton: i must head back home, my family must be worried sick.

Fluttershy: do you need any help?

Colton: don't worry, i know my way around, you must find all the dark orbs before it's too late, until we meet again. *walks away*

Applejack: he's a strange one.

Rainbow Dash: yeah, but he did help out Spike a little.

Steel: alright, Spike, say the word & we'll go and get that second dark orb!

Saber: don't rush it Steel, Spike might be exhausted after releasing that blast, we'll do it tomorrow, after all...that orb is not going anywhere, Spike can tell, cause he can sense it.

Spike: well, i don't feel tired, but i don't mind resting up a bit.

Twilight: that's a good idea Spike, come on, i'll take you on a tour around Ponyville.

Starlight: l-let me come with! you might some information about anything you see, Spike.

Twilight: Starlight, i believe that won't be necessary—

Spike: sure! thanks Starlight.

Spike & Starlight smile at each other, while Twilight's left eye starts twitching & she's clenching her fists so tight right now, which means her jealous mode has been activated.

Spike: hey Twilight, you coming or what?

Twilight: *snaps out of it* oh! r-right, sorry Spike! *runs to them*

Steel: should we follow or....?

Saber: no, i feel like they need some time to hang out, besides we need to check out Ponyville as well.

Pinkie Pie: we can show you both!

As Steel and Saber being taken by the Mane 5, Spike, Twilight, and Starlight were down the streets of Ponyville, around Spike, he may not remember anything, but everything seems familiar, he then look at something that caught his eye, a box shape like a heart and flowers with different colors.

Spike: huh? what's that?

Twilight: hm? oh, that's for hearth and hooves day.

Spike: hearts and hooves day?

Starlight: it's where two ponies exchange gifts or do something for them to show how much they mean to them.

Spike: hmm......hey, what's that? *runs to it*

Twilight: Spike, wait! that's the market place!

Starlight & Twilight runs after Spike, after a few seconds, the three of them are seperated, Twilight started to panic, fearing that she lost Spike again, but then....a claw grabs her shoulder.

Spike: Twilight, relax....i'm here.

Twilight: oh Spike! *hugs him*

Spike: it's okay, sorry for scaring ya.

Twilight: just....don't do that again.

Spike: come on, let's get out of here.

Twilight: what about Starlight?

Spike: oh don't worry, she will be alright.

Twilight: okay, if you say so.

As Spike & Twilight exit the market place, they realize it has already dark.

Spike: hey Twilight, is there a good place to get a good view on ponyville?

Twilight: huh? ah yes, there is, let me show you.

Spike and Twilight headed to a hill that's big enough to get a good view of ponyville.

Spike: whoa, this is perfect!

Twilight: thanks Spike, hey mind if i ask you a question?

Spike: sure.

Twilight: do you...really have to do this? we could ask Starswirl & the pillers to help us to find these orbs and take down the pony of shadows.

Spike: Twilight, you don't have to worried about me anymore, i'm not that little baby dragon anymore, i'm not a grown dragon who can take care of himself.

Twilight: yeah, i know....it's just...i don't want to lose you again, especially after what Ember said in Canterlot a few weeks ago.

Spike: i know, you told me about "the legendrey super dragon", and they honor him on my birthday, that's no coincidence.

Twilight: i know, i'm really worried that you might face a threat greater than any villain we face.

Spike: how many times do i have to say this? don't worry Twilight, if i do become a super dragon, then no villain in the world will take me away from you.

Twilight's heart beats for a second there, a blush begins to rise up on her face, she quickly turns around.

Twilight:*blushing* t-t-that's g-g-good S-Spike.

Spike: hey, do you want to see something cool?

Spike makes the white emerald appear on his claw and he makes a wish telepathically, the white emerald glows and it disappears back inside Spike, the night suddenly lost it's stars, but then a shining star came out of nowhere

Twilight: *gasp* the Northern star!!!

Spike: i remember a few weeks ago, you said something about missing that star because you were doing princess work to keep your family enjoying the cruise, so i'm doing this for you.

Twilight: Spike.....this is.....*tears of joy coming out*......i don't know what to say!!

Spike: but i do, *takes out a bouquet of flowers that has the same colors of Twilight's mane* happy hearts and hooves day, Twilight Sparkle.

After he said those words, Twilight couldn't hold back anymore, she jump on Spike, tackling him into a hug, while using her magic to hold the flowers.


Spike: you're welcome, you deserve it.

Twilight looks up at Spike's face, they both stare intensly at each other, both of their eyes begins to slowly close as their heads begin to move close, but before that "moment" happens....

Pinkie Pie: Twilight! Spike! where are you!?

They both jump away from each other in surprise.

Spike:*blushes a little* uh...up here Pinkie!!

Twilight trys her best to mantain herself.

Pinkie Pie: come on down, we're meeting up back at the castle!

Spike: okay, *turns to Twilight & offers his claw* let's go.

Twilight: uhh....s-sure Spike. *holds Spike's hand & thinks* DAMN YOU PINKAMENA DIANE PIE!!!!!!!!!

After walking back to the castle & enter the cutie map room, they saw....another Spike(?!)

Everyone: WHAT THE!?!? TWO SPIKES!!???

Pinkie Pie: this is a real doozy! is the magic mirror pool is coming back to haunt me!?

Steel: a imposter?!

Spike: everyone, calm down.

Spike(2): yeah, never heard of a self duplicate spell?

Everyone: huh?

The other Spike suddenly flash past the others and enters the real Spike.

Starlight: *gasp* that's one of my spells!

Saber: whoa, Spike....you can do magic now?

Spike: sorry for not telling you all, but the truth is, i can do magic a few weeks ago.

Steel: how? when?

Spike: well, it started when i saw how awesome it was when Twilight uses her magic to carry some books.

Twilight: i remember that, that village use to have a book store, but thanks to you, it's back once again.

Spike: yeah, anyway, i thought about maybe magic can help me out, so i use the white emerald to give me magic.

Starlight: but...how did you learn to duplicate yourself?

Spike: to be honest, if i want learn great spells for the future, i made wish to be a pro at magic, just like Twilight AND you.

Saber: so that's how you learn that spell.

Applejack: from Twilight & Starlight? well goah darn, *looks at Twilight & Starlight* ya'll should be honored.

Twilight & Starlight blush a little, but then...they notice they're both holding a bouquet of flowers, but Starlight's flowers have the same colors like her mane.

Steel: oh~? i see that you two have flowers, did you two have fun with your own Spike?

Pinkie Pie: *gasps dramatically* today's hearts and hooves day!!

Rainbow Dash: wait, Spike....are you interested in having two marefriends?

Spike: huh? what do you mean? i thought they are my friends and you're suppose to give the gifts to someone you like.

Rainbow Dash: what? no, what i mean is—

Rainbow Dash's mouth was suddenly shut by Twilight's and Starlight's magic.

Twilight & Starlight: what she means is...that's exactly right!!

Spike: um....okay?

As Twilight and Starlight gave a Rainbow Dash a lecture, Steel and Saber walks up to Spike.

Steel: well...you'll learn someday.

Saber: i'm surprise Steel, you didn't try to mess up his innocence.

Spike: what are you two talking about?

Saber: trust me, it's for the best, but right now...we must sleep.

Steel: yup, walking around ponyville really worn me out.

Spike: well i guess i can turn in for the night.

Later that night, the Mane 5 returns to their homes, Steel & Saber sleeps in their own guest rooms, and as for Spike....

Spike: whoa....so this used to be my room?

Twilight: yeah, i know your bed is a little....small for you, but don't worry, i change that—

Spike snaps his claws and the small bed turn into a big bed that could fit three people.

Twilight: oh...right....you have magic. *nervous chuckle*

Starlight: we're gonna try our best to use to that.

Spike: welp, time to head to sleep, night girls.

Twilight & Starlight: good night Spike.*exit the room*

Spike: huh.....it's strange, i miss them already. *takes off his unbutton up shirt & white shoes*

Later that night(again), Spike is sound asleep, but then two bright flashes appear in the room, it was Twilight & Starlight. (Telepathically = T)

Twilight(T): Starlight?! what're you doing here!?

Starlight(T): same as you Twilight! i want to sleep with Spike.

Twilight(T): you are NOT gonna steal his innocence!!

Starlight(T): what!? no! i mean sleep sleep, not sex sleep! wait, are you gonna do that or you already did weeks ago?


Starlight(T): okay, enough with the shouting, my head hurts.

Spike suddenly turns over and his blanket uncovers his body a little.

Twilight(T): *sigh* look, i have no time to argue, how about we both sleep with him, then we can go back to this conversation someday?

Starlight(T): *sigh* fine, which side are you taking?

Twilight(T): the right, you take the left, i'll put his blanket back on. *uses her magic on it*

Starlight takes Spike's left side and Twilight takes his right, they both fall asleep softly, but...little do they know....Spike unintentionally & unknowingly smiles.

To be continued..........

Word Count: 5411

(Hey everyone, long time no see, sorry i was gone for so long, i was planning on finishing the arc and make a Valentine's day chapter, but this'll work too, i'll be trying to find a way to muti-task between this story and the other Spike related stories that are going to be badass, but i will be focus on this, i promise, see you all next time & Happy Valentine's Day!!!!)

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