Jacob opened his eyes to darkness. He felt around, realizing he wasnt in his bed anymore. He flinched. Holding his hand up to his face, he tried to gasp. Nothing came out. Jacob couldnt even breath. Struggling, he continued to float into the empty abyss when suddenly it dropped him.
Jacob shot up like a rocket, gasping for air. Relieved when it came to him, he steadied his breathing. Gripping his bed sheets, he noticed he was dripping cold sweat. The fear slowly left Jacob's body, leaving him sitting there. He slowly rose out of bed, walking into his kitchen as if nothing had happened.
He walked towards a cabinet and grabbed a blueberry muffin, not caring what he got. Jacob quickly wolfed it down and walked through the hallway and back into his bedroom. Sliding into his chair, he went to the ban appeals and mod applications for Invaded Lands. Some of them made him chuckle or laugh, while others were too serious or just immature.
Letting out a sigh, Jacob scrolled through Twitter. He noticed a Tweet from Saints Of Games. Bad! Jacob thought. The tweet read 'streaming soon!' Jacob grinned to himself. Time to get BadBoyHalo back. Over pixels.
Contacting Callahan (I apologize if that's not how it's spelled I don't pay attention rip), Jacob logged into Munchy.
Hey can you put me in vanish on Munchy
And give gamemode
And make a copy of the event map
Why should I
I wanna troll Bad
Oh, VscoBoyHalo?
LOL what
When was that a thing
Recently lmao
Whatever just get me on
Jacob observed the chat. He found himself laughing to the comments in the chat as it raged by.
Puprock404: #LumbocForOwner
Lumboc: Op me
Just_Nothing: SCREENIE
Skeppyguy: no
Jacob saw some titles he had never heard of. DoorBoyHalo confused him until he flew over to an area of doors. (Yes I was on the stream for like 2 minutes and this was going on before the stream lol) Instantly turning his volume down, he saw a lake with players crowding around to fish. Running along the middle of the one block deep lake ran a neat little bridge, players crowding it like startled ants.
Next to the lake sat two lifted houses, both connected. One was made from gold blocks, while the other from emerald. Players in the towers dropped fish for those below. Some signs on the towers read something like 'ign is gae' a d 'no he isn't '. Jacob waited, watching the tablist, until a familiar red name popped up in chat. BadBoyHalo has arrived, he thought.
If you thought the chat was bad before, think again. The chat exploded. Jacob watched the stream, waiting to strike. A donation message caught his eye. "BBH are you gay," Bad read out loud. Jacob wouldn't have noticed the donation if Bad had responded . But Bad ignored the question. Jacob made a mental note of it.
(Ok now this stuff wasn't in the stream I made it up don't attack me please)
Jacob flew around the map, trying his best to avoid Bad's vision. He made a terrible smiley face out of black wool in the grass. Waiting for Bad to turn around, he went into the mob of players, hoping Bad couldnt read his name. He disguised his name color as the default gray, making himself harder to find. He did like the players and jumped around in the little groups of color. Moving over to watch Bad's stream, he immediately heard Bad somewhat mad. "WHAT IS THAT DONATION SOUND?"Bad shouted. Another donation popped up. Listening, Jacob laughed. It was a VSCOGirl. What a way to mess with him.
Jacob quickly switched accounts on YouTube. Logging into an alt, he donated to Bad. "A". At first this confused BBH, until another donation from him came up. "B". The VSCO donation sound made it even funnier. "C". Jacob's next donation read. "Oh my goodness... Are you going to donate the WHOLE ALPHABET?" Bad said. His next donation appeared on the screen. "D". A long sigh was heard from Bad. "E". "Okay, Simon Says stop moving." Bad growled. "F in the chat". Bad silently went around and killed some people, clicking and typing erupting from his keyboard.
"G." "Simon says jump once." Bad said, again flying around and killing those who disobeyed. "Spin around."
"I cannot."
"Oh. My. Goodness."
"J K."
"You numpty Muffin! No one else's donations are going through! Stop!" Bad said. Jacob laughed. BaldBoyHalo was so easy to mess around with.
"L for Mod."
"Simon says jump once. Simon says spin around. Simon says arop moving." Bad began to ignore the donations.
Bad silently went around, killing players that disobeyed.
"N O P."
"Jump twice, Simon says look up, simon says stand on the gold block."
"Q R S."
"Why is there a smiley face here!? I cleared the area!!" Bad noticed finally. Jacob snickered, time to do more.
Flying around to the opposite side of Bad, he mad a large pit that led to the void. He teleported some random people into it, leaving about 20 people remaining in Bad's original box.
Covering it up, Jacob turned his players head and realized BadBoyHalo staring dead at him. Thinking fast, Jacob banned BadBoyHalo before he could ban him. "OH MY GOODNESS!! UNBAN ME NOW, ZELKAM!"Bad shouted. Jacob unbanned him and waited for Bad to log on again. Then he banned him yet again. The ban message said; "Stay down!"
"ZELKAM! UNBAN ME OR ELSE!" Bad shouted. Jacob donated, "Or else what?"
"OR ELSE I'LL TELL EVERYONE YOUR SECRET!" Bad said. Jacob stopped. He hadn't even done too much, and Bad had already threatened to tell everyone his secret. Jacob quickly unbanned everyone and undid everything. Maybe just a little more. Jacob thought. He placed a sign on the ground. "Do that and I'll tell your secret ;)" As soon as Bad saw it, he went still. "Do that and... I'll tell your secret? I dont have a secret." Bad said, confused. Placing another sign, Jacob put the following.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes, I'm sure!" Bad said, his voice had a hint of fear.
"You dont sound like it. I'll leave you alone, but I'm not done c:."
Jacob didnt feel like logging off. Instead, he watched the stream. "I dont sound like it? Wh- What do you mean?" Bad stuttered. The chat blew up chanting things like,
The chat hacked up every possible ship. Although Skephalo appeared much more.
Bad let out a shaky sigh, and the stream went offline.
Hello! Its Puprock404 here, and I'm finally done! Should I include another ship? Which one? Cya!
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