They Made Me Do It.
A/N: I didn't realise that Wattpad had a photo limit of only 20 images to a story part. It also doesn't load the images without wifi. That's annoying.
So yellow and white will have to be changed. This is what it will be:
Also again there's no order or structure for these as they are oneshots and will be written as and when the idea comes into my head. So in one they may be acquaintances, the next they may be kids (so they meet at school or something before they have powers), then friends, then boyfriends and back and forth. Just so you all get the gist of how it will be set out. :)
~ Tyler
Wade woke up to the blinding morning sunlight shining directly onto his face, the other half of his bed where his boyfriend usually slept was cold and empty. One of Wade's least favourite things to deal with in the morning. Waking up to all that and his boxes screaming at him just made his morning even better. "Come on guys!" Wade groaned, stretching as he got out of the bed, looking around for a note from Peter. "Quieten down!"
[He finally left us]
{We told you he would}
[He never liked us in the first place!]
{Who would? I mean, just look at us!}
"Shut up!" Wade mumbled, slapping the side of his head as he left the bedroom, determined to ignore them and seek comfort from his boyfriend. He headed into the living room, looking first at the sofa before turning his attention to the windowsill to see if the other man was climbing out the jammed open window but there was no sign of him. Wade sighed looking over at the cluttered coffee table for a sign of a note for the other man, usually he left them on top of his stack of comics but there was nothing there for him. It wasn't like Peter at all to leave without leaving him some kind of note telling him where he had gone, when he'd be back and that he loved Wade, even when he was in a rush the other man would have left some kind of note even if it meant arriving late to work or wherever he was going.
[Told you. We should never have trusted him.]
Wade shook his head heading into the kitchen in order to make himself some form of breakfast, maybe Peter had left the note attached to the fridge instead of placing it on the table in the living room. He glanced around the kitchen but couldn't find any kind of note in this room either, he shook his head again and started to gather together the ingredients he needed.
[Told you he doesn't care.]
{You're an idiot for believing him!}
Wade groaned, "Guys! Come on! Shut up please!"
[But he left us all alone. He doesn't love us anymore.]
Wade muttered something under his breath, slamming the equipment and ingredients for his pancakes onto the counter. He hated it when his boxes were this talkative and spiteful, it always ended badly.
"He didn't leave us!" Wade yelled, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, shaking with a mix of different emotions. "He was just really busy or really late and forgot to leave us a note, that's all!"
"Shut it, Yellow!" Wade snarled, not in the mood for his pancakes anymore as he stormed back into his bedroom to put on his suit.
The mercenary sat on a bench across the street playing with his work phone as he waited for his informant to join him and specify what was expected of him for this job. After his outburst earlier this morning his boxes had left him alone, bickering amongst themselves whether Peter would come back to them. "Look mommy! Spiderman!" A little boy yelled, tugging on his mother's hand, staring back at Wade. The mercenary bit back a laugh as he waved at the kid. "It's Deadpool, not Spidey!" Wade had time to say before the kid's mother took one look at the weapons sheathed on his back and pulled her child away. Wade sighed, fidgeting on the bench, starting to get very annoyed with having to wait for intelligence on his job. "I know who I'm killing once we're paid." He mumbled to his boxes, looking up and down the street on his left at the echoing sound of police sirens, heading straight in his direction. "Maximum effort!" Wade groaned, leaping to his feet and hurdling the bench to sprint down the road, "Mother fucker! Trying to get me arrested."
[Really author?! I thought you liked us!]
{Yellow, shut up! We need to run!}
Wade took off across the road, dodging cars with the police hot on his heels as he headed down a back alley, praying that it wouldn't lead him back to the main road and into a nice comfy jail cell. Boy, would Peter be proud of him if that happened. Snatching his grappling hook from his tool belt he winched himself up onto a building, smirking as he peered over the edge of the building as the police continued down the main road. He waited for a few minutes before he set off again making his way across the rooftops to the nearest fire escape and climbing down into another back alley, using them as his means for staying out of sight as he made his way back to the apartment he shared with Peter.
Wade groaned in complaint as he dropped his weapons on the floor, throwing himself down on the sofa. "Well, that sucked!" He said out loud to his boxes.
{That's an understatement!}
[I bet Peter set it up to test us! He doesn't want us to kill anymore! He said so!]
"Innocents! He didn't want us to kill innocents!" Wade exclaimed, staring at his chaotic mess of weapons.
[What's the difference? No one is innocent anymore.]
{It was probably a test and we failed.}
[He'll definitely leave us now. We're a worthless disappointment to him!]
"Technically we didn't fail since no one is dead," Wade mumbled, "also why do you two have it out for Peter today? You usually like him."
[He left us! We trusted him.]
{He doesn't love us!}
"Screw it!!" Wade yelled and snatched up his gun, pressing the barrel against his skull.
"Wade! I'm home!" Peter called as he unlocked the door to their apartment, trying not to drop the box of pizza in his arms. He frowned when he managed to kick the door shut without having been shoved against it and the pizza stolen. "Wade?" Peter called again, setting his bag down by the door and kicking off his trainers and walking towards the living room looking for his boyfriend. "I have pizza!" He barely managed two steps into the living room before he saw all the blood splatters over the floor, walls and ceiling, an red suit covered arm still holding a gun outstretched.
Peter bit his lip, setting the box of pizza down on the coffee table as he knelt beside the lifeless form of his boyfriend, not caring about the blood seeping through his shirt and jeans as he pulled the other man onto his lap, watching with teary eyes as the bullet hole started to slowly close. "Oh Wade." He muttered not bothering to stop the tears from falling "Again?" Peter sat like that for a while, clinging to the other man until with a groan he became conscious. "Petey?" Wade asked, frowning as his eyes struggled to focus on the blurred figure, clinging to him. Wade's stomach twisted with guilt as he felt Peter's body shake as he tried to suppress his tears. Raising a shaking hand, Wade brushed his thumbs across the other man's cheeks wiping away the tears, "Hey baby boy. Look at me please." He murmured. Wade waited until Peter turned his face towards him before he forced a smile onto his face. "I'm okay."
"Why?" Peter asked.
"They made me do it." Wade shrugged, pointing at his head.
"Go away!" Peter mumbled and for a moment Wade thought he was talking to him, "I mean it Yellow. You too, White. Go away." Wade grinned, kissing Peter softly as his boxes fell silent for the first time that day, "My hero."
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