140. Riverdale new comer
An-Peter Parker x Riverdale. Peter is deaf (signing in Italics.) <Text to speach>
"Okay, Peter here is going to help me with this experiment because he's the only one I trust." miss Davis said, Peter did a thumbs up and got up with his notebook and pencil.
"Why can't you trust us, Miss?" One of the boys said, Peter plopped his notebook on the table and smiled.
"Because the last time I trusted someone else a beaker and three test tubes got broken." She said, she was met with silence.
"Cricket noises." Peter signed, laughing when he dodged Miss Davis' playful smack.
"Maybe I shouldn't trust you." She grumbled. She along with the school nurse were the only ones that knew how to sign, meaning Peter had to use text to speech in all of his other classes.
"Okay, I'll play the frequency and we'll measure how the jelly is affected. Peter will write down the frequencies that caused movement and we'll explore why." She said, pausing to turn to Peter, "If any of them have effects on your hearing aids, tap me or make a noise." She said, turning on the first frequency after Peter gave her the thumbs up. When he cycled to the fourth Peter dropped his notebook and pen, cupping his hands over his ears and squeezing his eyes shut. He cried out and doubled over. When the frequency stopped he couldn't shake the painful ringing.
"I'm so sorry Peter, are you okay?" Miss Davis asked gently, Peter shook his head no slowly, opening his mouth and breathing raggedly, his face screwed up in pain
"Do you need to go to the nurse?" She asked, Peter shook his head.
"Bathroom?" She asked, Peter nodded.
"Okay, Sweet Pea, get his bag and make sure he gets there." She said firmly, Peter swiftly left the room, keeping his hands firmly pressed over his ears, stumbling to the bathroom and slamming open the door. He almost fell to the floor in his haste, shouldering open one of the stall doors and falling to the floor in front of the toilet, throwing up into it. He vaguely registered that his literal crush was awkwardly stood behind him, holding his backpack and watching him vomit.
The ringing was so loud that he couldn't hear the toilet flush or what Sweet Pea was saying. He wiped his mouth on some toilet paper and then held up a finger to his lips, motioning for Sweet Pea to stop talking. He shifted so he was leaning against the side of the stall. He reached up a shaky hand and clicked out the small part of his hearing aid as if he were going to charge it. He shoved them in his pocket before standing up slowly and stumbling over to the bathroom sink, turning on the tap and washing his mouth out. Once he finished he leaned up and fumbled to pull his phone out.
<Sorry you had to see that.> Said the monotone voice. Peter hated it honestly, it sounded like a robot. Sweet Pea dropped Peter's backpack and shrugged.
"I know ASL. And don't worry, are you okay?" Sweet Pea asked, Peter turned so he could read his lips better.
"Sort of. That's never happened before. I should be fine as long as she doesn't play that frequency again, and I might keep my hearing aids out for a while." Peter signed tiredly. His head felt like someone was crushing his head under ten thousand tons. Sweet Pea nodded and offered Peter his bag back. Peter took it with a small smile.
"You need help walking?" Sweet Pea asked, Peter narrowed his eyes before nodding a little.
"Just link arms with me, that should be enough." Peter signed. Sweet Pea nodded a took his arm. Pretty soon they were outside their science class again. Miss Davis looked beyond guilty.
"Are you feeling okay Peter?" She asked, rushing up to him and checking him over. Peter just shrugged, he wasn't feeling okay but he wasn't feeling terrible.
"Where are your hearing aids?" She asked. Peter held up a finger before digging in his pocket, pulling out the aids and holding them up. She took them and nodded.
"I'll put them in a zip lock bag so you don't lose them. Just sit down and make sure you don't hurt your head. You must have a killer headache." She said. Sweet Pea watched them as he sat back in his seat between Archie and JUghead.
"You wanna know what's weird about this?" Jughead asked. Sweet Pea narrowed his eyes at Miss Davis handing Peter his hearing aids back and signing with him for a moment.
"What?" He asked.
"Only spiders can hear at that frequency."
Sweet Pea knocked on the trailer door awkwardly, blushing madly. He'd driven Peter home after the science experiment disaster and honestly, it was the perfect excuse to talk to Peter again. It was Saturday and the incessant had happened on Thursday. He smiled nervously when the door opened to reveal a middle-aged woman standing there with her eyes narrowed.
"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked, Sweet Pea shifted on his feet.
"I'm a friend of Peter's. I drove him home on Thursday after that thing that happened in science. I just wanted to check he was okay cause he wasn't at school yesterday." Sweet Pea said. The woman nodded.
"Oh he's fine, he just had a headache so I had him stay home," May said, waving a hand. Sweet Pea nodded, clasping his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels slightly.
"Would it be okay if he and I hung out for a while? Just at Pops in town? And I can drive him back home." Sweet Pea said, reddening further and smiling nervously. The woman grinned at him knowingly.
"I'll go get Peter, he doesn't have his hearing aids in this early. You can ask him yourself." She said. Sweet pea nodded, standing quietly as the woman rushed off and came back with Peter who was shirtless, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. He blushed darkly when he saw Sweet Pea.
"Hey Sweet Pea, what are you doing here this early?" Peter signed slowly. Sweet Pea blushed impossibly darker. Peter shifted so his arms were covering his chest slightly.
"Well, I wanted to see if you were okay cause you didn't come to school yesterday. And I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." Sweet Pea said. Peter smiled wide.
"Oh I'm ok now, the headache went away after some sleep. And I'd love to hang out, where would we go? Just so I can dress right." Peter signed. Sweet Pea smiled happily.
"Just to Pop's, but Uh well, if you're comfortable with it, it could be a date?" Sweet pea blurted nervously. Peter's mouth fell open in shock for a moment before he recovered quickly.
"I'd love to go on a date with you! Just let me put some clothes on and I'll be right back!"
Sweet Pea and Peter walked into Pop's side by side. It was basically empty, only two booths were full, so Pop came walking up to Peter and Sweet Pea. Peter automatically pulled out his phone and opened his text to Shea his app.
"Hey Sweet Pea, didn't think I'd be seeing you here today. Who's your friend?" Pop asked, Peter typed hastily.
<I'm Peter, it's lovely to meet you.> the monotone voice said, Peter offered him a weak smile. Pops smile widened, clapping Peter on the shoulder.
"It's lovely to meet you too, I must say you two would make a wonderful couple." Pop said, Peter opened and closed his mouth, blushing madly. Sweet Pea chuckled nervously, linking arms with Peter and dragging him to one of the booths. Peter was bright red in the face, smiling sheepishly.
"Hey guys, I didn't know you two would be here today." Came Jughead's voice from across the ail. Peter and Sweet Pea turned to find Jughead, Archie, Betty and Veronica day across the ail from them.
"Last minute plans." Sweet Pea excused. Peter typed rapidly at my phone.
<What he means is he showed up at my place before I'd even gotten out of bed.> said the monotone voice. Peter winced at the lack of emotion. He put his phone down on the table with a weak smile again.
"Smooth Sweet Pea," Jughead said with a wide smile, this cause Sweet Pea to flush red almost immediately. They both shared a glance when the waitress walked up to them. Peter motioned for Sweet Pea to order, he wasn't really in the mood for their waitress thinking that he's rude. When she left Peter sighed in relief.
"Thank you for ordering, didn't want to seem like an asshole." Peter signed. Sweet Pea smiled kindly.
"I don't mind, we're just here for milkshakes anyway." Sweet Pea said. Peter gave him a thumbs up paired with a wide smile.
"So why'd you move to Riverdale?" Sweet Pea asked, smiling stiffly when the waitress handed them their milkshakes. Peter shrugged.
"My aunt and I have been shrugging for money for a while when we lost our lease we had to move out of state. My aunt took the nearest nursing job she could find and I tagged along. We needed to get out of New York." Peter signed, Sweet Pea nodded. It was an understatement, Peter was pretty sure if he stayed in New York for another moment he'd drop dead.
"Yeah, if Riverdale is good for one thing it's cheap realistate." He said with a crooked grin. Peter snorted.
"That it is. That it is. What about you? Have you lived here your whole life?" Peter asked. Sweet Pea nodded.
"Yeah, just me, my mum and my sister. My sisters going into High School next year." Sweet Pea said.
"I've always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. Tell her good luck from me, I miss middle school." Peter signed, faking sadness for show before laughing quietly.
"Oh it's really weird, one second I'm defending her from boys, and the next she's pulling my hair because I walked into her room. But I love her, she's great." Sweet Pea said, Peter fake swooned, making Sweet Pea roll his eyes.
"You know sign language and you like kids? Dream guy am I right?" Peter said with a faint blush. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, waving a hand of dismissal.
"You're one to talk, you're smart and you're attractive. Catch of the year." Sweet Pea said, Peter giggled for a moment.
"You're pulling my leg, have you seen this face?" Peter signed incredulously, pointing to the right side of his face with was covered in claw mark scars. The scars bled into his hair, stopping it from growing in thick lines of bumpy white. Sweet Pea waved a hand.
"Nah, you look handsome." Sweet Pea said, Peter grinned shyly, reddening impossibly further.
"You're just saying that," Peter signed shyly. Sweet Pea shook his head.
"Definitely not." He said, Peter rolled his eyes.
"If I could hold your hand right now I would." He signed, blushing impossibly redder. Sweet Pea thought for a moment before hooking his lower leg around the back of Peter's.
"Compromise." He said with a shrug. Peter swore he could feel his heart flutter.
"Look at you, being a gentleman." Peter signed with a wide grin. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and pulled his milkshake towards him. They continued to talk for at least an hour before they fell into a comfortable silence. Until Sweet Pea broke it.
"You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but why don't you talk?" He asked quietly, Peter's shoulders slumped for a moment before he shrugged. Toomes was a bitch.
"Well, I guess it's all about me being self-conscious. I don't remember what my voice sounds like. I wasn't born deaf if that wasn't obvious. I knew I was going deaf before the doctors told me, and I kept thinking that this is going to be the last time I hear May's voice or my best friends. And then I got my hearing aids and it was like I had a fresh beginning. But I couldn't really talk because I had stopped when I couldn't hear myself anymore. I guess I'm kind of scared about it because what if I sound like a dying donkey? Or my voice is really high or something?" Peter explained, Sweet Pea nodded along.
"Well, when you do decide to use your voice again I think that you're going to have the most beautiful voice ever." He said. Peter pressed his lips into a thin line, blushing madly.
"If you make me cry on our first date Sweet Pea I swear to god." Peter signed exasperatedly. Sweet Pea laughed loudly.
"Nah, that's for the second date." He said teasingly.
"Look at them, they're so sickeningly cute," Jughead said. Betty rolled her eyes and lay her head on his shoulder.
"You're just a pessimist. Let them be Juggy, they look happy as can be." Betty said. They all turned and looked at Peter, who had his head thrown back in laughter, his shoulders shaking and his hands grabbing at his chest, pulling at his collar.
"Strange kid," Archie commented. Veronica looked at him funny. Archie sighed, waving the other three in so he could whisper.
"He shows up with his aunt in the middle of the term, moves into the trailer park, starts at Riverdale High and is in all AP classes, and look at him. He's ripped, covered in scars and no one knows a thing about him. It just doesn't make sense." Archie said, Jughead pointed to him.
"I know right, also in science, we were experimenting with sound waves and he freaked out, cupping his hands over his ears and everything. The weird thing is, only spiders can hear the frequency he apparently picked up." Jughead said.
"Juggy it's probably just something with his hearing aids, leave him be," Betty said, shushing him.
"Sure, Betty. Sure. But when we find out he's a murderer or something you owe me."
Peter was silent, walking with his arm linked with Sweet Pea's. It was a habit by now, so Peter could sign while being in contact with Sweet Pea. Peter really liked Sweet Pea, he was kind and even though he had no reason to he found Peter attractive and cute. Peter liked that Sweet Pea was honest with him, he was funny and sweet. And maybe if Peter found him extremely hot too that totally wouldn't affect anything. Peter sighed and turned to Sweet Pea, taking his hands in his own and looking up at him, eyes narrowed and lips pressed into a thin line.
"You okay Peter?" Sweet Pea asked worriedly. Peter nodded slowly, releasing his hands and raising them slowly, a thoughtful look on his face.
"What are we?" He signed slowly, Sweet Pea blinked rapidly before smiling softly.
"Whatever you want us to be Pete." Sweet Pea said softly. Peter grinned up at him, bouncing on his heels.
"Boyfriends? Maybe?" Peter signed hopefully. Sweet Pea grinned down at him, reaching a hand up to cup his face.
"I like the sound of that. Boyfriends." Sweet Pea said, clucking his tongue, speaking like he was testing the word in his mouth.
"Yeah. Boyfriends. Come along boyfriend, we have chemistry." Sweet Pea prompted, taking Oeters arm back and cradling him to his side.
"So. Now that we are officially boyfriends, I am officially asking you to prom." Sweet Pea said with a smile. Peter opened and closed mouth for a moment before stepping in front of Sweet Pea, standing up on his tippy toes to press a soft kiss onto Sweet Pea's cheek. He grinned cheekily before turning away from Sweet Pea and running off down the hall, weaving around people expertly. Sweet Pea clucked his tongue before cocking his head and putting his hands on his hips.
"I think that was a yes buddy," Archie said in a sing-song voice. Sweet Pea huffed and grinned.
"I need a suit."
"This is great." Peter signed slowly, linking arms with Sweet Pea as they walked into the auditorium. It was dark, mostly lit up by fairy lights and coloured lights. Peter thought it was beautiful, this was the longest time he'd spent at the school dance and honestly, he loved it.
"Never been to a school dance?" Sweet Pea mused. Peter hummed, a soft smile on his face.
"I stayed at homecoming for point three seconds before ditching." Peter signed. Sweet Pea hummed, leading Peter up to Jughead, Betty, Archie and Veronica.
"You look great Peter!" Veronica said, Peter blushed darkly, smiling wide and pulling out his phone.
<thanks, my aunt made me do my hair and we pulled out one of my uncle's old suits.> said the monotone voice, Peter did a thumbs up and smiled. Veronica reaches up and messed his hair up a little.
"Just mess it up a little and the gel doesn't look too bad." She said, Peter stuck out his tongue and pulled away.
"I think he looks great no matter what." Sweet Pea said, leaning down to kiss Peter on the cheek. Peter blushed and made a huffing noise, rolling his eyes.
"Gross dude. Wait for the slow dance." Jughead said. Peter grinned.
<Don't get your hopes up Sweetheart> Peter grinned at Sweet Pea, waving his phone as the monotone voice spoke.
"Oh come on Pete, don't encourage Jughead," Betty said, Peter made a face.
After bantering the six separated, Peter was enjoying having an excuse to be close to Sweet Pea during the slow dance. Occasionally Sweet Pea would say something, Peter humming or making a small noise in response. Everyone groaned when the music cut off with a loud ringing noise, the microphone getting picked up. Peter's breath caught in his throat when he saw Adrian Toomes standing on the stage, microphone held tightly in his hand, chest heaving, a manic grin on his face. He had his wings back, and some new weapons tech.
"You know I was delighted to find out that a dear old friend of mine moved to this quiet little town. Away from the huddle and busses of city life. Come out, come out spiderman, let's play a little game." Toomes said into the microphone, waving the gun around, making people scream and cry out. Peter was frozen against Sweet Pea's chest. Toomes tutted into the microphone when no one moved.
"Such a shame. I might have to hurt your friends if you don't come out and play, Pedro. AGAINST THE WALLS. NO ONE MOVE." He shouted. The students scrambled to comply, pressing against the walls.
"You have no idea how giddy I was when I found out I did a bigger dent on you then I thought. My little friend is all grown up, deaf aren't you? Come on Pedro, come out and play with your old friend. Or I start getting trigger happy." Toomes said, waving the gun around again. Peter turned to Sweet Pea.
"Sweet Pea listen to me. Get everyone out. Get everyone safe." Peter signed frantically. Sweet Pea shook his head.
"Peter what? No, we're getting you home safe and this'll all be okay and-" Peter cut Sweet Pea off, cupping his cheeks in his hands. He pulled back shakily, tears falling down his cheeks.
"Tell May, that I'm sorry, and I love her. Tell her, tell her I'm sorry. And Sweet Pea," Peter paused, cupping Sweet Peas face in his hands again, closing his eyes and kissing Sweet Pea's lips softly. Sweet Pea could taste Peter's tears through the kiss, closing his eyes and pulling Peter against him. Peter pulled back and smiled softly.
"I.. I love you, Sweet Pea," Peter said, his voice hoarse and croaky with disuse. Sweet Peas fell open, scrambling for a hold on Peter's hand, pressing kisses onto it.
"Peter no, don't do anything stupid. Please Peter, baby no." Sweet Pea pleases, crying softly. Peter shook his head. He opened and closed his mouth several times.
"I'm sorry." Peter signed, pulling away from Sweet Pea and mouthing 'I'm sorry' over and over. Stumbling backwards through the crowd, pushing people aside until he was in the middle of the hall, staring down Toomes, who grinned at him.
"Hello, again Pedro. Or should I say, Spiderman? What'd you use to go by? The friendly neighbourhood Spiderman? Protector of Queens, stopping robbers and muggers with the flick of your wrist?" Toomes mocked. Peter locked eyes with him, slowly tugging off his blazer and dropping it in a heap on the floor.
"You're gonna break another poor person's heart? Lead them on and leave them at a high school dance? It's really your style isn't it Pedro? Well, I'll let you know that my Lizzy was positively heartbroken, she had a silly high school crush on you. Got her hopes up you did Benny." Toomes said. Peter movements froze on his tie, looking up slowly at Toomes who burst into laughter.
"That's right Pedro, I know all about your sad little past. Weren't you named after him? Your dear uncle Ben? And didn't he die because he stepped in front of that bullet for you? Do you make a habit of killing people you love?" Toomes asked. Peter squeezed his eyes shut and loosened his tie, pulling it over his head and dropping it on top of his blazer, unbuttoning his top button.
"I love seeing you like this. All scared up from what I did. It is fun? Feeling my pain like I did?" Peter hummed, rolling up his sleeves slowly, revealing his web-shooters which he still kept on.
"Do you like it? Not fitting in, although, you never did, did you? Benny?" Toomes said. And that was it, Peter fell into the familiar rhythm, slinging a web, landing on Toomes' wrist, tugging to he turned Toomes around so his arm was pinned behind his back, pressing against the metal wings. Toomes just laughed in response, mist slowly seeping out of his energy pack.
"You think I didn't make something different? Something that makes you defend less?" Toomes asked. Peter watched in horror as the web dissolved, dropping to the floor. Peter looked down at his web-shooters in terror, looking back up at Toomes, his hands shaking, tears slipping out of his eyes. Toomes laughed, the wings stretching behind him.
"I'll do you a favour. You have three minutes." Toomes said. Peter stumbled back, slinging a web to the ceiling and lifting off the ground and slamming into the doors, slamming them open and running out of them. Town square. Town square. Toomes flew after him with a cackle. The hall was silent for a moment before Sweet Pea pushed people aside, tears slipping out of his own eyes, stumbling forward and falling to his knees, picking up Peter's blazer and tie. He held them in his lap and turned around to see all the serpents behind him.
"We have to, we have to help him. We have to help Peter."
Peter screamed bloody murder when his back slammed into the brick building, coming crashing down to the floor with a choked sob. He'd gotten the web dissolvent off of Toomes but he wasn't sure if he'd have enough left in him to take him down. He lay on his side on the floor, everything aching and hurting. He took in a shaky breath, propping himself up on his elbows and slowly rising to his hands and knees.
"You don't give up do you, Pedro. What did I have to do to get you down? I've dropped a building on you, I've walked you into a fire, now I've slamming you into a wall. And you keep. Getting. Back. Up. Don't you?" Toomes asked, stalking forward. Peter grinned, getting to his feet and stumbling forward, his knees threatening to buckle with every step he slung web after web at Toomes' wings.
"Parker's don't, don't give up," Peter said breathlessly, his throat sore and gone from screaming and crying and the effort of talking.
"Don't they? Looks like your giving up Pedro, can't get the mark to save your life." Toomes said. Peter grinned lopsidedly.
"Déjà vu." Peter quipped, slinging the final web, causing the wings to spasms and then crackle, wrapping around Toomes, causing his to crumple to the ground. Peter vaguely registered people he recognised gathered around him and a Toomes.
"What would Liz say if she saw you now?" Peter said quietly, taking a few more steps forward, his left wrist crumpled at his side. Toomes looked up at him, sneering at him.
"Would she be proud? Would she smile and laugh like she did? Would she hug you and kiss you goodnight Mr Toomes?" Peter fell to his knees beside Toomes.
"Because I don't think she would be. I don't think she'd love the person you became." Peter paused, swallowing thickly, "The monster you became." Peter said hoarsely, his head lulling back.
"What's so special about this town that you want to save?" Toomes asked, a broken look in his eyes. Peter shrugged.
"Home is where the heart is I guess," Peter said, looking up, his eyes flickering around. He could see Sweet Pea's face, amongst Jughead, Betty, Archie, FP, Toni, and the others.
"Riverdale is my home. With my friends. And my family. The people I care about, the people I love. And I have never loved one person so much, so much that it hurts, so much that I can't think about anyone but them," Peter paused, his eyes finding Sweet Pea's. "New York was never my home. But Riverdale is. Riverdale is." Peter said, swallowing thickly again, humming, sinking to the floor.
"You always were wise beyond your years," Toomes said quietly. Peter hummed.
"Maybe. Aunt May always said I was too smart for my own good." Peter said, falling back into his back. FP walked forward and picked Toomes up off of the ground.
"I'll come back, Benny. I'll always come back." Toomes screamed. Peter hummed from his place on the floor, closing his eyes when he felt someone pick him up and cradle him to their chest.
"Not if I can help it." Sweet Pea said. Peter's cheek was pressed against his chest. He looked up at him and smiled softly.
"Old friend of yours?" Sweet Pea mused stiffly, Peter snorted.
"Something like that," Peter said, closing his eyes. He honestly didn't think he'd make it out of it alive when he told Sweet Pea he loved him, and now Sweet Pea was walking him back to the south side with a crowd of Serpents following them.
"Did you mean it?" Sweet Pea asked quietly, Peter opened his eyes slowly and looked up at Sweet Pea.
"Whan you said you love me?" Sweet Pea asked, Peter hummed, closing his eyes.
"More then I've ever meant anything," Peter said. Sweet Pea hummed, shifting his grip on Peter.
"I love you too." He said quietly, Peter's eyes snapped open to look up at Sweet Pea in shock.
"You do?" Peter asked hoarsely. Sweet Pea grinned.
"Who wouldn't? Although I think we need to try that kiss again. When we aren't both crying." Sweet Pea teased, Peter chuckled, getting some of his strength back now. Enough that he motioned for Sweet Pea to put him down. Sweet Pea wrapped an arm around his waist, and Peter's wrapped around his shoulder.
"Yeah, that sounds nice," Peter said. He blinked in surprise when they got to May and his trailer, May came rushing up to him. Peter peeked over her shoulder at Tony, who he never thought he'd see again.
"Peter! I got a call from Sweet Pea saying a guy with wings was attacking you! Was it Toomes?" May asked, checking him over for injuries.
"Yeah, it was Toomes. Same stuff though called me Benny though. Thought I was gonna die when he used this mist stuff that dissolved my webs." Peter said quietly. May looked up at him, tears slipping out of her eyes.
"You talked." She said softly, Peter sniffled and nodded.
"Yeah. I did." He said, May nodded and hugged him. When she pulled back she pulled Sweet Pea into a hug.
"Thank you for getting him home," She said. She pulled back and nodded, turning and walking to stand next to Tony.
"That means she likes you," Peter whispered to him, Sweet Pea nodded.
"Who's this guy?" Sweet Pea whispered, motioning to Tony, who looked offended.
"An actual old friend."
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