Going Home

The next morning, the guards woke Peter up in his jail cell. As Peter mentioned beforehand, he'd been on suicide watch for the last five months, and the guards agreed that Peter was a model prisoner. "Wake up and get dressed Parker, Happy Hogan's here to pick you up," said the head guard as he gave Peter some civilian clothes. "Thanks," said Peter as the guards gave him some privacy to get dressed. Once Peter was fully dressed, the guards took Peter out of his cell. "We're really sorry you got framed for this Parker," said the head guard, "I promise ya this much, if Beck actually is alive, and he sneezes, just tell my friend George Stacy, and he'll come with a hanky and a pair of handcuffs for Beck."

"Thanks for that Captain Miller," said Peter as he smiled. He was glad there were some people that were beginning to have faith in him. He was then guided outside, and many of the news media outlets from yesterday were there, flashing various pictures of Peter and asking him various questions such as, "Mr. Parker, are you concerned regarding your lawyer's state, after nearly being assassinated?" And so on and so forth. Happy thankfully got out, giving Peter a chance to get in as he said, "No comment at this time, thank you." Once Peter and Happy were in the car, Happy started driving. Peter sighed in relief. "I knew you'd beat the rap Peter," said Happy, "let's go home, your aunt's making wheat-cakes."

"Wheat-cakes, my favorite." Peter said as he smiled, "Happy, thank you for everything." Happy smiled a little and said, "No problem Peter. MJ and Ned are waiting for you too." Peter smiled, he missed them. 30 minutes later, Happy parked outside, and Peter went out. "You want to come and eat with us, Happy?" Peter offered. "I'd like to, but I can't," said Happy, "I got other businesses to attend to, gotta check on Pepper and Morgan. But I'll try and visit Jen with you and Matt when I have a chance." Peter nodded and said, "fair enough. Can you tell Pepper and Morgan I said hi?" Happy smiled and said, "I will. See you around Pete. Hang in there." Peter looked at the apartment he and his aunt lived in, and went inside. Peter was actually excited to see everyone. He rushed to the floor he was in, and found the door to his apartment. He hadn't felt this nervous since Tony died and he saw Aunt May after The Snap. He knocked on the door. In less than a minute, his Aunt May opened the door. Her eyes widened and she said, "Peter!" The two then hugged each other.

"It's so good to see you Aunt May!" Peter said, emotionally overwhelmed. "Don't start crying kiddo... if you start crying I'll start crying..." Aunt May said, choking up a little, "come on in." As Peter went in and shut the door, Ned greeted him with a bear hug. "Dude, I'm glad you're out!" Ned said as the two friends did their secret handshake. "Thanks for sticking up for me," said Peter, "you guys are the best." MJ went up to Peter and hugged him and asked, "you gonna be alright?" Peter looked at MJ and said, "I'm better now that I'm home." MJ kissed Peter and said, "good. Don't scare me like that again." Aunt May then said, "alright you lovebirds, let's have some wheat-cakes." They then went to the dining table to eat some pancakes. Peter wolfed down his wheat-cakes, having not eaten breakfast that morning. After finishing up breakfast, the door knocked outside. "I'll get it guys," said Peter, unsure whether it was a sinister force trying to threaten him. He walked to the door and opened it. Much to Peter's relief, it was just Matt and his friend Jessica. "Oh, Mr. Murdock... It's just you..." Peter said in relief. "No honorable mention for me?" Jessica teased. "Sorry Mrs. Cage," said a mortified Peter. Jessica playfully ribbed him and said, "I'm just messing with you, Parker. And Mrs? Just call me Jessica."

"Mind if we come in Peter?" Matt asked. "Sure Mr. Murdock," said Peter as he let the two in. As Jessica shut the door, Matt said, "please Peter, you can call me Matt now. Hello everyone." Everyone said hi to Matt. "Any word on Miss Walters?" Peter asked, being that was his main concern. "Her cousin Bruce told me she's stable and alive," assured Matt. "That's good," said a relieved Peter. "Karen and I also did a little investigating," informed Jessica, "so we may have found out a few things about your assassin." Peter tilted his head in curiosity and asked, "anything in particular?" Jessica smirked and said, "if we play our cards right, there's a likelihood that this jerk might be in cahoots with Mysterio. I got a gut feeling someone didn't want you to be found not guilty." MJ gave a sardonic smile and said, "there's a shocker." Jessica smiled at MJ and said, "I like you." Peter and Matt couldn't help but smile a little. "We're going to tell this information to Jen," said Matt, "you want to come with us to visit her?" Peter nodded and said, "it's the least I can do for Miss Walters after everything she and you did for me. I'll be back guys." MJ hugged Peter and said, "be safe out there, okay?" Peter kissed MJ and said, "don't worry, I will." He, Matt, and Jessica then left the apartment to visit Jen.

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