Trouble at Empire State University
The days rolled by and so did your Spidey patrols and selling pictures to the jackass who runs the Daily Bugle. And of course, thanks to the many paychecks, you not only helped Aunt May with the bills, you also saved a few hundred bucks of spending money for yourself and they'll come in handy for you.
So, here you are, standing at the front gates of the university, having all the necessary items you need in your backpack. The only thing that's stopping you from entering... is that you're waiting for Gwen to show up so you can both enter the school together.
And in a short time, you see George Stacy and Gwen pulling up at the curb in his patrol car. Gwen steps out and sees that you're all set and ready to go, so she joins you.
Gwen: "Look at you, right on schedule again. That's twice now."
Peter: "I said I was gonna start changing and fixing the messes I made and I'm not going back on my word."
George: *stepping out of his car* "I'm glad to hear that, Pete. With everything that's happened during your high school days, I was beginning to worry about you and your aunt. I know you're a good kid and that you've made mistakes in the past."
Peter: "Thanks for understanding, Captain Stacy."
George: "Still, I'm gonna be honest. When you said you were gonna change, I had some doubts that things wouldn't change."
Peter: "That's also understandable. After all, promises are nothing but empty words unless you produce results right?"
George: *blinks in surprise* "Uh, right."
Peter: "It's okay. I know I have a lot of making up to do. I'll let me actions do the talking. *to Gwen* You ready?"
Gwen: "As ready as I'll ever be." *to her dad* "Bye, dad."
George: "Take care, Gwen. And you too, Pete."
Peter: "I will."
George climbed back into his squad car and started the engine back up before driving off on his daily patrol.
With her dad now gone, you and Gwen finally take your first big steps into your new lives as university students. The two of you head on over to the main building with your heads held high, ready for the new challenges that lie ahead of you.
First up, the library. You and Gwen helped each other in getting your textbooks for the classes you both signed up with. Out all the classes you two have, you were lucky to have 2 classes with her and both those classes were subjects you both specialize in.
Throughout the first half of the first day, you and Gwen had separated to tend to your first classes according to your schedules. First up for you, P.E, to build your muscles. Not to mention having some more stamina will do you some good, too.
2nd class of the day, History. You can't go wrong with learning about what happened in the past and learning from the mistakes people made in order to avoid doing them again. As well as learning new tricks on how to improve and evolve as a society.
3rd class of the day, Math class. Nearly everyone's least favorite subject, but necessary. After all, you never know when you might need it in order to deal with money as an accountant, investor, financial advisor, or even a meteorologist and all that. Not that you're aiming for those jobs.
4th class of the day, English. It never hurts to improve your vocabulary as well as writing better in English. Especially if you're planning on writing a story, either via newspaper or a book. Even comic books need some form of good English.
Througout these 4 classes, there were times when you'd bump into Gwen and from what you can tell, she seems to be adjusting slowly to her new college life. No doubt much easier now that you're here with her, even if you're not sharing all classes with her.
Eventually the time came for lunchtime and most students were able to take a break and refuel for their next classes. And this gave you and Gwen plenty of time to hang out and eat.
At this moment, you and Gwen are chilling outside, having some lunch together and chatting with each other.
Gwen: "So, Peter, what's going on with you? Usually you're either taking a rain check and bolting off somewhere and then showing up at the last minute when everything is over. But this is the 3rd time you showed up to hang out on time and didn't bother leaving."
Peter: "It's simple, Gwen. I'm through making the same mistakes over and over again. I've had plenty of time to reflect on my actions after the accident and had my eyes opened. I mean, just think about it... I was an idiot, a major jerk in high school. I exposed a deep secret of the Connors and lost their trust. I got Eddie mixed up in the mess with the symbiote and he resents me for it, probably still does."
"Harry blames me for our broken friendship, and worst of all, I took you for granted when you had these undying feelings for me while I was being stupid and oblivious while dating Liz and broke your heart. Words cannot describe how sorry I am for all the crap I've done when I was caught up in my own world. That's why I've decided to put in an effort to make time for you and fix the damage I've done."
"So, Gwen... I'm so very sorry for everything hurtful I've done. Can you ever forgive me for being a grade A asshole?"
Hearing everything you've just said shocked the daughter of the police captain and even moreso that you would cuss. Still, she felt relieved was moved by your conviction to change. She then holds your hand and strokes it with her thumb.
Gwen: "Pete, after hearing all that, it's impossible to not forgive you. On the condition that you allow me to help out whenever."
Peter: "You have my word."
Gwen: "Good. I'm gonna hold you to it, Pete."
Peter: "I know you will."
For the next few minutes, you and Gwen spent your time enjoying the peace and quiet (aside from the students chattering in the background), enjoying your lunches. But then, unexpectedly, the sounds of roaring engines could be heard and next thing you knew, you spot a group of bikers barging onto school grounds.
The assholes start running their bikes in circles, whooping like the obnoxious assholes they are. You counted 4 bikers, one of them was much larger in height and size. A harsh glare appears on your face and you stand up, but Gwen grabs our arm.
Gwen: "Wait, Pete! Don't do this!"
Peter: "It's our first day in college and I'm not gonna have these guys ruin it because of this bullshit happening before me. Gwen, call the cops."
Gwen: "Pete, you could--"
Peter: *turns to her, smirking* "Relax. I'll be okay."
Gwen is temporarily speechless of your courageous attitude, but then snaps back into reality and breaks out her phone to dial the police, hoping to de-escalate the situation.
But with you, you show no fear and just keep a strong poker face and confront the jerks, who then stop for a moment to turn in your direction with mocking looks on their faces. You know, the ugly ones that jerkshit anime bullies show off when they think they're hot shit?
Biker 1: "Heh, look what we got here, boys. A wannabe hero."
Biker 2: "What's up, little man? Is there a problem?"
Peter: *cold tone* "Get your tinker toy bullshit out of this campus before I smash 'em up... along with you."
Biker 3: *mockingly* "Ooh, I'm scared. Hey, boss, you hear this kid? He thinks he can smash us up along with our rides!"
The 3 biker goons laugh it off while the bigger goon comes up to you, putting that ugly, mocking smile of his.
Boss Biker: "Heh, so you think you're tough, huh kid?"
Peter: "It ain't always about how big the man is."
Boss Biker: "Oh really? Well, I got news for you, buddy. But me and my boys can go wherever we want, shred up whatever grounds we want and you... can't... stop... us. So shove off."
The big jerk then shoves you back, but you don't submit. Instead, your glare just gets more intense and your fists clench tight.
Biker 1: "Ooh, hey boss, I think he needs an attitude adjustment. What do you say we give him a little lesson in manners and respect?"
Boss Biker: "Why not? We are in a school after all." *snaps fingers*
Right then and there, three of the goons start laughing mockingly as they get off their bikes and surround you, cracking their knuckles. One of them pulls out a knuckle duster and tries to attack you from behind, but thanks to your spider senses you duck in time, perform a leg sweep on the guy behind you, then turn to uppercut him in the air.
You then grab him by the legs and spin him rapidly before throwing him towards his bike, knocking it and the guy down.
Biker 2: "What the?! *glares at you* "Oh, now you fucked up, kid."
It doesn't take long for a crowd to gather around, some are even recording the fight on their phones and at the best time. Soon, the bikers got out their knives.
Soon, both biker goons came at you, slashing away at you with their tiny knives, but you kept dodging and stepping to the sides and back, avoiding their killing blows. Biker 2 tried a downward stab with both hands, but you gave him a hard kick to the meatballs, making him kneel over in pain, grabbing his family jewels.
The last goon, still arrogant in thinking he can beat you, tried to literally stab you in the back, but you dodge easily and grab his wrist and hold it in place.
Biker 3: "You little runt! When the boss gets done with you, you'll wish you'd never been born!"
Peter: "Funny, I wish you guys were never born. Always scaring people, suppressing them into thinking you run the streets. I'm tired of sitting back and doing nothing. So here's a piece of friendly advice. Either grow some real fucking balls, use that micro-ass brain of yours, or what's left of it, for once and get your ass an honest fucking job like any normal person should."
Biker 3: "You can't tell me what to do!"
Peter: "I just did... you lazy fucking BUM!"
In that moment, you twisted his arm and made him yell in agony, causing the guy to drop his knife and then delivered a harsh kick to his leg multiple times, leaving it sore and possibly cracking his bones a little before letting him drop to the ground in pain.
Now all that was left was the biker boss and he had plenty of time to go to his bike and grab a FREAKING METAL BASEBALL BAT and even a crowbar to boot.
Boss Biker: "You should've stayed out of our business, kid. Now you're gonna spend the rest of your days eating meals through a straw! Any last words before I turn you into mince meat?"
Peter: "Yeah... I feel sorry for the mama that shot out a dickweed of a son like you."
Anyone who was listening in on this had this to say...
Boss Biker: *Seething rage* "You... fucking... SHITHEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAD!!!"
The big guy then swings his metal bat and crowbar wildly at you, but you carefully and swiftly dodge each of his reckless blows. His face is completely red and you could practically see steam coming out of his ears. You keep dodging and go for a few small punches and kicks to the face just to agitate the guy further.
Boss Biker: "DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!!!!!!"
Peter: "Yeah... no. Not your call."
This only makes the big palooka even angrier and lash out even more recklessly. But crowds were beginning to back up as he was getting too close to them, but kept recording.
Not long afterwards, Gwen shows up and had finished talking to the cops and gasped seeing you in a fight with one of the bikers. She was worried you might get hurt despite how well you were holding your own against this giant asshole.
Gwen: "Peter, GET OUT OF THERE!"
Peter: *looks to Gwen* "What was that?"
BIg mistake, the asshole then slammed both weapons on the back of your head super hard. Everyone gasped, including Gwen as they worried the big jerk might've killed you. However... you clench your fist, growling in anger and stood straight up. Blood trickled down your face and dropped to the ground.
Peter: *panting heavily, anger rising* "You... just made the biggest... and last mistake... of your short, miserable fucking LIFE!!!"
Boss Biker: "SHUT UP AND DIE!!!"
He swings again, but you catch both his weapons and toss them out of his hands and towards the ground away from him.
BAM!!! You land a killer right to the biker boss' face. But the beatdown doesn't stop there. You pour on more punishment and bash him a few more times to the face, then to his stomach, each one was growing stronger in power and all he could do was grunt in pain. For it was at this moment that the biker knew... he fucked up.
You then perform a spin kick to the guy's face at full force, knocking him to the ground. He tries to get up, but you grab him by the legs and pull him towards you.
Peter: *threatening tone* "GET OVER HERE!!!"
You spin him around, gradually getting faster until you let go and watch him slam against the ground hard, battered and bruised and bloodied and his clothes were slowly tearing up.
Peter: *slowly approaches him* "Where the fuck do you think you're going, you little meatsack? I'm not through pounding you or your little pussy possie into pavement pizza!"
As the biker got to his knees, he turned to face you and then... seeing the look on your face truly terrified him.
Boss Biker: "H-H-Hey, kid... *crawls back* Listen, w-w-what I said earlier, I... I was just kidding. I... I hear you loud and clear! Y-You want my gang to leave? We'll leave! Ju... Just calm down."
Peter: "Oh no... we're finishing this... one way... *lifts motorbike over head* ...or another."
Boss Biker: "No... NO! DON'T! HEEEEEEEEELP!!!"
Hearing Gwen call you out snapped you out of your rage and turned to her and everyone who watched you with shock and... a hint of fear.
Peter: "What... have I done?" *drops motorbike behind you*
But the moment you calm down, your fatigue from the blow to your head gets to you and you fall to the ground, blacking out.
From up in Heaven, the real Peter and his uncle watched with shock as well, with Peter facepalming himself.
Real Pete: "Why couldn't he have just changed into his suit?"
Ben: "Well, there's no time to change when trouble's right in front of you, though he could've handled the last guy a little better."
Real Pete: "Great, now everyone's gonna think Peter Parker's a psychopath after this whole mess goes public!"
Ben: "I dunno, Peter. Something tells me things'll work out just fine."
Real Pete: "I hope you're right, Ben."
[A/N: And here's the long-awaited chapter you've been waiting for. I hope you enjoy it and many more to come. Anywho, I've got more chapters in store for you, so hang on tight and as always... STAY TUNED!!!]
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