My New Life as Peter Parker and Spider-Man

That night while you were sleeping, you were paid a visit by two distinct figures, ones you're too familiar with. 

Y/N: "Hey... you two must be..."

Ben: "Peter Parker and his uncle Ben. I trust we're talking to the man who's now taking my nephew's place?"

Peter: "And by the way, what gives with the whole busting out of the hospital and running around in a patient's robe like a lunatic, are you trying to make things harder for us?"

Y/N: "Sorry, but I was freaking out! It's not every day you wake up in the body of someone else and in the body of a high school graduate with these insane arachnid spider powers! I thought it was all dream, that's why I lost it and ran around the streets!"

Ben: "I understand. Most people have a hard time to adjust to their new surroundings. But, tell me, are you feeling better now?"

Y/N: "Well... being inside the body of Peter Parker is still kinda new to me, but... I'll adjust."

Peter: "Good. Now, let's get onto the subject of you now being the new Spider-Man."

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, this is a pretty big deal for me, considering now I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulder."

Peter: "Trust me, I know that being Spider-Man is a hassle, but so is being me as Peter Parker. That's why we're here to talk to you about it, try and keep your two lives balanced. And please don't run around town in a hospital robe again, it's bad enough that I had to bear witness people seeing my own butt like that."

Ben: "Now, Peter, he was just scared. He didn't know this was all real to him and I'm sure he'll be more careful next time."

Y/N: "Yeah, that, I can promise you."

Ben: "Good. And remember this one rule that I once taught Peter before I was taken away. With great power..."

Y/N: "...Comes great responsibility. That's the kind of life lesson I take to heart, Mr. Parker. Or... should I call you Uncle Ben now?"

Ben: "Heh, you can call me whatever you like. Now, it's time for you to embark on your brand new adventure. Show us what the brand new Spider-Man can really do."

Peter: "Just make sure I'm still "Friendly Neighborhood."

Y/N: "I'll try, but just so you know... there's a time and place for everything, including quips."

Peter: "Isn't quipping the whole point of being a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man though?"

Y/N: "Sometimes, yes. There's a time to be silly, but there's also a time to be serious."

Ben: "He's right, Pete. Anyways, we've kept you here long enough, so go on ahead and explore the city... Spider-Man."

Y/N: "You got it. Oh, one more thing... how come I can see and talk to you guys, aren't you dead?"

Peter: "Sadly... yes, I am. But we still exist inside of my memories even though I'm... technically up in heaven."

Y/N: "I see. Alright then... until then."


We now see you standing atop a skyscraper overlooking the city of New York in your Spidey suit, but your mask is off. This is it. This is your new life with new challenges... and a whole new beginning just waiting for you and you're not gonna screw this up.

[skip to 3:33]

Y/N: *turns and walks back* "Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words. With great power comes great responsibility. This is my gift... my curse. Who am I" *stops turns around, puts on mask and runs towards the edge* "I'm Spider-Man."

You leap off the edge of the skyscraper and begin your web-swing around the city from high up above and down below near street level. You even run up a building and leap off the wall and shoot to more strings of web and catapult yourself further down the streets and do a loop de loop under a crane and lunge yourself atop one of the taller skyscrapers. You shoot one more web line and leap off, swinging on by, going about on your daily patrol.

For the most part, the city's been quiet. No police sirens, no ambulances, no cries for help... nothing whatsoever. Suddenly, you stop for a moment and think to yourself. Or, in this case, you talk to yourself, just like your average typical Peter.

Peter: "Okay, let's see... this city's pretty big and there's loads of ground to cover considering how many hiding spots there are. If I'm ever gonna have a fighting chance of keeping this city safe, I'm gonna have to get more eyes and ears around here. Maybe I can make some of those spider bots Otto Octavius made in that one series when he took over Peter's body with the Neuro Cortex."

"Ah, but where would I get the equiptment from? They don't exactly come cheap and knowing Peter's family, they're not the most wealthy people in New York. Well, right now I've got a job at the Daily Bugle, though I'm not too proud of it, but I gotta make that dought, for Aunt May's sake and my own sake, too. Wait... Peter's a high school graduate, so... maybe I can find some equiptment to use at ESU."

"Yeah! I can spend my free time in the labs, developing recon spider-drones and with a little added Parker touch, they could also do the fighting when Spidey's not around."

Just as you finish gathering your thoughts, you hear sirens passing you by from down below.

Peter: "Oop, that's my cue." *swings off*

[timeskip to nighttime]

Peter: "Okay, so far, I've stopped 2 muggings, saved 3 potential kidnappings and stopped some bum trying to steal a bike. On top of that, I managed to get in some decent photos of my handy work, which JJ will probably decimate with his usual bullshit. Is there anything else this city wants to throw at me?"

You then hear an alarm blaring in the night and swing over to check out what's going on. Meanwhile, over at one of the rooftops, you spot a group of maybe 5 crooks, making off with a bunch of bags, probably loaded with some valuable goods.

Spidey: "More crime... more pictures for Jonah... more money for the Parker family to enjoy for the time being."

You swing towards them and then glide the rest of the way using your web wings then land on top of a relay tower and set up a few cameras from different angles. You then get the jump on the crooks, landing in front of them, cutting off their escape.

Spidey: "Do you have a receipt for those goods? If not, I'm gonna have to rough you up and turn you in."

Thug 1: "It's Spider-Man! Shoot him, now!"

Spidey: "Don't think so!"

You web up their guns, yank them out of their hands and then whack them upside the heads before slingshotting yourself at the crooks, kicking the group against the wall where you then web them up and clean up the jewels that were dropped. 

Spidey: *singing* "Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to jail you go." *talking* "Next time, get a real job instead of robbing stores."

You put down the bags of jewels and leave a nice little note behind just as police were arriving. Afterwards, you gather the photos you've taken and bring them back home with you.

[Timeskip to Queens]

You're now in your room and are currently developing your pictures so you can email them over to Jonah

Peter: *groans* "Just a little bit longer with this Daily Bugle nonsense and I'll find some other good, paying job. We can't keep on living like this for the rest of our lives."

You tell yourself this after putting on the finishing touches before sending them all to Jonah and then kicked back in your chair, stretching your arms and legs out in exhaustion.

Peter: "Alright, that should do it. Now to get some shut-eye and deal with the backlash of J. Jonah Jackass tomorrow."

Letting out a yawn, you kick off your shoes and socks take off your shirt and pants and slump down on your bed in your tank top and boxers, letting the sweet sucker of sleep kick in.

[The next day]

It was around 7 in the morning and somewhere in New York at a specific construction sight, the concrete ground was cracking and from underneath the cracks, a familiar black ooze came out and decided to find itself a lucky victim to take itself to one Peter Parker. Little does anyone know, this ooze, the symbiote, leaves behind an offspring and this one... is far more deadly than the original.

An hour and a half later, we see you crawling up a building and leaping onto the rooftop. You're all decked out in your spidey outfit and then get a phone call from Gwen.

Peter: *on the phone* "Hey, Gwen. What's going on?"

Gwen: *through the phone* "I know you just got out of the hospital, but I wanted you to know that registration for ESU is almost over. Have you signed up for all the classes you'll be studying in for the semester, or are you gonna pull off some last-minute miracle?"

Peter: "I've got it covered. I registered an hour ago on my computer, so I should be good to go. What about you?"

Gwen: *through the phone* "I'm all set. Just need to buy some supplies and I'm golden. MJ's also gotten the supplies, too. I'll see you at Empire State University in a couple of weeks."

Peter: "Same to you, Gwen. And one more thing."

Gwen: "What's up?"

Peter: *remorseful* "I just wanna apologize for all the times I wasn't there for you and always getting swept away by Liz. I should've seen your feelings for me back when we were still in high school, but I was a stupid teen for not realizing it. So, if possible, I wanna make it up to you in any way possible, if that's alright with you."

Gwen: "...Oh, uh... well.. since... you... put it like that, then how about we... stop for smoothies later in the afternoon?"

Peter: "The usual place?"

Gwen: "Yeah."

Peter: "I'll be there. And this time, I promise."

After hanging up, you do a little patrolling around the city to kill some time and ensure the safety of the people.

Peter: *thinking* "The old Peter sure screwed up a lot. If I were reincarnated BEFORE Junior year in high school, I'd be making better life choices and being a better Spidey. But, what's done is done and right now, I'm gonna have to fix the messes he started.

Meanwhile, up in Heaven...

Real Peter: *while watching you, offended* "Hey!"

Uncle Ben: "Don't take it too harshly, Pete. I know you did your best, but there were a lot of mistakes made."

Real Peter: *pouts* "Well, I'd like to see him try and fix my messes... especially my friendship issues, too."

Back down in the land of the living...

We see a couple of police choppers rushing somewhere and you're right behind them, hearing everything that's going on.

Chopper 1: *through coms* "Eagle 1 to tower, 10-33 in progress, heading at the bank."

Tower: *through coms* "Roger, Eagle 1."

You then swing low enough to not be spotted and rush past them before circling around and cling to a neighboring skyscraper, climbing up to get a better look at the situation.

Chopper 1: *through coms* "If Halloween boy shows up, he's one dead bug."

Peter: *deadpanned* "Wow, how petty."

You continue to watch and notice another chopper is hovering over the bank, but it's not a police chopper and what's worse, this chopper has missles locked and loaded. 

The moment the cops make themselves known to these people, their chopper turns to them and what happens next... well, this'll put a damper on the cops peaceful solutions... if they ever even had one to begin with.

Chopper 2: *through loud speakers* "New York City Police Department! Seize and desist at once, take down your arms and prepare to--

The enemy fires 2 missles and one of them hits chopper 1, blowing off their tail rotor blade and damaging other parts of it. Chopper 2 pulled back and could do nothing but watch as chopper 1 was plummeting to the ground, but that's where you jump into action.

You leap down and maneuver around the chopper, attaching webs between it and the surrounding buildings to stop it from falling and it works thanks to your quick thinking. Next, you help the pilot and co-pilot of the chopper out and set them down gently.

Spidey: "You guys hurt? No broken bones? No burns or bleeding?"

Cop 1: "Nah, we're good. Thanks, Spider-Man. Hey, uh... sorry about that "dead bug" comment. I get too serious when on the job."

Spidey: "Water under the bridge. But it looks like we've got bigger problems if the bank's being robbed by these armed goons."

Cop 2: "Judging by the way they attacked us, we can only assume they're the Jade Syndicate."

Spidey: "I'll take a closer look, you guys focus on recuperating."

Cop 1: "Alright, but be careful, there might be hostages."

Spidey: "Don't worry. I'll make sure they're safe."

With newfound determination, you web-zipped halfway up one of the neighboring buildings and climbed the rest of the way up. Once you reached the rooftop, you looked over to the bank where the enemy chopper still looms overhead.

Spidey: "Still can't believe they shot down that police chopper. Just my luck, I bet Jonah'll blame me for that." *shakes head* "Can't think of that right now. Gotta find a way into the bank without getting spotted and potentially getting the hostages killed. The front door's off-limits, so... there's only one option for me."

You leap extremely far and swing towards the bank building and land on the side of it, then climb up.

Spidey: *while climbing up* "I bet I can get into the bank through the top of this building." *peeks at rooftop from below, thinks* "The cops were right, it's the Jade Syndicate."

Well, no time like the present. You get to a higher advantage point and web up a couple of the goons before slamming them against the wall, making them drop their guns. You web them up some more, getting the attention of the others, so you leapt high and web yanked the 3rd and final goon's weapon away from him. You land in front of him and barrage him with a flurry of punches and kicks.

Then you subdue him onto the ground and web him down before looking at the chopper. It's about to open fire at you, but you web up the missle launchers, followed by their tail rotor blades and the rotor blades atop the chopper.

As it plummets down to the ground, you dive down and create a giant web net to catch the chopper, preventing casualties. You then catapult yourself back up to the rooftop. Upon landing, you look around to make sure you got all the goons patrolling it. 

Y/N: "Hmm..." *nods* "That's all of them. Now let's hope that these hostages are still alright."

You rush to a glass pane leading to a ventilation system. You pull off the glass and jump down the vent shaft. The outside threats are taken care of, but the interior still needs investigating and lucky for the hostages, there's a new Spider-Man in town.

[A/N: Okay, I know this took a while for me to make, but like I said before, I'm going off whatever's off the top of my head since this is after the season 2 finale of the Spectacular Spider-Man series, so please be patient with this story. Thankfully for you guys, I know how to proceed with these couple of chapters. I hope you're ready for an amazingly, spectacular story, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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