(Spider-Man intro)
(My name is (Y/N) Parker, I am the Spectacular and just your friend friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!) Seeing of Spider-Man swinging the city with his web line, before landed on the floor.
(To the outside world I am ordinary employee of research scientist and employee of Live House CiRCLE, but secretly with the helps of my friends) Seeing of (Y/N) got bitten by the radioactive spider, he secretly use his superhuman strength to lift up of the speaker changes to (Y/N) in his lab coat. Seeing of Dick Grayson formerly as Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin.
(I use my powers, to promise my uncle Ben for responsibility and remember of his words that he said to me. I fight crimes and find the other supervillains uses their powers for evils.) Remembering of his beloving uncle says "With Great Powers comes with great Responsibility." Seeing of Spider-Man fights the different supervillains.
(I had been searching the truth of my parents' disappearance why they left us to care of Uncle Ben and Aunt May, and losing my own father figures.) Seeing of Richard and Mary tearfully goodbye to young (Y/N) with his sisters, changes to present (Y/N) obsession's to searching the truth of his parents' disappearance and he staring on the investigation board, changes to (Y/N) lost his uncle Ben he got shot by murder and his mentor Tony Stark die sacrifice for lives.
(Soon after I defeated Kingpin and his Empire fall down that he lost control on Tokyo, but there is the new threats and trying to take over Tokyo.) Seeing of Kingpin being arrested, changes to the new criminal rise up known as Inner Demon.
(But I am the only one who is responsibility enough to stop them, I am.... Spider-Man) Seeing of (Y/N) looks up with the determine looks before pull down his mask. Seeing of Spider-Man swinging to climb up with his web before point forms his hand into ily sign to shoot out of his web shooter in midair.
Seeing of our friendly neighborhood known as Spider-Man in his citizen form is currently to be walking back home in the street.
(Y/N): Man.... Finally having the break and stopping crimes. Alrighty, time to go home now....
He walks turns directly at the apartment building, before he open the door and enter through of the building.
Spotted and pasting through of his landlord, Mr Neilson is currently typing on his computer for some works, before greeted to him.
(Y/N): Hey, Mr Neilson.
Mr Neilson: Yeah, (Y/N).... By the way, (Y/N). There some man has come and arriving to your apartment.
(Y/N): What?
He move his head back with the open wide with the surprised looks on his face, while his feet kept on the stairs.
As (Y/N) rushes back in upstairs, he quickly running in the hallway, spotted at his apartment's door as been little opens. He reaching his hand to the door's knob, but hesitated for the bit.
Inner (Y/N): Wait.... What if there is the enemy here? I need to takes my webshooters.
He takes out of his twin shooters before slipped to wrap around on his wrists, before he released the big heavy sigh.
As he turns and throw the kicks on the door to be opens, before lift and aims his webshooters at someone before he opens wide with the surprised looks.
???: Hmmm.... Yeah, I love this burger. I'm glad Japan has Big Belly Burger here....
(Y/N): J-J-J-Jason?!
Making the older man turns his head glancing at the young man, revealing the person arrive in his apartment is Jason Todd aka Red Hood.
Jason was the protoge of Batman and the Second Robin. He was the villain known as Arkham Knight to lead his militia and then he decided to give up his revenge to kill his former mentor. He return vigilante adapted with the new name known as Red Hood.
Jason has taken liken toward on (Y/N) Parker known as Spider-Man, see him as the little brother. But he scared of (Y/N)'s older sister Clara....
Jason: Little spiderling! How you doing, good to see you! Come here, give your big bro Red Hood for the hug!
(Y/N): No thanks, Jason. I'm good, I'm goo...
He was interrupted when Jason has sit up from his seat, before wrapping his arms on him that he is hugging on (Y/N). As (Y/N) feel uncomfortable and awkward.....
Inner (Y/N): Okay..... This is so much, awkward for that.
As Jason let go hugging on (Y/N), with the grins on his face, before patted on (Y/N)'s shoulder.
Jason: Come, come, come, come let eat. There some Big Belly Burger, here.
(Y/N): I don't know. I....
Jason: There some cheeseburgers here.
(Y/N): Okay!
He let out of the excitement smiles.
And now seeing of the two fellow vigilantes are sitting down on the chairs and table, as they eating of the burgers from Big Belly Burgers.
That right.... All the superheroes like to eat Big Belly Burgers, including McDonalds, Burger Kings, KFC and other fast food restaurants, including the cafe! Plus they even have the toys versions on the kid meals!
(Y/N): Hmmm.... Jason, just what you doing and what were you thinking you just barge in my apartment?
Jason: Well, sorry about that Little spiderling. I just wanted to came by and visit you, to see how you come by? I just kinda pick locking in old bat school style.
(Y/N): You're kidding me, right?
He said in disbelieve and deadpanned looks on his face, before placing the French fries in his mouth to eat.
Making Jason to be let out of the nervous smiles, and rubbing his back head. As (Y/N) released the big sigh.
(Y/N): Okay, I let you off the hooks, by the way why you come my apartment, didn't you usually stay with Bro in law and Big sis?
Jason: I would love to.... You know your sister.... Doesn't like me....
Seeing of Jason let out of the screaming and getting thrown away from Apartment and his bags get thrown roughly landed on him. Revealing the person is (Y/N)'s older sister Clara with angry looks.
Jason: Yes, ma'am...... Oww.......
As Jason with the nervous looks, before he released of the gulps with the sweat dropping like bullets on his face, and remember that he doesn't mess with Clara and her killing intents.
As (Y/N) let out of shivering in fear and slowly nodded his head, agreeing with Jason. Did not want to get his older sister on her bad side.
(Y/N): Okay.... But, wait Jason. Why are you here?
Jason: Well, I'm kinda having the break for killing of my former men, the Militia. They refuses to tell me who their leader is. But it was kinda my fault, that I created Arkham Knight for taking over Gotham.
He slumps down and feeling with the guilty inside of him and sad expression for what his action to lead the against on Gotham and Batman.
(Y/N) looks at him with the worried expression knowing he was the Arkham Knight in long time ago.
(Y/N): Jason, it is not your fault. What would Batman think of you?
Jason:... Yeah Bruce, would hate it if he see me sad.
He forms the bitter smiles and sad smiles, knowing that his mentor care and love his adoptive sons as his children.
As (Y/N) give the reassure smiles before nodded, his head.
(Y/N): Yeah.... By the way, why you didn't check go to your new safehouse?
Jason: Really? .... I thought it was the blueprint and the new house for the Oldfox.
(Y/N): Yeah.... Mr Fox order the Wayne Enterprises alongside with Stark Industries has funded to creates the Safehouse for you to live in..... Japan.
Jason:..... Fuck! I did not see that!
He curses.
(Y/N): It okay, it okay, it okay Jason. By the way you wanted to sleep here for the night?
Jason: Yes, please can you make the web hammock, I really like sleeping here.....
Timeskip brought you by comic of two Nerds!
As Jason sleeping in peacefully on the homemade hammock made out with the web, while (Y/N) changing his clothes and preparing for his second jobs.
He turns facing to Jason, seeing him while he letting out of the loud snoring while he mumbling in sleeping.
(Y/N): Jason.... I'm going to work later, you need anything....
Jason: Zzzz..... No, no, no, no, I'm good little Spiderling. You can go.... I going to visit on the big bird later.
(Y/N): Okay....
As (Y/N) exited out of his apartment, before walking and continue hunting for the next bang girls.
He currently walking in the street of the neighbourhood, while he looking at his phone for the Spider-Man idea until he spotted the familiar young girl with silver hair holding the cat is...
(Y/N): Yukina?
That right, it Yukina Minato holding the cat.
Yukina: K-Kawai.....
(Y/N): Is she.... Nah she couldn't be. She just the emotional gi.....
Yukina: N-Nyaa....
Making (Y/N) to be froze and open wide with the stunned looks on his face, and did hear and what he saw.
He seeing the vocalist and leader of Roselia known as the Powerful and popular band! She even like.... A cat lover!
As he stares at her in the few minutes, before he blurt out of the laughing in uncontrollable, making Yukina turns with the shocked and embarrassed expression notices and facing (Y/N) before petting the cat down.
Yukina: P-Parker san?!
(Y/N): Ahahaha..... In the flesh. So-Sorr-Sorry give me a minutes. But I never thought you were a cat lover.
Yukina: C-Cat lover?! I would never have my time with the cats.
Knowing she is bad at lying and knowing she love cat and gets embarrassed that she love on cat.
As (Y/N) chuckles with a small smiles.
(Y/N): Yes, you did. I even saw you were holding of the cat in your hands and you go nyaa or meow.
Making Yukina to glow in bright red blush in embarrassed expression looks on her face, before she responds back to him.
Yukina: I-I-I never said that....
(Y/N): Yukina..... Do you even likes on Cats?
Yukina: Cats? I would never have some time for this....
(Y/N): Then why are you holding it?
Yukina: E-Eh?! I'm not holding it! I was.... Checking on the cats! Yes, I was checking on the cat to check if it has the collar on it to checking it has the no owner. I was going to hand over the pet store.
Making (Y/N) raised the eyebrow on his right eye, staring at Yukina with light blush red on her embarrassed expression looks knowing she is lying.
And seeing the cat right side next to Yukina, before it snuggled rubbing it head leans on Yukina's leg making her let out of cute yelps.
(Y/N): Yukina.... I know you lying....
Yukina: I know you lying!
(Y/N): Look, I understand about this, but you don't have to be answered if you want. I just wanted to know.... Do you love cat or not?
Yukina:....... Yes, I do love cat.
She said with the embarrassed looks expression on her face, before turns to avoid eyes contact with heavily blushing.
As (Y/N) smiles in softly.
(Y/N): There, that shouldn't be so bad.... But... Why do you hide it like that?
Yukina: Because, it is too embarrassing.....
(Y/N): Why it is too embarrassing for that? You don't have to keep the secret if something you like, you should be embracing of the thing you love. You should reveal of your true self to release it than hide behind a mask.
As Yukina open wide and stunned to be hearing of (Y/N)'s words felt touching and kindess to her.
As she forms the most beautiful smiles, as (Y/N) opens wide with the small blush to admiring and see her smiles is beautiful.
Yukina: Your right.... I should be stop hiding then the thing I like.... Thank you...
(Y/N): N-No problem.... By the way you have the beautiful smiles, by the way Yukina....
As (Y/N) turns his head away while he rubbing his back head, and making YUkina increasingly form her blush in darker a bit.
Yukina: Th-Thank you.... Parker-San, I wanted to apologize to you....
(Y/N): About what?
Yukina: Remember when you try to first to recruit and scout us? I sorry for yelling at you for what I do?
(Y/N): Don't worry, about it.... It the past I already forgive you...
He let out of the sheepish smiles, while he waving of his both hands at her, to gesture "Not to worry about".
As Yukina released the big heavy sigh, before turns facing at him with the small smiles again.
Yukina: I see.... Also, Roselia has accepted to joins Live House CiRCLE's event.
(Y/N): That great! Also.... If you wanted to come see me by. I know the person who is like little sister to me and a cat lover.
Yukina: R-Really?!
(Y/N): Yeah, let exchange our phone numbers.
As they exchanging of their phone numbers and giving the address to her about of Miss Kyle's address home.
As (Y/N) departed to searching of the next girl bands, while Yukina smiles and standing to watch him. But she felt the strange feeling and felt her heart is beating and skipping.
Inner Yukina: Wh-Wh-What is this feeling? My heart feels warm and I-It is.... Love?
Timeskip brought you by comic!
And so (Y/N) put on hiatus to searching for the next girl band, he is currently in his alter ego known as Spider-Man.
Seeing of Spider-Man is swinging across around the city to searching of the next dangers, he performs the stunts while to be swinging with the webline to shoot out on his webshooters.
Spider-Man: Whoo!!!
[Karen: (Y/N) I have detected of danger alert, there is uncontrol truck unable to control or break.]
Spider-Man: On it, Karen!
As Spider-Man diving down in the air, before activate the web wings on his armpit suit to gliding flying in the air pasting through the few blocks of building.
Before he shoot out of the web line from his webshooter before swinging across the city to straight toward finding the location.
Seeing of the kids are playing of their balls unable to notices the truck is driving toward them and honk the car to alerted them, before the kids turns with the cautious and open wide looks.
Before it could hit on them, suddenly in the quick blurred figure swinging before grabbing the kids, landed on the sidekicks before the kids opens wide with the surprised looks seeing of Friendly Nieghorhood Spider-Man has arrive.
Spider-Man fired the double web grenade on the truck's wheel before it exploded a massive huge web covers and sticking on the wheel as it finally slow down and stop.
Kid: Wow! Spider-Man!
Kid 2: Thank you so much!
Spider-Man: Yep! Here you go, kid.
He tosses the ball return to the kid before one of the kid catches.
Spider-Man: Look, that was dangerous..... Next time, be with your parents okay?
Kids: Sorry, Mr Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: Good, see ya!
As Spider-Man stood up before turns facing at random direction and rushes before he leaps with the higher meters before shoot out of web line.
While the kids are watching with the admiring looks, while Spider-Man swinging to search for his missing backpack, before he arrive on the next building seeing his bag cover with the webbbing on it.
His old midtown high sweater.
As Spider-Man smell on his sweater before, he let out of the cough and move his sweater away with the disgusted looks under his mask.
Spider-Man: OH man! I meant to wash this sweater about..... 3 years ago.... I forgot to watch this thing, Pee-yaw!
Until he got the phone call.
Spider-Man: Karen, who it is?
[Karen: Calling from Tae Hanazono, would you like to answer her for you?]
Spider-Man: Yes, please.
Tae: [Hey, (Y/N)....]
Spider-Man: Hey, Tae....
Tae: [Mou.... (Y/N), I wanted to call me O-Tae.]
Making Spider-Man to be let out of the chuckles under his mask.
Spider-Man: Sorry, about that? So.... What you wanted to talk about?
He sitting down leaning sticking on the wall, while to be talking and looking at his phone to play game.
Tae: [You have two more to find the next bands, right?]
Spider-Man: Yep! That right.
Tae: [That right! I have a friend who is my childhood friend who is part of the band known as Raise the Suilen short for RAS. I can meets you up at CiRCLE!]
Spider-Man: That great, thank you so much! I wait for you!
Tae: [Of course, everything for my boyfriend.]
Spider-Man: Wh....
Before he could say anything but hang up by Tae on phone call, while Spider-Man kept frozen sitting on the wall.
Spider-Man double facepalm feeling embarrassed by Tae's statemtn remains feeling awkward again when he was the nerd.
[Karen: That was..... Unexpected...]
Spider-Man: You think? Alright, time to go back to work.
Timeskip brought you by Chibi Tae reading the book of 'How to get a boyfriend'
(Y/N): Ughhhhhhh!!! There are too many choice go to Uni!
As he released the sigh with the frustration expression looks on his face, before staring at the computer to picking applied to Uni.
It been a moth since he struggled to pick any of the best University to go for. He typing on his computer but....
???: Hey, (Y/N)! Guess who it is~
Suddenly (Y/N) felt someone else is covering on his eyes, like the game of the girl like to play on the boy they like.
As (Y/N) giving the hum and thinking position and recognize who is the voice belong to.
(Y/N): It is..... Touko?
Touko: That right! Wow you really are smart!
As (Y/N) let out of the nervous laugh in small, before Touko unwraps her hand to uncover of (Y/N)'s eyes, before (Y/N) turning facing on Touko with Mashiro.
(Y/N): Oh hey, Mashiro are you here for your band practice?
Mashiro: Ye-Yes....
She said in shyly before looks away in slide with her shy look and blush on her while (Y/N) forms the sweatsdrop.
As Touko with the flirtatious looks.
(Y/N): OH I just looking for the application to joins on the Uni, I hasn't decided yet.
Touko: Mou..... Why would you wanted to spend time in the college and you have spend the beautiful like me~
She said with flirting and teasing tone, while Mashiro blushing in darkly and feeling jealous that she close with (Y/N).
As (Y/N) let out of the chuckles.
(Y/N): Sorry, maybe I might have time for that....
Touko: Oh poop.
She cutely at him.
Making (Y/N) to be let out of the nervous laugh until he heard of the slide door and making him turns toward and spotted at Tae in another dress.
(Y/N): Hey, O-Tae ready to go?
Tae: Yes, everything for my boyfriend.
She let out of the smiles with the blunt tone.
As everything remained quiet and silent around in the room.
(Y/N)/Touko/Mashiro: EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!?!
(Y/N): O-O-O-Tae! What do you means?!?!
Touko: Mou! No fair, I wanted be his girlfriend I got dip on him first!
Mashiro: T-T-Tae senpai is so bold...
Tae: Hmmm.... What you mean? I just read the books and getting the closer with the person I like making my heart to be warm and beat skipping close with the one I like.
She head tilted like an air-headed person with the curious looks on her face.
While the others are remained silent and kept staring at her, before (Y/N) facepalmed knowing she is airheaded and the girls release sigh in relief.
(Y/N): An-Anyway... Ready to go, O-Tae?
Tae: Hai!
Seeing of Tae happily hugging and clinging on his right arm, as (Y/N) forms the nervous looks before they exited out of the building.
While the girls are staring daggerly with the jealous looks on their face, as Touko pouted while Mashiro staring in shyly.
Touko: Mou..... I wanted to cling on his arm.
Mashiro: Tae senpai is so bold.... Maybe I want to tr....
Touko: Mashiro you wanted to hold his arm?
Making Mashiro reacted by Touko's teasing causing her face glow like red tomator appears on her face.
She shook her head.
Mashiro: No way!
Touko: Hmmm
She forms the smug smiles.
Timeskip brought you by meme!
Seeing of (Y/N) with Tae kept clinging and snuggled on his arm, while (Y/N) sweating dropping nervously and gets death glare from the boys.
Inner (Y/N): Damn, Parker Luck!
(Y/N): So tell me what is Raise A Suilen's members?
Tae: Yes, one of their vocalist is my childhood friend who is tall one, name Rei Wakana. The multicolored called PAREO, the blond one looking thug is MASKING, the cat headphones called CHU² and the blue hair name Rokka Akashi but her codename is LOCK.
(Y/N): A codename huh? Where they get it from?
Tae: They were inspired by Spider-Man and other superheroes.
She said in blunt responds.
Making (Y/N) to be let out of the sheepish eyes shut and felt flatter about they getting of their codenamed.
(Y/N): I-I see... But Ladies first.
He kindly opens the door for Tae, making Tae to be looks surprised before smiles in lovely with small blush.
Tae: What a gentlemen.
They enter inside of the building known as "Live House Galaxy" seeing of the Raise a Suilen notices Tae and spotted (Y/N).
As the tall girl walks toward and (Y/N) assuming that Rei who is childhood friend of Tae.
Rei: Hana-chan you came. And you must be the person we are expecting when Hana-chan has tell us.
(Y/N): Yes, my name is (Y/N) Parker. I worked as the staff in Live House CiRCLE, it's finally nice to meet you.
Rei: It nice to meet you, too (Y/N)-san, my name is Rei Wakana I'm the vocalist, my codenamed is LAYER, but you can call me Rei.
Inner (Y/N): Hmmm... She looks like the mature and older type but I think she in her teens years.
PAREO: I'm PAREO, but my real name is Reona Nyubara. I play the keyboard, it is nice to meet you.
Inner (Y/N): Okay, she looks like a nice girl and does come for everyone to need like the maid....
Masuki: Masuki Satou....
As she glare at him with the menacing looks on her face, while (Y/N) let out of the nervous gulped.
As Rei started to scolded on Masuki.
Rei: Oi, Masuki please introduce to yourself properly to nice to this guy.
Masuki: Fine... My name is Masuki Satou, my codenamed is Masuki Satou and I plays the drums. Nice to meet you, or whatever....
Inner (Y/N): Okay.... She does looks like a thug type, I should gentle use my power for self defense....
Rokka: I'm Rokka Asashi, I also work in the Live House just like you (Y/N). I play the guitar. It nice to meet you.
Inner (Y/N): Okay.... She looks nice.
Chiyu: I'm CHU², and I'm the Leader of RAS, but my real name is Chiyu Tamade and I play DJ and our goal is CRUSH on our rival ROSELIA!!!
Inner (Y/N): Okay..... She have the anger issue for that.... But.... I hope she can survive from Big Sis' scary side....
Tae: And I am Tae Hanazono.
Making everyone glance to looked at Tae.
(Y/N): We're already known who you are....
Tae: I know, but I don't to be left out, so I decided to joins in...
Chiyu: Okay..... Anyway, we got some meeting about it, thanks to Layer's friend has tell about the event.
Rokka: That right, you wanted to recruit us to joins event.
(Y/N): Really?! You joins?
He let out of the relived with the smiles in excited.
As Chiyu responds back with of course in english.
Chiyu: Of course, if that's what you're asking for that, so we're gladly love to joins.
(Y/N): Thank you so much!
He rushes to exited out of the building, before taking out of his phone to calling of his boss Marina to inform her.
Marina: [Really?! Good work, (Y/N)! You get no more and you deserved a raised!]
(Y/N): Thanks, Marina!
He hang up on calling.
Seeing on the girls' other sides for that are currently discussing and having for the conversation about the events.
As (Y/N) arriving.
(Y/N): Sorry for the wait, did I made you wait?
Rei: No, no, no, no, no it's fine. Hana chan has already tell us about the event we have our own 2 original songs and 1 cover music, right?
(Y/N): That right.
He nodded his head.
Chiyu: So.... Did you knows the other bands will be joining us? The last part seems to be easy to us.
(Y/N): Yes, we're got Poppin 'Party, Afterglow, Pastel * Palettes, Hello! Happy World, Morfonica and Roselia has finally join us....
Chiyu: Roselia?! Finally! It time for crushed them!
She stood up and slammed her feet on the ground, raising her fist in the air with her gritted teeth let out of the retorted and irritated tone.
Making (Y/N) let out of the sweatsdrop whiles the other RAS let out of the exhasuted sigh except for Reona with the smiles. (Y/N) turns face Rei.
(Y/N): Is there.... Problem of her and Roselia.
Rei: Trust me.... You don't want to known....
(Y/N): I.... I see...
He forms the another sweatsdrop.
As Reona let out of the words to broke the silent.
Reona: Hey, (Y/N) you wanted to hear the song?
(Y/N): A song? You sure? I had go to wo....
Chiyu: No, it's alright girls?
Rokka: Huh? Uhhhh..... Hai! My shift is almost finished, I guessed we can play.
Masuki: Come on, Rokka.
Rei: Now, listen to hear this (Y/N)! We going to play Sacred World!
Inner (Y/N): WOW!!! That song is really good and amazing mixture with sci-fi!!! But... It sound like anime opening!
At Another Universe
???: Achoo!!! Is someone talking about me?
Revealing the person is flying in the air alongside with the jet boots and some sort of sci-fi armor. Revealing is Iron Man Mark 6!
[J.A.R.V.I.S: I'm afraid not....]
Iron Man: I see.... Whoa!
As Iron Man quickly reacted in time to evade and avoid from incoming blasts, making him turns toward glaring at someone.
His arch nemesis Iron Breaker.
Iron Man: Iron Breaker....There's Only One Person Who Can Stop You.. And That's Me!
He shout out with determines.
He charged at him, before they charged and clashed their fists against each others.
At Spider-Man's universe
As (Y/N) felt the notification and vibrate a bit coming from his phone, before he pulls out of his phone revealing the text from Jason.
Jason's text: Hey, Little Spider-Ling, time to move out for our team up.
(Y/N): Sorry guys, looks like I had to make our meeting to be short and O-Tae will show you where the CiRCLE will be going!
Reona: Wait, wait, wait, I wanted to more you more!
(Y/N): Can't gotta go buy!
He can't think of the best lied, it always making him to be stress about his identify being as Spider-Man.
Reona: Mou, I wanted to get to known him more....
Tae: Me too..... He just too interesting and nice....
Chiyu: Don't worry.... He will be back.
She forms the smirk.
Inner Chiyu: I already figure out his biggest secret.....
Timeskip brought you by Jason drinking beer in his car
Spider-Man arriving landed on the rooftop, seeing of his suit..... In largely he hasn't got some time about it, before he tab on the emblem chest causing his suit shrink to fit all his size.
Spider-Man: Thank you very much..... Mr Allen did tell me about his future daughter has told that Dr Ryan Choi got inspired from my suit can shrink any sizes.
He did remember that he did Barry Allen aka known as the Flash about Dr Ryan Choi aka the next Atom.
As Spider-Man looks around unable to see Jason around.
Spider-Man: Jason, you there?
???: Right there, Little Spider-Ling.
Making Spider-Man turns revealing the another vigilante on top of the another rooftop before he jumps down and landed in front of Spider-Man in bit meter away with his one knee and fist.
Revealing is Red Hood!
Spider-Man: So, Jason what you need me for?
Red Hood: I got some good intel from Blue bird.
He takes out of USB flashdrive out of nowhere handed to Spider-Man.
As he grabbed it before insert the flashdrive in his suit to see everything of info on his HUD about Fisk's plans.
Red Hood: Dick figured out about how Fisk's men are keeping his rackets running. It the Construction sites.
Spider-Man: Wasn't it shut down when he was arrested?
[Karen: Apparently, one of his legitimate businesses, multiple investors Dick and the other polices can't act will cause. However he entrusted to you guys to keep an eyes on their location, something is right but is suspicious.]
Spider-Man: I see.... So wanna team up with me like good old time?
Red Hood: Hell yeah! Let go, Little Spider-Ling!
They do their handshake
And now seeing o Spider-Man alongside with Red Hood, Spider-Man swinging across the city while Red Hood is riding his own bike.
End of Chapter 7
Well that's all for the chapter and thank you so much for reading of Spider-Man x Bang Dream! Spider-Man has now recruited of RAS and meeting with Jason Todd. Now he has to deal with Chiyu's short temper on Roselia or her heights.
But next chapter he and Jason are going to takes down of Fisk's construction building and he going recruit Glitter Green and going to visit Aunt May!
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