Opening Up To Charity
It was several days after Charity crashed to Wayne Manor. During that time, Charity entrusted her rocket to Superman, who promised he would make sure the rocket ship was protected in the Fortress of Solitude. Also during that time, we taught Charity the basics of Earth customs, and that you're not supposed to smash your cup on to the floor and cause said cup to shatter. But according to Charity, smashing and shattering a cup after drinking a delicious drink is a compliment on Crystalia, and a way of asking for more to drink, especially since the china on Crystalia is expandable and rebuildable. We also learned that Crystalians consume gem nectar and various gems like rubies, sapphires, amethysts, pearls, and so on and so forth since those are edible delicacies on Crystalia. Charity's favorite gems to eat are rubies and sapphires. But I also learned Crystalians are able to eat regular Earth food as well, and so far Charity likes Earth. She likes the culture of music, entertainment, the heroes, other extra terrestrials, the food, and of course, fashion. The day after we met Charity, Barbara and Stephanie took Charity shopping for new clothes, which was nice.
I'd gotten back from doing some web slinging in Gotham and I was just lounging around at Wayne Manor, wearing my Spider-Man suit. I wanted to go to my room so that I could change into some civilian clothes when I heard music playing in Charity's room. Her room was next to my room. I could hear Charity singing along to Fantasy by Mariah Carey. Charity sounded like an angel singing along to the song. I decided to knock on her door to see if she wanted to talk. Five seconds later, Charity opened her door. She was wearing a blue blouse, a gray pencil skirt, and purple heels. "Oh hello Peter," she said, "I hope I didn't sound loud when singing along. I love this song and listened to it five times straight! Oh, I see you're wearing your Spider-Man costume." I shrugged and said, "it's no biggie. Just wanted to hang with you is all."
"Actually, I wanted to measure you," said Charity, "come in!" I went to her room and noticed various dresses made out of curtains and blankets! My eyes widened and I asked, "whoa... Charity, did you make these yourself?? Out of blankets and... Curtains??" Charity smiled proudly and said, "I did. I simply love fashion and making dresses. Raise your arms like a T, darling." I did as I was told and said, "I gotta say, your technique in making dresses is quite impressive. Although, just to let you know, if you need fabric to make dresses, you can talk to Dad and Alfred." Charity measured my arms and chest and said, "I'll be sure to remember that. Yes, this is perfect. When's your birthday? You can put your arms down, now." I let my arms down and said, "August 10th. Are you planning something?" Charity gave a sly smile and said, "oh yes, Peter." And then she said in a singing tone, "but it's a surpriiiiise...." I smiled and laughed, "okay, I'll take your word for it. I certainly wouldn't want to spoil any surprises. My Aunt May will be coming to Gotham for my birthday. The day after that we'll be going back to Queens since I'll eventually need to get ready for school."
"That's a shame, for I quite enjoy your company Peter," said Charity, "I have a question regarding the symbols on your costumes." She touched my Spider symbol and I replied, "ask away." Charity gave a curious look and said, "I understand the symbol Kal El carries on his chest is the symbol of hope and also his family crest upon Krypton. The bat symbol upon your father's chest, is it his family crest?" I shook my head and replied, "not exactly. Some superheroes just have a logo on their chest as a way of symbolizing who they are. It's been done for years. I guess you could say I've followed the gimmick." Charity looked at my symbol and asked, "so the spider isn't your family crest either?" I shook my head and replied, "nope. It just signifies that I'm Spider-Man. Dad and Barbara helped me make this recent costume." Charity placed her hand on her chin and said, "quite impressive. Peter, you said that you know what it's like to have an evil mother that tried to hurt you. Could you explain, please?" I sat on Charity's bed and replied, "it's a bit of a long story. Bare with me." Charity sat next to me and nodded, willing to listen.
"My real mother's name is Talia Al Ghul." I started, and then I explained to Charity how she fell in love with Dad, and Talia's loyalty to her father and the League Of Assassins. "Like you, I am an heir to a throne in a way." I continued, I then explained what the League of Assassins were, and how Richard Parker infiltrated the League as an undercover mole. "So your father was a spy for the shield?" Charity asked. "Yeah, the Strategic Homeland International Espionage Logistics Division, SHIELD for short." I replied, "Richard saw that Talia was pregnant with me and planned on genetically modifying me to make me this ultimate assassin and heir to the League of Assassins. She and her father were planning on using me for their own benefits. So Richard took me and he adopted me with his wife Mary. That's why my name is Peter Damian Parker. When I was five, Talia tried to have my parents killed in an effort to capture me back, so Richard and Mary had me under the care of his brother, Ben Parker and his wife May. I've been with them since. Talia then sent an assassin known as Albert Malik to kill my adoptive parents, and that's why they're dead." I looked down sadly. Charity wrapped her arm around me and said, "I'm truly sorry... I guess we both have dreadful mothers." I nodded and said, "yeah, guess we both do."
"So why are you called Spider-Man?" Charity asked. "Well that's because I have the proportionate speed, strength, and agility of a radioactive spider." I said, "I also wear a mask to ensure I have a secret identity." Charity tapped her chin and said, "I'd certainly like to see your proportionate strength." I stood up and then I lifted Charity's bed up with one arm, with Charity still sitting on the bed. "Oh my!" Charity said in amazement. "Pretty cool, eh?" I asked as I put the bed down. "My strength is equal to yours," said Charity, "watch this." Charity then lifted the bed with one hand, leaving me astounded. "That is cool..." I said, "I think you could win in an arm wrestling fight against Juggernaut." Charity beamed proudly. When she put the bed down, I said, "watch this." I did a leaping flip and then my feet stuck to the ceiling, hanging upside down. Charity smiled and said, "alright, that's cool." I got off the ceiling and said, "thanks. I gotta say Charity, I like you. You're pretty cool." Charity smiled and said, "I like you too, Peter. I'm certainly happy to have you as a friend."
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