How My Parents Died
"Well, that one's another tragic story," sighed Melinda, "but before I get into that story, I have to ask you Peter, what do you remember the day before Richard and Mary placed you under the care of your aunt and uncle?" I thought about what Melinda said, trying to recollect those last few memories. When I was able to remember I said, "I remember Dad was at the grocery store to get something that Mom had forgotten. Mom noticed that he was out a bit later than usual. She was hoping he'd be back in time for dinner. When Dad came back he said and I quote, sorry I'm late honey. The line was a killer. Then we had dinner, and then Dad asked me to go to the TV and watch a Disney movie because he and Mom had some grown up stuff to talk about. I watched The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh. When that was done, Mom and Dad took me to my favorite ice cream place. I got my favorite ice cream flavor and while I was eating ice cream, Dad told me that he and Mom had some grown up stuff that they had to take care of and that they'd be gone for a few days, and during that time, I would be temporarily under the care of Uncle Ben and Aunt May. I asked them why I couldn't come with them, but Mom said it was grown up stuff, but only temporary. The next day, all my things were packed, and we went to Uncle Ben's house in Queens. Mom and Dad gave me hugs and kisses, telling me that they loved me so much and they hoped they would see me again. Mom even said, goodbyes aren't forever Peter. Dad even promised they'd be back. They got into their car and that was the last time I ever saw them. Around three days later, I learned they died in a plane crash. The circumstances of how the plane crash happened were considered mysterious. I think I remember meeting you when I started kindergarten. You said you were a friend of Mom and Dad's and that if I ever needed someone to talk to, you'd be there." I unknowingly shed tears. Bruce looked at me and asked, "are you okay, son?" I looked at Bruce and said, "I'm sorry. This is literally the first time I've ever told anyone this in years. I never realized how much I missed my parents..."
"There are reasons behind all that," explained May, "after Richard and Mary adopted you, they wanted to change positions at SHIELD. They were both interested in working in the science division at SHIELD due to their science expertise. I kept in touch with them. Your parents were hoping that working in a science division would be less dangerous. Richard didn't expect someone from the League of Assassins to try and hunt them down. While Richard was out at the grocery store, someone from the League tried to murder him. This assassin wanted to know where you were. Your biological mother Talia wanted you back and she didn't care how much innocent blood she had to shed in order to get to you. Richard survived. He told Mary of what happened, and the two of them knew that you wouldn't be safe if the League knew where you were. And so they had you placed under the care of Richard's brother and his wife to ensure your safety. They didn't want to do it, but they had no choice in order to keep you safe. A couple days before I was to officially retire from SHIELD, Richard and Mary asked me if I could keep an eye on you to make sure nobody from the League of Assassins would try to attack you, your aunt, your uncle, or any of your neighbors in order to get to you. Since I respected Richard and considered Mary to be the closest thing to my friend, I obliged."
"So the reason Mom and Dad had Uncle Ben and Aunt May adopt me was to keep me safe?" I asked, earning a nod from Melinda, "did any members of The League try to invade our neighborhood?" Melinda nodded and said, "around twelve times. I successfully stopped them each and every time. I wasn't one of SHIELD's best agents for nothing." She gave a small chuckle. I could tell Bruce was impressed. Melinda's smile dropped and she said, "Richard and Mary were planning on leaving America and making new identities in England. If they'd made it and successfully made new identies, they would've taken you to England and you'd be raised there. Unfortunately, Talia sent an assassin from the League known as Albert Malik to hijack their plane. When the plane was outside America, Malik killed the pilot and interrogated your parents. He wanted to know where you were, and if Richard or Mary complied, he'd give them a merciful and painless death. According to the security footage we found, the last thing Richard said was, I'll die before I let you know where my son is. Malik killed Richard and Mary, and then destroyed the plane, killing himself in the process." I listened to what Melinda said, and I said, "so my biological mother was responsible for the deaths of Richard and Mary Parker?"
"Yes. I'm really sorry you had to find out this way, Peter." Melinda sadly said. I stood up and said, "I gotta go... I need time to think about all this... I'll be on top of the Chrysler Building if you need me." I left Melinda's house and snuck into my room and put on my Spider-Man suit, the papers in my hand. I swung around Queens until I was on top of the Chrysler Building. Whenever I need time to be alone, I go here. I guess you could say it's my Fortress of Solitude. I took off my mask and looked at the second piece of paper. It was a letter written by my adoptive father, Richard. I decided to read it.
Dear Peter,
If you're reading this, then your mother and I are probably already dead. Your mother and I wanted to wait until we felt you were ready to learn the truth. But since we've been forced to leave you to ensure your safety, I'm writing this to you now so that you can read it once you've come of age. This is one of the most difficult letters I've ever had to write, and it pains me that you have to learn the truth like this. Peter...
I read the letter, and in Richard's words, I read everything that Bruce and Melinda had told me about Batman, Talia Al Ghul, The League Of Assassins, SHIELD, Dad going undercover with The League, seeing me born, and adopting me. The letter concluded with...
If I have one regret, it's the regret that your mother and I will never get to see you grow up. But I cherish every moment your mom and I shared with you. Thank you for giving your mother and I the gift of being your parents. I'm happy to know you were my son.
Your Dad, Richard Parker
I put down the letter, moved by my surrogate father's words. From behind me, I heard Bruce say, "are you alright, Peter?" I turned around, and there was Bruce in his Batman outfit. Gray and black with shades of dark blue. He took off his mask and sat next to me. I sighed, "it's taken me years to come to grips with my parents' deaths. I had Uncle Ben and Aunt May to help me come to terms with it all. I'm still coming to terms with my uncle's death. You know what it's like?" Bruce nodded and said, "I had years, and someone who was like a father to me that helped me come to grips with my parents' deaths. I know what it's like to lose family to senseless violence, and to feel powerless." I looked at Bruce and his symbol, and I asked, "what made you want to become Batman?" Bruce looked down and said, "seeing my parents die. A part of me died that night too. I didn't want any innocent child to endure what I had to, and so I became The Batman to defend my city. What made you want to be Spider-Man?" I looked down and said, "guilt. I blamed myself for Uncle Ben's death. He was like another surrogate father to me. I wanted to use my powers to protect everyone. Because I swore I would never stand idly by if someone were to get hurt or killed, like Uncle Ben did. I guess my motives are a bit similar to yours... Dad..." I looked at my father. "You and I are more alike than I thought, Peter." he said, "our reasons for putting on the suits are motivated by tragedy and guilt. But we can be more than what our personas define us by. We can be symbols of hope. You're just as much a hero as I am." I gave a small smile and said, "I guess being a hero runs in the family." Bruce looked at me and said, "I know I wasn't there when you were younger. But I want to be more involved in your life as your father. If you'll let me." I hugged my dad and said, "nothing would make me more happy than to bond with my dad."
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