Great Expectations


The POLICE CAR moves through the neighborhood. Miles is in the back seat. 1010 WINS plays.

ISAAC: Seriously, Uncle, walking would have been fine.

Reveal Jefferson driving.

JEFFERSON: You can walk plenty on Saturday when you peel those stickers off.

MILES: You saw that? I don't know if that was us, Dad.

JEFFERSON: And the two from yesterday on Clinton.

MILES: Yeah. Those were us.

Jefferson stares, shuts down the cheekiness. Miles and Isaac look hurt. Jefferson clocks his pained look. It bums Jefferson out. There's an awkwardness between Miles, Isaac and their dad/or uncle that's not there with their mom/auntie. They drive by a row of HIPSTER COFFEE SHOPS. Jefferson tries to bridge the gap with Miles, more cheerful:

JEFFERSON: Soooo... look at that, another new coffee shop... you see that you two?

MILES: Totally, yeah...

JEFFERSON: --You see that one, what's that one called?

ISAAC: Foam Party.

JEFFERSON: Foam Party, come on...and everyone is just lining up!  You see that--

MILES (CONT'D) I see it--

JEFFERSON: Is that a coffee shop or a disco?

ISAAC: Uncle, you're old, man.

NEWS ANCHOR (ON RADIO) :There are multiple reports of another mysterious seismic event last night. Sources close to SpiderMan and Venom Spider say he is looking into the problem.

Jefferson shakes his head, disapproving, turns off the radio.

JEFFERSON: Spider-Man and Venom Spider. I mean this guy swings in once a day zip zap zop in their little masks and answers to no one, right?

MILES: Yeah, Dad.

JEFFERSON: And meanwhile my guys are outthere, lives on the line-- 

ISAAC: Uh huh... 

SCHOOL KIDS run alongside the car looking at Miles and Isaac, who slinks down. They bang on the window, teasing the two, "you get arrested?!" 

JEFFERSON: --no masks, we show ourfaces. Accountability. 

MILES (CONT'D)--Oh no! Dad, speed up, we know these kids-- 

JEFFERSON: --You know, with great abilitycomes great accountability-- 

ISAAC: That's not even how the saying goes, Unc-- 

JEFFERSON: --I do like his cereal though, I'llgive him that-- 

Jeff stops the car. The teens reach Miles and Isaac's window. 

TEEN BOY: Yo Miles! Isaac! You get arrested? 

MILES: (mortified)--Oh my gosh. Don't cops run redlights? 

JEFFERSON: Some do... but not your Dad!


(The car pulls up. Miles and Isaac sit, not wanting to go in.) 

MILES: Why can't we go back to BrooklynMiddle? 

JEFFERSON: (raises his eyebrows)Miles, Isaac, you've given it two weeks.We're not having this conversation. 

ISAAC: --We just think that this new schoolis elitist-- 

JEFFERSON: --Elitist?-- 

ISAAC: --and we would prefer to be at anormal school among the people. 

JEFFERSON: The people? These are your people! 

MILES: --We'm only here 'cause we won thatstupid lottery-- 

JEFFERSON: No way. You passed the entry testjust like everybody else, ok! Youhave an opportunity here, you wannablow that, huh? You two want to end uplike your Uncle? 

MILES: (under his breath)--What's wrong with Uncle Aaron?He's a good guy-- 

ISAAC: (Under his breath) -- And he understands us more.

(Jefferson FLINCHES, angered. Reins it in.) 

JEFFERSON: ...We all make choices in life-- 

MILES: --It doesn't feel like we have achoice right now-- 


(Tension fills the car. They sit in silence for a beat.Miles and Isaac get out of the car and opens the front door to get hisbag Jefferson staring through his rearview mirror.)

JEFFERSON (CONT'D)I love two. 

ISSAC: Yeah, I know, Uncle. See you Friday-- 

(Miles shuts the door and walks away. Jefferson watches,bummed at the state of the relationship. He lifts his P.A.) 

JEFFERSON (INTO P.A.)You gotta say I love you back. 

Isaac: Oh my god.

MILES: Dad are you serious? 

JEFFERSON: (CONT'D)I wanna hear it. 

MILES: You wanna hear us say it-- 

JEFFERSON: (CONT'D)--I love you, Uncle. 

Isaac: --You're dropping us off at aschool-- 

JEFFERSON: (CONT'D)--We love you. 

MILES: Look at this place-- 

JEFFERSON: (CONT'D)--Dad, Uncle we love you. 

MILES/ISAAC: Dad, Uncle, we love you.

JEFFERSON: That's a copy. Tie your shoes, please!

(Isaac and Miles head inside their school, while being embarrassed.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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