Day 8: Part-1

MGL: Welcome to Day 8 of spending time with the numberblocks!
I have a few things to say before we start, firstly, 2 and 3 are okay now and they are still.....well.....swapped. They will stay like that for the whole day.

3 as 2: *grumbles*

2 as 3: 🙂 (⬅️fake smile)

MGL: Also, 4 is still a troublemaker who destroyed the last stage....yes.....he demolished it after we were done from Day 7. But, whever happens, happens for good! We have a brand new and better stage! They didn't finish making it yet, so it'll be ready by tomorrow. For now, we have to manage in my house. As we are in my house-

3 as 2: There is hardly and space.

MGL: And we have no audience. Last thing I want to say is, The Numberblocks and Alphablocks series will be removed from Netflix on 24th of May, So go and open your Netflix and get watching!
Now let's start with the questions and dares and whatnots.
Firstly, 0 has 1 dare from WarriorCats888000. They dare her to make a number who is smaller than 0.

0: Oh-

1:There is a number smaller than you?

0: Ye-

2 as 3: How are you gonna them?

0: Listen! I don't need to make a number smaller than me! He already exists and we are also friends!

1: It's a he?

4: How does he look like?

6: What's his name?

7: What colour is he?

0: How about he answers all of your questions himself?
1, come with me.

(1 follows 0 to a weird looking mirror that was coloured like the negative colours of a rainbow. 1 stands infront of it a sees a cyan colour 1 with a "-1" numberling. 1 walks away from the Mirror and so does -1)

Numberblocks: *gasp*

1: Who.....are you?

-1: I am Negative 1! You can call me N 1.

(-1's voice sounded like 1, but in boy version.)

MGL: Nice! Wanna stay with is for a while
N 1?

N 1: Okay, but I can't stay for long.

(0 and 1 sit in their seats while N 1 sits on a spare seat.)

MGL: Okay, now I want to get all the video reactions over with, so let's do all the video things.
First video is from WarriorCats888000 to 1. They said, "Hey, you said that 2 is your crush? Then watch this! I dare you!"

1: Oh....okay...😬

MGL: Here it is on my TV.

1: It's uh....cute? It was-

3 as 2: I'm included in the video!

MGL: Yes you are-

3 as 2: People like me!

MGL: 🤦‍♀️
AnYwAy, next video is from Diabolos-Chan to 8.

8: What now?

MGL: You should say what you think of it.

8: It' Good? I don't know.

MGL: Okay, you have another video from Diabolos-Chan. She also says that this is a Message to Eight from Octonaughty.

8: Wha-

8: -_-
Same to you.

N 1: 😂

MGL: 🧐 I don't like that triangle dude.
Anywho, the last video goes to 6 and 16 from machete13. That is actually KNIFEHOARDER, but she changed her username. Anyway, she said, "Try reacting to "A Party" by Spoiled Lemon from Inanimate Insanity." Here it is.

6: Haha! That was funny!😂

16: 🤣 I have trouble bending!🤣

MGL: 😐
So, now that we finished all the reactions, we can start with the other things. Let's begin with 1.
Okay, this question is both for 1 and kinda for N 1 as they both are almost the same thing.

N 1: Did you just call us 'Thing'?

MGL: NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, "If you want to wink, how do you do it?"

N 1: (to 0) Did she just ignore me?

0: Yeah, she does that.

1: I don't wink, because I don't need to. I never winked for my whole life. I never said wink for my whole life, until now.

MGL: Mhm. NotsoEla asks you, who built your houses?

1: Everyone worked together to make them. I mean, after Day 9, we will definitely have to rebuild them all. The squares will help.

MGL: Okay, next up, 1 has mail from Inferno_Overdrive4.

N 1: You get mail!?

1: Yeah!

(1 opens her box and finds it full of lots her favorite teddy bear.)

1: I love it! I'll make a bed out of them!

MGL: Ohkay? Anyway, we'll move on to 2 now.

N 1: Yeah, I have to go now.

1: Aww....

N 1: It's okay, I'm sure we'll meet someday. Maybe I'll bring my friends over next time. You all have fun.
*whispers*(to 1) And prepare for some upcoming drama with 2 and 3.

1: *giggles*Oh wait! *gives N 1 one of her Teddy Bears*

N 1: Thanks...Until next time!

(N 1 waves goodbye then walks back through the Mirror.)

MGL: Okay, let's move on to 2. I mean, 2 as 3. This is gonna be weird.....

2 as 3: So does the question go to me or 3, because she's in my body?

MGL:, you answer them. But 3 will do your dares and get your mail.

2 as 3: Okay.....

3 as 2: What!? I didn't agree to that!

MGL: Okay, so NumberBlocksSuperFan dares 2, means 3 will do it, to wear your socks without shoes for the whole day 8.

3 as 2: Easy!

(3 as 2 takes off her shoes and socks, then puts back her shoes without socks.)

3 as 2: Oh, it feels weird. I don't like it.

MGL: Good!

3 as 2: Wha-

MGL: Next up, 2 has mail from Inferno_Overdrive4.

(3 as 2 opens the package and finds a CD container with this cover.)

(3 as 2 stares at it for a while then tossed it behind her back.)

'2 as 3' and 20: Hey!

3 as 2: Eh, I don't need it.

MGL: Let's just move on to 3's things, we have limited time. Same for 3 as 2, 2 as 3 will do her dares and get her mail.
First, you have a Note from NumberBlocksSuperFan.
She says, "Stop".

2 as 3: Stop what? I didn't do anything...

MGL: This actually goes to 3.
(to 3)NumberBlocksSuperFan tells you to stop.

3 as 2: I've learnt not to care.

MGL: Then you must have a Master's Degree in it or something.
3 also has another mail from Inferno_Overdrive4. But 2 will open it.

(2 as 3 opens the small wrapped package and finds a card with the words "YOU ARE FABULOUS QUEEN!".)

2 as 3: Yeah, this is definitely for 3.

(2 as 3 gives the card to 3 as 2. Did I break your mind yet? With all the numbers? No? Okay.)

MGL: 4 isn't here today, tomorrow is the day of his arrival from being a naughty.
Now 5, machete13 asks you, "Wanna do Karaoke with someone else here? If so, what do you want to sing?"

5: Yeah, I wanna do with....hmmm.....7 maybe? And we could sing Rise Up. It's a great song!

MGL: Yeah.
Inferno_Overdrive4 also has mail for 5.

(5 opens up the box and finds.)

5: Packing peanuts?

3 as 2: Spill them out!

MGL: And who is going to clean it?

3 as 2: It's your house, not mine.

(5 dips her hand into the Packing Peanuts and pulls out a really shiny and expensive looking blue glove.)

5: Nice!

(5 removes her original glove and puts the new one on.)

5: Really pretty! But I'll use it only in special occasions. Thanks alot Inferno_Overdrive4!

MGL: NumberBlocksSuperFan has a question to 5. She asks,"Are you okay with only one glove?"

5: Yeah, I'm fine with that. It can be quite handy to have different hands.

MGL: Next, Inferno_Overdrive4 has got mail for 6.

(6 opens her box and finds a 6 and 60 plushies.)

6: Aww! They're cute!

60: Nice!

6: Thanks Inferno_Overdrive4!

MGL: Now, 7 has a couple of things from NumberBlocksSuperFan. First one is,"Who's your first Rainbow?

7: Big Bob is my first rainbow but *whispers* Kevin is definitely my favorite.

MGL: Next, NumberBlocksSuperFan asks you if you could change back into your only violet self?

7: I mean, I never tried it. But I think that that only happens when I get unlucky.

MGL: That happens?

7: Uhh.....yeah? But I don't go out of my non-existent house when that happens.

MGL: Non-existent house?

7: Umm.....yeah? 4 burnt it down.

MGL: Oh, okay then. Next is 8, NotsoEla asks what you thing of the Terrible Twenties?

8: They are two big trouble makers who are sadly too big for me to stop. I don't like them. But they cause way more less trouble than the Terrible Twos do.

MGL: Next, 8 has a note from Diabolos-Chan.

8: Oh, thanks! Finally someone notices that I'm cool.

MGL: You are acting like 3 right now.

8: No I'm not! You are just jealous.....

3 as 2: .....Because nobody likes you!

MGL: 8, I'm not jealous and 3, that was totally unnecessary.

8: I agree, that was uncalled for 3.

3 as 2: Well, I'm sorry for being honest!

MGL: You-

15: (to MGL) Just breath.

MGL: *deep breath* Okay.....let's continue.
8 also has a dare from NumberBlocksSuperFan. She dares you to do One Hundred push ups with only one hand.

8: Ha! That is part of my daily routine!

(8 gets on the ground and starts.)

8: 1

MGL: Okay, we'll continue with 9 until you finish.
NumberBlocksSuperFan asks 9,"Do you like your shades of gray, or do you want to be all one shade?

9: Well, I don't even want to be gray, but I have been taking classes with 23 to be happy being me. And, after some classes, I said to myself that I would rather have three shades of gray than being only one shade of gray.

23: Happy to help!

MGL: Now, 10 has mail from NumberBlocksSuperFan.

(10 opens the package and finds 10 plushie with a note.)

10: "I made this 10 plushie and I hope you like it."

(A/N:- NumberBlocksSuperFan really did make a 10 plushie in real life.)

10: I love it! You are really talented! I'll be sure to treasure this always.

MGL: Next, you have a question from machete13.

10: People say that the Soviet Union won, but honestly, I think that USA won.

MGL: Why?

10: I'll leave that answer for another day, if anyone even asks.

MGL: Lastly, you have a dare from KissilillyJJ to stay a rocket for five hours.

10: Uh, okay? *puts on rocket gear* 🙂

8: 93

MGL: Okay...So,11 and 12 didn't get anything for now. 10&3 has one question from machete13.

13: Good Question, I have no idea.🙂

MGL: Then 21, can you answer?

21: Certainly! August 13th is 10&3's most special and most favorite day!

13: Am I suppose to know the answer?

21: It's not always the same date, it changes every year.

13: *blinks*

21: There was two of it last year.

13: ...

MGL: Just spit it out!

21: 13th August is Friday the 13th!

13: Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I seeeeeeeeeee!

21 and MGL: 🤦‍♀️

MGL: Anyway, 14 only has a video to react to from ratterrierdream2004. She also says, "Even though you are a tough guy, watch this cute puppy video."

14: You think I'm a tough guy? Well thanks for the compliment, but it's not true.

MGL: The video got blocked from being able to be put on Wattpad.

14:Well, no video for me today, but thanks for thinking that I'm a tough guy.

MGL: Okay then, now, 15 has a note and a question.
Her question is from NotsoEla. She asks if you know the Negative Numberblocks.

15: I mean, I won't tell you everything, I'll just tell you that we just met N 1. We might meet the rest later.

MGL: You are really full of secrets. Anyway, the note is from NumberBlocksSuperFan.

15: Hello. Yeah, I'm reading this, Yay.

MGL: 16 has a question and a note from NumberBlocksSuperFan. She asks, "All the other squares have eyebrows. Why don't you?

16: 👁_👁
Because then I'd look weeeeiiiirrrrdddd.

MGL: Here is the note.

16: SqUaRe PaRtAy!!! *blows airhorns*

15: *shakes head in disappointment* I sometimes wonder, why is she the bigger number.

MGL: Next up is 17. First, you have a dare from ratterrierdream2004. She dares you to paint 17 dogs.

17: Okay!

*after a couple of minutes*

17: Done!

MGL: Not bad 17, not bad.
ratterrierdream2004 also has a video for you to react to and she also says, "Try not to laugh at this."

I didn't laugh, see?

MGL: Yes, I see. I also see that NumberBlocksSuperFan has a question for you. She asks, "What is the biggest art piece you've ever painted?"

17: The biggest art piece, ey? Hmmm.....I think it might be when I drew 17 Mona Lisas.

MGL: You did that!?

17: Yes, I did. It wasn't even that hard.

MGL: If you say so.🤷‍♀️ Lastly, you have a question from machete13.

17  You are an artist too!? Well good for you pal! About your question, you see, I'm the type that just cannot bear to read books without pictures. Comic books don't only include pictures, they are pictures themselves! Lots and lots of pictures! So you bet I love 'em!

MGL: Yeah, Comic Books are really fun.
Alright, we will do 18 and 19 now, then we'll continue the rest after the break.

3 as 2: Why is there a break when we are in your house, not the stage?

MGL: Why did you start talking? I was just starting to finally get some peace.

3 as 2: 😒

MGL: Anyway, firstly, 18 has a question from Skyeishere661. She asks, "Why are you being like, mean a little?"

18: I'm not meeeeaaaannnn! I'm just not born to apologize or say thanks, that's the purpose of 12, to apologize and say thanks instead of me.

12: 🤦‍♀️

MGL: 18 also has a note from stehnovsacku.

18: Whale, thank you very much stehnovsacku!

12: I thought that you weren't born to thank.

18: I do thank and apologize, only to my favorite people/blocks, like stehnovsacku.

MGL: Okay, that's it for 18, now 19. You have a note from ratterrierdream2004.

19: Thank you soo very much Norah.😊

MGL: Skyeishere661 dares you to not make crazy shapes for 19 days, but unfortunately, 19 is too long. So she won't make any crazy shapes only for the rest of today.

19: Oh, okay.🙂

MGL: Okay, now we will continue from 20 after the short break. See ya all then!

*short break starts*

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