Day 7: Part-2

MGL: We're back!


MGL: Let's get right into it. 16 only has one note from KNIFEHOARDER.

16: SqUaRe PaRtYyYyY!!!!!!! *blows airhorns*

MGL: Speaking of Airhorns, I want you all to watch these two hilarious videos.

MGL: 😂🤣😂🤣


MGL: It....wasn't funny?

Numberblocks: 😐

MGL: Tough Crowd.
Ummm....17 has a question. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, why are you always dirty with paint when you even touched paint.

17: It is mostly because my 7 is made of paint, so it sometimes splatters on me, I'm too busy to clean up the paint anyway.

MGL: Busy doing what?

17: Painting?

MGL: Of course. 🙄

18: FiNaLlY iT's My TuRn!!!

MGL: Yeah, so 18 has one dare and.....mail?

Numberblocks: Mail!?

(A person comes from backstage, whispers something to MGL, then goes back.)

MGL: Looks like we are going to have mail from now onwards! (to readers/audience) If you want to give any of the citizens of Numberland anything, just send it in the mail. The address is: The Comment Section.

18: Show Me My Mail!

MGL: I'll show you after you do your dare. ratterrierdream2004 dares you to scream like a girl.

18: *takes in a deep breath*

MGL: 😳

12: Even I can't scream like that!!!

18: 🙂
Now give my mail!!!

MGL: Okay, okay. This is from KNIFEHOARDER. *gives 18 a box*

(18 years the box open and finds.)


(18 zooms off with the box of cookies.)

MGL: (to 18) But won't you say-
Now 19, firstly, you have a note from KissilillyJJ, see.

19: I don't think that I can make that man. 😅
I can barely make fifty crazy shapes.

MGL: You have one more note and a dare. The note is from WarriorCats888000.

19: Thank you! I'm happy that I'm one of your favorite numberblocks. 😁

MGL: Now for your dare. NumberBlocksSuperFan dares you to...

19: Okay... *stands on her head*

MGL: Now 20's turn. You have a question from NumberBlocksSuperFan. She asks, are your shoes magical too?

20: No, they are just regular shoes.

MGL: You also have two notes and one video to react to. Here is the video.

20: That is cute. I don't often watch such videos.

MGL: But why?

20: Because they are not my type.

MGL: Anyway, KissilillyJJ also has a note for you.

20: 😳
Uh....umm....thank you?

MGL: Is that all?

20: What do you want me to say!?

MGL: Just leave it, here is the other note from ratterrierdream2004.

20: Thanks! 🙂

MGL: Now for 21. You have a question from FiveTheRockStar. She asks, what is the longest word in the world? If you can't say it, just say how many letters it has in total.

21: Pfft...easy! I'll say the word AND how many letters it has. The longest word in the world is:

*literally three and a half hours later*


*breaths heavily*

21: I-

MGL: You are done! Finally! The audience almost slept. As you are tired, I'll say the-

21: No! I'll....say it. That long the chemical name of 'titin', also known as 'connectin' is the largest known protein......It has 189,819 letters.
Am I done?

MGL: Actually no, you have two or three more things.

21: 😟

MGL: KNIFEHOARDER has a question for you. She said/asked, "Since you probably know Filipino, does this make sense to you?

MGL: She also said, "It's an ol' elevator joke."

21: *sigh*
"Bababa ba?" means "Are we/Is it going down?"
"Bababa!" means "We're/It's going down."

(A/N:- Thanks to TooShyForWriting for the help.)

3: How can 2 letters in one word make so much meaning!?

21: 🤷‍♀️
That's Filipino.

MGL: Lastly, you have mail with a note.

(MGL gives 21 a small box and 21 opens it.)

21: *gasps*

MGL: What's inside?

21: Halo-Halo!

MGL: What!?

3: Lol, Halo-Halo.😂🤣😂🤣

21: Halo-halo is a popular cold dessert in the Philippines made up of crushed ice, evaporated milk or condensed milk, and various ingredients including, ube, sweetened beans, coconut strips, sago, gulaman (agar), pinipig rice, boiled taro or soft yams in cubes, fruit slices, flan, and topped with a scoop of ube ice cream. Halo-halo is considered to be the dessert of the Philippines. By extension, the word has come to describe any object or situation that is composed of a similar, colorful mélange of ingredients.
I had this when I went to the Philippines once, but I never got to have it again. Thanks, KNIFEHOARDER!

3: You are a big nerd.

21: At least that's better than juggling in a circus, with no audience.

MGL: 😆

3: 😤

MGL: Come on 3, you know she was joking.
(to 21) You were joking, right? Right?

21: 🙂

MGL: Whatever, let's move on. 22 didn't get anything and 23 has one question. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, were you disappointed that you were figured out so late?

23: No, I'm not disappointed. I'm totally fine with it. 24 was faster in figuring herself out, so good for her.

MGL: Talkin' about 24, NumberBlocksSuperFan dares 24 to give 18 the biggest roast of his life.

24: But I can't, he got roasted soo much that his engine got toasted and he can't even say Speedily properly. He says "shpeedily".

MGL: Is that roasting or bullying?

18: Well 24, you are quite a rooster, oh I mean roaster.

24: Did you just call me-

MGL: Woah! Woah now! No fighting! It was just a little dare.

18: 😒

24: 😤

MGL: *big sigh* Anyway, 25, 26 and 27 didn't get anything and 28 has a question. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, did you know that you are a Super Rectangle?

28: Yes, I know. But for some reason, the numberblocks creators didn't show anything of me being a Super Rectangle. But who knows, just like 20, they might show it sometime in the future episodes.

MGL: Now, 50 has a question.

50: Great!

MGL: NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, why don't you have a glove on your hand like 5?

50: See, 5 wears one glove because it has five fingers, 10 wears two gloves because it has ten fingers. I am 50, if I want to wear gloves with fifty fingers, I'll have to have ten hands and I don't have ten hands, no one does.....except for monsters and....aliens.

MGL: 100 also has a question from NumberBlocksSuperFan. She asks, are you afraid of anything?

100: Not that I know of. But it's not like I'm fearless, I am sure that someday I'll find something that I'm afraid of. And that 'someday' is not today.

MGL: Next up we have a couple of things for.... some others.....But before we do that, there is someone who wanted to introduce herself to you all numberblocks and audience/readers.

1: She says, "Ah, hello!"

2: "I stumbled upon this asks and dares book and I decided to introduce myself since I'm going to be sticking around for a while."

3: "I am a Moth Thing or just Moth."
I don't like-

5: "And well, I'm a talking moth!"
That's funny, I never saw a talking moth before.

6: "Also, fun fact, I'm not a Poodle Moth, I'm actually a Domestic Silk Moth."
For those who don't know, here is the difference between them.

7: That is a Poodle Moth.

9: And that is a Domestic Silk Moth.

MGL: They kinda look the same, but they are not.

8: And did you know that none of them can fly!

MGL: (to 8) Just like you.

8: 😐

10: "Well, I'm going to be asking questions and dares sometime soon. I can't wait!"
We can't wait to answer your questions and do your dares.

3: Actually....I think we can wait...

MGL: Well, it's nice to meet you Moth_Thing.

(0 and Blockzilla come talking and laughing from backstage.)

MGL: Hi there 0 and Blockzilla, how know...your day?

0: It was great!

Blockzilla: Yes! 0 makes funny jokes! 😆

0: We are now best friends!

MGL: That is....great. Now please take your seats.
Alright, so we have a question for Blockzilla first.

Blockzilla: Me?

MGL: Yes, NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, are you a girl or a boy?

Blockzilla: Me clearly a girl.

MGL: Yeah, clearly.
Anyway, even Big Tum has a question. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, what kind of animal are you? A Yeti?

Big Tum: Yes, I'm a different species of Yeti. My kind is endangered.

MGL: 😯 I didn't know that. I mean, I knew that you are a Yeti, but I didn't know know what, just forget what I said.
Hey 9, do you mind getting us the three 3s, they also have a question.

9: Umm...okay?

(9 splits into the three 3s.)

The Three 3s: We are the three 3!

1st 3: The most-

MGL: We got no time for this.

The Three 3s: You can talk. 😒

3: *grumbles* I don't like those 3s. 😩

MGL: 🙄
Anyway, NumberBlocksSuperFan asks you three, are you all males or females.

The Three 3s: *laugh uncontrollably*

MGL: Why does everyone laugh when asked about their gender?

1st 3: Of course...

2nd 3: We are...

3rd 3: Females!

MGL: Yeah, I knew that.

2nd 3: Then why did you ask?

MGL: I didn't ask, NumberBlocksSuperFan did.
(to audience/readers) You want prove that they are females, okay! Here.



The official numberblocks told me that they are females!

The Three 3s: Can we-

MGL: Yes, you can add up to 9 again.

(The Three 3s add back up to 9 then 9 takes his seat. Not literally.....I meant he sits down in his seat....chair.)

MGL: Oh and 19, you can stop standing on your head now.

19: Okay.🙂

MGL: Next, The Terrible Twos have two things. We just finished The Three 3s' problem and now we move to Twos!🤦🏻‍♀️

9: But 4 isn't here, how are we going to get The Terrible Twos?

MGL: *sigh* I don't know. 😬

1: I could either add up with 3 or maybe someone can subtract to him.

3: Or we could just use the Magic Mirror to make another 2.

MGL: No and No! We can't risk having 4 in here, you'll never know what he can do and if we make another 2 using the Magic Mirror, we are just gonna have two plain 2s.

2: Hey! I'm not plane!

5: Well we have to get 4 somehow.

MGL: Fine, we'll use 1's idea. But everyone has to be ready for what 4 might do.
Also, we have to somehow convince or force him to split in half.

21: This is gonna be quite the adventure.

(Everyone on stage hide behind their chairs and the spotlight above the audience turns off. 1 and take a deep breath then add up to 4.)

4: *evil laugh* I finished the top and now it's time for the bottom.

(MGL comes out of her hiding spot.)

MGL: Actually, this is just the middle.

(4 runs toward MGL and stops when he hears 2 calling his name from the opposite side.)

2: Come and get me!

4: You think you are smarter than me?

(4 splits into The Terrible Twos.)

MGL: Yes, we know that we are smarter than trouble makers. 😏

Pink Terrible Two: Amigo, what are we doing here?

Blue Terrible Two: I don't know.

MGL: Don't worry, we just need you to answer a question and maybe do a dare.

(Everyone go back to their seat and the spotlight above the audience turns back on.)

Blue Terrible Two: Why are you afraid of Terrible 4 and not us?

MGL: Hey! I'm the one asking questions here. ratterrierdream2004 asks if you two are Mexicans.

Pink Terrible Two: No, we are not.

Blue Terrible Two: But I'm sure if you dig into our family tree, you'll find someone who is Mexican here or there.

MGL: Then show me your family tree.

Pink Terrible Two: No!

MGL: Whatever, WarriorCats888000 dares you two to swap genders, he means that you two have to become girls.

The Terrible Twos: NO!

(The Terrible Twos add up to make 4 again.)

4: I'm Back!!!

MGL: No you are front!

4: Huh?

(Before 4 realizes anything, 2 quickly runs to him and removes one block from him.)

1: Huh?

3: What?

(2 quickly lets go of 1 and runs back to his seat.)

2: 😳

16: Well that was something.

MGL: Oh the things we do to answer our audience's/reader's questions.
Alright, I think we can move on now.

12: Right after you answer a question.

MGL: Okay. 😐

12: NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, who is your favorite female numberblock/numberblocks?


MGL: *sigh*
Before I answer this question, I just want you all to know that you all are my favorite numberblocks. I like each one of you for a different reason. But....if I had to pick, I think I'll choose...15 then 0.

15: What?

0: Me?

3: Why them!?

MGL: Because missy 3, they are calm and peaceful. I like calm and peaceful people/numberblocks. And I also like 15's "Hush Hush".

15: 😊

0: 😁

20: But wait, then who is your favorite Male numberblock/numberblocks?

MGL: That is a question for another day, if anyone asks it.....I hope not. 😖

Someone amongst the audience/readers: *evil laugh*

MGL: Now let's move on to the things that include more than one numberblock. Firstly we have a video from ratterrierdream2004 for 1-28 to react to. She said, watch this adorable scene from Homeward Bound.

24: Aww that was nice!😃

28: It was really sweet.

1: This clip made me interesting in watching the whole movie!

MGL: You can do that after we finish this day. Now WarriorCats888000 has a dare for 6-20. He dares you to try to go to the past when 1-5 were the only numberblocks in Numberland.

2: Oh those were some great days.

3: It was, until 4 was made.

5: You do realize that if 4 wasn't made, I wouldn't exist.

3: 🙂

1: But how are they gonna do that?

MGL: We don't have a time machine, but we do have VR glasses and I have a perfect video for them. It's short, but it'll do the job.

(MGL and the backstage crew put VR glasses on the numberblocks from 6 to 20 and play the video.)

MGL: (to audience/readers) You all can see what they see on the big screen.

(A/N:- Please watch it ONLY through YouTube for better viewing.)

18: What was that suppose to be?

MGL: Uh....something?

3: (to 6-20) There are way more fun things that you all missed out on.

MGL: Moving on! SixteensSquareFriend has a question for numberblocks 1-10. She asks, if it was Halloween, what costumes would you wear?

1: A Teddy Bear outfit!

2: A Terrible Two with a purple mask.

3: A clown.

MGL: But I thought that you are already a clown.

3: I.Am.Not!😒

MGL: Sure. Anyway, 4 isn't here now, so we'll ask him when he comes back on Day 9.

5: I'll wear a 50 costume.

50: 😁

6: I'll wear a dice!

MGL: Is that Halloween or a costume party?

6: Both. 🙂

7: A fluffy white cloud.

MGL: You are all weird.

8: A Spider.

9: A....umm....rainbow?

7: Huh?

10: I'll wear an astronaut outfit.

MGL: Okay, next, Lunargamer12 has a question/dare also for 1-10. She said, whi is your crushes, confess.

Numberblocks 1-10: 😳

MGL: Just get to the point! We don't have much time! Just write it down on a paper and give me!

(Numberblocks 1-10 write down on papers:)
1: 2

2: 1

3: Me!

4: (Will answer in day 9.)

5: 7? 4? IDK!

6: 8.....

9: 10...

10: 9 and.....20?

MGL: Okay, WarriorCats888000 dares 2 and 3 to switch bodies for one week!

2 and 3: One Week!!!???

MGL: Well, of course we cannot do one week, we need you both to a couple of things that our audience/readers give. So I'm sorry WarriorCats888000, but they will switch bodies only for the rest of today plus tomorrow.

3: But I don't want to!😭

MGL: No one is asking you for permission 3. So 2, you are okay with this, right?

2: I guess?

MGL: Thank you 2! 😊

(2 and 3 go into a machine and after sometime, they come out feeling dizzy.)

2 as 3: Wha-

3 and 2: I feel soo dizzy.

MGL: It will take some time for you two to feel better, take a rest in your seat.

(2 as 3 and 3 as 2 go and sit down.)

MGL: need to switch your seats.

(2 as 3 and 3 as 2 switch their seats, they were still feeling dizzy.)

MGL: Anyway, until they feel better, well move on to the next thing.
*sigh* I have something important to say, we will do only two more things, then we will end the day. I really promise that all the things we couldn't fit in today will be put in Day 8. So, KNIFEHOARDER sent mail to 22 and 23 with a note.

(MGL gives them a box and they open it and read the note.)

22: "You get Halo-Halo too! >:3"

23: Thanks KNIFEHOARDER! 😊

22: Thank you!

MGL: Next! Next! Next! No time! KNIFEHOARDER also has a note and a big mail box for all of us.

MGL: Thank you KNIFEHOARDER for all the food! It will last with us for.....quite a while.
How are you feeling 2 and 3?

2 as 3: I don't know.

3 as 2: I still feel kinda dizzy.

MGL: Okay, we will check on them tomorrow.
That's all for Day 7! See ya tomorrow! Bye!

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