Day 7: Part-1

MGL: Welcome to Day 7 of spending time with the numberblocks!


MGL: 😐
Anyway, I can't believe that we are in Day 7! We have been doing this for one week! And there is more! We reached 1K views in this book/show!!!


MGL: Don't do that, it's disturbing.

16: Ohkay!

MGL: So, a few things before we start. 3 is feeling well and 4 is still on the lose for today and tomorrow, so whoever gave anything to him, wait for Day 9.
Now let's begin!
jilliennerose dares 0 to spend the whole day with Blockzilla.

0: Blockzilla? But....I never met her.

MGL: Well, that's what you're going to be doing now.

Blockzilla: Hello 0! 😃

0: H-hi? 🙂

MGL: You two can go now.

0: O-okay...

(Blockzilla and 0 leave the stage.)

MGL: (to Blockzilla) *shouts* Be back soon! You also have a question!
Did she hear me? Eh....
Okay, 1 has one question. FiveTheRockStar asks you, how did you feel when 100 came?

1: Feel? I felt.....happy, happy that I got a new friend. And I was also soo surprised of how big of a number she is!

MGL: Great!
Now, 2 has one question. ratterrierdream2004 asks you if you can speak Spanish.

2: I can't speak it fully, but I know some basics. I am trying to learn it when I have free time. Me gusta aprender nuevos idiomas. 😁

MGL: And who is helping you to learn Spanish?

2: Uh...umm...some friends?

MGL: Who!?

2: Los terribles dos! 😥

MGL: Even though I don't know Spanish, I totally understood what you said. Anyway, try not to get too close to them.

2: Okay...

MGL: Anyway, you have one dare. TooShyForWriting dares you to teach 1 how to dance, at least the basics.

1: But...

2: I don't know how to teach! I am not good myself.

MGL: Yes you are, you can do it.

2: 😶 Fine.

(1 and 2 go to backstage for the classes.)

3: Now it my turn! Me! Me! Me!

MGL: Okay 3, first you have a question/dare from Inferno_Overdrive4. They said, Confess if you have a crush.

3: *nervously* Me? Crush? Nooooo.....I don't have a crush.

MGL: Then why are you so nervous?

3: N-nervous? I'm not nervous...

MGL: 🙄
Anyway, I'll move on or this will take forever.
You have a note from ratterrierdream2004. Here it is.

3: Oh...uh...thanks?

MGL: Why are you confused?

3: It's just that, no one really compliments me.v😓

MGL: Try to be nice, then you'll get more compliments.

3: Are you saying that-

MGL: NumberBlocksSuperFan dares you to stay silent for five hours!

3: Wha-

MGL: Starting now!

3: 😤

MGL: Finally, some peace.
Okay, we will move on to 5 as 4 isn't here now. But before we move on to 5, WarriorCats888000 had requested me to show what 4 is doing up there.
I am sorry, but no one was able to film him. But a brave person was able to take a kinda crooked picture of him, see.

(A/N:- I drew this, you can definitely tell that I drew it by how "not good" it is.)

9: Poor 4....

MGL: I don't know if "poor" is the correct word.

9: 🤷🏻‍♂️ *sneezes*

MGL: Now it's 5's turn. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks you, why do you not wear your gloves sometimes?

5: Because sometimes it can get uncomfortable. And I don't always need it, sometimes I need to take a break from it and use my real hands. But I very rarely take it off. But 10 would never ever think of taking off her gloves.

10: Not in a million years! And don't dare me to do it, please! 😭

MGL: Our readers/audience are very surprising, you'll never know what surprises they might give you. Anywho, you have a question from ratterrierdream2004. She asks you if you can speak Irish.

5: 🙂

MGL: Then do.

5: No.

MGL: Why?

5: Because I don't want to.

MGL: That means you don't really know Irish, right?

5: Níl, tá a fhios agam conas Gaeilge a labhairt!

MGL: Huh?

21: She said, No, I know how to speak Irish!

5: That's why I don't wanna speak Irish, no one will understand me.

21: Except for me!

MGL: It's okay, you can speak Irish whenever you want 5.

5: Ceart go leor.

21: She said okay.

MGL: Mhm...
5 has a note from KissilillyJJ.

5: Go raibh maith agat?

21: She said thanks.

5: Stop ag aistriú cibé a deirim!

21: She said-

MGL: Okay? Now for 6. You have a note from KissilillyJJ.

6: That's neat! She made a National 6 day! So sweet!

3: There-

MGL: No talking 3!

3: *grumbles*

MGL: 6 also has a question. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, is there any chance that you won't rhyme?

6: Why? I like to rhyme all the time. But I don't rhyme when I feel sad. Those days are really bad.

MGL: I think you have an incurable rhyming problem.

6: 🙂

MGL: Now for 7, ratterrierdream2004 dares you to sing "Why Should I Worry" from Oliver and company but in Welsh.

7: In....Welsh?

MGL: Mhm.

7: *sigh* Fine!
Un munud rydw i yn Central Park
Yna dwi i lawr ar Delancey Street
O'r Bowery i St Marks
Mae yna guriad trawsacennog

Dywedais pwy, pwy, pwy, pwy, pwy
Rwy'n strydwedd
Gallaf fyrfyfyrio
Dywedais pwy, pwy, pwy, pwy, pwy
Rwy'n strydlun
Mae gen i galon Dinas Efrog Newydd

Pam ddylwn i boeni?
Pam ddylwn i ofalu?
Efallai nad oes gen i dime
Ond mi ges i stryd savoir-faire

Pam ddylwn i boeni?
Pam ddylwn i ofalu?
Dim ond bebopulation ydyw
Ac mi ges i stryd savoir-faire

Rhythm y ddinas
Ond unwaith y byddwch chi'n ei gael i lawr
Yna gallwch chi fod yn berchen ar y dref hon
Gallwch chi wisgo'r goron

Pam ddylwn i boeni?
Dywedwch wrthyf, pam ddylwn i ofalu?
Dywedwch efallai nad oes gen i dime
O, ond cefais savoir-faire stryd

Pam ddylwn i boeni?
Pam ddylwn i ofalu?
Dim ond doo-bopulation ydyw
Ac mi ges i stryd savoir-faire

Mae popeth yn mynd
Mae popeth yn ffitio
Maen nhw'n fy ngharu i yn y Chelsea
Maen nhw'n fy addoli yn y Ritz

Pam ddylwn i boeni?
Pam ddylwn i ofalu?
A hyd yn oed pan fyddaf yn croesi'r llinell honno
Ges i savoir-faire stryd

Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo

5: Post maith 7!

MGL: Are we all gonna start talking foreign languages!? Let's all stick to English.

(1 and 2 come from backstage.)

MGL: So 1, you learnt anything?

1: I think so....

2: Just do what I taught you.

1: Erm...okay?

(1 starts to dance some ballet.)

2: But I didn't-


MGL: Amazing 1!

(1 finishes the dance with a bow to the audience.)

1: Thank you!

2: (to 1) did you do that?

1: You taught me.

2: That is not 2% of what I taught you.

1: So you didn't like it?

2: No! I did! I am just....shocked.

3: You mean jealous?

MGL: 3! Do you need tape on your mouth!?

3: 😒

MGL: Anyway, let's move on to 8. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, how does it feel like to have eight arms?

8: does it feel like? How do I answer this?
Uh...I guess it feels normal? I can do many things at once, they are helpful with that.
And they aren't all arms.....or are they? You are making me question myself.

MGL: Until you get your answers, we will move on. *flips through pages* 9 didn't get anything and 10 has one note from ratterrierdream2004. Here.

10: Aww thanks! You are the superest super sweetest sweet sweetheart too!❤

MGL: 😐

3: ...

MGL: Oh yeah, 3. You can talk now, five hours are over.

3: FINALLY!!!!

MGL: It was better when you were quiet!
Aaanywayyy, now for 11. Okay, so firstly you have a note from NumberBlocksSuperFan.

11: Yeah, I know that. Whoever knows that I'm a girl also says that I'm a Tomboy.

MGL: Doesn't that bother you?

11: It does sometimes, but I always try to ignore that.

MGL: You also have a question from KNIFEHOARDER. She asks you what you think of Fussball?

11: What is Fussball?

MGL: Let me check on NumberTube.

21: Who needs NumberTube when you have me?

11: You know about sports!?

21: Of course I do! Fussball, also known as foosball is nothing but Table Football. In the United Kingdom, it is called the "Table Football" while in France, it is fondly called the "Baby Foot". In other parts of Eastern Europe, it is called the "Kicker" which was influenced by one of the first company that produced Foosball's game table. In Spain, it is called the "Futbolin" while in the United States, it is called "Foosball" which was borrowed from the German word "Fuzbol". The history and the origin of this tabletop game are somehow confusing with many individuals claiming to have invented the game.Nobody was sure who invented it, but some historians claimed that it started as a parlor game in the 1880's played in different parts of Eastern Europe.
An automobile engineer in France named Lucien Rosengard insisted to develop the game in order to entertain his grandchildren during the winter.
Alexandre De Fiesterra claimed to have made the idea while he was in the hospital recovering from the injuries he sustained in the Spanish civil war.
One thing is for sure, Harold Searles Thorton from the United Kingdom was the earliest known patent to claim the invention of the game as he submitted his claim on October 14, 1921.
His application was accepted two years later on November 1, 1923.
The current top-ranked Foosball player in the world today with 655 points based on the ranking of the ITSF is Tony Spredeman.

MGL: Get to the point.

21: But I wanna explain more! 😢

MGL: No! So 11, answer the question already, what do you think of fussball?

11: I think I don't like it.

MGL: Why?

11: Because we only move our hands in that game, I like to move my whole body, not only my hands.

MGL: Okay. Now 12. You have a question. Inferno_Overdrive4 asks, how do you feel being shipped with 10 & 3 and, 18!?

12: I feel that you shouldn't ship anyone with anyone else. We have feelings you know, it will make life awkward between me and 10 & 3 and 18 if we know that behind our blocks, someone is shipping us.

13: You're right 12.

18: 👁~👁

MGL: 12 has another question. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks, do you want the next Super Rectangle to be calm like you?

12: I don't really care if they are calm or not. Though I would prefer them to be calm so that I can have a meditation partner.

18: Yawn.

12: 😌

MGL: 10 & 3 didn't get anything and 14 has a couple of things. Firstly, he has a question from KNIFEHOARDER. She asks you if you are familiar with "Fall Out Boy"?

14: I think I heard of them before.

MGL: She dares you to sing "Pheonix" by that band.

14: Hmm...I'll try. *clears throught*
Put on your war paint

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down
Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
We are the jack-o-lanterns in July
Setting fire to the sky
He-here comes this rising tide
So come on

Put on your war paint

Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies
Silver clouds with grey linings

So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on
When you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart

Hey young block
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Bring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanks
Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks
Because the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks
"You broke our spirit," says the note we pass

So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart

Hey young block
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Put on your war paint

The war is won
Before it's begun
Release the doves
Surrender love

The war is won
Before it's begun
Release the doves
Surrender love

The war is won
Before it's begun
Release the doves
Surrender love

The war is won
Before it's begun
Release the doves
Surrender love

(Wave the white flag!)

Hey young block
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Hey young block
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Put on your war paint

(Original song:)


14: Thank you! Thank you! (to himself) They love me!

15: 🙄
I can hear you, you know. They are just cheering for the song, not you.

14: 🙁

13: But you sang really well. 😊

14: Thanks bro!

MGL: 14 also has one question from NumberBlocksSuperFan. She asks, why don't you wear kneepads?

14: Because I don't need them.

MGL: Because you don't have knees?

14: No! It's because.....I don't need them. A helmet is enough.

MGL: You do you.🤷🏻‍♀️
Next is 15, then I guess we will take a break. So, 15 has one question/dare. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks/says, is there anything hidden that you have and don't want to tell anyone? If yes, tell us!

15: My secrets are to be kept secrets.

MGL: But you have to tell us.

15: *sigh* Fine, I'll tell you only one thing that I'm keeping secret.

(Everyone stares at 15.)

15: MGL likes-


*short break starts*

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