Day 6: Part-2

3: We are back!
Come on audience, cheer!


3: That's better. Now, we have to continue starting with 12. NumberBlocksSuperFan has a note for you. Here it is.

12: "I love you soo much!!"
Aww thanks! I love you too!❤
"Please see my profile picture."

12: Aww! It's soo cute.

3: You are literally calling yourself cute.

12: I am not! I am talking about this profile picture, I love it.

3: It would be better if it was 3.

12: "You are literally irresistible for me."
Thank you soo much! I really appreciate all your kind words, you made my day!😊

3: Next up, we have-

1: Hello! Did you all forget us?

2: 7 hours are over already.

3: Oh, right. Yeah you can stop holding each other's hands, but 1 has to keep sitting on 2's lap.

2: (to himself) My legs hurt.😣

1: 😬

3: As I was saying, now it's 10 & 3's turn. NumberBlocksSuperFan dares you to let someone/anyone to say your name each minute for the next 13 hours.

13: What!? That is going to be like 46,800 times!

3: You gotta do what you gotta do.

13: But who is going to say my name?

MGL: I guess I'll do it, as I have absolutely nothing to do.

13: When are you gonna start?

MGL: 13.

(13 splits and adds up again.)

3: Okay, you can continue saying his name each minute.

MGL: 13.

3: Now 14, ratterrierdream2004 dares you to do the hardest skateboard Stunt.

MGL: After some research, I found out that the hardest skateboard Stunt to do is called the HardFlip.

14: It literally has the word hard in its name!

3: It can't be that hard!

MGL: If it's hard to master a simple kickflip, imagine combining it with a frontside pop-shove it. That's a hardflip, basically. It may sound easy to pull it, but there are a lot of changes compared to the two tricks that are the foundation of the hardflip. First, you will need to kickflip really fast, and your back foot has to pull the board to the front. Your front foot will catch the board easily, but the tricky part of a hardflip is landing with your back foot. It may sound like an easy trick, but I assure you it isn't.

14: *sigh*
I guess I'll have to do it.

MGL: I'm sure that you can do it!

3: Even if you fail, you still got your lucky double to get hurt instead of you.

Everyone: 😑

3: What?

14: Okay, let's do this!

(14 takes his skateboard to a empty space and successfully attempts the HardFlip.)

14: I-I did it! I DID IT! 2! Did you record that?

2: I would have if 1 wasn't dares to sit on my lap.
(to 1) But it is definitely not your fault, it is 100% NumberBlocksSuperFan's fault.

MGL: OH GOD! I got distracted by this that I forgot to continue saying 13.

13's 3: Wahay! Woohoo! *crashes on 3*

3: Ow! Hey!

(3 and 10 add up to 13.)

13: 😬

3: (to MGL) You can continue saying his name and I'll continue COMMENTATING!

MGL: 🙄

3: Next is 15. KNIFEHOARDER asks you if anyone has ever done the "Crawling on the Stairs" on you.

15: I don't know what that is and by the sound of it, I don't want anyone to do it.

3: KNIFEHOARDER dares you to go to 17 and read this to him. *gives 15 a piece of paper*

(15 goes to 17 and says.)

15: "The Coconut Nut Is A Giant Nut And If You Eat too Much you Get Very......Fat."

17: I'll keep that in mind.😐

(15 awkwardly goes and sits on in her seat.)

3: FiveTheRockStar dares you to split into your 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 form for half the day, which means until the end of today.

15: At least I'll be able to escape this awkwardness and get some peace.

12: Lucky you!

(15 splits into 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.)

3: 16's turn! KNIFEHOARDER asks you if you like Jazz.

16: 'Course I do!

3: And she dares you to eat all of 18's cookies.

18: How did she know about my hidden stock of cookies!?

16: Don't worry 18, I will only take Sixteen cookies.

18:Finnnneeeeeee! *gives 16 sixteen cookies*

3: What about me? I also want some.

18: No.

3: 😒
Whatever, 16 has one more dare. SixteensSquareFriend dares you to throw a square party everyday in the beginning.

16: That is a great name choice!
And okay, from tomorrow I'll throw a SQUARE PARTY in the beginning!

3: *sarcastically* Oh, that will be lots of fun.
Okay, now 17. Aaaaaaaaaaah!

(If you wanna know what happened, someone dumped a big bucket of cold water on top of 3.)

3: Who did that!? IT'S COLD!

MGL: Thank God I wasn't in your place. *continues saying 13*

3: Someone get me a towel! I'm freezing!

(A backstage person come with a towel and puts it around 3.)

3: About time! Who in the world did that?

(Can you guess who did that?)

3: *shivering* N-now 17. FiveTheRockStar dares you to paint 170 p-portraits in 17 m-minutes.

17: Okay!

(17 starts to paint quickly and when finished 169 painting, he had only a half more minute to finish his last one. He finally finished the 170th painting and when he saw the timer, it was written, 17 minutes and 17 seconds.)

17: I took seventeen more seconds, but it's fine, right?

3: 🤷‍♀️

(3 was still shivering, then she.)

3: Aaaachooooo! *sniffs*

9: 😳

MGL: Looks like the water was soo cold.

(MGL goes to 3 and checks her temperature.)

3: 🤒

MGL: Oh my! You have a high temperature. You need to rest.
(to audience) I'm sorry everyone, we need a few minutes to get 3 to rest.


(After a few minutes MGL came back to the stage.)

MGL: Okay, so now that 3 is not here, I would continue commentating, but I can't because I'm kinda tired from saying 13.

13's 3: Wooo! Yay! Wahay! *adds up with 10 to make 13*

MGL: I wasn't able to complete all the given hours, but I did my best.
(to numberblocks) So, who is going to continue commentating?


MGL: Anyone?

1: If I do it can I stop sitting on 2's lap.

MGL: Okay, 1 will do it.

(1 gets off 2's lap and sits on the commentating chair.)

2: (to himself) Finally! My legs hurt baaaaaad! *moves his legs* Ow! Ow!

1: Okay, ratterrierdream2004 dares you to paint the scariest thing ever.

17: More painting!? That's what I'm talking about!

(17 paints a scary portrait and shows it to everyone. On the canvas, there was a painting of 3 sick in bed in a dark room.)

MGL: You are scared of sick 3?

17: No! This painting has a couple of things that I'm afraid of. First is being sick, second is the dark and third is 3.

MGL: You are scared of three?

17: 😶

1: Anyway, Now to 18. You have two dares and one question.
FiveTheRockStar dares you to win a race against 24.

18: You bet I will!

(18 and 24 are taken to the Rays Track and 16 starts the race. After an intense race, 24 ends up winning.)

(A/N:- You actually thought that I'll make 18 win? In your dreams!)

18: Not fair! She got two trophies now! 😭

24: 🙂

1: Next, FiveTheRockStar has a question for you. She asks, why do you make car noises when you zoom off?

18: are speed machines, and so am I!

24: Then how come I won again?

18: 👁_👁

1: 18, you have you last dares is from ratterrierdream2004. She dares you to sing Batty Rap from Ferngully.

18: Oh...okay! *clears throught*
Yo, the name is Batty, the logic is erratic
Potato in a jacket, toys in the attic
I rock and I ramble, my brain is scrambled
Rap like an animal but I'm a mammal

All of our cosmetics are non-carcinogenic!

I been brain-fried, electrified, 'fected and injectified
Vivisectified and fed pesticide
My face is all cut up, Cause my radar's all shut up
Nurse, I need a check-up from the neck up
I'm Batty!

It seems to have no effect, Doctor...
Get me another one. Get me another animal!

They used and abused me
Battered and bruised me
Red wires green wires stuck em' right through me!
So hear my Batty word, And exercise a little prudence
When dealing with humans.


MGL: But that isn't even the full song.

18: I don't remember the rest.🙂

MGL: Fine.

1: That's it for 18 and 19 has one question. NumberBlocksSuperFan asks you if you like 28 because she can make crazy shapes.

19: I do! 28 and me sometimes play with each other with crazy shapes. But I like everyone, because any numberblock can make crazy shapes.

MGL: Means you don't like me?

19: Huh?

MGL: Because I can't make crazy shapes.

19:'s not like that....

1: Let's just move to 20. FiveTheRockStar dares you to break dance.


MGL: I thought that you know how to dance everything.

20: I can but...but...BREAK DANCE!? That is my very least favorite type of dance EVER! And did I mention that it was dangerous?

1: Well, you have to do it.

20: 😰
Fine! But if I end up in the hospital, it will be FiveTheRockStar's fault.
Hit the Music.

(20 starts to break dance.)

Everyone: 😳😲


(20 finishes his break dance.)

MGL: Whaaa.....

20: Now I need you all to forget that I ever break danced.

2: That will be a hard thing to forget.

1: That was unbelievable!
But now, we have to move on to 21. You have a question from NumberBlocksSuperFan. Here it is.

21: I sound squeaky!?

Everyone: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

21: About More To Explore, you see, some people/numberblocks have something called a singing voice. When they talk, they sound normal or......squeaky. But when they sing, they sound like a whole other person/numberblock. Same thing for me.

MGL: Now that we are in the topic of More To Explore, how about you all check out my YouTube channel called More To Explore.

1: No advertising unless you pay money.

MGL: I am the one who started this show and I made that rule.

1: Hmmm...anyway, 22 has one question and one video to react to.

22: Looks like people like my reactions.😏😆

1: First, the question. FiveTheRockStar asks you, how do you have different coloured 11s?

22: How or why?
If it is how, I don't know.
If it is why, then it is because we need to be able to differentiate between the two teams and blue are red are the two main colours in football/soccer.

1: Next is a video for you to react to. Here it is on the big screen.


22: Aww! they are cute!💞

1: Yes, they are!
Alrighty, 23 didn't get anything and 24 have one question.

MGL: Am I the only one who feels like when 1 started commenting, everyone started having one dare, one question, like that.

1: I am just reading what's on the paper given to me.

MGL: Okay, I was just saying.

1: for 24's question. ratterrierdream2004 asks 24 if she ever got a speeding ticket.

24: Actually no, because even though I am fast, I don't speed in the wrong places. That question should actually go to 18, not me.

18: 👁^👁

1: 25 didn't get anything and 26 has two questions from the same person. FiveTheRockStar asks you, if you are not a square, why are your eyebrows thick like those of the squares?

26: My good side will tell you, "I was made like that, I did not control how I look like."
My bad side will tell you, "Have any problem with my eyebrows!? I like them like that and you have no right to ask me why!"

1: 😳

26: What is my next question? 😎

1: Umm...FiveTheRockStar asks you, what would happen if your sunglasses broke and you can't get a new one?

26: My sunglasses has a very slim chance of breaking as I take great care of them. But in case one day they do break and I'm poor enough to not be able to get new ones, I'll just borrow some from...10 & 3 or someone else.

1: Okay, after 26, no one else got anything. But.....50 got something.

50: Me!?

1: Yes, NumberBlocksSuperFan asks you if you know that 5 idolized you.

5: 😳

50: She does?

5: Yes?

50: That is soo nice!😊

5: ☺️

1: Next, Inferno_Overdrive4 has a dare/question for 5, 3, 6 and 19. 3 will do hers tomorrow as she is not feeling well right now.
5, 6 and 19, you have to confess your crush, if you have any.

5: Ummm...

19: 😬

6: Heh...umm...

19: I....don't actually have a crush.

MGL: How about 5 and 6? If you don't want to tell the audience/readers, just tell me instead. I won't tell anyone.

5: Hmmm...okay fine.

(5 and 6 go an whisper their crushes to MGL.)

MGL: Ohhh...I see.

6: You better not tell anyone.

MGL: Mhm...😏

5: I don't like the look of that smile.

6: Me neither.

1: Let's move on, ratterrierdream2004 has a question from the 1 Times Table and the 2 Times Table.

1 Times Table: Yay! Finally, something for me.

1: ratterrierdream2004 asks, are there gonna be more Times Tables?

2 Times Table: Of course there will be!


1 Times Table: We even met them, they are all soo nice.

2 Times Table: But they didn't appear in the Series yet.

1: That's great to know! I can't wait to meet them all!
We will end with a group question for everyone! FiveTheRockStar asks us all how we think 29 will look like and what will she like to do.

9: We prefer not to think of how new numberblocks will look like, we just wait and see.

19: No one really likes to be wrong, so if we say that they will look like something and it's wrong......

MGL: Some people say that she might be a bunny.

Numberblocks: What!?


28: Why would she be a bunny!?

MGL: I don't know.😂
Ask the fandom.

1: We are done for today! It was a very long day indeed.

MGL: Yeah, we had a couple of problems here and there, but it was great altogether.

1: Hopefully 3 will feel better by tomorrow so that she can join us.

MGL: Yeah.
And that is all for today! See ya all tomorrow!


1: Oh, and 15, you can get back together.

(1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 add up to make 15.)

1: Bye for real now!

MGL: Oh, and 5 and 6's crushes are 7 and 8.

5 and 6: MGL!!!!!!

MGL: Gotta go!

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