Day 11: Part-2

MGL: And we are back!

1: 14 has taught me a couple of parkour moves and I'm still practicing them.

14: But that dudette is a natural! She was soo good!

1: I wasn't that good. I'm still practicing, especially the Rockin' Rooftop Jumps need more practice.

14: You'll be great at it sooner than you think!

1: 😊

MGL: Anyway, let's start with 17. He has a dare, question and two packages.
Okay, your dare is from ratterrierdream2004 and she dares you to speak French for 4 hours. I will only talk until your turn is over...but whatever.

17: 🙂👌

MGL: Anyway, your question is from jilliennerose and she asks,"What is the most complex painting you have painted?"

17: Je pense avoir déjà répondu à cette question, mais la peinture la plus complexe que j'ai faite était une peinture en 3D. C'était surtout complexe parce que je devais en dessiner 17, aussi je devais voir les ombrages précis pour tout. Mais tout mon travail acharné en valait la peine car il s'est avéré excellent!

MGL: I should have given you the question first.

21: He said,"I think I answered this before, but the most complex painting I made was a 3D painting. It was mostly complex because I had to draw 17 of them, also I had to see the accurate shadings for everything. But all my hard work was worth it as it turned out great!"

MGL: Okay. Anywho, now for the mail. First package is from Inferno_Overdrive4.

(17 opens the box and finds seventeen sets of art supplies.)

17: Merci beaucoup Inferno_Overdrive4! Ce sera vraiment utile.

MGL: Next package is from ratterrierdream2004.

(17 opens the box and finds a kitten with a note.)

17: "Un chaton qui peut vous aider à peindre."
Ce chaton sait peindre ? C'est incroyable ! Maintenant, je pourrai finir mes dix-sept peintures bien plus rapidement. Mais comment peut-elle même tenir le pinceau...

21: 🤷‍♀️

MGL: Finally, we're done with 17's things. No more French. Now for 18 who has a mail/dare, two dares, a question, a note and two more packages. That's alot.
First is the question, it's from jilliennerose and she asks,"Have you ever lied about anything to your sister?"

18: Ummmmmmm.....maybe? Yes?

12: Like what.

18: That wasn't part of the question!

12: After we are done with this, you are telling me everything you lied about, you hear me?

18: Then you gotta do the same.

12: Wh. No.

18: That means there are things you lied about to me.

12: Next?

MGL: Now for the mail. Here is the first one and it's from ratterrierdream2004.

(18 opens the box and a chihuahua jumps on 18 and starts barking like crazy.)

18: Aww, soo cute!

12: We are not keeping that!

Chihuahua: *continues barking*

MGL: Okay, can someone come take this dog away?

18: NoOoOoOoOoOoOoO!!!

Backstage Person: *takes the dog backstage*

18: 😞

MGL: Next, 18 has...wait...he has two packages from ArianaKittyGirl. Here is the first one.

(18 opens the very small box and finds a-.)

18: A popcorn kernel? Um...thanks? *eats it*

MGL: Wait no-

18: It's really hard and tasteless. But it's edible. 🙂👍

MGL: 🤦‍♀️
A-Anyway, your next package is outside.

18: Outside?

MGL: Mhm, follow me.

(MGL and 18 go out of the building and see a very large tall box with a rope tied to the top of the box from one end.)

MGL: Just pull the rope.

18: *pulls the rope*

(The box's sides fall of revealing a-.)


MGL: Mhm, now let's get back inside, you can check it out later.

18: *still staring in disbelief*

MGL: Ugh. *starts dragging 18 inside*
Okay 18, snap back to reality, you still have other things left.

18: She got me a real-

MGL: Rocket. Yes, we know.

12: Who got who a real rocket!?

MGL: Nothing. Moving on. Jilliennerose has a note for 18.

18: Why is it not a good idea, I wonder. 🤔

MGL: You don't have fingers.
But anyway, now jilliennerose has a dare for you. Hm, it's rather strange dare, but I'm sure you can do it...somehow. So, she dares 18 to rap battle his sister...Friday Night Funkin' style with any song you want.

18: Um.

12: Uh.

MGL: I'll pick a song, how about....Manifest?

12 and 18: ........

MGL: Also one more thing. 12, come here.

(12 follows MGL backstage and MGL comes out after a few minutes and casually sits down.)

18: Where is...12?

MGL: Heh, she is right there. *points at 12*

(A/N:- I surprisingly had fun drawing her like that.🙂👍)

18: Oh my blocks! What have you done to her???

MGL: I just made her ready for the rap battle. 😏

18: I'm gonna rap battle her like this???

MGL: You wanna dress up as bf or something?

18: No!

MGL: 🤷‍♀️
Then go ahead and do your dare, we are running out of time.

18: *slowly walks forward and stands infront of 12*

12 and 18:

18: I-I won. I won! 😭

12: *turns back to normal*

18: Wait. That wasn't a costume???

12: Haha, nope!

18: .....

MGL: Okay next is pxlarpotato 's dare/mail.

18: Um, are you sure I should do this?


MGL: Maybe, this dare by LauraJdrzejczyk9 will help. She said,"I dare 18 to do something very crazy."

18: Okay, the very 'crazy' thing that I will do is open this box!!!

12: Noooooo!!!!!

(18 quickly opens the box and drinks a whole bottle.)

MGL: I don't think drinking a whole bottle was a good idea-

*flies around while making siren sounds*

12: 🤦‍♀️

18: *zooms through the wall and goes outside*

MGL: Yeah, we're gonna need someone to fix that wall too.

Backstage Person: 😐

MGL: Okay, now for 19. She has two notes and a video to react to. Here is the first note from EmilyPrincessHighYT.

20: .

19: Thanks alot, Emily! I appreciate it.
And....uh huh.

MGL: Here is the video you need to react to from ArianaKittyGirl.

19: Those cakes look great. I might try to make one like them one day.

MGL: Lastly, a the note from ArianaKittyGirl. She says,"Also, I am 100,000 years old this year, 19."

19: Interesting?

MGL: Okay, next is 20's things then we'll move on to the things that include more than one numberblock.
Alright, 20 has mail and two dares. Here is the mail from ArianaKittyGirl.

(20 goes to the big long box and opens it.)

20: A boat?

MGL: Yup, a boat. Why did I expect that?

20: Um, thanks ArianaKittyGirl, I'll use it....when I need it. *goes back to his seat*

MGL: Next is your first dare from ArianaKittyGirl.

20: .....
Okay? I'll that...when I go outside...after this ends.

MGL: Now for your second dare from EmilyPrincessHighYT.

20: ..... So 19, wanna go somewhere together today?

19: Um, okay, why not. I guess we could have a picnic or something.

20: 😊👍

MGL: >:[
Hmph, anyway, that's all for 20. Now, before we move on to the things that include more than one numberblock, I have something to show 29.

29: Me?

MGL: Yes. Here it is, I'm sorry.

29: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

MGL: It was request by someone. :')

29: . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Okay. You can move on now.

MGL: Sorry. :')
Heh, anyway. One more thing before we start the next section, 100 has a note from Inferno_Overdrive4, I'll just show it now.

100: Yes, I have thought of that and I might do it soon, who knows?

MGL: Great, now we can begin. First is a note from Bonnet25.

23: Oh.

29: Could this day get any worse??? I will scream in terror into my pillow when I get home.
*takes out a phone* Hey Siri. Remind me to scream into my pillow when I reach home.

Siri: Okay, I'll remind you to ice cream your pie low when you reach home.

29: TwT

MGL: :')

26: Is that true?

14: Ew bro, now way. Us both, we are on two totally different tracks.

26: True.

MGL: Okay next, Minish4rk has a question for all the Step Squads.

15: How do you even know how we look like without masks?

36: Yeah, we only take them off before going to bed...

28: Does that mean-


MGL: Nah, I'm sure it's not what you all are thinking. Neeexxxttt!!!

(8 and 6 enter the stage.)

MGL: Great, you got her back.

6: Hello! *sits down*

8: It was harder than I thought.

MGL: Eh, just sit down and relax until you get something.

8: Wait, you're not done yet?

MGL: Oh puh-lease, we are far from done.

8: Great. *sits down*

MGL: Okay, now Rumble_Rush147 has a note for 12 and 18. Oh wait, 18 isn't-

18: *crashes through the wall again and zooms back to his seat*

Backstage Person: Come on! We just got that wall fixed!

MGL: Well get it fixed again, it's not like you are the one who is paying.

Backstage Person: ...

MGL: Anyway, as I was saying, Rumble_Rush147 has a note for you and 12.

18: Coooooolllll!!

12: Why would I need to-

MGL: Now, Inferno_Overdrive4 has two questions and a dare. Their first question is,"Is there any other sibling like 12 and 18?"

1: Not that we know of. I don't think there is or will be any in the future, but we'll see.

MGL: Inferno_Overdrive4's next question is,"How many soccer balls have 11 and 22 used?"

11: Hmmm.....

22: Personally, I lost count of how many I used.

11: Me too. What I wonder is, where do all those soccer/footballs come from anyway?

22: 🤷‍♂️

MGL: Next, Inferno_Overdrive4 dares 8 and 9 to arm wrestle.

(8 and 9 look at each other.)

9: Okay, I guess.

(They both go to a table and place their hands.)

MGL: *stands Infront of the table* Okay, first of all 8, you can only use one hand.

8: 🙂👍

MGL: Ready? 3, 2, 1, Go!

(8 and 9 start and they both try their best to win. But their hand stays still in the middle for at least five minutes.)

MGL: Seriously, can someone win already?

9: Fine. *relaxes his arm*

8: Yes, I won!

9: -_-

8: Heh......

(They all go back to their places.)

MGL: Okay now, looks like Inferno_Overdrive4 has another question. They ask,"What are the numberblocks' Zodiac signs?"
We can't do for all of them, so we'll do to only for 0-20 for now, maybe you can ask for 21 and above next time.
Okay everyone from 0-20, tell us your Zodiac signs.

0: Gemini, I think.

1: Taurus, maybe?

2: Cancer.

3: Leo.

4: I think my Zodiac sign is Gemini.

5: Taurus.

6: Scorpio.

7: Libra.

8: Virgo.

9: Cancer.

10: Cancer.

11: Aries.

12: Capricorn.

13: Libra? Maybe?

14: Sagittarius.

15: Aquarius.

16: Libra.

17: Taurus.

18: Aries.

19: Scorpio.

20: Leo.

(A/N:- I don't know much about Zodiac signs and this took me ages. Of course you can have your own opinion on a numberblock's Zodiac sign, maybe you can comment your different opinion and why you think it suits them.)

MGL: Nice. Next, Inferno_Overdrive4 has a question for the squares.

9: 🤔

25: Is that not a normal thing?


25: Oh. Well it's normal for us so I don't really have an answer.

MGL: Anyway, next pxlarpotato has a dare for 18.

18: Heh. OkAy. *leaves*

MGL: Next, Rumble_Rush147 has a dare for 1 and 2. She said,"I dare 1 to sit on top of 2's head like how they did in 'Peekaboo' while playing Friday Night Funkin' week 2. Oh, also I need you to see this.

(A/N:- Well, that inspired me to draw this horrific art piece. I'm sorry you had to see this.😭)

1: Wh.

2: It looks soo dark in there...

MGL: Well I did my best. Just do the dare already.

2: O-Okay...

(1 sits on 2's head)

1: But who are we gonna sing against?

MGL: Well we don't want anyone to die-
I mean, how about you just sing it by yourself.

1: Okay then.

(The music starts and 1 and 2 start doing the Spooky Dance.)


MGL: Nice.
You two can go back now-

12 and 24: AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! WHAT!?

MGL: Hm?

(12 and 24 were now fully covered with chocolate syrup.)

MGL: Oh. *looks up* 18 did that. And someone needs to come clean this.

Backstage Person: I'll quit my job soon-

12: 18 YOU LITTLE!!!!


18: Oop. *zooms away*

(12 and 24 go clean up then start chasing 18.)

MGL: But...they still had other things left...
Well I guess they can do the rest in Day 12.
For now, the rest of the things that include more that one numberblock either require reactions for 12, 18 and 24.
We could do a few more things until time is really over.
Okay, ratterrierdream2004 has a note for the 2 Times Table.

2 Times Table: Is that supposed to be a compliment? If yes, then thanks?

MGL: Next is a question for The Terrible Twos.
Luckily, we don't need to call them or get them because they are right here.

(The Terrible Twos fall from the ceiling and get up.)

Pink Terrible Two: How did you know?? Again!

MGL: I see you there every day. Anyway, you have a question from TwinkleUwU. She said,"If you two aren't from Mexico, then why did 2 say that you both taught him how to speak Spanish?"

Blue Terrible Two: We didn't teach him.

Pink Terrible Two: He is the one who learnt.

MGL: ...
Okay, you can leave now.

Terrible Twos: *run off*

MGL: Okay, looks like this will be it for Day 11, we sadly weren't able to finish everything we got, so I guess we'll continue in Day 12.
Anyway, that's all for Day 11! See ya all tomorrow!

18: *zooms in and smashes the camera*

Backstage Person: NoOoOoOoOoOoOo!!!!!

MGL: Looks like we need a new camera.....and someone to replace John cuz it looks like he's gonna quit.

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