Chapter Sixteen: Ariadne

Ariadne's POV

Father couldn't go to war! We needed him here with us! It was enough to lose mother, I couldn't risk losing father as well. 

"I have no choice in the matter. And it is an honor to help our allies, you would do good to remember that. We always help those who have helped us, and we never turn down someone who we can make a difference for," father responded.

"Yes, father," I said and bowed my head. Not wanting him to see my disappointment.

"I'm leaving on the next full moon. It's already been arranged."

"The next full moon," I said thinking aloud. "But that is only a fortnight away."

"Yes, I believe it is," he said. "Now, go run along, I have things to do."

I stared at him in disbelief for a second before turning Misty around and galloping back to the stables as fast as Misty would go. When we approached her stall, I jumped off and fed Misty her favorite treat, oranges, then left her in Austin's hands.

I walked back to the palace and tried to enjoy the scenery, but my thoughts wouldn't clear enough to make room for the flowers and trees. Instead, my mind kept focusing on all the bad things that were happening. I kept walking until I got to the common room, and opened the door to see 11 girls with tear-stained cheeks and red, watery eyes.

I looked at my sisters, each in turn, and decided I needed to be strong for them. They needed me.

"Ardeen!" They all cried when they saw me, and I embraced as many as I could into a giant hug.

"Did you hear?" Fortuna asked me and I nodded. "I thought he was up to something, and I was right," she said and started crying.

"He's doing it because he loves us and wants to protect us," sweet Harmonia said.

"He could protect us better if he was here, with us!" Bell lashed out and received several "Yes's" in response.

"He hasn't left yet," I said. "And we should show him that we support him in his decision."

"What good will that do?" Bell asked.

"Then he'll leave happy, and won't be distracted by thoughts of making us unhappy while he's fighting," I said.

"Then he'll want to come home more quickly," Harmonia said enthusiastically.

I smiled genuinely this time, while I watched my sisters get excited as we began to plan the next two weeks. We all wanted them to be the best two weeks that father could have before it was time for him to leave. We debated about it long into the night, not realizing how late it really was until Harriet came in and made us go to bed.

I climbed under my blankets and tried to sleep, but my brain wouldn't stop thinking of the wonderful, exciting things we had planned. And then it was time to go back down to the dreaded kingdom. I sighed, I suppose I had to. For them.

Luckily, when Estevan met me, he didn't force me to do any dancing, but instead showed me around the lake and kept pointing out things he thought might be helpful for me to know to help free them.

When I woke up the next morning, I was surprisingly refreshed and ready to take on the day's challenges. And when I found my sisters, they were just as happy, even little Khione and Leto were extra bubbly and talkative; as talkative as a three-year-old can be, that is.

We all walked down to the dining room, for the first time that week as a family, and sat down, talking until our father came into the room.

"Well isn't this a good change from yesterday's mood," he said sitting down as the servant brought our porridge and bread to us. "Now, let's eat."

We all readily followed the command without question, and soon Iris was asking for more food.

"Father, how long will you be away?" Charities asked while spoon-feeding Khione and Leto at the same time.

"I couldn't say. Anywhere from a few weeks to a few years-"

"Years!" We all gasped, choking on our porridge.

"These things are unpredictable," father explained.

"But we need you here," Iris complained.

Father sighed and smiled, but it was a sad smile. "I know. But you have good people here who will take care of you much better than I can-" Father cut off because Iris ran to his side and threw her arms around his neck. After a moment he hugged her back, and one by one more girl joined the tight embrace.

"I love you all," father said. "I hope you know that, and don't ever forget it."

"I love you too," several voices whispered in reply.

* * *

The mood was like this for the next two weeks; filled with games in the garden, riding horses, and joking around with one another. Then every night I would sneak down to Ailleron and Estevan would show me something else in his kingdom. Every night he told me I could bring my sisters down, but I still was not sure if I could trust him. And it was odd that he offered so often. The last time I went down there, Estevan had taken me down a different path that leads to a pavilion where we danced.

The happy mood in the castle ended on the morning of our father's departure.

"Daddy," Khione and Leto cried over and over as our father prepared his horse for the long journey.

Then he gave us all a hug, told us he loves us, and that he was doing this for us. "Ariadne," he said when it was my turn. "Watch out for your sisters, they need you. And I may not be-" I stopped him by giving him a hug.

"You'll be fine," I said hoping that saying it would make it true.

Then he pulled away, kissed my forehead, and mounted his horse. "I love you all!"

"Don't go!" Eileithyia cried.

"As much as I want to stay, I must go, my dear. So I make sure other little princesses can keep their fathers," he said enveloping his large muscular hand around her petite one. "But I'll be back, I promise."

"And with that, he galloped off to lead his troops on the long ride to the 2nd Realm.

Inside, I hoped that the war would be over before he even arrived, but I knew better than that.

Could things get any worse?? 

What will happen to the girls without their father? 

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