Chapter Eighteen: Ariadne

Ariadne's POV

"Everyone lay on your stomachs, with your head in your arms," Charities said and it was followed by several groans, but everyone slowly got down and did as she asked; except Bell, Charities, and me.

"Okay, now I will tell you the choices, then when I call out the one you want then raise your hand or your foot or something."

Each girl nodded.

"And no complaining."

The heads bobbed again.

"Okay, so you can pick 'hide and find', 'peasants', 'catch me', 'a contest', 'a skit', or my music mystery game'," Charities said then waited for them to decide then named the games again. "Hide and Find?" One hand. "Peasants?" Two hands. "Catch me?" No hands. "Contest?" One foot. "Skit?" No hands, or feet. "My music mystery?" Ten hands and feet combined. A few girls voted twice.

"My music mystery it is then. Come along," Charities said skipping out the door towards the ballroom.

"Wait!" Juno called. "We need to look pwetty!"

"Okay," I said smiling. "Everyone in your best dress!"

Everyone looked at each other in excitement, especially the younger girls, since they weren't allowed to go to balls yet. Then we all ran to our rooms and got dressed with the help of a few maids or those who got ready first.

I chose the gown that I had worn for my ball and then helped Iris into a light purple dress that matched her dark brown hair and tan skin perfectly.

Once everyone was ready, we all rushed down the stairs, Bell taking the railing, and we went into the ballroom, all with varying instruments in hand.

It took a minute to get everyone settled and lined up, but once we did I explained how to do a common farewell dance, while Harmonia played her flute and Charities played the piano.

I picked up Khione so she could join in the fun, and Bell picked up Leto. The girls all laughed as we showed them the dance. It was hard for them to pick up at first, but after a while, they had it down; stepping and twirling all over the ballroom.

"Can you show us a partner dance?"

"I guess I could teach you the waltz," I said and they all started jumping in excitement.

"Okay, so the girls who already know the dance will do the males part and the rest of you will do the girls part and all of you follow my lead," I said, still holding Khione who would be my partner.

Then each girl that knew the dance grabbed a girl who didn't. Harmonia came to dance while Diana took her place, playing the violin.

This dance took longer to teach because each girl had to work together, but it filled the room with laughter more often than screams. And soon everyone was either sprawled on the ground or holding our stomach's, but we were all laughing. Then a loud bang of doors hitting the walls interrupted our laughter, and we all turned to see a red-faced Harriet with her hands on her hips. "What is the meaning of this?"

"We were just dancing," Fortuna said.

"Just dancing?" She huffed. "This is not dancing, this is being disrespectful. Your father leaves, and you go off celebrating his departure; it's unacceptable. And I imagine he would be horrified if he walked in on you as I did."

"When he comes back-" Bell started.

"Your father will be told about your unruly behavior before he comes back, Princess Bellona. As for the rest of you, put away those instruments and you will have dinner in your rooms tonight."

A few girls started whispering and moaning, I couldn't tell who though.

"Is that more complaining?" Harriet said. "I suppose there will also be no more dancing, singing, or loud noises of any sort until your father returns."

"But-" many voices complained.

"Ah. I would stop there or the gardens will be off-limits as well. I thought you to be responsible, especially you Princess Ariadne, but I supposed wrong."

We all followed her to the common room that connected all of our bedrooms, where we waited for her to bring up our dinner.

The second the doors closed, the room erupted in chatter.

"What are we going to do?"

"I've never seen Harriet so upset!"

"I can't live without dancing and music!"

I looked down at my sisters and was once again reminded I needed to stay strong for them. "We'll figure something out."

You could bring them to Estevan's kingdom. I pushed the thought away, there had to be a better way to keep my sisters dancing and singing.

"We could sing and dance in the garden," Charities suggested.

"Harriet would hear the music," Fortuna said.

Then Bell muttered something I couldn't quite make out.

"What was that, Bell?"

"We," she cleared her throat. "We could dance in the arena, by the stables."

"That's a great idea, Bell," I said.

"How will we get out there without seeming suspicious?" Fortuna asked.

I thought about it for a minute before answering. "We could just tell her we want to go horseback riding."

"Or that Bell's teaching us how to use a sword," El said and Bell's face turned bright red.

"We will change the reason every time," I finally answered.

If you go to the kingdom then you won't have to lie to Harriet.

"Okay, let us try it tomorrow or the day after," Charities said and several groans answered. "If we do it today it would seem suspicious and she would check on us for sure."

"I know a place we could dance tonight," I said and then slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Where?" Bell asked suspiciously.

I shrugged, not trusting my mouth to say what I wanted it to.

"Come on, tell us."

My hands slowly lowered, uncovering my face. There was no use trying to keep it from them now, they would force me to tell them eventually and I couldn't think of any other place to go during the night. 

"We'll meet here after the maids have gone to bed and then I will show you."

El and Diana looked excited, the rest looked a little impatient, except of course Charities who always had the essence of calm and poise.

"Then what should we do right now?" Diana asked.

"We could-" I started but the door opened to reveal Harriet, for the second time that day.

"Ariadne Marie Hope Cardwell! You are needed in the throne room, immediately."

Do you think it's a good thing that Ariadne and her sisters can dance in the kingdom together?? What will happen? 

Haha I love knowing things as the author :) 

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