Hanging with Ikagura;Meeting another hedgehog?
Narrator POV
I'm the morning, we see Y/n and Hibari are sleeping in her dorm room but then her alarm clock starts ringing making Hibari waking up and making her groan.
Hibari:*groan* I'm up, I'm up
Then she pressed the button on the alarm clock and she then yawn and she looked at Y/n sleeping while she have blush on her face then waking him up.
Hibari: Wake up Y/n
Y/n:*groan* Five more minutes
Hibari: We got to go to School
Y/n: Ok, give me two minutes
Hibari: Come on Y/n
Y/n: Alright, I'm up
Y/n then cutely yawn that made Hibari blush and looked at her with drowsy eyes.
Y/n:*drowsy* What time is it?
Then Hibari looked at the clock and her eyes widen.
Hibari:*surprised* COME ON Y/N WE GOT TO GO TO SCHOOL!
Y/n: When?
Hibari: NOW!
Y/n's eyes then widen and said while he moving around in Sonic speed.
Hibari then nodded and they getting ready.
(Timeskip to the city of Asakusa)
Now we see the same black and red hedgehog wearing armour walking through the town while everybody was looking at him and muttering to each other.
Citizen 1: It's the blur
Citizen 2: But he's look different
Citizen 3: Why he's wearing armour and a sword?
Then he hearing them muttering about a blue blur in this city.
Black hedgehog:*thought* Hmm, so they know about Y/n, looks like I got find him
Then he dashed in a yellow blur making everyone surprised about this.
Citizen 4:*surprised* HE ANOTHER BLUR
Citizen 5:*surprised* I CAN BELIEVE IT
Meanwhile he was dashing through the city in a blur and he was thinking about Y/n.
Black hedgehog:*thought* I wonder how he looks like now? I better find him
We now see Hibari and Y/n coming to Kiriya classroom when they got there they see Asuka, Katsuragi, Yagyu, and Ikagura there.
Hibari: Hey everybody
Asuka: Hey Hibari
Ikagura: Hi Hibari
Yagyu: Hey Hibari
Katsuragi: Hey there Hibari
Y/n: Hi everybody
Asuka: Hi Y/n
Ikagura: Hey Y/n
Yagyu: Hello Y/n
Katsuragi: Hey there cutie
Then out of nowhere a smoke bomb came and explode making everybody coughing and it revealed was Kiriya in the class.
Kiriya: Good morning everyone
All: Good morning Kiriya-sensei
Kiriya: I have something to announce
Y/n: What is it?
Asuka: I wonder what could it be?
Kiriya: There are some Yoma readings in the city of Asakusa
Yagyu: How many?
Kiriya: There are three readings of it
Ikagura: So what you want us to do?
Kiriya: Want y'all to split into two because there are six of y'all, Asuka and Hibari I want y'all to go to the downtown of Asakusa, Yagyu and Katsuragi I want y'all to go to the uptown of Asakusa, and Y/n and Ikagura I want y'all to go to the center of town
All: Yes sensei
The girls then pull their scrolls between their breast and Y/n then pull his scroll out of one of his quills.
(Timeskip with Hibari and Asuka)
Now we see Asuka and Hibari in their Shinobi form jumping on buildings to buildings looking for the yoma and Hibari then ask Asuka something.
Hibari: Um, Asuka?
Asuka: Yes Hibari?
Hibari: Do you like Y/n?
And Asuka started to blush and she said while stuttering.
Asuka:*blushing* W-what d-do y-you mean?
Hibari: When Katsuragi say that to me and Yagyu did you have 'fun' with Y/n and you and Y/n started to blush, so what that means?
Then she was starting to get redder than Y/n's shoes and her scarf together and she was about to said something but there's was strange noise.
Asuka: Hibari, it's a yoma
Hibari: Let's go
Then they followed the yoma's roar.
(Timeskip with Yagyu and Katsuragi)
Now we see Yagyu and Katsuragi jumping on buildings to buildings looking for the yoma in uptown of Asakusa and Katsuragi ask Yagyu.
Katsuragi: Hey Yagyu
Yagyu: Yes Katsuragi
Katsuragi:*seductive look on her face* Did you have sex with him?
Then Yagyu stop at a building with blush on her face and she smack Katsuragi head.
Katsuragi: What?
Katsuragi: I do and but why?
Yagyu: Because when we were hanging out Y/n ask me that I always protect her like a sister and I said yes to him, I ask him that do he have siblings but he said no and he told that someone who name is Longclaw is like a mother to him but he have to leave because some people want his powers and he started to cry and I gave him a hug him to make him feel better and I told him to remember what he to me during we met him
Katsuragi: What he said?
Yagyu: He said that 'I hope we can be friends' *started to blush* so I said that we are friends and then he hug me
Katsuragi: So you like him?
Yagyu:*blushing* What?
Katsuragi: I said you like him?
Yagyu:*blushing* Y-yes
Then they heard a roar coming from uptown of Asakusa.
Yagyu: Katsuragi, it's yoma
Katsuragi: Let's go after it then
(Timeskip with Ikagura and Y/n)
Now we see Y/n and Ikagura jumping from building to building and then Ikagura have a blush and she stop on the last building and Y/n stop too and ask her.
Y/n: Are you ok Ikagura?
Ikagura:*blushing* Yeah, but can I ask you a question?
Y/n: Sure what is it?
Ikagura: After this mission can we hang out together?
Y/n: Sure, I'll glad to, but can I ask you a question too?
Ikagura: What is it?
Y/n: Does Katsuragi always like that?
Ikagura: Like what?
Y/n: When she hugs, she always put me close to her chest and saying things that make face red
Ikagura: Don't worry Y/n, she always like that but when you know her better, she'll treat like a big sister to you
Then she felt Y/n hugging him making her blush.
Y/n: Thank you Ikagura
Ikagura then hug him back.
Ikagura: No problem, Y/n
Then they heard a voice and a growl out of nowhere.
???: Wow, how touching
They then turn to see a teen boy with fair skinned with dark blue eyes, black hair which covers most of his forehead do to his long bangs, and even going further, as to cover some of his eye, and going down to his nose. It also goes well down to his ears, nearly covering them up as well, He wears a dark blue vest or shirt underneath his long white coat, and both tops are also constantly unzipped, he wears white pants as bottoms, and black shoes, and he holding an kusarigama with some monster wearing bronze armour and holding swords and a red monster holding a club. And they have a mysterious aura around them.
(A/n: Ten of them)
And Ikagura know who that person is.
Ikagura: Murasame?
Murasame: Hello there little sister
Y/n: Who?
Ikagura: Y/n, this is my brother Murasame
Murasame: And you're must the blue blur, it's time to get rid of you
Y/n: What?
Ikagura: You can't do this
Murasame: Yes I can and I kill you with him
Ikagura: Who's making you doing this?
Then Ikagura's phone started to ringing and she then picked it up and it was Asuka.
Ikagura: What's happen Asuka?
Asuka(on the phone): I don't we were just fighting the yoma then out of nowhere, there was some monster with knight armour on
Ikagura: What about Katsuragi and Yagyu?
Asuka(on the phone): I don't know they haven't call me*static* m-me a-and H-hibari n-need s-some hel-
Ikagura: Hello, hello
Y/n then started to shaking in fear while Murasame have an evil smirk on his face.
Murasame: Just a shame, look at the blue blur and you scared just pathetic, SOLDIER-ONE ATTACK!
Then the soldier-one started to charge at them and Ikagura said to Y/n while he still quivering in fear.
Ikagura: Y/n, keep it together
Y/n:*scared* B-but I'm scared that my friends are getting hurt
Ikagura: Don't be scared, I know our friends can stop those monster and also I'm here with you
Y/n: Really?
Ikagura: Yes and now let's beat these monster
Y/n: Right
Y/n then pulled out Caliburn and got in his position to fight.
(Y/n and Ikagura vs Solider-One, ready? GO)
Y/n's arm then glowed electric blue and eyes change from emerald green to electric blue and he have his arm in a ball throw position.
He then launch a bolt of lightning at the two soldier-one making them electrify and making them explode and Ikagura was surprised on how he did that.
Ikagura:*surprised* How did you that?
Y/n: I was focusing on my left to do it
Ikagura: Well,that's cool
Murasame: No matter, GET THEM!
Then more Soldier-one comes to Y/n and Ikagura then she said to him.
Ikagura: Can you handle these monster alone?
Y/n: I can, go and stop your brother and that yoma
Then she nodded at Y/n and ran to Murasame and all the Soldier-one surround him.
Y/n: Alright, let's get this thing started
Then he got into his running position while he got his sword out.
He then dashed at the first Solider-One and slash at it the he bounce off of it and then at the second Solider-One and slash at it and repeatedly at all of them and at the last one, he then released an EMP wave at them making them explode.
(Y/n wins)
Y/n: Alright, now it's time to help Ikagura
Then the red yoma then smash her club at the ground making Y/n fall down.
Y/n: Hey thought you going to with him? Gotta change of mind?
Then the red yoma then smash her club down at Y/n and he dodge it and he was thinking while he was dodging.
Y/n:*thought* I wonder how Ikagura doing?
(Ikagura vs Murasame, ready? GO!)
Meanwhile Ikagura and Murasame are now in a fight and Ikagura said to him.
Ikagura: This isn't you, please stop this
Murasame: This is me and I'm defeating you
Then he swung his kusarigama at her but she blocked with her sword then he said with anger.
Ikagura: Please stop this
Then his kusarigama glowed dark purple and yellow aura around and he swung it around while his became white.
Then he slashed his kusarigama at Ikagura but she was trying to block but got slashed making her clothes rip apart and flying at the vent crawl.
(Ikagura lose)
Meanwhile with Y/n and the red oni, he was dodging of her attack but then there was a dark purple aura around her and she dashed towards to Y/n and grab him by the neck and slammed him down making the center of Asakusa shake.
Meanwhile at a different building, we now see the black hedgehog wearing armour closing his but he felt a shake from somewhere making open his eyes and he saw the same building where Ikagura and Y/n see fighting and he said with a smirk under his helmet.
Black hedgehog: Looks like I found you
He then jumped from building to building.
Now back at the battlefield, we see Y/n bruised up and his shinobi form is rip apart and Murasame walked up to Y/n and he grab one of his quills and pick him and looked at him.
Murasame: Tsk, tsk, tsk, just look at you, can't even defeat an yoma just pathetic
Then he drop Y/n and he was about strike Y/n but he heard a attack coming at him and he saw Ikagura.
She then dashed at Murasame with her sword and Y/n said to her while he was down.
Y/n:*weakly* Please don't do this
Murasame: You're still up looks like I have to finish then
Then he gripped his kusarigama while he have an dark purple aura around him and said finishing attack.
He then swung his kusarigama at Ikagura with dark purple aura around it and slash at her making her clothes gone and flew into the vent crawl. When Y/n saw it his eyes have tears in them when Murasame walk up to Ikagura and she said to him.
Ikagura:*weakly* Please don't do this, you're my brother
Murasame: And you're not my sister then, say goodbye
When Murasame about to end Ikagura, Y/n then felt something snapped inside making his fur dark blue and aura around.
Y/n: Don't do this Murasame
Then Murasame turn to see Y/n with his fur turned dark blue and have smirk on his face.
Murasame: So, you still up already? Red oni finish him
Then the red oni charged towards Y/n but he then have a evil smile and said.
Y/n: No, I'll finish you
Then he disappear out of nowhere and reappear in front of the red oni and slashed her into half with his hands that made Ikagura and Murasame surprised about this and when the red oni got cut in half, it explode making them covering their face and when the smoke cleared up they Y/n but he looked different. Now his fur is dark blue with dark blue eyes, wearing his torn up shinobi form.
(That's as a kid and wearing your torn up shinobi form)
Ikagura:*weakly* Y-y/n?
Murasame: You think you can stop me in that form?
Y/n didn't say anything but he gesture him to come at him and that made Murasame angry.
Murasame:*anger* ALRIGHT THEN LET'S GO
(Dark Y/n vs Murasame, ready? GO!)
Murasame then swung his kusarigama at Y/n but he grabbed it with one hand and pulled him to Y/n and punch him in the guts making Murasame spit out blood and flew into another building. Then Y/n jump to the same building where Murasame is and shot a dark blue lighting bolt at him but he blocked it with his kusarigama.
Murasame: Is that you're best shot?
Then Y/n disappear out of nowhere and reappear in front of Murasame and uppercut him into the air and did a axe kick to the ground making it have a cater.
Meanwhile, we see the black hedgehog wearing armour at a building away from Y/n and Murasame and he saw them fighting.
Black hedgehog: Hmmp, I better stop Y/n before he destroy that city
Then he sensed another energy but it feels like it's fading.
Black hedgehog: And I better find that energy reading before he/she die
Then he teleport to location where the fading energy is.
Back at battlefield, we see Murasame in the cater laying down and Y/n floating above and he said to Murasame with a large dark blue lighting bolt in his hand and everybody in the center of town was this.
Dark Y/n: Die
Before he could do final hit, he heard Ikagura.
Ikagura: Y/n stop
He then turn to see Ikagura and the black hedgehog and he said after he drop the lighting bolt.
Dark Y/n: Ikagura?
Ikagura: Please don't do this Y/n, this isn't you
Then Y/n looked at Ikagura in the eyes and they tears in them making Y/n feel sad and he then got out of the form and pass out.
(Match tied)
Ikagura comes to Y/n and Murasame both knocked out and she felt sad about her and Murasame battle when he said 'I'm not your sister'.
Black hedgehog: Is there something wrong?
Then she turn to see the black hedgehog wearing armour standing there beside her.
Ikagura: It's just that when Murasame and I were fighting he said that he's not my brother
He then looked at the knock out Murasame and he sensed a evil energy on him but it faded away and he remember the evil energy.
Black hedgehog: You know, he was control by someone
Ikagura: Really?
Black hedgehog: Yes and we need to get them to somewhere to heal
Ikagura: I think I know where
Black hedgehog: Where?
Ikagura: It's the Hanzo Academy
Black hedgehog: Let me teleport us there
Then she picked up Y/n and the black hedgehog hold Murasame and held a emerald and said.
Black hedgehog: CHAOS CONTROL!
Then they teleport to Hanzo Academy.
In the Hanzo Academy infirmary, we see Ikagura and Black hedgehog waiting on Y/n and Murasame to heal up and Ikagura heard Asuka.
Then she turned to see Asuka and the rest of the Hanzo Girls and she said to them.
Ikagura: Are y'all ok?
Hibari: We're fine thanks to him
Yagyu: Yeah, couldn't done it with him
Black hedgehog: No problem, it's at least you take care of Y/n
Katsuragi: What do you mean?
Black hedgehog: I'll tell y'all when they wake up
Hibari: What do you mean 'they'?
Ikagura: He mean my brother here as well
All: WHAT?!
Asuka: Why is he here?
Ikagura: Because me and Y/n were finding the yoma and he came out of nowhere with monster holding sword and a yoma
Black hedgehog: But he was corrupted by an mysterious a aura around him
Ikagura: Y/n was fighting the monster but then a yoma was in his way to help me and I was fighting Murasame but he use an attack that I never heard of and the yoma defeat Y/n
Black hedgehog: Making me heard it from the another building
Yagyu: Why were you at the another building?
Black hedgehog: Because I was looking for him
Asuka: Why?
Black hedgehog: Because he have a sacred weapon that can defeat evil
Katsuragi: A sacred weapon?
Ikagura: What do you mean?
Black hedgehog: I'll tell you when he wakes up
Meanwhile in the infirmary, Y/n and Murasame are now unconscious on the infirmary bed then Y/n's hand started to move and Y/n was started to wake up.
Y/n: Ugh, what happened?
Then he looked around and he was in the infirmary.
Y/n: I must be i back in the Hanzo Academy
???: Wait did you just said Hanzo Academy?
He then turned to see Murasame wake up and started to scream.
Now back at our if the infirmary, the Hanzo Girls and the black hedgehog were now waiting on Y/n and Murasame then they heard Y/n screamed.
Hibari: It's Y/n
Ikagura: Come on
They then went to the infirmary room and saw Y/n backing up.
All: Y/N!
The Hanzo Girls then went to Y/n and hugged but he felt the sore.
Y/n: Ow
Then they let go of Y/n and they apologize.
All: Sorry
Y/n: It's fine
Ikagura then see Murasame wake up too.
Ikagura: Murasame
She then comes to Murasame and have him a hug and she let go then he ask them.
Murasame: What happened?
Black hedgehog: You were corrupted by an evil spirit
Y/n: Who are you?
Hibari: I'm asking the same question too
Black hedgehog: Well, I'll tell y'all
Then he take off his helmet and revealed his crimson red eyes and then the girls were surprised.
Shadow: Yes, my name is Shadow but my codename is Lancelot
Y/n: Shadow? Why is that familiar?
Shadow: Because Y/n, I know you're father
Y/n then went to Shadow and said while he jumping up and down.
Y/n: Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?
Then Shadow out his hand on Y/n shoulder and make him to calm down and put him in the ground then they heard Kiriya voice.
Kiriya: Who are you?
They then turn to see Kiriya standing at the infirmary door and the Hanzo Girls and Y/n said together.
Hanzo Girls and Y/n: KIRIYA-SENSEI!
They then bowed to Kiriya and he said to them.
Kiriya: There's no need to bow
Then they stop bowing and Kiriya looked at Murasame and he have an nervous smile on his face and said while he waving.
Murasame:*nervously* H-hey Kiriya
Ikagura: Kiriya-sensei, we can explain
Kiriya: There's no need to explain
All: What?
Kiriya: I saw it on the news and including you too Y/n but different
Ikagura: You mean his fur turn dark blue and eyes became dark blue too?
Hibari: What do you mean?
Shadow: I think I know what it means
Katsuragi: You do?
Yagyu: Then tell us
Shadow: That form you saw Ikagura was his dark form
Ikagura: Dark form?
Asuka: What's that mean?
Shadow: Dark form is form only can be use when the user have all the intense anger and rage
Then when they heard that Hibari started to shiver in fear and Ikagura then ask Shadow.
Ikagura: How that happened?
Shadow: It only happen if he get angry or have rage
Y/n: Uhh, Shadow?
Shadow: Yes, Y/n
Y/n: I think I know what happened
Shadow: Then tell us
Y/n: After my battle against with the yoma, Murasame picked me up and call me pathetic then Ikagura try to attack but he then blocked the attack and swung his weapon at her making her almost pass and before he could finish her off something inside of snapped and that's how I got into that form
Shadow: Hmm, it must be you're relationship with Ikagura that the anger inside you wouldn't let her get killed
Murasame: So, what about me?
Shadow: As I said, you were corrupted by an evil spirit
Then Kiriya looked at the window and see it's almost night.
Kiriya: It's almost night, y'all need to go including you, Murasame
All: Yes sensei
And they left the infirmary except for Shadow.
Kiriya: Shadow, was it?
Shadow: Yes
Kiriya: I need your help with Y/n
Shadow: Why?
Kiriya: That sword, Caliburn
Then the word Caliburn echo in his head and he remember something.
Shadow: You mean Excalibur
Kiriya: Yes, I'll need your help with Y/n to train him to use that sword correctly
Shadow: Yes, Kiriya
Before he left Kiriya said to him.
Kiriya: Before you leave Shadow
He then gave Shadow an dorm room and then said to him.
Kiriya: Here you go, your own dorm room
Shadow: Thanks
Then Shadow left the infirmary room.
Now Y/n is sitting on Ikagura's bed waiting on her to get done taking a shower while doing that he was having flashback.
Flashback starts
Now we see Shadow and a different hedgehog but he looked like Y/n but he doesn't have blue fur on his arms but have peach arm and belly wearing red sneakers with white straps and gold buckle, gloves, and a wearing a gauntlet and holding Caliburn.
Shadow: So, what we going to do?
Blue hedgehog: Bring him to Longclaw, she'll take care of him
Shadow: Understood
Blue hedgehog: Don't worry my little Y/n, you'll be take care of
Flashback end
Y/n:*thought* Who was that blue hedgehog and why do he looked like me?
Then he heard Ikagura calling him.
Ikagura: Alright Y/n, come and let's get you in the shower
Y/n: Alright
Now Y/n fell asleep on Ikagura's bed while she was brushing her hair then a knock was heard, she then walk to the door and saw Katsuragi there.
Ikagura: What do you need?
Katsuragi: It's nothing just that I'm want to hang out with him
Ikagura: Sure you can
Katsuragi: Thanks, good night Ikagura
Ikagura: Good night Katsuragi
Then she closed the door and lay down on her bed beside Y/n and kiss him on the forehead.
Ikagura: Good night
Then she went to sleep
See ya in Hanging with Katsuragi
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