Hanging with Hibari
Narrator POV
In the morning we see Y/n and Yagyu sleeping in her dorm room then a alarm clock starts ringing making Yagyu waking up and turn off the alarm clock then she yawned and looked at Y/n curled up like a hedgehog that made her blush.
Yagyu:*blushing* He so cute
She then waking up Y/n making him groan.
Yagyu: Y/n wake up
Y/n then open his eyes and made a cute yawn that made her blush even more to the shade of Y/n's shoes then he turned to Y/n.
Y/n: Good morning Yagyu
Yagyu: Good morning Y/n
Y/n: What day is it?
Yagyu: It's the weekend, why?
Y/n: Because can I hang out with Hibari?
Yagyu: Sure, come on let's get dress
Y/n: Ok
When Y/n and Yagyu are dress up they went to Hibari's dorm room and Yagyu then knock on the door then they heard Hibari voice through the door.
Hibari: Who is it?
Yagyu: It's Yagyu and Y/n
Then Hibari then open the door and see Y/n in front of Hibari's face that his nose was close to her nose and that made her blush.
Y/n: Good morning Hibari
Hibari: Good morning Y/n
Hibari then hugged him close to her breast that made his face red than his shoes then Hibari put him down and said to Yagyu.
Hibari: What are y'all doing here?
Yagyu: Y/n want to hang out with you
Hibari: Really?
Y/n: Yeah
Hibari: YEAH!
Then Hibari then went to her dorm and changed into her uniform and Y/n and Yagyu is waiting on her then a door open and they saw Hibari in her uniform.
Yagyu: Come on let's get something to eat
Y/n: Ok
Y/n, Yagyu, and Hibari then go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast and they then saw Asuka, Ikagura, and Katsuragi seating at a table then they went to the line and got their breakfast and sat with Asuka and her friends.
Yagyu: Hey girls
Asuka: Hey Yagyu
Y/n: Good morning Asuka
Asuka: Good morning Y/n
Ikagura: Good morning little guy
Y/n: Good Ikagura
Katsuragi: Good morning cutie
Y/n: Good morning Katsuragi
Katsuragi: So how's it go with Y/n Yagyu?
Yagyu: It was good
Katsuragi: So, did you have 'fun'?
Asuka then have a blush on her face and also Y/n too, so he hides in his hoodie then Ikagura whacks Katsuragi head.
Ikagura: Katsuragi, you shouldn't say that infront of Y/n
Yagyu: Yes, we did and went to get some ice cream
Hibari: Y'all did?
Yagyu: Yeah
Hibari:*pout* Aww, no fair
Yagyu: Ok, don't be mad you will hang out with him
Hibari: Ok
When they got done eating breakfast they then go outside and Hibari tapped you on the shoulder and Y/n then turn and see Hibari and she said.
Hibari: Come on Y/n, let's have fun
Y/n: Ok
Y/n and Hibari then left to hanging out and only left is Asuka, Ikagura, Katsuragi, and Yagyu then Asuka said to the girls.
Asuka: Come on, let's go to my grandpa shop
They then all nodded and go to Hanzo's restaurant.
Y/n and Hibari then are at a carnival and Y/n then titled his head with confusion on his face.
Y/n:*confuse* What is this place?
Hibari: This is a carnival
Y/n: What's that?
Hibari:*gasp* You don't what carnival is?
Y/n: No
Hibari: Come on, let's go
Hibari then grabbed Y/n's arm and drag him to a game that people knocking down jugs to get a prize and Hibari faced was awed when she saw a giant teddy bear.
Y/n: What game is this?
Hibari: Knock over the milk bottles and this is the rule, you need to knock down the milk bottles to win and you get a prize
Y/n: And what are you looking?
Hibari: I was looking at a teddy bear but I never win
Y/n then have a idea popped in his head.
Y/n: I got an idea
Hibari: What is it?
Y/n: What if I do it
Hibari: Really, you do that for me?
Y/n: Of course, that's what friends are for
Hibari: Ok, let's go
Y/n then nodded at Hibari and they then go to the game and a man wearing a red and white dress shirt with a red overall and wearing a hat.
Carny: Step right up, boys and girls to come knock the bottles and win a prize, only $2
Carny then saw Hibari and Y/n then he have an evil smirk on his face.
Carny: Well, well, well, if is it Hibari*looks at Y/n* and who's this little fella?
Hibari: This is Y/n
Carny: Nice to meet ya kid, want to try to win a prize?
Y/n: Sure
Carny: Then it's $2
Hibari: Don't worry Y/n, I got you
Hibari then took out a wallet and gave the carny $2 and he set three balls on the table.
Carny: You have three balls and that equal the chances you have, if lose all it's over, are you ready?
Y/n then nodded at the Carny and he said.
Carny: The let's see what you got
Y/n picked up an ball and throw at the milk bottles but it stand still.
Carny: Ooh, try again
Y/n then pick up the second ball and throw at the milk bottles but it stand still.
Carny: This is your last chance Y/n, COME ON EVERYONE AND SEE THIS KID WIN A PRIZE!
Then everybody heard the Carny say it and they then go around Y/n and Hibari.
Citizen 1: Come little guy, you can do this!
Citizen 2: Don't give up!
Citizen 3: Don't stop now!
Y/n then heard all the people encouraging him and Y/n then look at Hibari and she said.
Hibari: Come Y/n
Y/n then pick up the last ball and he close his eyes then he open them up and his changed from emerald green to electric blue and his arm glowed with blue electricity then he wind up his arm then he threw it and that made the milk bottles fall off and that made everyone and including the Carny surprised.
Carny:*surprised* Looks like we have a winner
Everybody then cheering on Y/n and Hibari come to Y/n and giving him a hug then Carny gave a the giant teddy bear.
Carny: Here's your prize kid
Y/n then was holding the giant teddy bear.
Y/n: Thank you
Hibari: You did it Y/n
Y/n and Hibari are now sitting on bench while eating cotton candy with their giant teddy bear but Hibari then heard a familiar voice.
They then turn and see fair skinned girl with long light brown hair tied into two pigtails and have big blue eyes and yellow pupils and wearing the same uniform as Yumi.
Hibari: Hey Minori
Minori then looked Y/n while she titled her head like a confused dog with confused look on her face.
Minori: Hibari, who is he?
Hibari: This is Y/n the hedgehog
Y/n: Hey, it's pleasure to meet you
Minori: It's nice to meet you Y/n and how did you got the teddy bear?
Y/n: I won it
Minori: That's so cool
Hibari: I know right
Minori: Looks like I'm leaving now, see ya later
Y/n and Hibari: See ya
Minori then left from Y/n and Hibari then Y/n's stomach growl and he started to blush then Hibari started to giggle and she said to Y/n.
Hibari: Come on Y/n, I know where to get
Y/n: Ok
They then left the carnival and went to somewhere to eat.
They then went to a restaurant with the word Hanzo on it then Y/n surprised.
Y/n: I didn't know that Mr. Hanzo have restaurant
Hibari: Come on let's see that Asuka and the rest are here
Y/n: Ok
They then open the door and they heard bell ring then they walk into the restaurant and they then saw Hanzo, Asuka and her friends.
Hibari: Hey guys
They then turn around and see Hibari and Y/n but he was holding that made them confuse.
Asuka: Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah
Yagyu: How did you got that teddy bear?
Y/n: I won it
Asuka and friends: WHAT!?
Ikagura: How did he won that?
Hibari: He did that his eye change from green to blue
Yagyu: Really?
Y/n: Yeah
Hanzo: Hello Y/n
Y/n: Hi, Mr. Hanzo
Katsuragi: What are y'all doing here?
Hibari: We just getting something to eat
Asuka: You want some Futomaki roll?
Hibari: Sure
Y/n: What's that?
Asuka: You have never heard of Futomaki Roll before?
Y/n: No
Asuka: Futomaki roll is a type of sushi, so you want to try them?
Y/n: Sure
Asuka: A plate of Futomaki Roll coming right up
Y/n and Hibari then sat down at a table with their other friends then Katsuragi came to Y/n and press her breast on back of his head and that made Y/n blush madly.
Katsuragi:*smiling seductively* Hey there cutie, how's your day going?
Y/n: *blushing and stuttering* I-its g-going good
Ikagura: Katsuragi, leave him alone
Katsuragi: What? I was just asking a question then again, did you have 'fun' with Asuka?
Y/n then is blushing madly that made covering his face into the teddy bear and that made the girls blush.
Yagyu: *thought* Oh my god, he's so cute
Ikagura:*thought* Nothing can top that cuteness
Katsuragi:*thought* He's so cute, I wonder what he can do in bed?
Hibari:*thought* Nothing can top that
They then heard Asuka and turn around and see her holding a plate of Futomaki Rolls.
Asuka: Here ya go Y/n, one plate of Futomaki Rolls
Y/n: Thank you, Asuka
Asuka: No problem, I hope you enjoy
Y/n: I will
Y/n then took one futomaki rolls and take a bite from the roll then his eyes became widen with a smile on his face.
Asuka: So, what do you think?
Y/n:*smiles* It's good
Asuka: See, I know you like it
Yagyu: Y/n, you got something on your face
Y/n: Where?
Katsuragi: Don't worry, I got it
Katsuragi then lick her tongue on Y/n left cheek on his face and that made him blush surprisingly and turn into a ball, Hanzo then chuckle and the girls have blush on their faces while they have an futomaki roll then Hibari then shakes Y/n and said to him.
Hibari: Y/n, you can get out of your ball now
Y/n then peak out of his ball and looked up at Hibari with a smile on her then Y/n got out of his ball. Hanzo then look out the window and said to everyone.
Hanzo: Looks like it's almost night, let's go home
All: Yes Hanzo
Hibari, Y/n, Yagyu, Ikagura, and Katsuragi got up from their seats and said to Asuka and Hanzo.
Hibari: See ya Asuka
Yagyu: See ya tomorrow
Ikagura: See ya in the morning
Katsuragi: See ya cutie
Y/n: See ya Asuka
They then left out of Hanzo's restaurant and went to hanzo academy.
They got there to the academy and they went to their own dorm room and Hibari said to everyone.
Hibari: See ya in the morning
All: See ya Hibari
Y/n: Good night guys
All: Good night Y/n
Y/n and Hibari then went inside her dorm and Hibari ask Y/n.
Hibari: Have you take a bath yet?
Y/n: No, not yet
Hibari: Come on, let's get you a bath
Y/n: Ok
When they got done taking a bath, Y/n put his teddy bear beside him and then he went to sleep. And Hibari almost got ready to go to bed she then heard on knock on her. She came to the door and she see Ikagura.
Ikagura: Hey Hibari
Hibari: Hey Ikagura, what is it that you need?
Ikagura: Can I hang out with Y/n tomorrow?
Hibari: Sure
Ikagura: Thanks, good night Hibari
Hibari: Good night Ikagura
Hibari then close the door and go to her bed and saw Y/n sleeping with teddy bear and that made her blush.
Hibari:*blush* So cute
She then get on her and kissed his forehead then she said to him.
Hibari: Good night Y/n
Then she went to sleep but what they did know that a shadowy figure show in a big building looking at the academy and the light comes down him and it shows an hedgehog like Y/n but his fur is black with red highlights and crimson red eyes, he is wearing a knight armor and a visor that cover his eyes.
???: Hmmp, looks like I see him tomorrow then
Then he left in the shadow
See ya later
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