Chapter 31 (Rush)

(Sonia's POV)

Me and Silver are running through the city.

Silver: So how do you deal with Eggman?

Sonia: How do I deal with him? I just destroy his latest fancy toys and that's it.

Silver: Really? Aren't you worried that he'll win? That he will destroy this beautiful world? Especially that Eggman Nega is here?

Sonia: I shouldn't have to be too worried about that. There might be another Eggman, but there's another hedgehog here to help stop him.

Silver: Really? Who is it?

Me and Silver stared at each other in silence for a moment before her eyes lit up in realization.

Silver: Oh! Me! Sorry!

I definitely wasn't expecting that. I just snickered to myself.

Sonia: You're fine. Let's speed this whole thing along, shall we?

I started to Boost, going really fast in an instant. I saw Silver start to float up high, avoiding the buildings to go in a straight line. I looked around and noticed a large... robot in the middle of a large area.

I can tell just by looking at it that it's something that Eggman or Eggman Nega would make. I looked up at Silver.

Sonia: Hey Silver! 3 chili dogs that that is Eggman!

She looked down at me as I pointed forward. I dashed over to the area that the big robot is at and stopped.

Sonia: Hey Egghead! What's up with the new circus ride? Looks boring.

I looked into the cockpit of the circus ride and saw that it's Eggman Nega.

Eggman Nega: So we meet again, hedgehog girl.

Sonia: So we do. Sadly, I owe Silver 3 chili dogs.

Eggman Nega: Hmm? Sorry, I couldn't hear you. What did you say?

I just smirked as I pointed up into the sky. Eggman Nega looked up and saw Silver flying towards us.

Silver: Eggman Nega!

She shouted and I can see that she is quite angry.

Eggman Nega: How are you here at this point in time?!

Silver used her telekinesis and made a light blue aura surround the circus ride. I saw Eggman Nega start to try to press a bunch of buttons, but it didn't do much.

Eggman Nega: Why isn't anything working?!

Silver: Because it's no use!

Sonia: Make sure to keep him in place!

I quickly started to charge a Spindash and went forward in a curled up ball. I started to hit various parts of the robot, denting and destroying the metal.

Eggman Nega: This is such an unfair situation! You would dare team up against one person?!

Silver: If it's to stop a monster like you, then I'll do whatever it takes!

I noticed Silver had some sweat coming from her forehead before stopping her use of telekinesis. She must've of reached her limit holding this giant robot for so long. I saw the robot start to swing around, about to crush me. I jumped up into the air and saw the cockpit. I smirked as I used my Boost to dash right for it. I curled up into a ball right before hitting it, causing it to brake off the machine. It crashed into the ground and broke, revealing Eggman Nega in a hover pod and started to fly away.

Eggman Nega: I'll make sure to get my revenge on you rodent girls!

I just stared at him as he got away. I quickly ran over to Silver to check up how she's doing. She's down on one knee and catching her breath.

Silver: No... He got away...

Sonia: Just relax a bit. We'll give him what's coming to him. But we should be more worried about that tear in the space-time continuum.

Silver after a few more deep breaths and stood up straight.

Silver: R-Right.

I felt my ears perk up a bit as I heard a familiar whooshing noise of two tails. I looked over and saw Tails flying over towards us while holding onto (Y/N)'s arms, carrying him. They landed on the ground next to us.

Tails: We saw what happened from the distance, glad you two are alright.

(Y/N): I wasn't worried for them! I knew they would be just fine!

Tails looked over at (Y/N) confused.

Tails: Weren't you panicking earlier-

(Y/N) put a finger over Tails's mouth, stopping her from finishing that thought.

(Y/N): I have no idea what she's talking about. Tails hasn't taken to the sidekick role very well.

Me and Silver tilted our heads in confusion. Tails pouted and reached into her pocket and pulled out the green Chaos Emerald.

Tails: Well this sidekick found another Chaos Emerald!

Silver: So that makes 4 now, right?

I nodded my head.

Sonia: Now we just need to get the last 3 and hopefully stop this mess.

Tails and Silver started to run in a direction, leaving me and (Y/N) together. I quickly went up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Sonia: Thanks for being worried about me.

I saw his tail start to wag back and forth as he just nodded his head. Me and (Y/N) started to run, catching up to Silver and Tails.

(Time Skip)

Everyone is running down a path way, but we were all forced to stop when an extremely large rock blocked the way.

Sonia: What's this?

Tails: The road's closed. We should all turn around and find another way.

Before anyone could go ahead with that plan, a strange muffled voice could be heard.

Knuckles: Hey... H-Hey!

Sonia: Huh?

I looked around, not seeing anyone else.

Sonia: Weird. I thought I heard something.

(Y/N): Same here.

Knuckles: H-Help me!

Everyone started to look around, definitely hearing someone else's voice. I saw Tails look under the huge rock and saw an arm with a certain spiky glove attached to it.

Tails: Wha! Knuckles!

Silver quickly put her hands forward towards the rock and managed to lift it up with her telekinesis enough for Knuckles to crawl out from under it. Silver let out a breath as she stopped using her powers on the rock, gently putting it back down. Knuckles started to hold his head as he tried to stand up.

Knuckles: I'm not feeling too good.

(Y/N): I wasn't expecting to see you here Knuckles.

Silver: Is he a friend of yours? Is he nice?

Silver asked me and (Y/N). I looked over at Knuckles as he was brushing himself off of any dirt and debris.

Sonia: Yeah, you can say that.

Tails: Knuckles, how'd you wind up getting stuck here?

Knuckles: Oh, my head!

He closed his eyes but seemed to remember what happened, making him open his eyes again as he stomped his foot on the ground.

Knuckles: It was because of her!

Tails: Her?

Knuckles: That feline with an attitude! I didn't recognize her, but she was with Cream when I spoke to her!

I can tell that Knuckles is talking about that cat girl. Where ever she is, we are definitely getting closer to her.

Tails: Knuckles, where did she go?!

Knuckles just clenched his fists as he looked down at the ground as a blood vein is now visible on his head. This isn't good.

Knuckles: Man, this makes me so angry! I want to punch something!

He turned towards the giant rock and punched it, destroying it into a bunch of smaller pieces. Silver grabbed all the little pieces that were about to his us with her telekinesis. I let out a sigh.

Sonia: Knuckles?

I saw him start to run forward and punching other random rocks while doing so.

Tails: He's gone, Sonia...

Sonia: It's always difficult to talk to him. Even without him being angry.

(Y/N): He could've told us what direction that cat girl went at least before storming off.

Tails: At least he opened the road for us.

Silver: That was nice of him.

Sonia: I don't think he thought about that... Let's get going!

(Time Skip) (Readers POV)

Everyone is at the edge of the land, looking out into the sea.

Tails: Looks like our best bet is going forward.

I looked over at Sonia and saw her cross her arms and tapping her foot. She closed her eyes.

(Y/N): Don't like the idea of going across some water?

Sonia: Can't say that I do...

I couldn't help but smirk.

(Y/N): I guess our plans are "sinked"?

I let out a small chuckle as Sonia turned to looked at me.

Sonia: D-Don't laugh at me!

(Y/N): Sorry sorry.

Sonia: Silver, can't you use your powers to make a boat or something?

Silver: I guess I could, but I would need materials to do that.

Everyone looked around and didn't see anything. I saw Sonia look ahead and pointed forward at the sea. I looked where she is pointing and noticed numerous G.U.N. naval aircraft carriers. Next to them is an island.

Sonia: I'm sure the military would mind us catching a ride.

(Y/N): Aren't those the same guys that locked you up that one time?

Sonia: That's why they are going to help us, wether they know it or not.

Tails: They are still pretty far out.

Silver: If it's only to those carriers, I should be able to get us all over there.

Silver started to float in the air and used her powers to grab me, Sonia, and Tails. We all started to fly over the water as Silver went straight for the carriers.

Sonia: Now this is how you ride across the water.

(Y/N): By not touching it?

Sonia pointed her finger at me and winked.

Sonia: Bingo!

Soon after Silver landed on the carriers and gently put everyone down in front of her. She let out a sigh and wiped her forehead.

Tails: Do you think G.U.N. knows we're onboard?

After Tails asked that, a bunch of sirens started to go off. I saw some G.U.N. robots land on front of us and pointed their guns at us.

Silver: They noticed us.

Sonia smirked as she quickly ran forward and kicked the robots down, making them fall down to the floor.

Sonia: Let's not over stay our welcome then.

Everyone nodded as we all started to run across the carrier we are on. Robots started to come from the sky and tried to shoot down at us. Silver used her telekinesis to grab the robots and slammed them down to the floor.

Silver: Got them!

Some of the robots raised their gun arms up and fired some shoots at us. Tails jumped up and whipped her tails at the bullets, redirecting the bullets to hit the floor.

Tails: They really don't like us.

Sonia: Some way of saying thanks for saving the world.

(Y/N): We should hurry up. We don't want to get locked up and thrown in prison.

We all continued our way, and reached to the end of one carrier and jumped off of it to reach a carrier next to it. We looked ahead and noticed two robots carrying a container and we can see that there is actually a Chaos Emerald inside.

Sonia: A Chaos Emerald!

(Y/N): I don't think taking a Chaos Emerald is going to make G.U.N. happy.

Sonia: We are going to need it no matter what.

Silver pointed her hand forward and a light blue aura surrounded the container and she pulled it towards us. Tails managed to open the container, revealing that it's the white Chaos Emerald. Sonia grabbed it and put it in her pocket and looked at the robots.

Sonia: Consider this as payback for putting me in prison for Shadow's crimes!

The robots tried to shoot us, but Sonia curled into a ball and crashed into the robots, destroying them.

Tails: Guys! Look!

Tails pointed over and we can see the nearby island.

Silver: I don't think I can carry all of us that far.

Sonia looked around and she locked her eyes on something and made her smile. That's never a good sign. Sonia grabbed onto me, Silver, and Tails and ran over to a rocket about to fire.

Sonia: Everyone, hold on tight!

Sonia held onto the rocket and it started to fire, sending everyone up into the air with it.

(Y/N): Sonia! Now isn't the time for this kind of thing!

Sonia: It will be fine!

(Y/N): I would've rather swim across than take a high speed rocket going into the sky!

Silver: Then let me try this.

A light blue aura surrounded the rocket and started to dip down at a slight angle and we are heading for the island now.

(Y/N): You can steer rockets?

Silver: I haven't actually tried doing something like this before.

(Y/N): It's definitely something really cool!

Silver started to blush from my compliment, making her concentration slip and the rocket started to go straight down.

Tails: Woah!

Sonia: Now we are taking the fastest route!

Silver started to use her telekinesis and grabbed everyone, making us stay in the air in one spot. She started to sweat as she also managed to grab the rocket and made it go high up into the air. The rocket blew up shortly after.

(Y/N): That was close!

Silver slowly brought everyone to the ground.

Sonia: Good job, Silver. Without you, it would've been a rough landing.

Sonia gave her a thumbs up. Silver just nodded her head and gave a thumbs up back.

(Chapter 31 end)

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