Season 2, Episode 12: Silly Love Songs

Ownership of Glee: FOX, Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk

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Violet's weekly outfits




(Pretend the ring is the promise ring)



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Violet, Kurt, Blaine and Charlie are in line at the Lima Bean on Monday morning. It was before school, so no one would be late. The Lima Bean is the halfway point between Dalton and McKinley.

Charlie and Blaine are talking about Valentine's Day, while Violet and Kurt were observing.

"So what should we do for Valentine's Day?" Violet asks.

Kurt smiles. "I was thinking I could just be a cliché boyfriend — buy you candy and flowers — but I want to do something special." He replies.

Violet just nods and smiles when she hears Blaine order Charlie's coffee: a large vanilla frappe with caramel, whipped cream and 4 Splendas. Only she knew Charlie's coffee order... until today.

"Blaine's totally got the hots for my boy, Charlie." Violet deducts quietly.

Kurt raises an eyebrow. "How do you figure?"

"Well for one, Blaine's extremely flirtatious — gay or not. Secondly, why else would you memorize someone's coffee order?" Violet reasons.

"Okay you may have a point there." Kurt agrees.

The couple reach the front of the line. "One medium jamocha frappe, hold the whip and a little extra chocolate sauce please." Kurt orders.

Violet smiles. "Damn it, you know my coffee order."

Kurt smiles back and kisses her cheek.

"What kind of boyfriend doesn't know their girlfriend's coffee order?"

= = =

Will smiles as he writes the word 'love' on the whiteboard, encased in a red heart. "All right, guys. I have one word for you." He says.

Brittany raises her hand. "Brittany." Will says.

Brittany smiles. "Is it 'love?' I'm totally going to graduate now." She cheers.

Will smiles. "Valentine's Day is coming up, so for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner, because you're going to sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song." He says.

The New Directions look interested.

Will nods. "Yeah, find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now, partner up."

Finn raises his hand. "Mr. Shue, can I say something?" He asks. Will nods and Finn stands at the center of the room.

"I just wanted to point out that for the first time, an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting slushied." Finn says.

Cue the applause.

"I think the fact that I led the football team to a Conference Championship might have something to do with it. Fact is that I'm the closest thing that this Glee Club has to a celebrity right now. And just like a famous athlete, I want to give to a charity. You guys." Finn explains.

Santana scoffs.

Finn continues. "So, I'm setting up a kissing booth for a dollar a smooch, and donating the proceeds to Glee Club to help us..." he's cut off by Tina.

"Don't even act like you're trying to help this Glee Club out. You just want to kiss a bunch of girls."

"I've kissed Finn, and can I just say? Not worth a buck. I would, however, pay a hundred dollars to jiggle one of his man-boobs." Santana smirks.

Finn looks curious. "Do you ever get tired of tearing other people down?"

Santana shakes her head. "No, not really."

Finn continues. "'Cause you always just seem to do be meddling in everybody else's business."

Santana rolls her eyes. "Oh, please. You guys love me. I keep it real, and I'm hilarious."

"Actually, you're just a bitch." Lauren says. This elicits shock from everyone.

"Okay. I'm sorry. You've just got eyes for my man." Santana says.

Puck intervenes. "Okay, first of all, I'm not your man."

"And Finn is right. All you ever do is insult us. Three weeks ago, you said you were disappointed that I didn't have a lizard baby." Quinn says.

"Five minutes ago, you said Mr. Shue belonged in a twelve-step program." Tina says.

Will looks confused. "Wait. What?"

"You're addicted to vests." Santana justifies.

"And just yesterday you said that without my Cheerios uniform, I'm back to having a flat ass." Violet remarks softly.

"The truth is, Santana, you can dish it out, but you can't take it. Okay, maybe you're right. Maybe I am destined to play the title role in the Broadway musical version of Willow, but the only job you're going to have is working on a pole!" Rachel vents.

There's a lot of murmuring.

Santana shrugs. "Fine." She says and walks off

"Santana..." Will calls.

Santana doesn't come back in the room.

= = =

Blaine walks down the hallway at Dalton to see Kurt. "Hey. What you doing?"

Kurt smiles. "Nothing. Just, uh, daydreaming, plotting weekend outfits." He lies.

Blaine looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "So you're not writing down ideas about what to give Violet for Valentine's Day?"

Kurt blushes. "Okay, I have been. But I don't know what to get her. She isn't the materialistic type, which is good. But it just makes it all that much harder to find her something."

"Well, come on. Get your head out of that notebook. You're going to want to see this. I've called an emergency meeting of the Warblers' Council." Blaine says.

Kurt chuckles. "Oh, sounds serious."

Blaine smiles. "Let's hope not. I just need to ask them a tiny little favor."

= = =

Wes sits at the council table and bangs his gavel. "This emergency meeting is called to order. Junior member Blaine Anderson, the floor is yours."

Blaine smiles. "Esteemed council, I'll be brief. Simply put... I'm in love."

"Ooh!" Come the replies of the Warblers.

Kurt smiles. 'I knew it! He's in love with Charlie, he's in love with Charlie.' Kurt says in his head.

Blaine chuckles. "I'm not really good at talking about my feelings. I'm much better at singing them. But still, I could use a little help. Which is why I'm asking to enlist the Warblers to help serenade this individual in song off-campus." Blaine requests.

There's a lot of shock going around the choir room. This only confirms Kurt's suspicions that Blaine is in love with Charlie.

"I know what I'm asking is slightly unusual." Blaine says.

"The Warblers haven't performed in an informal setting since 1927, when The Spirit of St. Louis overshot the tarmac and plowed through seven Warblers during an impromptu rendition of 'Welcome to Ohio, Lucky Lindy.'" Wes says.

David looks at Blaine. "Why would we even consider what you're asking?"

Blaine sighs. "I firmly believe that our reticence to perform in public nearly cost us a trip to Regionals. We're becoming privileged, porcelain birds perched on a..." Blaine is cut off by chatter.

"You mock us, sir." Thad says.

Wes bangs his gavel. "Thad, David? I will have order."

Kurt raises his hand. "May I please say something? With respect, I believe Blaine has a point. The Warblers are so concerned with image and tradition that sometimes I feel like we miss out on opportunities to step outside our comfort zones." Kurt says.

"When I was in New Directions, we performed in front of hostile crowds pretty much anywhere we went. I mean, mattress stores, shopping malls. I had a cat thrown at me in a nursing home once." Kurt continues.

This gets quiet laughs.

"But it... It gave us confidence. It kept us loose. And being confident and loose is how I asked the love of my life to be my girlfriend." Kurt finishes.

When he talks about Violet, the Warblers give an 'Awww,' because they know how much she means to him.

Wes looks at Blaine. "And where would this performance take place?"

Blaine smiles. "The Gap at the North Hills Mall. I'd like to call it The Warblers' Gap Attack." He says.

Kurt looks confused. Charlie doesn't work at the Gap; he works at Burt's tire shop. "Why the Gap?"

"The guy that I like is a junior manager." Blaine answers.

Kurt swallows thickly.

This isn't good.

= = =

The next day, Artie and Mike perform Michael Jackson's 'P.Y.T.' for Brittany and Tina.

[P.Y.T. by Artie and Mike]

"That's my man and his legs don't work." Brittany cheers.

Tina is choking back sobs. "I'm so in love, I may just start crying."

"Aww." The New Directions say.

= = =

The Warblers sing Robin Thicke's 'When I Get You Alone' to the junior manager, Jeremiah, in the Gap.

[When I Get You Alone by The Warblers]

It doesn't go over very well with Jeremiah. He got fired, and turns out he was over 18.

Blaine feels like an idiot now.

= = =

Blaine looks at the Valentine's Day decorations in disgust at the Lima Bean. He's standing in line with Charlie, who's been told everything.

"Don't they have anything here that isn't covered with stupid, little hearts? Gross." Blaine gags.

Charlie raises an eyebrow. "Well, you've certainly changed your tune."

"I don't think I've ever made that big a fool of myself, which is really saying something, because I've performed at theme parks." Blaine sighs. "I just... I can't believe I made it all up in my head."

Charlie sighs. "Okay, can I ask you something? Because we've always been completely honest with each other." He says. Blaine nods.

"You and I? We hang out. We sing flirty duets together. You know my coffee order. Was I supposed to think that that was nothing?" Charlie asks.

Blaine looks confused. "What do you mean?"

"I thought the guy that you wanted to ask out on Valentine's Day was me." Charlie says.

Blaine takes a minute to process the information. "Oh, wow. I really am clueless. Look, Charlie... I don't know what I'm doing. I pretend like I do. And I know how to act it out in song, but the truth is... I've never really been anyone's boyfriend." He admits.

Charlie smiles "Me, neither."

"Let me be really clear about something. I really, really care about you. But, I'm not very good at romance. I don't want to screw this up." Blaine admits.

Charlie nods. "So it's just like When Harry Met Sally. But I get to play Meg Ryan."

Blaine smiles. "Deal. Don't they, uh, get together in the end?"

Charlie doesn't answer. "Could I get a large vanilla frappe with whipped cream and caramel and 4 Splendas, and a medium drip for my friend Billy Crystal?" He asks the cashier.

Blaine smiles. "Ah, you know my coffee order."

Charlie blushes. "You know what? I think I've got something for us to do on Valentine's Day. Call Kurt; it'll help him with his idea for Violet."

= = =

Violet smiles as she stands in line for Finn's kissing booth. She only wants a brotherly peck on the cheek. It'd be weird if she kissed her boyfriend's stepbrother.

Violet smiles as she makes her way up. "Hey Finn. I would let you kiss my cheek anyways, but I do like donating to a good cause. Just... don't kiss my lips." She says.

Finn chuckles. "Didn't plan on kissing your lips Violet." He says and kisses her cheek.

"Thanks Finn."

"I'll see you at home!"

= = =

It's now Valentine's Day, and Finn smiles as he holds an envelope full of cash.

"Well, I did it. I kissed every girl in this school, and raised $325 for the Glee Club."

Will smiles. "All right, Finn. Thanks. That'll pay for half a ticket to Nationals. So... still a long way to go. All right?"

Finn nods. "Okay."

Will smiles. "Now I believe it's time to hear what the world's greatest love song means to Ms. Tina Cohen-Chang. Come on up."

Mike cheers. "Whoo!"

Finn is sweating. "Is anyone else hot? It's really stuffy in here."

Tina smiles. "This is for you, Mike. Happy Valentine's Day."

Tina begins to sing 'My Funny Valentine,' but breaks down into tears halfway through.

[My Funny Valentine by Tina]

"Okay. Wow, that was... powerful." Will says. "Almost too powerful."

Tina sniffles. "I love you, Mike."

Finn raises her hand. "Mr. Shue, can I be excused? I don't feel well."

"Me, either. I feel sick." Quinn says.

"Let me guess. You have a sore throat, and your glands are swollen, and you're feverish." Santana guesses.

Quinn nods. "Yeah. Yeah, which is why I need to go to the nurse."

"It sounds like you have mono. Otherwise known as the kissing disease. But you know what really helps spread it? A little tongue. Which is weird, because it sounds like Quinn here has it, too." Santana says.

Violet doesn't like what Santana is implying.

Sam intervenes. "I was there when they kissed. It was just a peck." He confirms.

"So, how about we stop talking about tonguing, and Finn and I go to the nurse?" Quinn says.

Finn and Quinn leave.

= = =

Rachel sings Katy Perry's 'Firework' in the auditorium.

[Firework by Rachel]

New Directions breaks out into applause.

= = =

That night at Breadstix, Violet is up on the makeshift stage, in front of the New Directions and the Warblers. "Test...Testing, one, two, three." She checks the mic.

"Hi. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Violet Corcoran. I know the Warblers have a song they'd like to perform, but I was given the okay to sing before they do. The assignment was a little difficult for me this week in glee club, because we had to partner up and sing what we think are the world's greatest love songs. This is for my boyfriend Kurt, who I truly believe is the world's greatest love song. Happy Valentine's Day baby." Violet says.

Violet sits at the piano and begins singing Adele's cover of Bob Dylan's 'Make You Feel My Love' as a ballad.

[Make You Feel My Love by Violet]

Everyone in attendance is either watching Violet sing or is crying (*cough* Tina *cough* Kurt *cough*) because of how melodious her voice sounds. When the song ends, everyone is up on their feet, cheering wildly.

Violet goes over to Kurt and kisses him in front of all their friends.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Kurt."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Violet."

= = =

After recuperating from the emotional performance Violet gave, Kurt makes his way up to the microphone. "All right. So, Happy Valentine's Day, everybody. For those of you Breadstix patrons who don't know who I am, I'm Kurt Hummel. The girl that just sang is my girlfriend, Violet, and I have a gift prepared for her. Please help me welcome onto the stage... the Dalton Academy Warblers." Kurt says.

Everyone cheers as Blaine and the Warblers join Kurt onstage.

Kurt and the Warblers perform an a cappella version of Elvis's 'Can't Help Falling in Love.'

[Can't Help Falling in Love by Kurt and the Warblers]

By the end of the performance, both Kurt and Violet are happily crying.

"I love you so much baby. Happy Valentine's Day."

= = =

Blaine smiles as he takes the mic a few minutes after Kurt's performance. "Hi guys. My name is Blaine Anderson and welcome to my first ever Lonely Hearts Club dinner. Whether you are single with hope, or madly in love, and are here because I forced you to come out and support me, sit back and enjoy. And to all the singles out there, this is our year." Blaine says.

He then sings 'Silly Love Songs' with the Warblers.

[Silly Love Songs by the Warblers]

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2569 words

Songs Mentioned/Performed
1. P.Y.T. - Artie and Mike
2. When I Get You Alone - The Warblers
3. My Funny Valentine - Tina
4. Firework - Rachel
5. Make You Feel My Love - Violet
6. Can't Help Falling in Love - Kurt and The Warblers
7. Silly Love Songs - The Warblers

I hope you guys liked this one!

Next update: Comeback

2 chapters to Blame It On The Alcohol
3 chapters to Sexy
4 chapters to Original Song
5 chapters to A Night of Neglect
6 chapters to Born This Way

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