I guess I kinda like the way
you numbed all the pain
I woke up laying flat on a beige coloured chair, my left wrist shackled to the seat. My head spun as I sat up, right as the pilot called for our decent.
Kingston had his eyes on me, watching me closely again. Satan was no where to be see.
"You drugged me." I growled as I sat up, as placed my free hand on my forehead as it pounded sharply.
He only sat forward and ran his hand over his mouth "I'm a curious so I want to know something." He said coldly, disregarding what I had accused him of completely.
"Why is it that you are in a perfect state? Given clothes and hygiene products? If you were really Lorenzo's prisoner you would be close to death by now." He said, but it looked like he already knew the answer.
But I had a feeling there was a reason Lorenzo didn't want anyone to know that we are or well used to be 'together'. "He didn't want to damage his ransom, I'd be worth less if I was dead." I said as I rubbed my eyes.
"Right." He smirked as he stared at me.
"Any other questions you wanna ask or are you just going to look at me like a pervert." I said
His eyes glassed over In a way, as he stood from the chair and walked over in front of me as I laid trapped into my back. He looked down at me for a few moments, as the plane began to drop from the sky.
"Грешник почти всегда становился на колени перед богом, который дал ангела" (The sinner almost always knelt before the god who gave the angel.) he said in Russian as he came to kneel before me. "You love him, don't you," Kingston said as he moved his hand to grab my chin hard, but not hostility.
What did he say. What did he know.
I stared at him in silence, the gaze in my eyes hard as a shatterless sword. He looked at me and chuckled at my lack of words. I saw wheels in his head turn, and he closed his eyes briefly before he looked around.
He was being cautious, why?
"I suggest you keep whatever romance you have with him to yourself." He said as he stared me down.
"We don't-"I stuttered, but I could lie all I want—he knew. "Does Satan know." I sighed. This was it, I'm done for. If everyone knows that I am Lorenzo's...
"No. And it will stay that way." Kingston said sharply. He grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve, as he looked In my eyes for a moment before he hit me-hard.
"Owe that fucking hurt-." He yelled but he placed a hand over my mouth. Biting that hand he pulled away and groaned slightly while shaking his hand out.
"If you don't tell me what the fuck is happening I will-"I growled at him angrily as I struggled to slip my hands from the chain.
"Do you want to fucking die?" He asked seriously as he grabbed me by the shoulders angrily. His grip pinching my skin "not particularly." I answered spitefully.
"If anyone finds out about you and Lorenzo, or me talking to you we will all die. Me, you, Lorenzo, Marco—people who you think have no connect to this—they will all die." Kingston said as he covered his radio with his hand. "And I made promises to make sure that doesn't happen." He said sternly
Promises? Promise to who.
"What are you-" I went to say but he stopped me as he stood.
"We never had this conversation, understand?" He growled in warning before he sat back down, and no sooner did Satan walk in looking all high and mighty.
"Satan were you flying the plane?" I asked as I tried to sit up, and though I kept my face stoic My mind couldn't help but race as I questioned every last thing Kingston had said.
Kingston looked loyal, but he looked like he was loyal for the wrong reasons. Whatever those reasons were.
"Yes." He deadpanned as he looked between the two of us suspiciously. Kingston looked at his phone for a second before looking up, pretending to just notice Satan's arrival.
"What did you guys talk about?" Satan asked suspiciously, his hand moving over to him he gun in his expensive black pants.
Biting the inside of my cheek, I wonder wether I should trust Kingston or not. I mean I have no reason to, no proof of anything he says. He could just be fucking around with me for all I know.
Sucking down the spit in my throat My voice broke the silence. "I bit Kingston." I said with a small smile. "He was getting mad at me for it." I finished as I watched as he looked at me like I was ill.
Satan looked over to Kingston like he couldn't be trusted, but nodded when no further proof was given. "let's go, we have already wasted enough of his time." Satan said calmly as he took a set of keys from his pockets and walked towards me.
His eyes daring mine as he unlocked the one side from the chair, before grabbing my free arm and flipping me over, my face smashed into the cushion as he cuffed my hands behind my back. I groaned slightly as they pinched the skin on my wrists due to how tight they were.
"Shut up, before I fuck you." He growled as he stood me up and pressed my back into him—I could feel his covered erection on my ass.
Kingston just stood there with his hands behind his back as he watched Satan and I.
"Move." Satan grunted as he pushed me forward. "Try anything and you are dead." He scowled as he lead me off the plane, and walking me down the death traps stairs.
I will never enjoy flying.
I was walked quickly to a car, but my eyes couldn't help but wander. We weren't in the US anymore, I knew that. "Where are we." I asked as I looked up at Satan, his eyes glaring down at me.
"That is none of your concern." He said as he placed us inside another car, this one smaller, surrounded by armed cars on every side.
Biting my tongue I slid to the furthest seat away from him, I hated him. Not in the way I thought I hated Lorenzo, I know now know that I don't hate Lorenzo—not as much as I hate Satan.
Satan was in an aspect similar to Lorenzo, cold and dark, moody with killer instincts—but with Lorenzo I felt mostly safe, I saw a man who had no boundaries when it came to what he'd do to get what he wanted. And for a time that was me.
But Satan, he was a lot like his name. He had no light, he had no care for me. He wasn't as dangerous as Lorenzo, but I knew more then I have ever known anything else that he wouldn't be afraid to hurt me. I could see it in his eyes as I spoke, Satan wanted to break me in a way that Lorenzo would never have even dared.
My heart beat in my chest as the time past, as well drove for what seemed to be an hour. Each second I felt fear creep into my bones like a disease.
With Lorenzo I was never scared, but now with these men; I was. They were new, different, unpredictable.
I mean well so was I, I am the most unpredictable bitch in the galaxy.
The car haulted and I shot up in my seat, my eyes darting to the blacked out windows as I tried to peak myself a view. "Where the fuck are we?" I asked as a I saw the outline to a sort of building.
Satan only gazed my way for a few seconds before he looked away, his shoulders tightening and his posture stiffening as the side door is opened and he stepped out.
Gesturing me to follow I step out too, my eyes looming in both shock and wonder as a house stood mightily before me. Actually to call this behemoth of a mansion a house would be a huge understatement.
It was one of the biggest houses I have even seen, with white pillars it gave the impression that someone just and holy lived here—but first impressions can be deceiving.
"Lady's first." Satan smirked as he walked to me, keening in onto my hesitation.
Turning my head I glared at him, though rolling my shoulders I stepped forward, my socked feet walking upon the cleanly swept grey pavement until I walked up large steps.
The third stair from the top had a red stain bleached into the concrete, spilled blood so thick it found its way into the smallest of cracks.
At the top a mighty oak door opened at my arrival, like I was being welcomed in with the upmost impatience.
I had a feeling in my chest, sick and sharp, but I knew now was no time for emotions. I had a feeling of who I was going to see as I was practically dragged through the poshly decorated house, A man's nails digging into my flesh as he guided me like a leashes animal.
Satan walking in front of me like he had some invisible crown of valour, dubbing his life worth more then mine. Oh If I could I'd shove that crown right up his ass.
"Let go of me!" I growled as I hit the man holding me, he seemed completely unaffected and simply stopped in his tracks. He looked towards Satan who also stopped, his hands in his pockets he looked like a prick.
Satan looked at me like the thought I was only bluffing. Smiling at him lowly I turned back to the guard.
Jumping onto him quickly I scratched and hit him violently, dug my nails across his face and kicked him where the sun don't shine, his hands reaching to grab me but I slinked away before I got onto his back and forced him to the floor. He didn't even try to hit me—interesting.
wrapping my arm around his neck I squeezed until he passed out. Blowing away the hair from my face I let go of him, my breath heavy as I stood—all the men's eyes on me with varying displays of what could be called emotions. Satan's face however masked a fake smile, a dead man's smile.
"Bring him with us." he said as he looked at the unconscious man.
Hell I didn't know I could do that, Lorenzo only trained me a few times for safety—but I didn't think my dumbass actually retained anything.
Two guards grabbed him under the shoulders as we all kept walking, this time I walked alone, with men on every side of me—a meter away.
Entering a room I looked up, my face contouring to a look of utter disbelief. "What in the game of thrones ass shit is this." My mouth hung open slightly as I was walked towards a risen platform, devoted with tapestries and swords.
A throne made of what seemed to be gold stood proudly in the centre. Oh great another man who thinks he deserves a throne, perfect.
"Shut up." Satan said as we walked up to it, the guards dissipating quickly and Satan walking up beside it leaving me standing alone at the bottom of the 2 steps.
I went to open my mouth but I froze as man and a woman walked in, the woman had her head bowed and her hands were placed at her sided as she walked behind a man who looked all too familiar,
"You—I know you." I said as I watched Thomas sit himself upon the throne, the woman walking to him and placing herself upon his lap. She looked absolutely terrified, but she also looked like she'd never admit it.
Thomas face stayed still as I recalled where I remembered him from; the party, he was the man Lorenzo pulled me away from.
"Thomas." I said as I looked around my settings, my hands at my sides I played with the hem of the shirt I was wearing.
"Serina...Just as vivid as I remember." He said with a loud and commanding voice that echoed around the large room.
"Why am I here?" I asked straightly my voice sturdy, The need for answers coursing through me.
"Why are any of us here?" He simply said as he stared down at me. "Fate, Destiny, a plan greater then we will ever know." His hair was more grey then I remembered, his eyes a little colder.
"My child fate brought you back here."
"I need answers." I said as I went to take a step up the stairs, the men standing guard pulling out their weapons from their holsters halfway and I stopped and stepped back.
His eyes were so solid brown they could be mistaken for the color black, and they looked down at me like Hell had found its way into him,
"Answers?" He laughed which sent a chill up my spine. "If we dwell on the past, how are we supposed to prepare your future?" He smiled as he snapped his fingers, Satan stepping forward like a good boy.
"Are you my father or not?"I growled as I walked up the steps, disregarding every shred of my being that told me not too. Guns cocking and and pointing my way.
Thomas' face went monotone as he switched his gaze the the woman in his lap, his voice quickly and calmly saying "get the fuck out of here, wait on the bed how I like it." She nodded and got off, walking away like she owed him her every action.
My heart ached for her.
A silence fell as he stood from his chair; Fixing the cuff links of his suit he took a few rigid steps to me, every step seeming to plunge me further into oblivion.
"You are my seed yes." He said as he reached his hand out to brush my face. "The stupid whore told me she was infertile." He said as he looked at my face, his hands dragging down my skin his fingers felt rough. "And she couldn't even have bared me a son as compensation?" He laughed
"What?" I asked, my mouth hung open. The way he was talking about my mother—I pity every single person in his life.
"Your mother was a peace offering from a cowardice man, she wasn't supposed to get pregnant—least of all with a girl." He said as he gripped my neck tightly and rose me from the ground slightly, my hands going overtop his I scratched him desperately as Air was taken from my lungs.
"You want answers Serina? Curiosity is for the weak minded and the foolish." He smiled as he threw me down, watching as I rolled down and laid choking for air on my stomach. "You look so much fucking like the wench." He grunted as he looked down at me,
"Blesses the day she died. I only wished Lucas didn't take you with him after I banished him, You would have turned out so much more respectful if you had stayed as daddies little girl." He laughed as he walked back to his throne.
Lucas hated me for who I was and what I 'took', but maybe he loved me just enough to bring me with him. Maybe he thought me family just enough to keep me out of our fathers reach as long as possible.
Pushing myself to my knees my body winces in pain, don't break now-don't break ever. Swallowing down the fear, it hurt and I regretted it.
"What do you want with me?" I asked as I forced tears to stay in my eyes.
Thomas smirked as he turned his head towards Satan who was standing obediently with his hands behind his back. "She looks like her mother, Sarah, but she's got fight in her. Breeding her will be hard are you sure you are up to the task?" Thomas said, just loud enough to make sure I heard.
"Yes" Satan said plainly "I will hold your torch, and burden anything for you." He said like he had no other ounce of loyalty, like he knew nothing but to serve Thomas' will.
But Breed me? No
"What the fuck did you just say?." I hissed with so much anger in my voice, venom seeping from my tongue as I wavered to my feet. I am a woman, not a breeding cow.
Thomas looked to me and smiled, sitting forward almost as if he was talking down to a child. "You are nothing here without Satan, and you can't have anything unless you put on the white dress and open your legs—I've heard my daughter is good at that." Thomas laughed sinisterly from his chair, and Satan looked down at me blankly.
"I won't let that happen." I growled as I turned my head, as The man I knocked out was brought forward and placed on his knees three feet in front of me, his eyes on mine as Thomas waisted no time and put a bullet in his forehead, the man's body falling to my feet.
He looked upon me as he pulled out a handkerchief and coughed into it, before tucking the blood splattered thing back into his pocket.
"Oh my dear, it's already begun."
It's so late and I'm tired so it's not edited lol
Is this what you expect? Because hehe
New characters—
Satan :
Thomas :
Xoxo- AbigalKnightly
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